InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers Behind Rice Paper Walls ❯ chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 1: A night in hell
She was going nuts, she decided, as one of her elegant hands was pressed against her forehead in a gesture of weariness.
He had explained everything to her. How she was to meddle with the courtesans, pick up every useful bit of information, and report back to him every now and then, as discreetly as possible.
That didn't tell her WHY she was supposed to live surrounded by those pompous-looking and heavily-powdered female youkais in any way.
After he had 'invited' her in his mother's home, he had left Rin in the care of one of his servants, and had demanded she followed him into his personal office. Once the door closed, he had 'asked' for her cooperation, in a very Sesshoumaru-like fashion, with a death threat and a glare.
Well, she was still alive and physically unscathed, so it could have been compared to a civil conversation, from the Lord's standards.
She sighed. At least her companions were safe, and so were their children. Nonetheless, she was not a fool, and could not believe it to be a fluke that the village was attacked when she and Kaede had been the only ones left to protect it.
She supposed Sesshoumaru had met the same conclusions, but surely he knew something more. Something that had made him abduct his soon-to-be sister-in-law and take her in as a courtesan, a concubine to be more precise.
Unsurprisingly, she was the only human in this part of the fortress. Rin was probably in one of the other rooms in her father figure's personal wing, under close guard.
So, there she was, pampered like a porcelain doll, in so many silken layers that she had feared she would disappear in her luxurious kimono, kneeling in one corner of a crowded room full of her natural enemies.
By Kamis above, she couldn't begin to fathom the reasoning of that blasted old dog. What made him think they would speak of anything with her within hearing distance? Or was it that, being human, they thought she was dumb, deaf, and blind?
That was probably it. She was too human to be noticed, and as a concubine of the Lord, her status still protected her... In theory, that is.
That being said, she couldn't stop the cold shivers that ran down her spine at the murderous looks that were shot in her direction from time to time. The tension was palpable, and she was surprised she hadn't snapped at any of them yet. Her patience surprised even her own self.
Not too soon, in her humble opinion, she was dismissed, a young servant guiding her stiffly through the maze of corridors and sumptuous gardens towards her chambers. Kneeling and sliding the shoji aside, she gestured at Kagome to enter what seemed to be her private apartments, closing the rice-paper door after her, the soft noise of her socked feet padding on the wooden floor signalling her departure.
Sliding gratefully, but not without mild contortions and teeth-clenched cursing, out of her constricting garments, she donned a more sturdy looking yukata and slid the door opened, only enough so that she could have a peek into the empty courtyard. She knew where the bath house was, it had been the first thing she had spotted when entering the compound, and so she carefully walked through the corridor towards her final and much awaited goal.
When she heard the first light giggles, she nearly faltered, her once joyful gait slowing immensely. But then, an iron grip squeezed her right biceps, and she was dragged none too gently towards the wooden screen surrounding the baths.
A slender golden haired inu female was smirking snidely at her as she nearly lifted her off her feet. The young miko was sure she would have a bruise the next morning, but that was not something she was concerned with for the moment.
What was worrying her were the muffled sounds of protest she could hear from the inside of the structure. It sounded male, very angry, and slightly frightened.
“Now, girl. Now that you are one of us, you have to come and look at our games. You're coming with me whether you like it or not, so just be silent and enjoy.” The bitch snickered evilly, her fangs glittering menacingly into the night as she murmured into Kagome's ears.
The young miko shuddered with dread as a second cry erupted behind the walls of the bath house. A feminine wail of anguish this time. And then she was led into the roofless space between the screens.
One could have been elated at the natural beauty of the hot spring, mist gently rising from the mineral waters, fireflies swirling in it and casting their eerie green light on the tiny water droplets suspended in the very atmosphere around them.
Nevertheless, Kagome felt anything but awe at the scenery unravelling in front of her.
Half a dozen naked females surrounded three pitiful humans, a couple of adolescents and a child, all of them equally bare to the eye.
The little girl, probably around six years old, was crying silently, her battered nude body streaked by numerous angry red bloodied lines, most likely drawn by the claws of the bitch holding her like a rag doll. Her dark eyes were opened, but glazed over by pain, both physical and psychological.
The whimpering young woman, barely adult, was looking at the male with wide frightened eyes, as two of their captor caressed her body, leaving cuts and bruises in their wake. Their fingers pinched her caramel nipples, making her draw a startled breath of mixed hurt and surprise. They were lavishing her skin with their tongue, hovering above her lithe frame with hungry looks marring their otherworldly features. The young woman was laid unceremoniously on the dirt floor and, without any warning, a clawed finger entered her, making a shriek escape her pursed lips.
With a hiss of disapproval, another cut was made on the tender flesh of the child. The little girl made no sound as another rivulet of blood sloped lazily down her chest, melted with her silent tears.
And then, Kagome understood... And nearly retched. The girl was probably related to them in some way. And so, the youkais must have threatened to hurt the child if one of them was to make a sound during... this... wretched... whatever this was.
Kagome never expected it to become so much worse, but it did anyway. Nevertheless, the miko, far from the weak human they had assumed she would be, straightened her back and opened her eyes wide, taking every event unrolling in front of her with clenched teeth and rage building behind her closed expression. She never wavered, the blinding fury in her soul helping her to witness all of it without so much of a wince or a blink.
No one would ever know how much she resembled their Lord in this very instant, her clever mind scheming to bring them to their untimely demises.
There were two now violating the young woman with their clawed fingers, making her core bleed from within as the sharpened appendages thrust into her forcefully. How she managed to keep quiet was a wonder in itself.
The young man was pushed towards her, his engorged staff bobbing in front of him. He could have been proud of his endowment, if he was not very conscious of the pain his partner was going to experience when he would penetrate her.
“Fuck that bitch hard!” a green haired female seethed into his ear, squeezing his sack almost playfully with her right hand, grazing his sensitive skin with her claws. “If you don't put all your verve in it, pitiful human, I will behead your little sister myself and then I will rip those balls of you and make you eat them.”
The man grunted as she let him go, and he knelt above the body of the woman, her brown eyes boring into his pleadingly as her legs and arms were restrained by strong grips.
He shook his head slightly, his gaze shifting down to her breasts as he kneaded the soft mounds of flesh between his callused fingers.
Positioning the tip of his manhood in front of her bleeding core, he pushed forward with a hiss at her tightness and began to pump into her with a steady rhythm, flesh slapping against flesh, crimson life fluids coating him to the hilt.
Her lips bled as she bit in them to stifle her cries and whimpers as he raped her, thrusting and sliding out again and again with a determined look on his face.
Kagome noticed with barely concealed disgust that the surrounding youkais that were not occupied with the couple were shamelessly making out, tongues licking at pebbled nipples and suckling at one's nether regions as another one pleasured them in turn, digits slick with sexual fluids flicking sensitive nubs and then sliding into inviting depths. Moans and groans of rapture erupted fanged mouths as they all pleasured themselves while the man violated his nearly unconscious partner, over and over, under the watchful eyes of the inu female holding the child. The woman's body was now disarticulated, her mind thankfully blank, her eyes unseeing.
She would probably never recover from the experience, her sanity shattered like crystal.
And as hours ticked away in the bath house, the silent witness, previously known as the Shikon Miko, made an oath.
They would pay dearly. All of them. She would make sure of it.
Sesshoumaru nearly squirmed uncomfortably in his silken seat.
He had left the innocent young maiden for a week in the courtesans' quarters before hailing her into his personal study again.
And there she was, in front of him. But she was not the same girl any more.
She had acted demurely in front of his servants, and this fact in itself made him lift a mental eyebrow in inquiry. She had never been a submissive female, as long as he could remember.
And then they were left alone... and she had changed.
Her spine had righted itself and her mouth had adopted a proud and angry set, a small muscle bulging under the pressure of her clenched jawbones. She nearly leered at him in greetings, her eyes glaring daggers at him.
She had unleashed her powerful aura as soon as he had put up a barrier for privacy, her reiki snapping around her like lightening bolts. Her irises, usually a dark blue, were now coated by the pink light of purification.
He had almost recoiled at the inordinate amount of fury he could sense in her aura. He ground his teeth and nearly snarled at her.
“What is the meaning of this?” His voice was barely above a whisper.
“It is I that should ask you this, my Lord.” The last word was spat like an insult.
“Miko.” The simple word carried an unmistakable warning.
“Read this. I just can't speak about that out loud,” she snapped, laying down a scroll on his desk with the grace she possessed naturally, even as angry as she was.
She hadn't deciphered if Sesshoumaru knew about what happened in the depths of his castle, but she had to know right now. And if she suspected him of knowing... she would purify his sorry hide into nothingness, all precautions be damned. As he read the parchment, he could feel the scalding stare of his sister-in-law-to-be on him, but as the words and their significance entered his mind, he felt his own ire rising like a tide during a full moon night.
However, it never showed on his emotionless mask.
“This is unacceptable. However, it is not the proof of betrayal this Sesshoumaru is looking for.”
“I beg your pardon?” she interrupted him with a strained voice.
He lifted a hand in a placating gesture before resuming what he had to say.
“They shall be punished, but, as it pains this Sesshoumaru to delay what they undoubtedly deserve, I would know why inuyoukais attacked the Edo settlement when they know it is under this Sesshoumaru's protection. I wager they were informed about the lack of protection, so there are only two solutions as to why they did it. There were only two possible targets, you and Rin. If I exact punishment on those filthy excuses for youkais, your cover would be non-existent and your life would be in danger. This Sesshoumaru does not care whether you are safe or not, but it would serve no purpose.”
A humourless chuckle escaped her lips.
“I'll propose you a deal, Onii-san.” A frown from the youkai left her unfazed. “I'll help you uncover the traitors, and you give me your word this never happens... ever... again. Next time I have to witness this kind of insanity, I promise you no youkai will leave the place alive or with all its limbs attached. Did I make myself clear?”
A flash passed through the golden irises of the Daiyoukai, and she was almost sure she saw weariness in the amber gaze of the Lord. He was probably battle weary, she thought, and her own stare softened minutely. He had been so worried about his ward that she had seen it on his face, which was a feat in itself. Her shoulders slumped in silent defeat.
“Listen,” she said, her voice lower, “I am not your enemy. I know you only do what you need to do to protect the ones you care for.” He scoffed at that, but she took no offence and continued. “I want them dead. Each and every one of them. I'll keep on spying on them, to know who fomented the attack on Edo, but if I find no proof, I'll expect you to dispose of them as you see fit. Imagine if it had been Rin out there?”
He flinched at that. A sad smile graced her lips. The small victory felt sour to the tired miko. In a very uncharacteristic gesture, he began to massage the brink of his nose with two tapered fingers, a quiet sigh escaping his thin lips.
“Deal accepted, Kagome. I will kill each and every one of them myself, whether you have found the traitor or not, after a full cycle of the moon has passed. I will also ensure that what happened never occurs again as long as I reside under this roof. However, I cannot guarantee it in my absence. To ensure your own security, you will spend one night every two days in my own quarters. You will report to me on those occasions.”
“Hum... Sesshoumaru, what do you mean, in your quarters? I'm not sure about the utility of all this... I mean, I can defend myself...”
“I think not,” he cut her off with an almost amused smirk as she blushed. “What I mean by my quarters shall be obvious, even with your limited human intelligence. As a concubine, it would not raise any suspicion. It is customary for the Lord to enjoy a newly acquired female more often that the others. In fact, any other behaviour would be deemed unusual.”
“It is most improper,” she squealed, blushing an ever deeper shade of crimson.
“You virtue would be in no danger in this Sesshoumaru's presence, I assure you,” he snorted haughtily.
“Of course it wouldn't!” she nearly screamed, the high pitched voice making him cringe internally. She felt slightly miffed... and disappointed? Huh... She would have to delve into that particular feeling later. “But what would Inuyasha think if he knew?!”
“This, Kagome, is of no concern to this Sesshoumaru.”
And that was that. The aloof mask was back on his face as he dispelled the barrier and dismissed her with the same wide wave of his right hand. Schooling her own features back into the demure female she personified, she went out of his office without looking back.
Hopefully, Inuyasha would never know.