InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers Behind Rice Paper Walls ❯ chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 4: A night of games and pleasure:
Looking at his usually inexpressive orbs, the miko Kagome saw deep annoyance, and somewhat acceptance. She thought she almost saw an apology there too, but her mind refused to associate the proud Lord and anything of the sort.
Lord Sesshomaru was not one for apologies. He did what he had to. Period.
So, when the fair Adonis bent a little more to ask for her forgiveness in a quiet murmur into the shell of her ear, she tensed.
He was far too close for comfort, his heated skin a breath away from her own, so she reached towards his sculpted chest to push him away from her. Of course, her addled mind hadn't compute that she had better chances with making a mountain move.
When her hands touched him, he jumped, steel rolling under silk, and covered her small appendages with one of his own, stilling her silent protests with a slight frown.
They had to make another show, she realised, but this time sounds and smells were not going to be enough. They were going to do it, for real, and with others watching them.
Tears brimmed at the corner of her eyes before her own expression hardened with determination, looking straight into his own collected mask.
Recognising the expression of the Warrior Priestess in front of him, the Daiyoukai felt pride invade him. She was one of a kind, this little woman-child, and, like him, she was prepared to do even the unthinkable to attain her goal.
An uncontrollable shiver rippled through his form as small hands travelled up the smooth expanse of his chest, caressing his breastbones with a tenderness he had never known before, to stop behind his head, beckoning his head lower. Her lips brushed against the tip of his elfin left ear, her warm breath raising the hair at the back of his neck.
“Don't let them smell blood, Onii-chan,” she warned, and he understood immediately the multi-layered threat.
Her virginity was not his to take; this was the limit she wasn't ready to go beyond, the price she was far from willing to pay. Not to him, anyway. Moreover, he knew quite well the smell of blood would be suspicious; after all, she had cut herself to fake the breach of her maidenhead herself the first time they had had to “play”.
And then, another meaning hit him; she had called him by the detested sobriquet. And that meant she trusted him with her purity. It was her way to tell him he could do whatever he wanted, as long as he respected said limit.
A moistened, warm appendage roaming the outer shell of his ear interrupted his musings, effectively cutting some of his cognitive functions off. Twin hardened nipples grazed the flesh of his pectorals in lazy circles, in synch with the breathing of the nude female currently occupying the wide circle of his embrace.
This was going to be hard, no pun intended, the female was wreaking havoc to his usually boundless self control. Feminine looks had never had any effect on him, scents were a little more difficult to overcome, but her touch... Inuyoukais were an affectionate breed, him being an exception, or so he had always thought. Until now.
He had never realised how he had craved the attention, burying his occasional lust in pointless ruts with writhing, snarling youkai females. He had chosen the most aggressive ones, fleeing tenderness and other more soft encounters like the plague. The necessity to ejaculate was just another of his bodily needs, like eating or excreting faecal matters. Nothing romantic indeed.
Lord Sesshomaru, the Perfect Warrior, the Ruthless Killer; he was everything but tender, his arms only used to yield weapons or draw blood from his opponents. But he had carried a child, once, and since then he had found himself longing for the touch of a soft, pliable body; anything to soothe the soreness of his battle-weary heart.
Kagome looked him straight in the eye and he shivered, again. Behind the fake seductiveness of her half-lidded eyes, there was understanding. She knew him, really knew him. She had seen behind the death threats and the angry glares, and had heard his own essence begging him to let go, she had deciphered the uneasiness on his expressionless poker-face. She knew.
And he discovered he didn't mind. At all. She had always treated him like an ally, well, after the 'die in a poisonous green goo' episode, and she called him “brother”, something his own half-sibling seemed incapable to do himself. She trusted him enough to be naked between the same claws that had tried to kill her only four years ago.
And in an unexpected gesture of acceptance and respect, he finally let his arms snake around her nude form, bringing her body flush against his, nuzzling her hair, inhaling her scent, his fingers wandering freely between the small of her back and her shoulders in wide circles. She hissed, disguising her surprise with a lusty groan, her hands fisting the silk of his silver mane in a vain attempt to reclaim her lost wits.
Bowing her head slightly, she took one of his pebbled nipples into her hot mouth and suckled it hungrily. But when she looked back up at him, she swallowed a startled giggle at his expression. One elegant eyebrow nearly disappearing behind silver bangs, eyes a little wide, he was staring at her with something akin to confusion.
“Are you unused to foreplay, my Lord?” she asked huskily, not concealing the mischievous gleam in her sapphire orbs. She was laughing at him, damn it!
“I thought you were a virgin before coming here, Miko,” he retorted, pleased by the unwavering quality of his tone.
“Indeed, I was,” she replied, lowering her face to his chest again. Looking him straight in the eyes through her thick lashes, her very kissable mouth contorted in a wicked grin, she licked his right nipple lazily, rendering the small bundle of flesh rock-hard. And then, winking at him, she blew on it, making the feral Daiyoukai stifle a whimper of startled pleasure. “I just like to play, I suppose,” she added as if in an afterthought.
The inu youkai suspected she was being truthful with this assessment. He snorted derisively.
“Are you sure you are entirely human, girl? Is there no nekoyoukai hidden amongst your ancestors?” He sounded playful, something she was not used at with the proud Lord, but she also found true curiosity in his inquiry.
“Ah, this, my Lord, is a mystery I'll keep for myself.” She nipped at his abused flesh again, her human blunt teeth unable to cut his youkai skin but provoking a low growl to rumble through his throat.
“You, dear Kagome, are a minx of unattained proportions,” seethed the now very aroused male, his hands gripping her rounded backside abruptly, his sharp claws pricking her bottom, nearly drawing blood. She yelped, her cheeks now as red as twin tomatoes.
“And you, my dear Lord, are a very naughty Daiyoukai.” She moved her hips to punctuate her statement, the evidence of his desire rolling against her belly button. He nearly snarled when pleasure bloomed behind his now closed lids, the friction against his hardened shaft eliciting waves of warmth into his lower abdomen. “But, well, 'dai' means big after all,” she purred in appreciation.
Internally, she was keeping a tight rein over her own self control. He was nearly reaching her bosom with his manly length! How huge a man was supposed to be? Not that big, she hoped. This would never fit, unless she prepared herself with sex toys for the next dozen years to come. And she didn't want to stay a virgin for that long, heck. She was nineteen years old, for the purple kamis' sake!
Well, at least, her current predicament proved to be entertaining. Even with his personality problem, the youkai was a Greek God made flesh; and, honestly, it was better than the modern sexuality education courses you had sparsely at high school.
Kagome was not one to look at a given horse's mouth. One never knew when death could strike, so she went with the flow.
The youkai grunted, his hips thrusting in an unconscious search for release, rubbing his throbbing girth against the enticing female. He was going to take her then and there, consent or not, if this kept on too long. He grazed her throat with his sharp elongated fangs in silent warning, locking dark sapphire pools with burning crimson embers.
She shivered, but not in fright, he noted. Her scent spiked with desire and she moaned, pressing the full mounds of her breasts to his broad chest. Whether it was part of the game or not was lost for them both now, seeing how they were just enjoying the moment of unadulterated pleasure they were giving to each other.
And then, he gasped loudly. The female spitfire had grabbed his cock with her deceptively small hand and was now squeezing the crap out of it with a force he never thought she possessed. After a few second of strangling his now nearly painful, but in a pleasurable kind of way, shaft, she released the pressure a little and started to pump it with a slowly increasing rhythm, rolling his testicles between the fingers of her other treacherous appendage.
He snarled, gazing at the now curious expression painted on her features, the previous warmth now coiling into his belly like a snake waiting for the kill. The muscles of the lower part of his back were now trembling with uncontrollable spasms, his sack contracting under her skilful ministrations.
He was the only one nearly loosing control. This was unacceptable.
A predatory gleam shining in his ruby eyes, the youkai reached at the apex of her thighs, mindful of his deadly claws, and began to rub the little bundle of flesh he knew was there with lazy circles with his index finger.
It was her turn to snarl, the sound feral despite her very human vocal chords. She increased the speed of her pulls, baring her teeth to him, her knees beginning to weaken under the onslaught of soul-searing pleasure the long and elegant digits brought upon her small frame.
He bent over her, his lips hovering a breath away from hers, his gaze questioning her wordlessly. He meant to kiss her, but somehow he was unsure, the gesture being so intimate for humans. One of her hands went behind his head, her eyes shining with something he couldn't fathom, and their mouths met.
Their sex-induced frenzy calmed nearly instantly as their bodies undulated in an ancient battle, flesh scraping against flesh languorously, tongues dancing the slow dance of lovers. They embraced each other, tenderness replacing scalding lust.
They caressed each other nearly reverently, the callused hands of the century-old warrior worshipping the fragile skin of the mortal female, learning every curves of her feminine form, drinking her spirit and essence with a hunger her had never known he possessed. She soothed his soul with her light touches, the balm of her gentle heart healing the ache all these years of hate his had endured.
The game was all but forgotten, as was the onlookers. They were lost in each other's embrace, needing it like starving men needed food.
The youkai's hips started to rock against the small female's belly, reminding her that he still had this incredibly well-endowed appendage to satiate, and that they still had to make their little show. Chastising herself internally for her literal 'slip of the tongue', she pulled him gently with her as she lied down on the edge of the pool, the lower part of their bodies still concealed by the murky waters of the hot spring.
Winking at him, her hand went under the water again to grab his turgid member, making him groan in rapture into her mouth. She guided his throbbing shaft between her thighs, clamping her muscled legs onto it to ensure it wouldn't go where she didn't want it to.
She mewled his name then, faking the pleasure of him supposedly entering her, scraping dull nails on his broad back. He grunted, all words having escaped him a long time ago, leaving only bestiality behind.
“Oooooh yess! Fuck me, Sesshomaru-sama!” she screamed, before the sounds of her pleasure were muffled by his mouth again in a soul-searing kiss.
He thrust into her, going faster as his release came closer and closer, his tongue still invading her moist cavern, her small body crushed between his tall frame and the unforgiving stone of the pool brim. She was going to have bruises tomorrow, she was sure of it.
And then he climaxed, his youki flaring in a blinding display of raw power, howling at the moon like the canine he was, fangs elongated and eyes like two blazing crimson suns, a curtain of wild silver shimmering in the dim light of the pale night orb. She shrieked with him, dancing her little celebration dance in her mind for the end of the painful torment that had been inflicted on her back.
He slumped gracelessly against her, panting in the aftershock of his orgasm. He had never been this high, not even with the most skilled bitches of his court, and he hadn't even penetrated her! He didn't even feel disgusted with himself, just spent... and somehow all warm and fuzzy inside. Not that the Western Lord would ever admit to being something close to fuzzy, not even under the worst torture.
After a short while, he re-opened his eyes, now his usual molten gold, and looked at her with something akin to awe dancing in the sun-kissed depths. She was smiling at him, features soft and tender, dark blue orbs shining with barely concealed mirth.
“Was this Kagome good to you, my Lord?” she asked, voice still a little husky.
“Hmmmm... this Sesshomaru could get used to this kind of goodness, dear,” he admitted, all of his emotional barriers still not completely in place.
“I see,” she replied, recognising the honesty in his words. “Would you not prefer to claim this unworthy courtesan in your own bedding of silk this time, my Lord?” she crooned, the smile not quite reaching her eyes this time.
And he understood. This had been the first time he had ever known such pleasure, but it was also the last. She was not his, this had all been a game, an act. And she had been better than him at it, faking pleasure while she was giving him the true thing. He saw the stiffness in her stature, her hands discreetly massaging her lower back. A look at where she had been standing and it was easy to explain why she seemed to be in pain.
Taking her in his arms and jumping out of the water swiftly, he dried her with an unexpected gentleness for one called Killing Perfection. Drying himself quickly, he draped her in a silken yukata after having donned one himself. Lifting her effortlessly again, he sauntered towards his chambers, all this without her even having the time to utter any complain.
“Hum... Sesshomaru-sama?” she asked, puzzlement coating her voice and face.
“Yes.” His deep baritone vibrated through her spine.
“What... hum... where... huh... I think I am a bit tired, I don't want to offence you or anything of the like, but would you mind if we just slept now?” The very expression of innocence looked up at him.
“I see. But before you rest, we will have to take care of your mortal body failings.” An infinitesimal smirk graced his lips.
“What do you mean?” She tried not to sound too affronted. They had an audience after all.
By means of response, he prodded the now throbbing flesh of her back with a clawed finger. She whimpered. Yes, bruises indeed.
“Why do you care?” She wanted to know. There was no deceit in her question, just honest curiosity.
“You have pleased this Sesshomaru like no other have ever pleased me, Kagome. See this as a reward for your services.” He looked at her, his golden eyes shining with a new kind of light.
She knew he didn't mean it like it sounded, and it intrigued her somehow.
“But... how old are you, Sesshomaru-sama? I mean no disrespect, but do you not have lots of skilled courtesans? Do they not please you just as this Kagome did?” She was now frowning a little. He guessed she was concerned about him. That was peculiar, this particular female being worried about his sex life. He snorted derisively.
“Youkai ways are different when rutting, girl.” He was back to his stern and cold persona. She sighed.
“Well, that's probably because humans don't rut usually, they make love,” she quipped.
He stared at her again, his gaze piercing and unreadable.
“I do believe that would only apply to you, dear Kagome. Not every mortals are as loving, selfless, and forgiving as you are.” Seeing her eyes widening dramatically, he chuckled low, his chest rumbling with the sound.
'Did he just? Was it just? What did he just say? Was he really complimenting me? Or was it part of the act?' Her mind boggled, going into overdrive as she tried to untangle the mystery that was Sesshomaru, while he tucked her into his bed, spooning her small body into his larger form while gently massaging her sore back.
They slept like this that night, skin to skin, taking the comfort they both needed from the other without a word.