InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers Of A Treasure ❯ Magasaki Town ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hola amigos! its Babydragon. First I woud like to reply to some reviews I have had...

Snowecat: wow your smart, and I thank you for pointing out that fact to me. I'm not really too familiar with the Japanese English as you can see... and it's always great to have some one tell you a thing or two about the wonderful Japanese. I'll try to be careful in my terms too, but hey its my first fic so I'm all excited.

Inu kagome 4life: Thanx a ton really I mean it...(tears start streaming down face) you're the best... and if the pricess is a demon or not...well'll just have to wait and see. hehehhehe.

C Moon: Glad you asked because I believe you may be the first to notice that. I love the movie Princess Mononoke and my good friend actually got me the movie so I am using some ideas and some similar characteristics in relation with my story. You'll probably notice some things, but I don't want to plagerate wonderfull studio Gibli's work so not too much things...but yeah the inspiration came from here. Good observations.

EVE: Thanks alot for the compliment...but i still love writing as a hobby (giggle), and thanks for putting me up on your site I really appreciate it alot. It's kinda hard starting off from scratch. You really are helping me out and I wish to give you a big hug for that...and a million dollars too but im dirt a hug and love will just have to do for now.

I dedicate this chapter to all of the above reviewers so far... thanx without you i would be sad because without you i'd think my story was horrible. But you all make me happy. on with the chapter now

Disclaimer: "Inuyasha come here boy. Come here to Babydragon."
Inuyasha glares at Babydragon "Quit treating me like a dog! and I dont belong to you... I belong to Rumiko Takahashi and...", he trails off.
Babydragon: "Sorry what was that?"
Inuyasha: "and...", he starts blushing madly. "To all the ramen in the world"
Babydragon: sweat dropps! " Fine then that way"
I don't own Inuyasha, apparently he'd rather be a slave to ramen...(grumbles sourly under breath), and I don't own some of the ideas that seem to be Princess Mononoke... that's licensed by Studio Gibli. But i do own some ramen. which Inuyasha won't get if he doesn't become mine!!

Chapter 4 ~~~~Magasaki Town.

The General had some difficulty entering the town of Magasaki. Apparently they did not believe that he had been sent out by the emperor on a request to aid Tsubaki and her men on the search for the gold. Well it wasn't till he threatened to kill them that the guards had to actually send for Tsubaki herself to come and investigate the problem.
Upon recognizing Inuyasha as the mentioned General that he had claimed to be, the guards turned into grovelling idiots, begging for forgiveness for their stupidity. Inuyasha waved the apology away with dismissal, and claimed that if they had not acted with suspicion then what kind of guards would they be? As a guard they are supposed to interogate every suspicious character, and he for one was suspicious himself for he had never been to this town before.

The woman Tsubaki laughed in an eerie high pitched giggle when he had said that, and actually agreed with him.
Taking a closer look at the woman, Inuyasha had found her to be a bit attractive. She had a beautiful face and nice figure, but the women seemed to have a strange aura about her. Something that made the hairs on his neck stand on end.
He quickly pushed the thought away and followed the woman to the inner part of the town. There he was told that they would be meeting up the next day in the town's hall. After parting ways Inuyasha was then taken to where his friends and commanding troops were staying.

To say they were surprised was an understatement... they were in fact in shock.

Many of his men turned a gaslty white and had thought that they were laying eyes upon the ghost of their once commanding General. One had even fainted. Miroku stopped in mid air as he was about to grope his favourite victim, while Sango had her hand raised ready to slap the pervert away, but stopped and stared at him wide eyed.

"Inu...Inuyasha?", Miroku stuttered, and forgot all about the lovely Sango's hinny.

A cocky smirk had formed in one of the corners of the hanyou's mouth, "No I'm a talking puppet! Of course it's me you bastards".

Sango and Miroku both narrowed their eyes, while the rest of the men in the room quivered in fear, half believing that he really was a talking puppet and the other half that he was a ghost still.

"Yeu-p it's definately him", Miroku muttered recognizing that if it was Inuyasha, he was bound to have a dirty mouth like always.

The rest of them men relaxed when they found out that their general had indeed survived the fall, and that he was not a ghost coming back for revenge because they did not carry out their duty as proper sodiers would.

The hanyou general's two best friends began to ask a million and one questions, and Inuyasha had to tell them to shut up and ask questions after he had cleaned up and eaten something.

He was given a hot bath and a fresh change of clothes at once, which the soldiers scrambled madly to have done on time. They all had a deep sinking feeling that their general was not very happy with their sad performance a couple days earlier. It was only a matter of time that he would execute a vast amount of dreadful punishment.

So at the moment they did what was best to make him very very comftorable. Even if it meant hauling a hundred buckets to fill up his bath and chopping a dozen trees to make sure that the fire for his bath would not go out.

After he had freshen up he went to go join Miroku for good meal, and the general had not even gotten comftorable when the Lieutenant exploded with a million questions once again.

"You arrived here just a day after we did Inuyasha, how did you ever manage to survive a fall just as that?''.

"You should know better than anyone else Miroku that a fall like that won't easily kill me", Inuyasha glared at his good friend.

" I uh...yeah I knew that", he replied nervously,"Well how did you manage to find your way out without a guide?", he changed the subject.

"Someone helped me out, but I'm not so sure who it was"

"What did this person look like then?''

"You know I honsetly don't know what she looked like cause this girl had this strange looking mask on, so her features were..."

"A girl you say? Hm...Inuyasha you sly dog you! So that explains the delay of your reappearance doesn't it?"

"No it's not like that you perverted bastard", Inuyasha rolled his eyes, "I'm not even sure if she was a demon or not too, but i did remember that she did have these weird clothes and fangs. Heck I bet she was like one of those amazonian women you talked so much about one time".

A sly grin spread across the Lieutenant's features as he recalled reading a book on the exotic women warriors of ancient Greece. Who use to cut off their right breasts, making it easier to shoot a bow and arrow, and view men as nothing but mating material. That idea mainly is what had interested him in the first place. Especially a specific chapter he had book marked on the so called topic of men slavery towards mating.

The sly looking Lieutenant had to clear his throat in order for him to snap back to reality and prevent him from thinking any further thoughts. Especially since he was in the presence of a very highly sensitive nosed hanyou. Whom was currently off in his own little world, with a look of of longing displayed on his features.

"Well Inuyasha apparently that cannot be possible for many have said that they once existed in the areas of Europe, Asia minor and Africa. The Greeks, Romans and other earlier civilizations wrote about or depicted the Amazons in their art. Many Greek myths are filled with tales of the Amazons and their exploits, love affairs and battles."

"So what is your point then Miroku?"

"That unless you can tell me that she had one single breast, I can not say that the girl you met in the forest is actually one of the fighting beauties of war and battle".

"Well now that you mention it I do remember seeing her own both sets of...," Inuyasha looked away flustered when he realized the word he was going to use.

"Mhm...I see...well can you tell me how big they were just in case if my assumption was wrong", he scratched his chin thoughtfully, looking serious.

"Well...", Inuyasha scruntched up his brow as he tried to remember that fact specifically, "I'd say they were a bit bigger than average...about this big", he held out both hands a couple inches from his chest to give him a descriptive view.

"Oh I see now", his eyes widened slightly for just a mild second, then he turned back to looking serious once more."And may I ask what type of clothing she was wearing, just to give me a good idea on what kind of person we may be dealing with here".

"Uh...well her clothes were alot know, they showed alot of skin. I'm guessing it was probably made out of some animal's fur cause they were just bits and pieces."

"Bits and pieces?. Hm I see", Miroku frowned," And can you tell me how nicely her legs were shaped", he added.

"Well they were very smoo--. Hey! what's this all about? Describe her my ass! You pervert! You just want to know how she looked like so you can fantasize about her later. I can't believe you tried to trick me into doing that. You bastard!", he huffed and picked up his cup of sake, downing it fast.

Miroku laughed nervously, "Well not exactly... I was just curious as to how she looked like so I could spot the one who had saved my closest friend amongst all of the warrior beauties. And then thank her personally for a job well done".

Inuyasha growled, "Don't you even think about approaching her you pervert, or I'll smash your face in."

"Whoa whoa, since when did you get so defensive about someone you hardly even know?".

"Shut up I'm not defensive...I just don't want you to..."

"Inuyasha I have inspected the weapon that you have brought back and I must say that I am quite impressed", the demon slayer chirped as she walked in after parting the shoji door to the room.

"Sango my dearest if you wouldn't mind, Inuyasha and I were in the middle of a very important and private conversation. So could you please come back in a couple of minutes".

"Was it about that warrior girl he met in the forest? If it is then I already know", she narrowed her eyes.

"Gu-wah! Wait you know, but how...and before mwah? I am downright offended", he frowned.

"Keh, you'll live", Inuyasha pointed out as he took a small sip of his drink casually. "So what else can you tell me about it Sango?"

"Well I did a series of testing on it and I've found that it can even pierce throught the thickest of armour. See here, this stone was cut to perfection meaning that this spear was intended to take down powerful prey and enemies. She must of really put alot of effort into making this, and for her to just give it to you...well I must say that I am very surprised".

"And what is that supposed to mean. Just what are you trying to imply now?", the general's left eyebrow twitched irritably.

"Oh nothing", she grinned.

Inuyasha huffed and went back to calmly sipping his sweet tasting sake, although he did have a dark frown on his face while he was doing so. "What can you tell me about the set of chopsticks?"

"Either than you can eat with them...well basically nothing, they're just a set of regular bamboo chopsticks."

"And the designs?"

"They are pretty unusual to me but I can't seem to figure out what they represent. If you ask me I believe that they were her own personal utensils that she gave to you.", her sly grin came back once more.

Inuyasha snorted and pushed away her meaning to the back of his mind for the moment, " She did leave me with one more thing and I've never seen anything like it, but the taste is so sweet and...well here let me show you", he stated as he picked up his red haori from his lap.
He reached into the deep pocket, stitched inside the garment, and pulled out a white wrap.
It seemed as if it had gotten squished during his travels and when he unwrapped it the corners stuck together.

"Aw great! I think it melted, but here try some it's really good", he held out some of the brown looking subtance towards his two companions.

"Very funny Inuyasha just because you got lost in the forest for a couple days doesn't mean that you had to resort yourself into a savage, their is no way on earth that you're are going to trick me into eating shit!", he scrunched up his nose in disgust.

"What are you talking about? It's not shit!", Inuyasha looked offended."You havn't even tried it you bozou!".

"Well no offense just cause you find it tasty doesn't mean that I will. For the love of the heavens just exactly what did you live off of while you were lost in that forest my friend?", Miroku scrunched up his face in sympathy.'Poor guy did he really have to eat that stuff?'.

"Here let me try some", Sango leaned forward and dipped her finger into the brown, mucky substance.

"Aw Sango my dearest nooo! That's just nasty!", he made a face of disgust. While deep down inside he knew that this action would really kill a couple of those midnight fantasies he often had of her.

A sheer look of blissfulness crossed her features before she dipped her finger in once more into the brown coloured material, and in turn popped it into Miroku's mouth. He gagged for a couple seconds until the same look of contentment crossed his features.

"Hey it's actually pretty good. Just what is that stuff?''.

"I was hoping you guys could of explained it to me. I have no clue just what this stuff is myself."

"Well if you'd like we could go around asking the townspeople if they know what the stuff is", Sango chirped while she was trying to sneak another dip with her finger.

"Nah,were gonna be busy with this darn expedition thing so we don't have time to go around asking people such questions".

"Yeah and besides some people might get the wrong idea", Miroku added.
Both set of eyes turned to him and gave him a 'oh grow up' look. "Anyways I think I better start heading off to bed now we got a long day tomorrow and we won't know what kind of dangers we'll face", he quickly stated changing the subject.

"I doubt we'll face too many problems in that forest", Inuyasha huffed.

"What makes you say that?", the lieutenant asked, while he got up and stretched his legs.

"Just that the entire time I was in that forest I didn't even encounter a single demon. And I was in my human form too, which made it alot easier to track down my scent".

"Well of course the reason why you didn't encounter a single demon was because of the fact that your warrior women was protecting you the entire time", Sango teased.

"Shut up!", Inuyasha growled as he turned a beet red colour.

"'re blushing. Inuyasha is actually blushing.", she excaimed playfully.

"I said to can it!", Inuyasha barked as he stood up to bonk Miroku on the head.

"Ow what the hell did I do", he whined while he rubbed the sore spot. There's gonna be a big bump later, that's for sure.

"Nothing, you didn't do nothing", he snorted roughly through his nose.

"Then why'd you hit me for then?"

"Because she's laughing her ass off, and it's only right that I take it out on her future husband".

Sango immediately sobbered up and turned a crimson colour. ''Wh-wh-what are you talking about", she stuttered.

"Yeah just what are you talking about", a beet red coloured lieutenant stammered as well. "Whoever said I was gonna propose?".

At that Sango's eyebrows began to twitch in anger and a look of murder was aimed directly towards the man, who knew he should of just kept his big mouth shut.

"Lieutenant Priest! Why you!"

"Sango dearest I was merely joking...p-please don't be ang--Ahh!", he screeched madly as the dearest women to his heart began to chase him around the room. Wanting to get her hands on his neck so she could choke the life out of him.

Inuyasha smirked at the comical scene.'Those two really have a thing for each other...Some things just never change'.

The next day Inuyasha woke up bright and early, got dressed and headed down towards the town's main building. There he had an opportunity to meet some of the diggers and apparently some strangley dressed fighters. The two fighters followed the women Tsubaki closely, as if they were her personal body gurads.
One of them had long hair tied in a braid that ended all the way past his waist, while the other resembled some sort of reptile. Both of them stared in his direction and he could see them in his peripheral vision, but paid them no mind. Instead he signalled for his men to run a couple laps around an open field, and complete a set of three hundred push ups. 'That was nothing', he smirked to himself,'wait till tomorrow'.

After the men finished their workout routine, or torture as they saw it, they mounted their horses and followed after Tsubaki and her men into the forests.
Inuyasha rode alongside the creepy, yet beautiful woman. She kept giving him glances now and then, and her face remained emotionless, making it hard to tell withh what she was thinking.

Wanting to break the silence between them Inuyasha spoke with what had been bothering him the last couple of days since he'd first set foot on this journey.
"Is is true of what they say...that there are demons in these woods that eat the flesh of both man and demon?".

The woman threw back her head and gave out a high pitched laughter, which made his ears shrink back slightly at the noise.

"There are demons in these woods General, but they eat the flesh of anything that breathes. Humans are an example but so are the creatures that live out here".

"And what type of demons are we talking about to be exact?"

"Just your average wolf demon or flesh eating centipedes".

"That's all? I thought there would be demons out here that would be more of a challenge".

"Oh its not the demons you should worry about General. That is not the real reason why the emperor sent you on this mission in the first place."

Inuyasha's ears slightly perked at this, "Then what is it that I need to be concerned about?"

"The ones that live in these forests. They call themselves the Nabuki people, but in reality they are heartless, cold savages who would do anything to keep us out of their forests", Tsubaki spat.

'Heartless, cold...savages?, but her...she protected me. She kept me alive and helped me out of these forests. Can it be that this woman is mistaken, surely not all the people that live in these forests can be cold hearted. No, I can't believe it'.
The general turned questioning eyes towards the woman that rode alongside him on her dark grey horse.
Her features seemed cold, almost evil. There was an aura about her that just didn't settle with him. The other thing that he noticed was that she smelled of blood. Someone else's blood.

"Have you ever even met with these Nabuki people Tsubaki?"

She grinned, "Why of course I have, otherwise how would I have known about the treasure of gold in the first place".

Inuyasha didn't like this one bit.

"That's righ! There sonny", an old man riding a large brown cow, suddenly squeezed right in between Inuyasha's black stallion and Tsubaki's grey mare.

He resembled someone Inuyasha use to pick on as he was growing up. Someone old and wrinkly that resembled a giant flea. Myouga, his old, private tutor.

"My lady here has killed many of these Nabuki people, including the great White Wolf demon Raikon and his human whore Midoriko. The legend had it that many years ago the woman Midoriko fell in love with the great leader of the forests, Raikon. She was a guardian amongst the humans, this woman and she protected a great chest of gold. Now rumour has it that it isn't any ordinary chest of gold. Nooo sir-ry! This chest of gold is enchanted said to grant any being; human, or demon a desire of the heart. Well..any ways...what was I saying again", he scratched his head in confusion.

Inuyasha frowned, while Tsubaki whacked him on the head, " You were at the part where the chest of gold could grant any desire of the heart be it human or demon", she huffed her last words out of breath from saying it all at once.

"Oh yes, now I see. Well anyways, Midoriko was then swept away in the middle of the night by the White Wolf Raikon and taken amongst his people. When the villagers went to go and fetch the woman the next day it was said that the treasure was nowhere to be found as well", he agreed with his own story. "It wasn't until many years later when a wondering traveller happened upon the village and the Nabuki people. This traveller knew right away the rumours of Midoriko running away with the treasure and her relationship with the White Wolf. So after a thorough investigation he escaped one night and informed the people of what he had seen. That is where my lady... uh!...What was it again that you did my lady?", he scratched his long beard, looking deep in thought.

Tsubaki whacked him on the head once more, "You were about to tell the General here of how I was victorious in slaying that bastard wolf... and his little human whore", she smiled wickedly.

"Ah yes...what she said", he chuckled dryly.

Inuyasha frowned slightly, "And what were your reasons for killing them in the first place, couldn't you have settled it some other way?".

The woman flipped her hair to the side, "You know as well as I do that savages do not listen to reason. Besides it wouldn't of happened if that damn woman didn't dirty herself with a demon. Humans should only mate with humans, and demons with demons, anything else is just an abomination", she spat.

Inuyasha's fist shook, 'Wench how dare she!'

"I only interact with purebloods, nothing else. You see all my men...they are either full demon or pure human. Nothing else", she raised her chin in the air, but then she turned questioning eyes towards him. "You are a full blooded demon General...aren't you?".

He was about to tell her to go fuck herself when several of the men started shouting about a demon that they had captured up ahead of them.

Tsubaki smiled wickedly and snapped her reigns againts the mare's back for her to gallop to the scene faster.

Inuyasha jumped off his stallion quickly and sprinted towards where his men had cornered the demon againts a wall of boulders near a river. When he arrived he spotted two demons a small pup, and a taller one. The one that seemed older was shielding the younger one againts the advancing men. Inuyasha presumed that it was the father who was just trying to protect his kit againts any danger. They were harmless in his eyes, so there was no need to shed any blood. Especially againts the innocent.

"Stand down men there's no need to make a scene here so let's move out", he barked.

The soldiers sheathed their swords and went back to their horses, grateful that they didn't have to fight. Some of them were still sore from this morning's torture.

"Kill them", Tsubaki hissed at the retreating men.

Inuyasha turned to her with confusion, "What are you talking about woman? I said they were harmless so let's move out".

"No!", she turned defiant eyes towards the General bfore her."This is the perfect bait to lure out those cowardly savages. If we kill them then they will have to come to us and then we will take the treasure away from them." she laughed her awful, high pitch screech. "Isn't that just the perfect plan?''.

Inuyasha sneered at her, " You've lost your mind wench! I will not have any of my men shed innocent blood".

"Whoever said I needed your men to do my work? Manten! Hiten!"

The two demon that Inuyasha had seen earlier ran towards their mistress' side.
"Yes my lady?", they both grinned.

"Kill them", she flicked her hand carelessly and sat back to enjoy the view.

"Stop! What the hell are you doing?", Inuyasha managed to say before the one that resembled a human shot forward and brought down his choice of weapon. A sharp pike that emanated thunder from its very core,

A high pitched yell pierced through the still air, and before Inuyasha could snap out of his state of shock, the human demon had swung his pike down and sliced throught the thick fur of the larger demon.

"Papa", the small kit screeched once more when a gush of blood spewed out from the demon's head and splattered againts the once grey boulders.

The human demon grinned evilly and then licked at his lips where a drop of blood had landed. He then turned his pike to the side and the sickening sound of bone crunching met everyone's ears as his skull split in half. A loud thud then proceeded as the top half of the demon's head dropped carelessly towards the ground and slightly rolled in front of the kit's feet. The kit's eyes widened at the sight of his father's ghastly piece of head and tears started streaming down his innocent face.

The human demon smirked as he raised his thunder pike in the air, ready to strike down the young pup as well.

Faster than anyone could blink, he unsheathed his sword and stepped in front of the young kit with a transformed fang. A loud clash of metal againts metal rang through the air and the human demon frowned in anger.

Inuyasha growled at the disgusting demon, baring his fangs dangerously. "Tsubaki tell your man to step down now!".

As Inuyasha growled out his order, his men unsheathed their swords, ready to protect their General at all costs, even if it meant ignoring the pain from their soreness.

He didn't take time to notice this as the woman in return just grinned darkly, "Why General they are just simple demons. No need to get all upset", she laughed.

Inuyasha growled even louder when the blasted woman didn't obey his order, so he took the matter into his own hands and smashed his forehead againts the demon's, sending him flying back. The demon landed roughly onto his back, knocking the wind out of him. When he sat up he felt a cold trickle slide down his face, and when he swiped at it he noticed it was his own blood.

Inuyasha sheathed his sword, and turned murderous eyes towards the wench, "Next time you do not tell one of your men to obey my orders I'll kill him", he spat.

Tsubaki frowned, "Remember General you are here to assist me in finding the treasure for the emperor himself. And I discreetly remember him saying to find the treasure at all costs, that nothing was to get into my way in finding it for him", she snarled.

Inuyasha huffed and turned his back on the insane woman. He bent down slowly and picked up the kit into his arms. He had a sinking feeling when the kit just lay limply in his arms, and stared straight ahead. He didn't even blink, and it seemed as if his breathing had slowed down greatly, only managing a small rise in his chest every minute.

'Poor guy, he must have lost his will to live', Inuyasha sighed as he stared down at the helpless kit.

A small tear from the corner of his eyes had formed, and he didn't even notice as it slid down his face slowly and under his chin. When gravity gave way, the tear fell towards the earth and landed on a grey stone. It left a darker shade of colour on the stone, standing out greatly and representing the pain of a broken heart.

"Papa", the General heard the kit whisper one last time before he passed out in his arms.

The general held the kit close to him for a couple seconds longer in an embrace. His frame shook with held back anger and frustration that he dearly wished to release. He even imagined himsef walking up to the evil woman and killing both her and her henchmen. That would of been enough for him to avenge the death of the innocent kit's father, and for the pup's pain.

Sango immediantly rushed foward and took the kit from the General's trembling hands. She gave him a knowing look and took off on her companion Kilala towards the town.

Inuyasha trusted her with the kit's life, she knew what was best right now and he was grateful that she had left with him. Tsubaki and her men would not even dare to approach the pup, not if they wanted to live.

"If you're to weak to handle a simple mission than go home General", Tsubaki flipped her hair and galloped ahead with her henchmen following closely behind her.
The human demon just glared at the general as he passed him, but Inuyasha noticed a small glint of fear in the demon's eyes and he wasn't intimitated one bit.

"You all right General?", Miroku spoke as Inuyasha mounted his stead.

"Yeah", he replied thickly with held back frustration.

"You did the right thing my friend and the men even approve of your actions", he indicated with his chin at the men behind them, who looked at him with a new found appreciation.

Inuyasha nodded, but his mind was somewhere else. He wasn't thinking at the moment of his men's new found respect. Although it did please him and helped ease some of his burning anger.

"Lietenant once we find what we're looking for let's leave right away. Because as far as I'm concerned this treasure isn't even worth it", he stated harshly.

Miroku nodded, " I agree with you. If this treasure has only brought pain and the shedding of innocent blood then it isn't even worth a second thought".

'If she brought this much pain towards a small child...then I can't imagine how much pain she has brought towards others, especially the people that live in these forests. I can imagine that someone out there is hurt deeply by this wench's evil actions.... something tells me that this is just only the beginning though'.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

A loud blow echoes through the air....I'm sorry its just that while I was writing Shippo's little part... I was crying. (blows nose again and wipes away at the tears that smudged the ink in my notebook. Originally Shippo ony went limp and then passed out in Inuyasha's arms, but I was listening to my Inuyasha CD (The best of Inu 2, the last song on the cd) and i became overwhelmed with this feeling that went along with that section and it turned out to be longer. Poor Shippo..he's my favourite character, other than inu, and doing this to him makes me real sad. As we go along I won't really know what will happen to him, I might change the storyline a bit from my original work or stick with it. We'll just have to see.
Well I hope you guys enjoy this chappie...and i know i added the word amazon a couple times in there, but i tried to avoid it ....its hard considering my original had that word quiet a few times in there. But im changing it cause i love you guys and im doing it to please my readers. (notice the little Miroku history lesson in there) i added that after i did some research on amazonians...and it went along with my story line better than i had expected..(thanx a ton Snowecat!! i really appreciate the way you helped me out there!!!) neways i might take a while to post the next chappie cause i gotta work all week from three-eleven at night, and night time's when i like typing cause there are no interuptions. But alas it might take me 3-4 days so be patient folks!! don't worry i shall update soon though ^.^!!

