InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers Of A Treasure ❯ Enough ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hi there sorry I havn't updated..its cause of work... I hate working 3-11pm and i am not a person that likes sleeping in either so lately I have not had time to update. Or else i would of been sleeping in and it upsets my whole balance( just makes me feel grouchy and uncomftorable...not good for perfect writing mode). so here I am back to normal schedule.(for a while) and I gotta say woa woa woa...hold up a minute. I know you guys really wish to know all the answers to the questions, but hey the story is just beginning there will be more scenes along the way that will definately answer your questions, but for now I cant give too much away...otherwise there will be no suspense and that is one of my genre's. I love you guys so much that I am tempted to say all the answers now , but hold on a minute ok-e-doo-kee. First of all i shall answer a couple things that may help...let me see now....okay, well Tsubaki is working with someone, and yes he's related to Naraku...and yes she is after a treasure. I can't give out more on the treasure though cause i'll have a chapter clarifying that soon with what they're really after. Oh and another thing...Inuyasha was so angry that he failed to bury Shippo's papa...yes I know its the honourable thing to do, and his men couldn't of done it with out direct orders from their one buried him. Sad to say..but I have a good reason why his body needed to be out in the open. Hint Hint (to draw out the forest people).

Okay you must really be thinking well that's no I'll be quiet now and be on with the story.

Disclaimer: Inuyasha does not belong to Babydragon. He has made that very clear! His life belongs to Rumiko Takahashi ..........................
(A certain hanyou glares evilly in my direction, mildly threatening to slice me if I didn't continue)
Babydragon shrugs "Oh all right all right.....(sigh) and all the ramen in the world", (Yeesh stubborn Inu, cute, but stubborn)

Chapter 5~~~~~~ Enough.

It had only been a month since the incident occured where Shippo's loving, devoted father had passed away. Tsubaki still made numerous amounts of visits into the forest with her group of men, and still kept killing off many demons. Both innocent and evil. The General hardly intervened during those times, letting the power hungry woman order around her men, and allow them to take down the demons that crossed their paths. It was only when he felt that it was neccesary to step in and halt her actions that the woman obey his orders. Ever since that mild threat one month ago, she'd been careful not to fully upset him for she had seen the strength in him. Not even her strongest bodygurad was able to withstand a direct blow from him, let alone what his full blunt wrath might cause.

Although she was curious about him and found that there was something very odd about his behavior. She was even more so when he had dissapeared for three days straight and no one, not even the Lieutenant, that kept giving her nervous glances every time she stared into his direction, knew the whereabouts of the General.

It was almost as if he was hiding a secret. Tsubaki even began to grow paranoid that maybe he had become friends with the blasted Nabuki people. It explained why he wasn't allowing her to kill some of the demons that got in her way.

The Nabuki people always did dwell with all sorts of demons, even abominations such as half-breeds.

The General's behaviour towards these demons would expain a great deal if he were hiding a deep, dark secret.

So she kept a close watch on him and informed her two most loyal henchmen to do the same. Even if they slightly feared him, they would obey their mistress's orders.

It was a cold, and windy night when Inuyasha awoke abruptly from his light sleep. He was a bit dazed as his two, pointy ears twitched left and right, trying to catch the sounds of the occupied and large room. He became more alert when he heard the sound once again that had first roused him from his sleep.
Letting his amber eyes wander in the direction of the sound, he noticed in the far corner, where the demon slayer layed, the small kitsune was wiping away at some tears that began to fall from the corners of his sky-blue eyes.
With his advanced youkai sight he was able to cross the room quietly, stepping over a snoring Miroku, and towards the small kit.

The kitsune sniffled as quietly as he could, not even noticing that the general was right beside him due to the lack of lighting in the room. His young youkai powers were still not as fully developed as an adult youkai's own powers, making it difficult for him to see cearly in the dark.
Allowing his small hands to swipe at the new set of tears, he suddenly felt a heavy and yet gentle hand on his shoulder.

" all right?", he heard him whisper, and realized instantly that it was the one who had tried to save him and his father.

The kit nodded slowly, but was looking down in front of him as he did.

Inuyasha's eyes softened slightly as he stared at the helpless kit. He hardly ever spoke since the incident, and if he did it was a simple 'yes or no'.
But that was rare as well since the only one he said those words to were him and only him. Even Sango, who helped bathe and dress him, had a difficult time getting him to speak. Inuyasha couldn't blame him. After witnessing his father's murder, he was suprised that he wasn't even bloodthirsty for revenge upon the person who had ordered such a vile act in the first place.

"Let's get some fresh air kid, maybe it'll help you feel a little better", Inuyasha whispered, very aware that the others were still sleeping and didn't want to disturb them, not after they came back exhausted from fighting off a horde of venom spitting snake youkai. Heck even he felt wiped out, but set it aside in order to help the crying kit out. Who needed the comfort of someone at the moment.

The kit nodded and carefully pulled the covers off, setting them to the side as he followed the tall, young general.

The general pulled open the shoji screen door and stepped out into the chilly, night air. He took a deep inhale of the midnight breeze, and casually stretched his arms in the air before he settled onto the floor in an indian style position. He heard the kit shuffle quietly beside him and then settled down a couple feet from where he sat. The kit sniffled a few times before he allowed the silence of the night to overwash him in a strange daze.

The general knew that he had one of his horrible nightmares again...just like almost every night now. At first he hadn't paid too much attention to the kit's sobbing at night, thinking that he would eventually settle down as time passed by. But he was wrong. The days passed by and the kit was still depressed over his father's death. He only wished that there was someway he could help the little guy out.

He heard a deep sigh emanate from his small body and then he slightly shivered. 'Guess he's cold', the general gave him a sympathetic look.

"Do you want to go back inside kid?"

The young kitsune just shook his head sideways, sending his reddish-brown hair flying in all directions.

Inuyasha snorted lightly, "Fine'', he mumbled.

It grew silent between them for a couple of minutes, each one enjoying the other one's company.

As the light mist surrounding the town started to lift itsef it became very apparent that the stars were shining brightly out againts the dark blue veil in the sky.

"You know...I bet your old man is looking down on you right now", Inuyasha mumbled, breaking the silence between them.

The kit didn't reply to his statement but instead looked up towards the sky, hoping for any sign in particular that may help raise his spirits.

"My old man died too when I was little. I know just how you feel kid", he sighed.

The kit turned large, questioning eyes on the young general sitting right beside him.

"It's tough. I know...but you're a demon so you gotta be tough in this world no matter what.", he mumbled on , thinking that maybe his words might lead him somewhere although he wasn't too good on giving advice when it came to the heart.

The kitsune was still looking up at him as if at any moment he might be able to bring back his father somehow.

"And besides no one is ever really gone. They will always be there for you when you least expect it. Right here", he leaned in a bit and tapped him lightly on the left side of his chest.

The kitsune nodded and then gave him a genuine smile.

"Thank you".

The general's eyes widened slightly for a bit, 'the kid had actually said something other than a simpe yes or no'. He must of been making some progress with the kid.

"I believe what you say...because I know my papa will never leave me no matter what," the kitsune set his face in determination.

A small smirk met the corner of the general's mouth, "damn right he won't".

The kitsune nodded, but then his determined features slighlty contorted as a yawn escaped him.

"Heh. Looks like you should be heading off to bed kid".

The kitsune smiled before he rose up from his spot and started making his way back inside.

"Hey kid", Inuyasha called out gently before he dissapeared inside.

The kitsune turned around and gave him a questioning gaze.

"What's your name anyways?"

The kitsune put a finger on his chin thoughfully before he responded.

"My papa always called me Shippo. So I guess my name is Shippo".

Inuyasha nodded in understanding, " I see...well night Shippo", he stated before he turned back to looking at the stars in the sky.

"Night", the kitsune whispered softly before heading back inside.

The general's ears twitched slightly, catching onto the kitsune's words, before resting stil on top of his long silver mane onve more.

'I'm becoming soft', he mentally scoffed at himself as he stared up at the stars a few minutes longer, before heading back inside himself.
Sunlight filtered through the open shutters, cascading in a mixture of red and orange colours onto the frame that twitched slightly at the feel of warmth on her face.
After a few exaggerated blinks to clear the sleep away from her eyes, her body stretched in a cat like manner, arching her spine in the air, before she rolled out from underneath the thick layer of blankets.

Once locating a fresh change of clothing, she gathered her bathing supplies and slipped on her mask and white fur cloak, before she headed towards the bath.

Sliding open the bamboo wooden door to her home, she jumped down the two steps and landed in the lush green grass below. She closed her eyes as a knowing smile crossed her lips at the feel of the cool, damp vegetation underneath her bare feet. After savouring the feel of the fresh morning grass, she headed to the small bath house attatched to the side of her home, and quickly began to prepare a hot bath for herself.

It took some work to prepare a hot bath, but she would rather start off her day in a refreshing manner, then to go throughout the day without one. Some of the village people managed to find time to bathe, but it wasn't too often.
After placing a couple more logs underneath the baths she undressed from her night clothing and took off her mask, then slipped into the warm liquid substance. She was in the middle of washing her ravenous locks when her ears turned slightly as they picked up on the voices of some frantic calling.
Her features contorted into a frown as she rushed to get out of the bath and began to dress quickly. She ran out of the bath house and around the corner, and came to a sudden stop when she noticed the owner of the voice that was frantically calling for her audience.

"Hush now you shall wake up my Lady", she whispered, noticing that it was still very bright and early in the day for anyone to be shouting as loudly as he was.

"Forgive me princess, but there is something important that I must show you and you must see it yourself immediantly," the tall, built warrior, dressed in white clothing and blue spiked armour stated.

She nodded and took off in a run after him, not really paying attention to her dislevelled state of dress. What was needed of her was much more important than her looks and state of discomfort, she reasoned as she noticed her shirt was inside out.

It wasn't long before the two reached their destination at a river's edge with an enormous wall of boulders at one end, making it seem like a giant dam made of rocks. The tall warrior indicated for the princess to come closer at the spot where he was standing, and after a closer inspection of what he was looking, she flinched slightly at the horrid scene. A mass of bones that once held living carnage was off to one side, while what seemed as another small pile of bones was off to the side a couple feet away. There was also dark brown stains splattered across the ground and againts a couple of the boulders near the body.

"Wh-what happened", she gulped, afraid to know the answer.

"It was one of father's dearest and closest of friends...Komaru", he whispered.

A sob escaped through the lips of the princess and she fell forward, crying hard as she curled herself into a little ball.

"This can not not him. Please tell me this is not our beloved friend. Please", she half whispered, hoping that it wasn't true.
Even though deep down inside she knew the worst, that was why their wonderful friend had been missing for some time now.

"I'm afraid it's true's him", he sighed sadly.

"Who?...Who did this to him?", she yelled angrily as a new set of tears slid down from underneath her mask.

''It was her...Tsubaki and her men", he grinded out with such furry.

The princess wiped at the remaining set of tears that fell from her face as she stood up abruptly.

"Do you know what has happened with his young child, Shippo. Is he all right?'', her voice quavered with worry and fear for the young kitsune.

"I am not so sure, but rumour has it that he is within the town's gates, taken prisoner againts his own will", he looked on in worry.

She nodded and then began to walk a couple feet from where the pile of bones layed.

"Little sister what is it that you are doing?'', he asked when he noticed her beggining to claw at the soft dirt ground with her hands.

"It is only proper that we bury our friend", she mumbled sadly.

He then joined to help her after he picked up a flat, sharp rock from the river's edge and used it to dig a deeper grave.

Kagome sniffled and tried to hold back her tears as memories flooded her mind on all the times their dearly departed friend had been there for them. Been there for her. Especially when her own father was killed almost three years ago, he had acted as a father substitute since then and now....

Things would never be the same.

If only she could do something to avenge the lives of all the people that had been killed by her. Tsubaki. She has brought nothing but pain ever since she had arrived to the town. At first everything was peaceful and there was no pain and suffering, but when she arrived things became difficult. Even strangers from far away lands were not trusted as well as before, in fear of them being spies for that dreadful woman.

She must be stopped before she caused further harm and pain to anyone.

A deep sigh escaped her lips, not realizing that her protector and older brother was watching her curiously the entire time.

"Princess what is it that you are thinking?", he asked with worry etched into his voice.

She looked into his deep brown eyes, a small smile breaking on her lips before she turned her head to the side.

"Promise not to tell?"

He huffed before continuing, "Why! is it something that I'm not going to be happy about?", he ran a hand through his thick, dark brown, course hair.
He usually did that when he was worried or frustrated. Or both.

"Just promise me. Please?"

The tall warrior stood up quickly and began to pace fiercly back and forth. "No! I won't allow you to just throw your life away like that little sister. If your going than I'm going too", he huffed.

The princess pursed her lips, "How did you know that it was what I wanted to do?"

"Because we talked about it last time as well, and then the elders forbid you from going unless you wanted to risk being banished from our people", he snapped.

Her shoulders became square and her back straightened.

He gulped. Now he was in for it.

"Are you suggesting that we then stand by once more while that woman gets away with the death our loved ones once again? Are you saying that we should not even try to avenge their deaths?", she yelled.

"No, I'm not saying that sister, but the elders they'll become very upset and..."

"So what? That has never stopped you before. Of all people, Souta, I thought you would be the one to back me up on this", she yelled in frustration.

His gentle, yet rough features contorted into a hurt expression.
"Yes, but I do not wish to lose you as well sister", he whispered quietly.

Her heart clenched at the deep emotion of hurt she heard in his voice.
"Souta...please understand that I must do this...for our people...for our parents. It is the only way I can bring honour to their deaths."

He nodded in understanding. "Then let me go with you".

"No. I must do this alone, for if I do not come back...then I wish for you, my brother, to take my place as king of our people. Understand", she stood up and placed a hand on his shoulder. "This is what I ask of you. Will you accept?".

He nodded once more, but not as quickly. He still wished for her to remain, to stay alive and protected, he loved her too greatly to let her go like this. To face the enemy in the snake's pit. But she was raised to honour and to face danger in the worst of times.

This was no exception.

So in the end he had to let her go.

"Thank you brother. Now will you help me bury our dearly departed friend?", she turned back towards the shallow pit in the ground.

Taking a deep breath he went towards his little sister. May it be that she was only his adopted kin, and not true blood, he still loved her more than anyone else. For she was always there.

As he took the sharp stone once more and returned to his task at hand, he allowed a few tears to fall down into the shallow pit he was creating.

The princess also wept silently beside him while she helped create a shallow pit for the body of their departed friend.

'Forgive me brother'.


Nightfall approached and brought on a thick mist of fog towards the town, in which the residents were quietly settling down for the night. It had been a hard day for many of the people living in the town of Magasaki. The rains were not coming in as frequently as many of the farmers had hoped for, therefore ruining some of the crops under the scorching sun.

One woman alone wasn't bothered by the lack of crops being brought into the town, and personally, she didn't care.

But as she stared into a large and elaborated mirror made out of silver, she frowned darkly at her own reflection, worry and frustration seeping out of every single one of her pores.

"Damn it another day gone to waste. I swear if I don't find that treasure soon enough I'll just burn down the entire forest down ", she snorted as she ran her brush roughly through her thin, dark hair.

The process of her actions only caused the wooden brush to tangle dangerously into her own soft tresses, and she cried out in frustration when she couldn't untangle her hair.

Finally, after being fed up with the blasted piece of wood that wouldn't release her beautiful hair, she yanked it out roughly, and pulled out a clump of her own dark hair.

She cried in terror when she saw a bald spot in her lovely scalp, and threw the brush angrily at her own reflection in the mirror.

The mirror shattered into a thousand pieces and flew everywhere, one of the pieces cutting her just below her left eye.

She cried out in agony and clutched at her own face as blood dripped down her once unblemished face.

She then heard heavy footsteps approach outside her door before it was opened suddenly, almost torn from its own place.

"Mistress come quick there is trouble in the town!", her henchman known as Hiten yelled fiercely, not bothering to ask if the woman in front of him was all right.

She was about to make a rude remark to his own stupidity when she suddenly heard the clashing of metal ring loudly throughout the air, stearing her attention away from her bleeding cheek.

"What's going on?", she hissed.

"We're being attacked by the demons of the forest and the girl is amongst them".

A sly grin slowly replaced her angry features, "It's about time the little wench showed up", she stated as she grabbed her dark blue michiyuki and drapped it over her shoulders.

The loud clashing of metal againts metal surrounded the midnight air as Tsubaki headed out from her home.
There was loud shouting and calling of frantic people as they tried to process what was happening to their town.

Tsubaki looked up as she saw the young general, clothed in his red uniform, come running towards her with his men in tow.

"The town on the far west side is being attacked by white wolf demons. I suggest you stay where it's safe Tsubaki", he ordered more than he suggested.

Tsubaki frowned darkly at the demon general before her, "Hmph! I am no coward so do not tell me what to do General", she hissed fiercely.

"Fine then do what you want woman, what happens to you is not my problem", he warned before he turned around to face his troops.
"Men assemble yourselves to the west gate and hold off the enemy. I'll gather everyone else to hold up a defense againts the far east side. Now move out!", he barked.

The men quickly scrambled to do the bidding of the general's orders, while the general himself ran off quickly to gather the remaining men in town.

Tsubaki huffed when he left and headed off towards the west side where the demons were attacking. 'She was no coward, she was not going to stand by and let a little wench ruin her plans in achieving the treasure'

She then allowed the same sly grin to cross her face once more, 'Besides I bet she would just love an early family reunion'.

"Go!", the warrioress ordered the four large, white wolves that sat on either side of her on a hill.

The four large wolf cubs sprang up into action and dashed with lightning speed across the plains towards the town. The warrioress dressed in strikingly similar clothing as her wolves, dashed ahead of the group. When they reached closer towards the town she swiftly used a spear to launch herself over the pointed tops and then crept silently over the large, wooden walls that surrounded the premises of the town.

Her wolf cubs followed closely behind her, leaping stealthy over the wooden walls and landing on the other side where the warrioress awaited.
"Find her", she whispered, before the four wolves dissapeared to the four corners of the town.

One of the wolves must of been careless as he was currently scouting out the town. A youth saw the wolf and raised the alarm in a mere couple of seconds. Now the entire town was on the alert, and the four wolves were battling againts the town's residents and many other fighters.

The warrioress followed that stench she had once smelled long ago, the one that had lingered at the scene of her mother and father's death.

The dark haired woman stood poised in the middle of the town's center, looking pensive and still.

The warrioress hid amongst the shadows as she crept near towards the woman.

"Come on out...I know you're there".

The warrioress stiffened slightly, 'How did she know it was I?'

Without much thought the warrioress lept down from the roof tiled home and shot forward, bringing out her kitana's that she hid till the last point in her cloak.

Tsubaki smirked,'Child's play'.
With that thought she took out a long dagger and aimed it at the advancing girl dressed in white.

The dagger produced a dark purple glow which formed into a ball of evil energy. Before the warrioress had time to react the sphere of energy flew towards her and clashed againts her body, sendind her flying back.

With a simple twist in the air, she landed on her feet roughly and was gasping slightly, ignoring the stars that danced before her eyes.

"Ha! You think you're a match for me. Well guess again little girl because today will be your last day", Tsubaki shrieked in laughter.

The warrioress huffed as she stood up fully once more and took the bow and arrow that was hanging onto her back. She then latched one of the arrows onto her bow and aimed it at the woman who stood a couple of meters away.
The bow made a small 'pang' sound as it flew forward, faster than the blink of an eye.

Tsubaki only had a sight second to react to the arrow as it flew towards her. Bringing the long dagger in front of her she said a small chant and a barrier was erected in front of her. The arrow made in contact with the barrier and it sent a blinding, pale flash in all directions.


Elsewhere the henchmen of Tsubaki were in the middle of fighting off one of the large wolf demons, when they saw the sudden white flash illuminate the sky for a mild second. Leaving the wolf to one of the fighters of the village, the two sprinted off in the direction of the town's center, from where the light had seemed to have come.

The two henchmen had arrived just in time as they spotted the girl dressed in wolf`s fur, ready to drive her kitana into their mistress`s chest.

Manten opened his enourmous, frog like mouth and sent a bolt of lightning flying her way.

The warrioress didn`t notice the bolt of lightning until it was up close and already sending her flying back into the wall of a home.

She hit the wall with such force that it knocked the wind out of her slightly.

The human looking demon then took out his pike and aimed it towards the girl.
She jumped out of the way in time only to leave a small cut on her side as a result.
Feeling warm liquid seep out onto her side, she clutched at her stomach and jumped in mid air as another bolt of lightning was shot in her direction.


"Hm?". Large, blue coloured eyes peeked out the window. He thought he recognized that scent that was somehow seeping through the open windowsill.
Quickly leaping through the window, he rushed forward, following the all familiar scent.
Sango was nearby and when she had spotted the kitsune rushing off quickly she called after it, but he didn't even acknowledge that he had even heard.
She the took off in a sprint after the kit and Miroku questioned her, but only recieved an "I don't know reply?".
He shrugged his shoulders and followed after her as well, worried that if she even left his sight she might get into trouble.

The wolves were fast and enormous, one of them shot forward at man who shrieked out in terror as the wolf clamped his jaws down on the man's neck. Blood splattered in all directions and the wolf carelessly threw the limp body to the side.

Inuyasha growled as one of the wolves with icy, blue eyes made eye contact with him. 'There was no way he was going easy on this demon', he snorted as the wolf just growled dangerously at him. More men arrived to the scene and began throwing spears in the wolve's direction. The four of them seemed to get the message that they were losing the battle and began retreating slowly. One of the men even took out a strange weapon and aimed it at the wolves.
A loud bang then followed, sending the man's arm to jerk back slightly, while a small whizz flew threw the clearing. The black pebble crashed with such force into the ground that it sent debris flying in all directions a few inches away from one of the wolve's. The wolves yellped in surprise and then flew off, back towards the wooden wall and over.
Inuyasha was curious at the strange weapon the man held in his hands. Having such power for sugh a small thing, and yet it seemed it could hardly harm anyone. He didn't have much time to study the weapon when his attention was distracted once more.

"It's my lady she is being attacked and is in need of our help", a short, frail looking man panicked as he gasped for air at the same time.

"Stupid woman, I told her to not get in the way! Doesn't she ever fucken listen", he growled as he sprinted after the men who went to their mistress's aid.


"Princess!", the kitsune shrieked in horror as he saw his good friend fly a couple feet into the air and land roughly on the ground.

She then doubled over gasping trying to catch her breath, but another strong bolt of energy hit her hard in the stomach. She flew againts a hard wall of stone, sending little cracks, resembling the web of a spider, behind her from where she had made impact.

Her legs shook as she tried to hold her weight up, feeling heavy all of sudden as her energy left her in waves from each impact of the bolt of lighning.
A small trickle of blood escaped the corner of her mouth and she hastily swiped at it. 'If I keep this up I will pass out and all of this would of been in vain'.

Tsubaki gave out a piercing laughter that made the blood of the warrioress' boil in anger. "Like I said you little wench... there is no way in hell I would lose to an abomination such as yourself ", she smirked.

"Tsubaki you are nothing without the help of your men and your dark magic, so do not speak to me about abominations!", the warrioress growled as she bared her fangs towards the woman.

"Hmph! How dare you bare your disgusting fangs at me you little bitch", Tsubaki sneered as she pointed her long dagger towards the girl and let a dark sphere hit her hard.

The warrioress grunted falling onto her knees as the little kitsune ran towards his loving friend. "Princess no! Get up please", he called frantically.

"Shippo you must get out of here. Go now", the girl in wolf's clothing whispered in pain.

"No! I won't leave you behind", he cried out and took a defensive stance in front of her body, shielding her from the evil woman and her men.
He growled and bared his fangs at the woman who was casually smirking in his direction.

"Manten! Hiten! Go and tie up the girl".

The two demons nodded while sly grins played on their features as they advanced towards the girl.

"No! Keep away from her. I won't allow you near her", the kitsune growled once more.
The human looking demon chuckled lightly as he sent the kit flying a couple feet away with a fierce kick. "Stay out of the way runt", he spat.

He then bent low towards the unmoving girl and pulled her chin up close to his face.
"Well well well, look at what we have here", he grinned.

The warrioress just snarled at him." Give me a couple of seconds to rest and then I shall be wiping that smirk off your face".

"Ah ah ah! you're forgetting that we know have you hostage girl",he ran his thumb across the smooth skin of her cheek.

"Do not touch me you foul creature", she spat.

The human demon chuckled darkly as he looked at the girl with lust. "Mistress what are we going to do with the girl?'', he turned his head to the side to acknowledge his mistress's orders.

"You can do whatever you want to the girl after you have her tied up idiot!".

The demon winced slighty at the slandering of his intelligence, but did as he was told and tied the girl's arms and legs up.
Once she was tied up securely, Tsubaki walked towards the girl and pushed the over excited demon to the side.
She then grabbed the girl hard by the shoulders and shook her a couple times.

"Girl you shall tell me of the whereabouts of the treasure of I'll take this blasted mask off of you for the world to see your ugly face! And I doubt you would want that", she smirked when she saw the girl flinch.

"I do not know of what treasure you speak of. But I do know this that you killed my parents without reason and for that you shall pay", she yelled as she smashed her forehead againts the woman's nose.

Tsubaki let the girl slip from her grasp as a shriek escaped from her lips. "My nose! My nose! Kill this bitch!"

Manten nodded vigorously before he opened his mouth to send a bolt of lighning flying at the girl.

The warrioress rolled to the side before the blast hit her.
She wriggled around a bit as she expertly took, with her hands tied behind her back, a small knife from her thigh. She then raised her calves behind her and swiftly cut the ropes that held her legs bondaged.
She moved quickly as she dodged another blast and landed in front of the dreaded woman. She sent a kick flying at her face and Tsubaki flew back againts the ground hard.

"Hirarikotsu", she heard a call ring through the air as a giant boomerang, made out of demon hyde, flew towards her.

The warrioress flipped in the air and avoided the boomerang altogether.

Sango caught the weapon and ran towards the injured kit, bent over and picked him up in her arms.

The warrioress was surprised at how her enemy had responded to one of her dearest friends. But she had no time to think about it at the moment as more men arrived at the scene with weapons in their hands.

As Inuyasha arrived towards were Tsubaki and the others were, he stopped dead in his tracks as he tried to process what was going on.

In the middle of the court, cornered, bleeding and hurt, was her. The girl from the forest.

The girl rushed forward and landed a kick on one of Tsubaki's henchmen, sending the lizard looking demon crashing into a pile of pointed logs, one of them piercing him straight through the belly.

'Damn was she ever strong', he gawked at the girl who was currently fending off her life as more men joined in on taking her down.

In anger Hiten, the human looking demon, sent a large bolt of lightning flying towards the girl when he saw his brother pass out. "Wench you'll pay for my brother's death", he yelled.

The warrioress whimpered as she took on the full blunt of the enraged demon's power.

She feel to her knees and then forward as darkness clouded her vision and engulfed her.

The town's men were about to kill her off when Inuyasha rushed in front of her and pulled out his sword. "Stay back all of you!", he barked.

"General?", many of the men questioned.

"This girl is not the one who you want to kill".

Tsubaki huffed in frustration "Just what in the hell are you doing general? Step aside and let the girl be killed."

"Tsubaki shut up! The girl's life is now mine and if you try to stop me I'll kill you", he growled fiercely at her.

Tsubaki gave him a dark glare with defiance glowing madly in her eyes. "Hiten! kill him and the girl before they escape", she snapped.

The demon grinned evilly before he flew forward, raised his pike in the air and brought it down on the general's head.

Inuyasha moved quickly and shot his claws into the demon's throat, slicing his windpipe in half.
The demon gasped for air as he tried to bring down his pike down once more. He was caught off guard as a giant boomerang knocked him sideways and into the dirt, where he layed gasping for air until finally he stopped breathing altogether.

The giant boomerang rebounded towards the female demon slayer once more, where she caught it swiftly and smoothly.

Tsubaki gasped as the general shot her a muderous look for daring to defy his orders. She then cowered behind a group of her loyal men, who were raising their weapons in defense.
The general's own men also took up a defensive stance ready to protect their general if need be.

It was unnerving and silent for a couple of seconds, each group giving the other side intimidating stares, and yet neither one backing down from their defensive state.

The silence only broke when the small kitsune from Sango's arms cried out and quicky bounded towards the injured princess.

"Oh no she's hurt we have to get her help", the kit cried out as he tugged on her cloak, trying to drag her away to safety.

Inuyasha snapped out of his anger and bent to pick up the girl in his arms.

"Don't think you're getting out of here alive general", Tsubaki hissed fiercely.

Inuyasha huffed and sent a silent, but understanding message to his two closest comrades, who nodded in reply.

He then took off at a fast pace after the kit had jumped onto his shoulder.

Arrows and spears flew in his direction, which he dodged effectively, before he heard his men engage in battle with Tsubaki's own.

The kit sqeaked as a spear just missed him, only grazing a few of his reddish-brown hair and flying behind him as they sped through the town, towards the gates.

The gates were down tonight, just like every other night. But that didn't stop the General as he advanced forward and brought down his mighty sword with a swing, breaking a large opening in the gate's thick, wooden interior.

The guards that had stayed put in the tower during the entire time, only blinked in confusion after they heard a loud crash beneath them and saw a blur of silver and red bound across the plains and into the forest.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(Phew!! wipes sweat off brow) that took me a while to write considering i could ony write small paragraphs throughout this entire week..(blast my time schedule::: I am now back to the 3-11pm shift i am so angry) ...o well i only have one more week to work there anyways (Im super happy 'bout that) neways some of you might notice the slight interruptions here and there....(where i would currently pass out from exhaustion or get bored of staring at the screen for too long.)

but finally iam done this chappie for all you wonderful ppls. i really do love writing my stories( i just dont like sitting still for too long either my bum bum ges numb) neways tell me what'ch think.? and sorry for the late update and for spelling grammer and mistakes ..i try to find as many as i can before posting it but its hard to correct your own work..especailly at 2:20 in the morning. (yawn!) i think ill be going to sleep now



Ba bydragon