InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who Else Can Travel Through The Well? ❯ Chapter 3: The Moron Parade ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 3: The Moron Parade
“Thank Kami you two are back. I don't think we could have stood it much longer.”
“Yeah, well, we need to continue on in gathering Shikon shards,” Kagome informed her.
“Oh, great,” Lorelei said.
“No, what's great is that you're staying here,” Inuyasha said.
“Excuse me? I don't think I heard you right. I could have sworn you said I was staying.”
“You heard me correctly. Your ears don't need to be checked.”
“Well, one way or another, easy or hard, I am coming with you, whether you like it or not.”
“Have fun walking,” Inuyasha said thinking we would win.
“That's fine. I was on track,” Lorelei said shrugging.
“We get up at six and leave right after we eat,” he said defeated.
“Fine,” Lorelei said.
“Fine,” Inuyasha spat.
“Great,” Daniel interrupted causing everyone to laugh.
“Good night,” Sango said.
“Night,” Lorelei replied. She fell asleep next to Daniel again and woke up at five thirty. She went to the hot spring quickly and went back to the hut. Lorelei made Ramen for everyone and the others slowly woke up.
“Now I like her,” Inuyasha said before wolfing down his Ramen. Shippou hid behind Lorelei so his Ramen wouldn't be eaten by Inuyasha.
“Ready?” Kagome asked once everyone was done.
“Yeah,” Daniel answered. Lorelei grabbed her book bag (it was in the suitcase) and so did Kagome. (It was the same except Lorelei's is black.) Miroku and Sango, with Shippou, got on a transformed Kirara and Kagome rode on Inuyasha. Lorelei and Daniel had to walk as Inuyasha said. Luckily, they were able to keep up.
“Hungry?” Kagome asked standing before them.
“Starving,” Daniel answered. They both heard his stomach growl.
“You're always hungry.”
“I'm always active.”
“Please don't say that again,” Lorelei said wincing.
“What? I'm always active?”
“Yes, now shut up.”
“Whatever,” he said shrugging, inwardly laughing. Their lunch was set up when they saw a tornado coming their way.
“Oh, the Moron Parade is on its way. Maybe they're joining up with the Circus,” Lorelei observed sending everyone but Kagome into hysterics. Kagome wore a scolding frown but didn't say anything. When Kouga arrived, he just stared at them like they each had three heads. Then he saw Lorelei and smirked.
“Finally given up have you?”
“No, they're mates,” Lorelei informed them. Kouga looked shocked and even Kagome laughed this time. “His…face…” she sputtered leaning against Sango for support.
“Your face will look funny once I get through with you,” Kouga said taking a step forward.
“NO!” they all screamed.
“I know you all care but I'm not weak,” Lorelei said pouting. Kouga laughed at that making her angry.
“Dude, don't, you'll hurt for weeks,” Daniel said with a wince.
“I'm not scared of her,” he said circling her, examining her.
“If he doesn't stop acting like a real wolf, I'll kick his ass,” Lorelei said with her arms crossed and glaring. Kouga barked out another laugh making her simmer. She lashed out and was able to kick his left bicep. He stopped laughing and got angry. “I told you I'd kick your ass.”
“You're only a girl. What harm can you do?”
“Oh, damn!” Shippou said. Kagome and Sango had their arms crossed boiling with anger.
“You're going to regret that. You're surrounded by girls!” Lorelei informed. They would punch and kick at each other but be able to block. He was able to get a kick at her hip but that was about it. He came around her quickly but she was able to turn around fast enough to knee him in the groin as soon as he was close enough. He gasped and fell down like a tall oak that had been cut down. “I warned you, didn't I?” she asked stepping over him and back to the group. “Have fun taking him back to your cave,” she said to his pack. She rolled down the hem of her skirt just a little. “Oh, great, it's already starting to fucking bruise,” she said as she fixed her skirt.
“Do you realize who you did that in front of?” Sango whispered to her. She looked to see Miroku standing there, eyes wide and a grin on his face.
“Oh, damn.”