InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who Needs Ya? ❯ Saturday in the Park ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: Wow, I feel so loved!!! All these wonderful reviews! *Sighs in content* 9 reviews on my first two chapters…I mean…that's just so awesome!!! *Huggles reviewers* !!! Also, I've been told that I dropped clues on the ultimate bad guy too fast, and they're probably too obvious…but that is okay! Don't you worry your pretty little heads…I have more in store for this fic…MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! >=)

Disclaimer: So like…one day I met this totally hot guy at this coffee shop, and at the time I was reading this Inuyasha manga, and he was all, "Dude, you like Inuyasha?" and I was all, "Yeah, Inuyasha is totally awesome!" Then he was all, "Miroku is my favorite," and I was all, "Wow! Mine too! He's just soooo…Miroku!" and the hot guy smiled at me. Then…to my disappointment…his boyfriend came up, and he was all, "Yeah, Miroku is totally sexy!" Then he just walked out of my life…*sniffle*…wait…what was I supposed to be talking about here?

Chapter III: Saturday in the Park

"Miroku-sama…" Kagome said nervously, not sure what she should do in this situation. She could always run…

She was good at running, anytime something scared her…

But…if she ran now…

She'd never know. Never know how it would feel to be held by somebody…maybe even be loved by somebody…

So she stayed.

Miroku felt her put her head on his chest, and he smiled…not that lecherous smirk that he is famous for…but a true…happy smile.

"Kagome…did you hear that?" Miroku asked, looking towards where the camp was.

"Hear wh--"

"What the hell do you think you're doing, you damned fucking letch?!" a voice hollered.

"Inuyasha…" Kagome groaned. Miroku grinned at the reaction from the girl.

"Why Inuyasha…you see, there was an evil presence, and I was pro--"

"Shove it, monk," Inuyasha spat. "Kagome, what did he do to you?" he asked, growling slightly.

"Well, like Miroku-sama said…there was an evil presence, and he pulled me out of the water, and he was protecting me," she said, trying hard not to giggle at both of the males' expressions.

"Seriously now…" Inuyasha said, eyeing the two wearily.

"Mhm," Kagome said in a sing-song voice. Miroku merely nodded.

"Keh. Don't come crying to me when that damned 'monk' gropes you then…and for the Gods' sakes…put some fucking clothes on!" Inuyasha said, then stormed off.

She couldn't contain it anymore.

Her laughter sounded like music to Miroku's ears. He found that he was loosing control, and soon…very soon…he joined her in her laughter. "Honestly, Kagome-sama…" Miroku said, grinning at the girl.

"What?" she asked, her head cocked innocently to the side. He shook his head, and let the girl out of his arms.

"You really should change…before Inuyasha throws another fit," Miroku muttered. Kagome nodded…but still didn't leave his arms. He looked at her curiously, and she shook her head.

"Miroku-sama…how stupid do you think I am? I'm naked…and you're standing right there. My backpack is on the other side of this boulder…and…I don't trust you," she said. He couldn't help but grin at the girl.

"I promise to keep my eyes closed," he said, trying to play it as innocently as possible. Kagome gave him a disbelieving look.

"Do I look like Inuyasha to you?" she asked him, scowling. He couldn't help but laugh again.

"And what are you implying, my dear Kagome?" he asked her softly.

"What do you think?" she asked him, grinning slightly.

"I promise I won't…" he said, a serious expression on his face. She gave him a skeptical look, then shook her head.

Damn…well…that won't work…maybe if……


"How did it go then?" a rough…yet feminine voice asked.

"Hmph…I got all of the information I needed," a more masculine voice stated, although it was slightly high pitched…almost as if coming from a small being.

"And what information is that?" another masculine voice asked, although you could tell he was aged.

"The houshi is afraid of…rabbits," the second voice said. You could almost hear the grin in his words.

"Rabbits?!" the other two voices demanded with a gasp.

"That is correct. My precious Akio helped me discover this. I believe that with my beautiful rabbits…along with those damn butterfly youkai that he had almost completely destroyed…we can defeat them! Then! THEN they will know how it feels!!! How it feels to constantly be made fun of! How it feels to be left behind. THEY'LL KNOW HOW IT FEELS TO BE SQUISHED!" the voice said, and then laughed the most evil laugh that you have probably ever heard.

"Why the hell are we working for him? He's insane…" the third voice said, his eyes narrowing slightly.

"The Gods only know why…" the woman answered.

"But butterflies? Seriously…what are they going to do? Flutter the houshi to death?" the third voice asked, slightly exasperated.

All the while, the evil cackle of the second voice could be heard throughout the small hut the three occupied.