InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who Needs Ya? ❯ Tragic Kingdom ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: Well…Since I have nothing better to do…why not be stupid?! ^_^…Anywho…I have no freaking idea what I'm gonna do with this story…I just know main pairing in Kagome/Miroku…and the bad guys are ******/^^^^^^^^^/$$$$$...(like I would actually tell you who they were =P…but I'll give whoever can guess who they are………….um…………….somet hing?)…and…that there will be very little if no Naraku or Kikyou in this fic. THEY WOULD RUIN IT ALL! AND THEN MAIN BAD GUYS WILL NOT PREVAIL! Plus I'm just sick of hearing about how eeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil those two are. Bah…DARTH VADER IS MORE EVIL, DAMNIT!...okay, I'll just shut up now.

Disclaimer: Funky towel…towel's got the funk! And that towel probably has a better chance at owning Inuyasha than me…how depressing…

Chapter IV: Tragic Kingdom

"Miroku-dono?" a voice asked, startling the monk and girl.

"Hachiemon…" Miroku replied. 'Just great…' The last thing he needed was for that stupid, insensitive, yet very useful when not fleeing in the face of danger, Tanuki! "Did you…need something?"


"Spit it out already!" Kagome commanded, causing Miroku to smirk down at her and the Tanuki to jump to attention.

"Yes! Sorry Miroku-dono! You see…there has been a problem…and Mushin asked me to bring you to see him!" Hachiemon finally spit out.

"Why would that old drunkard want with me?" Miroku asked aloud. Before he could put any more thought into it, a very disgruntled Kagome cleared her throat.

"If you don't mind…," she stated, fixing a pointed glare on the Tanuki. Hachiemon's eyes widened comically, and he looked as if he just realized what he possibly walked in upon.

"Er…um…gomen Miroku-dono…" he said, while quickly making an escape. Miroku chuckled lightly at his friends' antics.

"As much as I love the feel of your body, Miroku-sama…I really would like to get dressed," Kagome said, glaring at the chuckling monk.

With the look she was giving him, he couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh. "Why, my dear Kagome-sama…if my memory serves correctly, you were the one that refused to leave my robes," he said with a mischievous smirk.

"As true as that may be…it is only for my own self protection," she stated matter-of-factly. With her proclamation, his smirk grew.

It was then that she decided…

He was evil. Pure evil.

Hell, he's more evil than Naraku, Sauron, Voldemort, and her calculus teacher combined! Of course…in Kagome's opinion, out of all of those, her calculus teacher was the most evil, because, two of the four were fictional characters, and Naraku didn't give her hard ass assignments and tests that caused her to fail her test.

All Naraku really did to her was try to kill her and her friends…

Weird how she never thought of that before now.

Oh well…there are more pressing matters at hand…such as Miroku's wandering hands…

"If you want to keep that hand and your other important appendage, I would suggest you don't let it travel any lower," she growled out in warning.

Miroku immediately raised his hand, and put on a good impression of an innocent kitten, that in all actuality, had just committed some heinous crime…as far as kittens go.

"So how do you suggest we go about doing this?" Kagome asked her favorite houshi absently.

"Doing what?" 'Ravishing your body I hope,' he thought absently, an evil glint in his eyes.

"Getting me dressed," she replied, not noticing the danger.

"Why would you want to get dressed?" he wondered.

"WHAT?!" Kagome screeched, blushing a deep shade of red.

Too bad he didn't realize he said that aloud beforehand… "Eh…I didn't mean that!" he defended, his mind working a mile a minute.

"Then what did you mean?!"

'That I want to kiss you senseless, don't you know it's code?' he thought absently, glad he didn't say that aloud.

"Seriously…I want to get dressed…because…because…well, there is NO way in hell that I'm going to see Mushin like this!" Kagome exclaimed, indicating her state of dress, and blushing a little darker.

Of course Miroku wouldn't let her be seen by anybody like this…she was his now. He had decided that he wanted this girl…and he always got what he wanted.

The pair walked over to Kagome's abandoned clothes, and Kagome tried to think of a way in succeeding putting her clothes on…while not letting Miroku see her naked body. "Why don't you just change inside my robes?" Miroku suggested, as if reading the girl's mind.

"And how the heck is that going to work?" Kagome asked him.

"Um…then…I can just turn around…" he suggested. Finally, an idea hit Kagome.

"Take off your robes," she commanded, not realizing until she noticed the lecherous gleam in Miroku's eyes, how bad that sounded.

"Well…if you insist," he started.

"NO! NO NO NO!" she cried out. "I just want your outer robes!" she explained.

"Oh…" and with that, Miroku started taking off his outer robes.

"Wait! This won't work either," Kagome cried out, realizing that with Miroku trying to take off his robes…she was left totally exposed. "I know!" exclaimed, and hurriedly brought Miroku's robes securely over his head, and made sure he couldn't see through them. "How many fingers am I holding up?" she questioned him.

If she could have seen Miroku, she would have seen him giving her the most bewildered look. "Kagome-sama…how should I know! I can't see!" he exclaimed.

"Good!" Kagome replied, and hastily put her clothes back on, while keeping her eyes on the houshi.


"Okay…now, I shall send out Hiroko! She will spy on Miroku and Kagome…and then…when they are far enough away that Inuyasha-sama cannot hear them…she will summon the Bunny Army, and they will attack!" the leader declared, proud of his ingenious plan.

"If you hate the pup so much, why do you call him 'Inuyasha-sama'?" the other man asked in his gruff voice.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" the first voice asked, his slightly high pitched voice growing in volume, and highness.

"I think I am--" but he was cut off by the woman.

"Now, now…will both of you shut up!" she stated in her gravely voice.

"Yes, yes…sorry," the leader said, sounding slightly sheepish.

"Hmph. I'd rather be having a bath right now," the second voice said. He took a sniff of his underarm, and looked away in slight disgust. "I think it's been about six months by now," he said with a sigh.

"SIX MONTHS?!" the leader and the woman exclaimed at the same time…both backing away from the other man.

"I'm a busy youkai!" he defended himself.

"Disgusting," the woman muttered under her breath.

"Yes…well…go, Hiroko! FLY!" exclaimed the leader.

"Well, she can't exactly fly, now can she?" the woman asked, looking at the rabbit.

"Fine…go, Hiroko! HOP!" the leader corrected himself.

"That's better," the other man and woman said at the same time.


"Do you hear something, Miroku-sama?" Kagome asked, looking towards the bushes.

"Now that you mention it…" Miroku started, then froze in his spot when he saw the horrible creature come out of the bushes.
