InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who Needs Ya? ❯ Pet ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: Ack!!! I hope Sesshoumaru's goddess reads this...I'm soooooooooooooooo sorry I forgot to answer your question in 'Trials of the Heart'! 'Hemorrhaging' means bleeding profusely, or internal bleeding. Have you ever heard the song, "Hemorrhage (In My Hands)" by Fuel before? If not, it's a pretty good song, ^_^. Anyways, back to this fic...I'm still kinda lacking ideas...*sigh* Ah well...I'll try my best! Oh! By the way...if anybody is curious where I got my inspiration from...well, I kinda got it from "Once More With Feeling: Buffy the Musical". If you saw know the part where Anya breaks out into that rock song about bunnies in the middle of I've got a Theory? Yeah...that's it.

Disclaimer: Me? Own Inuyasha? Yeah right. If I owned Inuyasha…I would sooo totally clone all the guys and then sell them for lots of money…and um…Kagome would be with Miroku, and Kikyou would not be hated. So I oooooooooobviously don't own Inuyasha, doncha agree?

Chapter V: Pet

"Miroku?" Kagome asked, waving a hand in front of his face.

"G-g-g-get it away from me!" he cried out, leaping away from the horrid creature in the middle of the path.

"Miroku-sama..." Kagome started, then turned to look at the creature that caused Miroku so much fear. What she saw made her want to roll on the ground laughing.

There, standing in front of them was the cutest thing Kagome had ever seen. It had long black floppy ears, and cute little pink nose that was twitching wildly. The rest of the creature was white with random black splotches. The creature's beady little eyes set on Miroku, and it also seemed to be laughing at the unfortunate houshi.

"Miroku...that's just a little bunny!" Kagome got out through her giggles.

"I know that!" Miroku replied hotly, but not chancing to take his eyes off the rabbit. "And those things are evil!" he declared. "I will use my kazaana on it!" he decided.

"You will not!" Kagome cried out. "You can't hurt the poor defenseless little bunny," she told him in a scolding tone.

"Watch me," he muttered.

"Miroku!" Kagome cried out, and stepped in front of the bunny. "Please, stop! Why do you hate bunnies so much?" she asked him. Miroku's eyes softened for a minute, then hardened back up.

"I was attacked by a bunch of rabbits when I was five," he muttered. Kagome just stared at him, her eyes alight with laughter.

"You were attacked by a pack of rabbits?" she asked him, barely containing her giggles.

"Yes..." Miroku muttered in embarrassment.


"Miroku-kun," a middle aged woman (for the feudal era) called out.

"Hai, 'kaa-san?" the five year old Miroku replied.

"Would you please go out and fetch me some water?" his mother asked him. The little boy nodded, and ran out the door with a bucket, towards the stream. Miroku had just finished filling the bucket when he heard some rustling in the bushes. He gently set the bucket down, and snuck towards the bushes. Once he was there, he peered through the leaves, and saw a baby rabbit ensnared within the bush. Miroku sighed slightly, and set to work letting the rabbit free.

After about two minutes, the rabbit was free, and happily hopping away. Miroku brought his hand to his brow, to wipe off the imaginary sweat he had worked up, and immediately started sneezing. Also, his eyes started watering, turning puffy and red. For another good ten minutes, the five-year-old boy was sneezing. Once he could finally see through his watery eyes, he noticed a whole group of rabbits surrounding.

The boy gasped, and tried to take a step back, but he was trapped. He glanced around nervously, and tried calling for help. As soon as he opened his mouth, the bunnies attacked him.

~*~End Flashback~*~

"Y-y-you can't be serious!" Kagome said, failing at keeping her laughter down.

"I am serious," Miroku muttered, glaring at the rabbit, still behind Kagome.

"I...I'm sorry," Kagome giggled.

Behind her, the bunny, known as Hiroko, watched with apt interest. This would be so much easier than she thought. If the houshi was this afraid of her kind...not to mention would be an easy defeat. Her master will be so proud of her!


"Soon...very soon...the Imperial Bunny Army will attack, and the houshi and miko will be doomed! They won't know what hit them," the leader said smugly.

"They're not that stupid," the other man said. "They'll know that a pack of rabid rabbits attacked them," he said.

"Rabid?" the woman questioned.

"Eh...I heard Kagome say something about an animal being 'rabid' before, and she explained," he said, scratching his head slightly. "Too bad I still don't quite understand what she was talking about...," he muttered.

"Okay...well, I have cooked some food for us," the woman said. The leader didn't even look at her.

"You know I can't eat that," he said, slightly irritated.

"But I can," the second man said happily. He grabbed the whole boar off of the fire, and ate it all in one bite.

"Hey!" the woman exclaimed, glaring at the youkai.

"Eh? Do I know you? Where am I?" he asked.

"Ye senile old..." but the woman trailed off. She picked the other man off of her, and glared. "What do ye think you're doing?" she demanded.

"Having dinner," the man said, glaring at the woman.

"I am not your dinner," she retorted with a glare.

"Well...I'm not going to eat off of him," the leader said, pointing at the old youkai who was watching the two intently.


"Miroku...let's go...we still have to go see Mushin," Kagome commented, grabbing Miroku's hand.

"O-okay..." he stuttered, getting closer to Kagome as they walked past the bunny.

"I swear, you are such a wuss!" Kagome commented. She took a few more steps forward, and then she fell with a screech. Miroku fell in on top of her with a small 'oomph'.

"GET IT OFF OF ME!" was the screech that could be heard throughout the entire forest.