InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who Needs Ya? ❯ Ocean Avenue ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: Wow...I'm attempting another chapter...but it's gonna be super short, probably. I have absolutely no ideas for any of my fics really. *sigh* Besides, I've been too caught up in all of my other anime/mangas. I was trying to type something about Inuyasha once...and pretty much turned into Gravitation...and I was kind of like 'how the hell did I get the Inuyasha cast to be the Gravitation cast? That doesn't even work, dammit!!!' And if this tends to lean towards...anything except Inuyasha...I'm sorry! Oh yeah! Nobody...and I mean nobody has guessed who the main bad guys are! It's making me sad! If y'all don't even attempt to figure it out (even though I'm sure it's fairly obvious by now...) then I'll never reveal them to you! And this damn story will never end! So please just take a stab! It's hard not to totally reveal them! Please? =(

Disclaimer: I'm angry right now! *poom poom*

Chapter VII: Ocean Avenue

Kagome awoke to a warm feeling on her butt. She immediately turned, and found...not Miroku...but Mushin groping her. "ACK! You perverted old man! GET OFF OF ME!" she shrieked, drawing Miroku's attention from his delightful dream about hot, wet, steamy...baths.

"And I just got the good part too..." Miroku muttered sleepily. He instantly became wide awake when he realized what had pulled him from his pleasant slumber. "What are you doing to Kagome-sama?!" he demanded of the old drunkard.

"Eh? Eh? I can't hear you..." Mushin muttered, then rolled over and fell back asleep.

"Ugh...why are we staying here again?" Kagome asked, scooting closer to Miroku.

"I don't know," Miroku replied, "but it looks like we'll either be here for awhile, or leave before we find out," he added.

"Why do you say that?" Kagome asked.

" takes awhile for Mushin to get sober...and as much as he drinks...he'll never get to that point," Miroku replied with a sigh.

"Do you really think it's that important?" Kagome asked, frowning at the sleeping form of Mushin.

"Hm...most likely not. Let's go," Miroku said, getting up and stretching before offering a hand to help Kagome up.

"Right!" Kagome exclaimed excitedly, and threaded her arm through the one Miroku offered her. They left the small hut of the drunkard, never looking back.


"My lord...the drunkard was...well, he was too drunk, again, and never got a chance to do his part. The houshi and miko left his hut without so much as a goodbye," Jakotsu said sadly. "And I don't see why you won't let me go see Inuyasha..." he pouted.

"Ugh...not this again," the leader said tiredly. "All you'll do is try to fondle and/or rape him."

"I will not!" Jakotsu defended.

"That's exactly what you tried to do the last..." the second man paused and counted on his claws, "Ah hell, you've done that too many times for me to count on my hands," the old youkai said.

"Well...we're going to have to go to 'Plan B' now, right?" the old woman asked.

"Um...'Plan B'?" the leader asked nervously.

"There is a 'Plan B' isn't there?" the woman asked, her voice lowering threateningly.

"O...of course there's a 'Plan B'...somewhere..." the leader muttered.

"Great, there's not even a back up plan," Jakotsu said exasperatedly. "Why the hell did I leave the Shichinin-tai to take part in this crap?" he asked nobody in particular.

"Because Inuyasha is involved," the second man replied, rolling his eyes when the zombie's eyes lit up in excitement.

"Inu...yasha..." Jakotsu said, his eyes glazing over in a dream-like state.

"There he goes again," the woman sighed annoyed.

"Forget him...we have to start getting the Imperial Bunny Army ready now," the leader said.

"You could have at least used spiders or something...instead of butterflies and/or bunnies," the second man said tiredly.

"Nah...spiders have been over done! I mean...I need to do something original...not use some stupid giant spiders that eat the main characters and such," the leader said. After a pause, "Plus Onigumo means 'spider demon' anyways! I would pretty much just be copying Naraku!"

"He never uses spiders...he uses poisonous insects, you know, the wasps that are about the size of Inuyasha's foot?" the woman asked, growing rather irritated.

"Whatever! I don't care!" the leader said, yelling as loud as his tiny voice would allow him to.


"Miroku...are we there yet?" a tired Kagome asked for the umpteenth time that day.

"No, we're obviously not there yet," Miroku replied just as tiredly, rubbing his temples to hopefully force his headache to go away.

"Ah...what do we have here?" a deep voice asked, sending shivers down the couple's spines.

"I sense jewel shards," Kagome whispered.

"Why are you whispering? I'm a youkai...and I have superb hearing, miko," the voice asked in exasperation.

"Naraku!" Miroku shouted, dropping into a defensive stance.

"Did you just now realize it was me?" the youkai (or hanyou...however you perceive it) asked, stepping out from the protection of the trees. Kagome gasped, and reached behind her, trying to grab her bow and arrows, but realized that they were no longer safely perched over her shoulder.

"Missing these?" a feminine voice asked from their immediate right.

"Kikyou!" Kagome gasped.

"Yes?" Kikyou asked, arching her eyebrow, awaiting an answer. When she received none, she sighed. "If you are going to call my name, please have something to say to me," Kikyou said impatiently.

"So...have you two teamed together to try and destroy Inuyasha?" Miroku asked harshly, shocking Kagome.

"Of course not!" Kikyou said, her tone bitter. "We are here to ask for your help...isn't that right, Naraku?"

"Hmph, not if I can help it!" Naraku said, glaring at the two mortals in front of him.

Kikyou huffed and muttered something about 'typical man' under her breath, before summoning one of her sperm...I mean soul stealers. "Now, my precious, please lead Inuyasha and the taiji to us," Kikyou commanded her pet. As soon as the soul stealer was out of sight, she sighed, and turned towards the glaring trio. She sighed again.

"If you must let out some vented frustration...I suppose you can fight...but no killing each other," she commanded. As soon as this was said, Kagome backed out of the clearing, and Naraku and Miroku got into fighting positions. Kikyou pinched the bridge of her nose, trying to prevent the coming headache. 'This is going to be a long quest,' she thought to herself. She looked up in time to see Naraku try to attack the houshi with his tentacles, whilst calling "Evil Tentacle Rape!" (AN: I know that's not really his attack...but, it sure looks like it! Plus, this is a humor fic, so deal with it.) Kikyou turned away, and found a close tree to sit under, and doze peacefully. She knew Kagome wouldn't dare come near her, so she'd have a little rest time before Inuyasha showed up.