InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who wants to be a millionaire: Inu-style ❯ The next day. Round two. ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter two: The next day

Chapter two: The next day. Round one.

Me: Welcome back! Okay without any delay here are the answers from yesterday aren't ya'll happy?

Audience: YEAH!

Me: OKAY! Here there are now. (points to the answer boards.)

Answer board read:

Inuyasha answer was: …. (Some scribble stuff.) `10 mins.and twenty-one secs.'

Kagome answer was: umm MTV `2 mins and ten secs.'

Sango answer: what a station? `1 and a half min and five secs.'

Miroku answer: can I leave? ` five mins and twenty-two secs.

Shippo answer: a drawing of him and Kagome with a rainbow and a sun and a clown and stuff and other crap. ` 15 mins and fifty-two secs.'

Kikyo answer: I need souls now! And I won't go to hell without Inuyasha. `6 mins and 6 secs.

Kouga answer: Inuyasha you're a piece of shit! Remember that ya punk ass mutt! `four mins and six secs.'

Inuyasha growls as the audience laugh. Yup Kouga was a one happy ass demon. I just shake my head.

Sesshomaur answer: I agree with you Kouga! Inuyasha is complete worthless hybrid! NAH! `2 mins and 2 secs'

Me: (LMAO!) Okay then hmm. Well folks all those answers where completely wrong! Well (sighs deeply.) I guess we have to go with the fastest person who was… (looks at answer board.) SANGO! Lets give her a hand!

Audience claps and make catcalls. Sango walk over to "the chair" and sit down. This is going to be fun.

Me: Ah Sango! How are you?

Sango: hmm lets' see I was here all night without any water or food! (eyes start to tweak.)

Me: (shrugs) AW that too bad! I'm sure Miroku couldn't kept you satisfy!

Miroku: Hey that an idea! I like this show now! ( start doing different poses)

Me: Settle down. okay the rules are simple there are ten questions and you only have three lifelines before you lose. Your lifelines are 1) ask the audience. 2) phone a friend 3) 50/50. do you understand?

Sango: No not really.

Me: Too bad on with the question. (Ahem clears) question number one for 100 bucks "What color is Miroku hair?" A) White. B) Pink. C) green. Or D) Black

Sango: (looks at Miroku and Miroku blows a kiss at her.) umm D) Black!

Me: Good for you. question two for 200 bucks " why are you blushing?" A) you like Miroku for the pervert he is. B) You like it like that. C) blush can't say that on TV. D) you two have something going on!" Now answer fast!

Sango: UMMM. Well….

Me: come on! We don't have all day! WANT TO USE A LIFE LINE!

Sango: I don't know!

Me: Fine. Let's use ASK THE AUDIENCE! Audience vote now! I mean it everyone better vote or you die!!! (laughs evilly)

A couple minutes later.

Me: okay lets see what the audience voted for YEAH! (pushes the magic blue button that pops up the answer board screen) 50% audience went with C) blush can't say that on TV. And the other 50% voted for A) you like Miroku for the Pervert he is. So now, Sango which one will you chose or do you want me to pick another lifeline for you?

Audience: (chanting) Chose one of ours!

Sango: FINE DAMN IT ALL! C! I pick C! My answer is C!

Audience: ooooooo's. (make more catcalls and woo hoo's.)

Inuyasha: well at least we know what all those noises were last night.

Shippo: What you mean Inuyasha? I didn't hear any noises last night.

Audience: Shut up Shippo! You ruin everything!

Inuyasha: Feh that what I always say but oh No! I always get sit for it!

Kagome: Sit boy!

Me: FEH that only works when I say it now! You have no power over him now!

Inuyasha: AH hell yeah! I like this show Now too! (joins Miroku as they give each other a high five)

Me: Sit boys!

Both Inuyasha and Miroku bodies crash to the ground! Everyone shocked as Miroku have yet to be sat before and the silence turns into a five minutes of laughter at the two.

Sesshomaur: I still the only normal one here!

Me: Yeah I guess so! AHEM anyway. Next, question for what 400 bucks "What color is Miroku's underwear?" A) Blue B) Green C) white or D) he doesn't have any on.

Sango: OKAY THIS IS ENOUGH! I don't want to know and I don't want to chose any of those answer I leaving!

Me: Fine then we taking your money and your leaving! ONLY Forever! (pushed a the red button and the chair drops down in a deep dark evil hole.) BAHAHAHAHAHAHMUHAHAHA!

Audience joins in my evil laughs with a few aw's cuz now they won't ever get to know what color are Miroku's underwear. The contestants look in complete state of shock.

A new chair drops down and replaces the old one in a matter of seconds.

Me: She was the weakest link.

Man in the audience: Hey, you can't put two shows together like that!

Me: I'll do what I want when I want and how I want it. NOW DIE STUPID LITTLE Man! (Takes out some kind of gun and shoot him.)

Sesshomaur: Now I like this Show!

Me: AW thanks Sesshomaur! (blushes) Okay next fastest finger question. Ahem, "What is Inuyasha favorite food." Answer NOW!

The six contestants wrote on their little answer boards ASAP then a big bang was heard as Inuyasha, Sesshomaur, Kouga, and Shippo flew out their chairs. Holding their ears.

Inu, Sess, Kou, and Ship: Our ears AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Demon and Hanyou can't handle that kind of noise

Me: Stop whining! Now most important answer board show as our contestants' answers.

Kikyo answer: Me `six secs.'

Audience: (oh's and aw's and more catcalls) what have ya been doing?

Inuyasha answer: a funny looking drawing of a cup of Ramen '30 secs.'

Kagome answer: Top Ramen `four secs.'

Miroku answer: Any kind of noodles but he really like Top Ramen! P.S. please bring Sango and tell her I am not wearing any underwear. `twenty secs'

The Female audience: YEAH BOY! (catcalls and whistling.)

The Male audience: EWWWW MAN! Too much Info.

Inuyasha: Well I won't be looking at you the same way anymore.

Me: (blushes and thinks `damn answer thin said they were white. Hmm oh well.) calm down ladies and gentlemen and demons and Hanyous. Remember to breath. Back to the answers please.

Shippo answer: yet another little drawing only this time is a picture of himself looking and laughing at an over stuffed Inuyasha with Ramen coming out his nose and ears. though Inuyasha still shoving more out his mouth. `five mins and fifty secs.'

Inuyasha: why you little punk! Come here! (Runs around the stage area chasing a laughing Shippo who throws the markers at him.)

Audience laughs while Kagome is powerless to stop Inuyasha from knocking the daylights out of Shippo. As I become furious.

Sesshomaur: Can normal people like myself just go home?

Me: no but we look at your answer.

Sesshomaur no please look at Kouga's first.

Me: fine. Answer board show us Kouga's answer.

Kouga answer: Shit, crap, turds and anything else mutt faces like him eat. `six secs'

Sesshomaur: Yes it's true I used to feed it too him when he was a child. Stupid hybrid! `six secs.'

Inuyasha: I never ate shit! Who do you two think you are that sick little 8 year old kid that keep making stories like that about us? HUH?

(Note to anyone reading this: There really is so-called little 8 year old on fan fic .net making all these stupid short poopie stories about Inuyasha characters and it's really a disgrace to all us writers. So this is more like an inside joke thing cause after I read that mess I want to send that kid a freaking virus or something. oh yeah the brat love flames and you can't report him either but he misspells everything in his stories and there less than ten words! LMAO times 20 AT HIM!)

Sesshomaur: Yes you did and the kid never made a story about me! Cause I hunt him down and kill him and leave him half dead in a snake pit!

Kouga: He made one about me! Damn him!


No one moves or even blink for a few minutes. For I had just gone super sayaian without even knowing it.

Me: hmmm must be cuz of my brothers and male cousins. ACK THEY HAVE RUBBED OFF ON ME! Ummm we will be right back after our short break.

*Five hours later and after I had two baths, three showers and took a nice little nap*

ME: Hello everyone! I'm back! (looks everyone almost everyone is dead!) HEY, I'm Back!

Audience and contestant moan and whimper. I take out some Sezu beans and water and give them out to everyone. Everyone reenergizes and start to cheers as Kagome gets back into the chair.

Me: so how ya feeling now?

Kagome: Just great. Never felt better. (thinks `I hate this place. I hate you. why am I even in this story. Many people have did this and you wont be that last!)

Me: Ha I can read your though girlie to back off. Yeah I know many people I wrote almost the same story but mines is equally annoying and I love it! besides, I have totally control over all of you. (laughs evilly) Ahem. So, shut up till I ask you the question or you never see Souta alive again!

Kagome nods her head as Inuyasha lets out a grin and thinks `wow Kagome getting punked for once. Thought I'll never see that day.'

Me: anyway question number one for 100 buckaroos "WHY don't you like Kouga?"

Kouga: I like this question.

Inuyasha: I don't

Me: silence! Hush puppies! Anyway the answers are: A) You and Inuyasha are already a couple just that you never told anybody. B) You're a lesbian and you really like Sango but she dead now so now you Kikyo but then she also dead. C) you got a thing for dead girls or D) you really like Kouga just afraid that Inuyasha is some sick stalker killer so you can't tell him. chose now! (loud shotgun is heard)

Me: Oh damn! That the end of today's show. Too bad. Any last words?

Kikyo: Bite me

Inuyasha: She better just forfeit this question.

Kouga: shut up mutt face. She loves me. YEAH! YEAH! YEAH! YEEEEAHHHH!

Sesshomaur: I have to feed my dragons and clean Jaken's cage can I please go home?

Me: No! anyone else.

Shippo: Miroku cross yourself your scaring me.

Miroku: (looks down) oh like this. (spreads his legs out.)


Kikyo: You people just want me to go to hell. If this happen fifty years ago I would have killed myself.

Kagome: There's an idea.

Me: What am I on again?