InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Who wants to be a millionaire: Inu-style ❯ More choas. ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter three: And yet, the chaos keeps on rolling

Chapter three: And yet, the chaos keeps on rolling!

Me: welcome back! We're here with Kagome still in the chair!

Audience: YAY! (Catcalls and yells are heard.)

Me: So Kagome what is your answer?

Kagome: what was my choices again?

Me: GRRRR. A) You and Inuyasha are already a couple just that you never told anybody. B) You're a lesbian and you really like Sango but she dead now so now you Kikyo but then she also dead. C) You got a thing for dead girls or D) you really like Kouga just afraid that Inuyasha is some sick stalker killer so you can't tell him.

Kagome: ALL THOSE ANSWERS ARE WRONG! They have nothing to do with why I don't like Kouga either!

ME: Fine! It's lifeline time and I pick for you phone a friend! AT&T please call Mark.

Kagome: WHOM THE HELL IS MARK? He's no friend of mines.

Me: Never mind!

AT&T dials Mark's house and Marks picks it up.

Mark: Hello?


Mark: Hi sweetie! What's up!

Me: Doing another stupid game show!

Mark: Oh lemme guess who wants to be a millionaire?

Me: YUP!

Mark: so I'm the friend so get me the question. I was taking a shower.

Me: OO (keep away from last week "social activities" memories.) OKAY the question is "Why do you like Kouga?" A) You and Inuyasha are already a couple just that you never told anybody. B) You're a lesbian and you really like Sango but she dead now so now you Kikyo but then she also dead. C) You got a thing for dead girls or D) you really like Kouga just afraid that Inuyasha is some sick stalker killer so you can't tell him.

Mark: WHAT? HAVE YOU BEEN DRINKING AGAIN? I'm taking my shower? (Hangs up the phone.)


Kagome: (laughs) stupid question!


Kagome crashes down to the ground as the audience laugh as Inuyasha rolling around howling and laughing. Kikyo smirks. Sesshomaur rubs his temple and Kouga looks pissed. Shippo starts to cry and Miroku looks brainless. Finally, Kagome gets back in the chair and is in a daze.

Kagome: my answer is A and that my final answer!



Kikyo: INUYASHA LOVES ME! (Runs over and grab Inuyasha whose face is as red as his kimono.)

Me: Next question for 200 buckaroos "What would do for a Kit-Kat bar?" A) Be a stripper B) Make out with Inuyasha C) be Miroku sex slave for a week or D) steal from your mama

Kagome: These questions makes no sense!

ME: Sure they do now pick an answer!

Kagome: let's use a lifeline! (Rolls eyes.)

ME: Okay! Lets ask the audience! VOTE NOW EVERYBODY!

*A few minutes later. *

Me: Okay let's see what the audience chose! WOW 100% went with C) be Miroku sex-slave!

Kagome: WHAT THE…..

ME: AW' that nice so is that your final answer or will you chose a another answer?

Kagome: 50/50!

ME: Okay computer take away two of the answer leaving one wrong answer and the correct answer thanks. (Waits a couple seconds.) Oh okay now your answerers are C) be Miroku sex slave for a week or D) steal from your mama.


Me: come on the choice is yours!

Kagome: I rather be Miroku sex- slave than steal from my mama! I hate this SHOW!

Miroku: WOW! I'm speechless.

Me: fine have it your way! (Gives Kagome a Kit-Kat bar and pushes two buttons.) The chair drops and always Miroku falls after a hole appears under his feet.

Sesshomaur: Well three losers down.

Kouga: MY WOMAN! (Jumps down the hole after Kagome.)

Inuyasha: HEY you two keep away from Kagome!

Kikyo: you care more for her than me Inuyasha?

Inuyasha: HELL YEAH!


Everyone crashes down on the ground as the audience laughs and hollers at them all. I count to ten. Okay next fastest finger question. "Why does everyone hate Kikyo?" Answer NOW!

*A few minutes later*

ME: okay let's look at the answers. Oh great and power answer board show our contests' answers please!

Inuyasha answer: some scribble `two secs.'

Shippo answer: A picture of Kikyo looking like the devil and using the pitchfork on Inuyasha and Kagome. `Four mins and five secs.'

Sesshomaur answer: Anyone who think Inuyasha would make a nice lover has serious mental problems. Inuyasha can't even read or write! `Six secs.'

Kikyo answer: I don't care if people hate me or not. At least I end up with Inuyasha! `Four secs'

Me: Well the correct answer would have been she a bitch but regrettable we will have to go with Shippo's answer, which is the devil!

Shippo: I don't want to go on the chair! (Starts crying)



Inuyasha gets up with one his fake smiles and picks up Shippo and cheer him up. Once Shippo stops crying…….

Shippo: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! (Lands head first on the chair.)

Audience: Ha, ha!

Me: well Shippo please make yourself comfy you can't make out with my chair okay.

Shippo: I hate this show. You killed Kagome! I hate you!

ME: No I didn't. I just gave her what she wanted a Kit-Kat bar and Miroku! I don't care I hate you too.

Shippo: But she likes Inuyasha!

Me: too bad for him.

Shippo: Your mean and evil like Kikyo!

Me: Good for me. Okay first question…….

Shippo: I refuse to answer it!

Me: okay well that's too bad cause this question worth a hundred bags of candy!

Shippo: A 100 bags!!!!! I change my mind! I answer it!

Me: good for you now first question, "When the last time you wet yourself?" A) A few moments ago. B) Last night. C) Every ten minutes. Or D) Every time you hear Kagome's name.

Shippo: I don't wet myself that much!

Inuyasha: HA!

Me: Answer the question please.

Shippo: No I don't care if all those bags of candy came crashing down on me and burst me into flames!!!

Me: well your wish is granted then ya midget!

A hundred flaming bags of candy come crashing through the roof and fall on Shippo bursting him into flames as he round around the stage area in total pain. I push my little red button and Shippo is dropped down. With all the bags following him.

Audience: HA, HA!

Sesshomaur: great now it smells like BQQ in here.

Me: hmm yeah, it does. Oh, well next fastest finger question "how many jewel shards did Kouga have?" Answer now.

*A few minutes later*

Me: Answer board! Show us the answers!

Loud noise is heard as Inuyasha and Sesshomaur growls, and hold their ears.

Me: aw well have to wait till next week. Last words anyone.

Inuyasha: This show sucks!

Me: You suck, shut up!

Inuyasha: growls.

Sesshomaur: Gee Inuyasha if you had that much creativity why don't you lean how to read and write!

Inuyasha: Shut up Asshole.

Sesshomaur: Bastard

Inuyasha: Shit-ball

Sesshomaur: punk

Inuyasha: AT least my nickname isn't Fluffy!

Sesshomaur: No it's Clifford the big retarded hybrid mutt! Now shut-up!

Me: (LMAO) good one Sesshomaur.

Kikyo: I want to go back to hell. It was way better then here. Actually, this is a lot worst!

Me: Shut up. Join us next week folks as I show all our players answers.