InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why?! ❯ No, I don't believe it! ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

No, I don't believe it!
Chapter 4
Kagome woke up and remembered that she had to go wake up sota for work. “I will get ready first then go wake him up. He will enjoy the extra sleep” kagome said happily. Glad that her brother was home safe and sound.
@@@@30mins later@@@
she walk out the door to go wake her brother and she see a pipe in the widow. She starts to run while thinking `what's that?! What is that??!'. Once she get there she see that is the carbin dixons pipe sticking out the widow. `No that not what I think it is!!! That cant be what I think it is!!' kagome thought. Once she get to the car; she throw open the car door and a strong smell of gas hits her.
Then she see her brother laying in the back seats looking like he is asleep. “Sota wake up.” Kagome said. “Sota come one wake up your going to be late for work!” she see that he's not moving. She goes to shake him up but nothing. `no he cant be…!! He cant leave me!! He wouldn't do this… No!!' kagome thought. “SOTA!! WAKE UP PLEASE WAKE UP!!!!” kagome yelled. Then she goes to feel his pulse. Nothing not even a little beat. She slowly start to back away from the car. “no it cant be.! No no no” slowly shakes her head and falls to her knees, “it cant be! I don't believe it!! NO NO NO I don't believe it!!. SOTA PLEASE wake up. Its not funny come on just wake up…” kagome cries.