InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why Can't I Love Him? ❯ Yuki. ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Why Can't I Love Him


Yuki’s POV

A demon! What do I do? I’ve never had a demon break in here before.

What was he carrying? It looked like someone was injured! There was black youkai blood all over the place. The first demon laid another demon down on the pallet where the sick or wounded men were normally placed while I was treating them. He turned around and I got a good look into his golden eyes.

At first they were dark and mysterious. They showed nothing but fear and panic. And then they softened. He knew I was afraid and he wasn’t going to hurt me. He needed my help.

“Will you please help him? He doesn’t deserve this. Please.” I nodded my head and gathered my slaves. I didn’t know what it was that told me it would be all right to do this, but something did. Perhaps it had something to do with what was written in that young demon’s eyes. He loved this broken demon so much that he would even entrust a human to help him. I wouldn’t let that poor man down; I was going to save this demon if it was the last thing I ever did!

I got to work. I had never seen such extensive damage. By everything I knew, this man should be dead by now. I had to find a way to suck out the poison. If I couldn’t stop it from circulating soon, this man really would die.

I heard the young man move behind me. Then there was a slap as his hand made contact with his face. He was hitting himself?

"Myouga? What are you doing here?" I turned and saw that the strange demon seemed to be talking into his hand. I leaned a little bit closer and recoiled. He was talking to a deformed flea! And the flea was talking back!

"Inuyasha-sama! Is it true that Sesshoumaru-sama is wounded? The demons have been crawling all over this mountain searching for him so they can claim to have delivered the final blow! His blood's everywhere. I've been practically drowing in the scent since I entered this forest. Where is he? No one seems to know if he's dead or alive or where he is." The little flea was jumping up and down at an amazing rate. It looked like he was about to burst from excitement.

"Yes, he's wounded. Myouga. Go and look for yourself. He's right there and he's been there ever since you came in here." The flea turn his head slowy and sighed.

"I knew that. Oh! This is bad Inuyasha-sama! If one of the demons were able to follow the scent like I did...."

"I know what would happen! Shut up if you're not going to help! I'm fully aware of what might happen!" The younger demon was getting very angry. He seemed strained and the white dog ears on top of his head were twitching like mad.

"If you two would be quiet, I'd like to find a way to stop this poison before it's too late." I said softly, but both of their eyes flew in my direction. I blushed from being put under such scrutiny so quickly.


"Step aside girl. You might not want to see this part." The fles thing hopped past me and landed on the gaping wound in the man's chest.

"What are you.....EWWW!!!" I had never seen anything more revolting in my entire life. The flea was growing and growing. I knew that he was obviously sucking out the poison, but it still creeped me out. When he had grown to about the size of my hand, he fell off and rolled away into the corner of the room muttering about something.

The man on the pallet winced and moaned. The other youg man jumped up and hurried to his side, knocking me over in the process.

"Sesshoumaru! Are you all right? Sesshoumaru! Please don't die. I still need you." I could see the tears welling up in his eyes. I would have left the room at that point if I didn't know that the older demon still needed my help. The poison might be gone, but he was still losing blood and there was a lot that was already gone.

"Inu.....Yasha.........You'" the demon, that I had pegged as Sesshoumaru, managed to say. I frowned and began to move towards where the man in red was hunched over the injured one.

"I never left you. I would never leave you. Sesshoumaru, I never stopped. Did you hear that. I was like you. I never stopped!" He was smiling now and the demon laying down pulled his mouth into what looked like a smirk, but I could tell that it was his own attempt at a smile.

"Um, yeah. That's lovely and all, but if you don't mind, I would like to stop the bleeding now." I said and I elbowed him out of the way so I could reach my salves and bandages.

I turned when I heard no protest from the other man. He had fallen. At first I almost paniced, but then I heard the deep breaths. He was exhausted and relieved. All those combined had sent him into a faint, which promtly turned into a deep sleep. I let him lay there as I finished what the flea had started. The whole time I worked I could feel the eyes of the demon, Sesshoumaru, on me.

"Why don't you speak? I know you can, and I know that you're not as weak as you seem to be." I said calmly as I couldn't stand his silence any longer. Those amber eyes were starting to creep me out a bit.

"I didn't speak because this Sesshoumaru was under the impression that you wished for silence." He answered. I sighed in relief. He seemed a little more polite than that Inuyasha person who had curled up in the corner of my one-room hut that the deformed flea hadn't already taken over.

"I didn't need hysterical people yelling while I was trying to think. You seem to be doing anything but yelling even though this must hurt." I said. I admired people who honestly didn't care about the pain. The people who could run through fire without complaining. This demon was the person I had always dreamed of. If he wasn't so weak. I might have even started flirting. Sure, that other man was in the room, but I figured they were related in some way. They looked almost exactly the same.

"This is nothing. I will heal in a few days and then we'll be on our way. I, Sesshoumaru, have many things to do." Was he always this polite? It only served to make me like him even more, demon or not.

"Who is that man that carried you here? By the looks of it, you two are related." I was only asking a simple question, but something moved deep in his eyes. There was a deep sadness down there that I had accidentally touched with my innocent question. There was something going on between these two. It looked like they had been in a fight recently. "I'm sorry if I have offended you in any way."

"You did not offend me. We are brothers." There was something in his voice. It sounded like longing, but that couldn't be. Not only was the young man that was still sleeping this handsome man's brother, but they were mad at each other. Once again I was reading something more into a situation.

"You need to sleep. I doubt that you'll be up and moving in a few days and you need your rest." I was worried. What ever could make him say that he would be able to move in a few days. Wounds like this took months to heal. I blushed at the thought of being able to spend time with him while he was confined to bed for an undetermined amount of time.

"You shall soon see then..." He began, but he couldn't finish his statement and he fell into dreams. He was still very weak like I thought. He wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.


How did he manage to be able to walk around the hut so soon after the wounds being inflicted? An injury that major would have put the strongest man I know on a futon for at least a month. No, the strongest man I know would have been dead before he even reached my hut.

His brother seemed ot be happy about him being able to walk, but he wasn't saying much about it. They weren't talking to each other much, but I would see the younger one looking at Sesshoumaru out of the corner of his eye. Sesshoumaru was doing the same thing when he thought no one was looking as well. It must have been a pretty big fight to have them this skittish.

The little flea had come to rest on one of the less smelling jugs that I keep around for various purposes. He seemed to be deep in thought about something and his eyes kept shifting to the sword that the younger brother was clutching. Inuyasha, as he was known, hadn't taken his hand off of it since he woke up. He also kept glancing at the door and sniffing at the air. I had seen Sesshoumaru reaching for one of the two swords he had on him, and he had also made a few snuffs at the fragrant air.

"Will someone tell me what is going on! You keep staring at the door!" I yelled pointing at Sesshoumaru. "You keep holding on to your damn sword as though your life depends on it!" I pointed at Inuyasha. "You keep sitting there doing nothing!" I pointed to Myouga. "And you all keep sniffing at the air as though your high on something!"

They all stared at me. I knew what was going through their minds right about now 'What happened to that sweet healer girl?' Well, I can be sweet when I'm taking care of someone, but if I'm not, then fur will fly.

"She has a right to know. It's her life as well as both of yours." Myouga said.

"I was under the impression that your life was in danger as well, or are you going to run away again?" Inuyasha said sarcasticly.

"I would never run away in your time of need! How could you say something like that to Myouga, your trusted servant?"

"Prove me wrong and I'll stop."

"I, Sesshoumaru, command you to stop! Myouga, tell the girl what you must, but use discretion. This Sesshoumaru cannot stand hysterics." Sesshoumaru cut in swiftly and put an end to the annoying arguement.

"Yes. Young girl, I do not mean to alarm you, but with Sesshoumaru-sama in this condition, unable to defend himself, many other demons will want to take advantage by killing him. Inuyasha-sama is merely looking out for his and your health. You cannot possibly withstand an onslaught from greedy demons." Myouga said calmly.

"Why would anyone want to kill him? And why do you keep using the phrase "sama" at the end of their names?" I asked. I was even more confused. What had I gotten myself into this time?

"Yes, Myouga. Why do you persist in calling my half-breed of a brother Lord. He has no reign over you. I do." Sesshoumaru sneered.

"Don't start." Inuyasha said. His tone sounded defeated. It was almost as if he had given up. "My brother happens to be the Demon Lord of the West Sesshoumaru-sama. I'm a nobody."

The hut was deathly quiet. I sat there and digested the new information they had just given me. I had just healed the hated demon Lord of the West. If any of the villagers found out that he was here, we would have more problems than a few little demons.

"Inuyasha-sama! There is a huge demonic aura heading this way!" Inuyasha stood up quickly and moved to the door. He began to growl and Sesshoumaru, I still could not think of him as the Lord my family had raised me to despise was him, followed suit. Great! Now what was going on? Could it be one of those other demons' that Myouga had just spoken of?

"Naraku!" Both brother's spit out at the same time.
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