InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why do you have to love me? ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Inuyasha of course was still taking a bath. It had only been about 10 minutes when he felt his brothers presence. But he didn't care about that any more. He sometimes even wished that sesshomaru would kill him. `maybe now he will finally end my pain…' inuyasha thought as he sat in the water. The top of the water just reached his belly button. His legs were crossed and he had his arms on his chin to support his head.

Seshomaru new exactly where inuyasha was and remembered to put kagome up wind so she would find him and not the other way around. He also knew that inuyasha knew where he was. But not kagome. Her sent was deeply covered in his own since she was practically naked so he opened his shirt and securely tucked her in. he went around to the other side of the hot spring and set kagome down. He knew his sent would go away though since he put a spell on her a little while ago when he first resurrected her. He studied her face, even though knowing she would wake up soon. She was about 99% naked but he didn't care. All he wanted to do was look at her face. `she really is beautifull. I know why now why inuyasha fell in love with her. I hope im making the right choice doing this. Oh well, it will work out' he thought while stepping away from the young girl. Now he ran. He didn't want inuyasha to know that he actually did something nice to him.

"hmmmm…? Where am I? I thought I saw seshomaru but… oh well I guess I was just imagining it. But wait, inuyasha and I where just fighting naraku when I was hurt and… oh well I don't care. Maybe that was just a dream also", kagome said quietly to her self while sitting up to look at where she was. `What's that sound? Water maybe? Yes! I remember now. Im by the hot spring I always go to. But wait. Theres another sound there too? Hmmm ill go check it out' Kagome got up and went over to a big tree by the edge of the hot spring. When she looked around at what what was what seemed like crying, she gasped. In was inuyasha. `why is he crying? What happened ?' "I-Inuyasha? Inuyasha why are you crying?" she called at him from about 20 feet away. Seeing him crying so hard made her tear up. After aobut a half a second tears where practicly jumping out of her eyes. "inu-i-inuyasha, what happened?"

Inuyasha stoped thinking about when kagome died (that's why he was crying so much),and stoped breathing all together. his heart skipped a beat. He looked around at where the voice came from. He knew there was only one person on this planet to have such a beautiful voice. `Kagome?' he thought, just about to look at the person. When he finally reached his head around, he just cried harder.