InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why Me? ❯ Meet Everyone ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yay-full-ness I got my first review (and only one). Yeppers but I still happy.

Meet Everyone

I was unpacked and asleep before my roommate came back but hey, I was tired. I probably look weird. A fully dressed girl, hanging halfway off the bed, covered with pillows, and to top it off holding a metal bat. Okay I admit it I don't want to be unprotected when or if some guys try a panty raid. But yeah that's how I fell asleep.

Inuyashas' POV

"I can't believe how lucky I was!" I exclaimed to Sango and Miroku.

"So you are saying some girl burst in through the door right before Kaede could murder you and Naraku?" Miroku questioned.


"Well, aren't you just the luckiest bastard in the world." Sango mumbled as she fumbled for her key.

We usually hung out at Sangos' cause she had no roommate and, it was clean. She opened the door, stepped in and gasped. Miroku and I peered in curiously. She was gasping because the once plain boring half of the room that she didn't occupy was filled. Not with normal chick crap but Anthrax, Linkin Park and Metallica posters. On the bookshelf there were endless comics. A huge black boom box sat on top of the desk. CD's were piled around it. It looked a lot fuller. Whoever this girl was she and Sango would get along well. Sango was one of those punk tomboyish girls. It seemed that this girl was to. I sat down on the bed which was strewn with pillows. As soon as I sat down on it I heard a small groan and immediately sprung back up. Sango moved a pillow and uncovered a face.

"That's the girl!" I said in an excited whisper.

Kagomes' POV

Damn I heard voices. People were disturbing my rest. I was warm but I knew that I should get up. Alright facts about Kagome time:

I hate waking up.

It takes me around an hour to fully wake up without coffee or icy water.

I tend to mumble evil plans the first 5 minutes that I am awake.

I never put down the bat unless I am half way awake.

I like dark places while in the first quarter of the waking state.

Now facts about people:

When someone is getting out of bed mumbling ways to kill secretaries it is scary.

People with metal bats are scary especially when they are talking about killing.

They don't understand my genius of world domination.

When the person with the bat goes into the closet and yells "Nigh-nigh Mr. JiggyFly!" then cackles evilly it is hard to feel safe.

Inuyashas' POV

Alright the girl just walked into the closet and yelled "Nigh-nigh Mr. JiggyFly!" then laughed. I was a little creeped out. The three of us outside the closet stared at the door for roughly 10 minutes.

"Yay, I get to room with a maniac." Sango said softly, this effectively broke the silence.

Miroku and I laughed at Sango's reaction. But after a few minutes of laughing we started to talk. We left around 7 with promises to hang out after tomorrow's classes.

Sangos' POV

After the guys left I went into the closet with ice water. I knew that she was just a hard sleeper. I knew how to wake her up because my brother, Kohaku, was also a hard sleeper. Cold water always wakes their kind up. I made sure I was out of the bats' range before splashing the water on her. It was a smart move because she swung the bat.

"Hey sleepy. I'm guessing that you are my new roomy, huh?" I said it in a teasing way.

"Yeah. I'm Kagome. Thanks for waking me up."

"The name is Sango. I'll do it every morning. I need the practice."

Her response was a laugh and a nod to show me that it was alright with her.

We started talking. She was cool. We were also very similar. I compared our schedules and found that we had all of the same classes, including Advanced P.E. When I questioned her about it she told me about all the fights she has been in and I knew she could handle it. I could tell that we would be friends when she expressed her hate of preps. She told me about her cousin who sounds like a total bitch. I then told her about my family. She was a great listener. We swapped stories until 9. I even agreed to take her on a tour of the school which is something I've never done for anyone. We were gonna be best friends in a week!