InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Why She Kept Her Head Down ❯ Momma Said Knock You Out! ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hola again! You guys/gals really like this story don't cha? You're just eatin' this stuff up,
huh? Well get ready for the next chapter!

Oh one more thing. A lot of you reviewers asked me about the hood situation in the last chap.
So let me explain. Her friends have already seen her face right? Well,they cleaned her up,
which means they cleaned up all her wounds, like her face and etc. And they put fresh clothes
on her too, which means they put a fresh jacket with a hood. So, when she was laying in bed
Inu couldn't see her face. And when he looked down at her she looked at him out of the corner
of her eye. When Kagome is looked at from a front view, she always looks at them at an angle,
never sraight on. Did that clear things up? I hope so, 'cuz I can't really explain it any
clearer than that.

Disclaimer: I don't own Inu!!!!

Chapter 8: Momma Said Knock You Out!

Kagome had the greatest time of her life dancing with Inuyasha, she wished she could do that
anytime, but she knew that she'd be trapped in that veil of darkness for the rest of her days.

It was friday, everyone was looking forward to their weekends. Kagome never felt one way or
the other about weekends, particularly because she never had anything to do. Except now she
had friends and if Kagome knew them the way she thought she did, then that meant they'd most
likely have something planned for the weekend and would throw her into it.

The day went by surprisingly fast for a Friday, and before she knew it, it was time to chow
down on some lunch. She met up with her friends as usual and everything went smooth from

Inuyasha and the others came on time for once, apparently Miroku and Koga were already in too
much trouble to try anything else stupid, for a while at least.

"So, Kagome, what was the reason you couldn't make it to the party?" Inuyasha asked

"Uh.." She started, but stopped when she saw Inuyasha looking behind her.

She turned to see Kikyo and turned back around and said,

"Is there something I can do for you Kikyo."

"My, you've certainly developed quite a backbone lately." Kikyo said, smirking.

"You know, it's starting to get hot out, I'll bet you're positively sweltering in that
jacket, allow me to help you air out!" Kikyo said, snatching Kagome's hood off.

"Ha! I knew it was you when I saw you at that party yesterday!" She said in truimpth.

It was like the whole world was moving in slow motion. Kagome could see the look of shock on
Inuyasha's face. She felt violated, everything that Kikyo had done to her up 'til now wasn't
as bad as this. She was now out in the open, she felt naked and suddenly she snapped with
rage that had been built up inside for far too long.

"You...BITCH!!" Kagome screamed, whirling around and punching the shit out of Kikyo.

Had Kikyo known that Kagome had taken a few karate classes, she would have thought twice
before she did that. Now Kagome was no expert at fighting, but she could definitely take this
bitch on.

Everyone sat in shock. THIS was the Kagome that was hidden under the hood?! What happened to
the freakishly ugly girl they thought was under that hood? This was the girl from the party,
the same one that caused Inuyasha and Kikyo to split.

The only ones that weren't shocked, were Ayame, Rin, and Sango.

"Yeah! Kick that bitch's ass!" Sango yelled, cheering Kagome on.

Shock soon wore off and everyone began gather around the fight and cheer Kagome on as well.

"Kick little Miss Diva's ass!"

"You go gurl!!"

"Show her that you don't take no shit!!"

Kikyo tried to kick Kagome, but Kagome easily dodged it and did a round-house kick in Kikyo's
back, sending her flying to the floor. Kagome jumped on Kikyo and began to beat the living
shit out of her, far worse than Sango had done to her earlier.

Kaede soon came and had to force her way through the crowd, getting Kagome off of Kikyo was
even harder, she had to pry her hands off of Kikyo.

"What is going on?" Kaede asked, shocked that Kagome would do such a thing.

"This..FREAK jumped on me and started beating the crap out of me!!" Kikyo yelled, freaking

"That's because you took her hood down in front of everyone, you BITCH!!" Sango yelled,
jumping up in Kikyo's face.

"It's not like I hurt your girlfriend, 'ya lesbo!" Kiyko yelled back.

"YOU BITCH!!" Sango yelled and punched Kikyo square in the nose.

"That is enough!! Nothing but trouble has come from this group! Everyone come with me!" Kaede
yelled to the group.

"Ooo! I want to sit next to Sango in detention!" Miroku exclaimed, coming up behind Sango.

"No you won't 'ya bastard!" Sango said, back handing Miroku in the face.

"And you, Sango, are going to be signed up for anger management." Kaede said, after she
witnessed that.

"FUCK!!" Sango yelled, stomping her foot in the ground.

Everyone sat in Kaede's office, not really listening to her lecture. The battered Kikyo sat
on one end, while Kagome, Sango, Inuyasha, Ayame, Rin, Miroku, and Sesshoumaru, even though
he didn't do anything at all and wondered how he got mixed up in this, were set as far away
from Kikyo as possible, leaving Koga as the only one that Kaede could put her next to, since
she didn't want to risk setting off the gang of misfits.

Kikyo looked over at Kagome and shot an evil eye at her, Kagome shot her an even dirtier look,
while Inuyasha, Ayame, Rin, and Sango all flicked her off at the same time.

"..And never in all my years have I seen such atrocities from a group of kids.." She went on.

Finally, she let the group go, sentencing them to three weeks of detention for their little
show in the cafeteria. Kagome and the gang left. Kikyo limped back to her car.

"You really hate Kagome, don't you?" She heard someone say just as she was about to get in
her car.

Kikyo turned to see Naraku, smirking.

"What do you want?" Kikyo asked coldly.

"I just had some interesting information I thought you'd like to know about our dear friend
Kagome." Naraku said, still smirking.

Kikyo's lips turned up into a smile of pure evil.
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