InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wicked ❯ Overload ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 8: Overload

Why... was I fighting this... again?

Kagome felt like she was drowning, and even though a part of her was screaming at her, begging her to push away from this male holding her and run, it was such a distant part, and the haziness that was pushing her consciousness under was so rapidly burying that part of her, that it was leaving the rest of her unable to act.

She had never in her life been kissed like this – she had never in her life even seen anyone else get kissed like this, and that was saying a lot, because some of the movies she'd seen in her era had some pretty hot kissing scenes. But this...

If it had merely been about lust, and power, she could have fought that. But no – he used tenderness and passion, instead. His lips were barely parted, as he took her bottom lip between his and suckled and nipped at it gently, moving softly from side to side, as his hands swept up her sides to grip her upper arms. Unbidden, her hands moved to clutch at his shoulders, one tangling into the long fall of his topknot and clenching into the silken silver strands as he made love to her mouth.

After several long moments of that, he nudged against her nose with the tip of his, pulling back just slightly so that his lips still touched hers, barely, his heated breath flowing sweetly, hotly, against her as he whispered, “You cannot run from this, Kagome – you cannot run from a part of yourself. And make no mistake,” he stared into her open eyes, “I am a part of you. Do not fear the past, nor concern yourself with it, aite – in all the lifetimes I have lived, there has never been another you.”

His gaze was so intense, so focused on her as he once again nuzzled into her and nipped at her mouth, that she felt as though liquid pleasure had been dumped throughout her system. It was hot, sinful – and overwhelming.

And she loved every minute of it.

Finally parting her lips fully with his own, he swept in like the conquering warrior he was, taking over every part of her mouth and leaving nothing untouched – untasted. She moaned, caught up in the most delicious experience of her life - this was more sinfully rich than the most decadent chocolate. He tasted... of heat, and spice and life, and she knew that from that point on, he was her addiction.

Hazily, she admitted to herself that she had been a fool to ever think she could fight this male and win. This was seduction at its finest – sowing sedition in her mind and heart, drawing her to him and tying her there even though her mind still tried to fight what her soul had already come to accept.

Her eyes drifted closed in bliss, even as his hands shifted again, sweeping slowly over her wanton form, learning her contours, and what made her squirm. She whimpered, and Mattaki chuckled, a truly wicked sound as he trailed his nose along her heated skin, licking and nipping along her jawline and down her neck to settle over her racing pulse.

As his mouth opened over it, she inhaled sharply, her fingers clenching hard into his shoulders. But in the moment that he bit down, though not hard enough to actually break skin, she cried out, her back arching into the heavy form of the highly aroused male hovering over her. Confused tears leaked from the corners of her eyes as he sucked the delicate flesh into his mouth – there would most certainly be a very visible mark in that spot, but despite that fact – she wanted more.

She didn't care if everyone knew what they had been doing anymore. She just didn't want this to stop. Ever. Nothing in her life had ever felt so good, nor made her feel a woman. But the attentions from this male, despite scaring and sometimes angering her, did.

Inuyasha, Kouga, and Hojo – all males that had shown her attentions... and yet, they were like boys, and made her feel so immature, as if she were taking on their own attributes. And that was the bottom line – they made her feel as young as they acted... that wasn't a compliment. They were boys, playing at being men.

But not the male currently pressing himself against her as though he were trying to merge their very flesh into one being, despite the clothing between them. No, he made her feel like an adult female that was worthy of being treated as the strong, independent woman that she was. That was an addictive feeling.

And as he finally broke away from her, breathing heavily just as she was, she blinked up at him, and wondered: how could this male make her feel things that were so paradoxical? One minute almost making her feel smothered, and as though she were still a child too frightened to walk beside him, and the next, strong, independent – passionate?

Panting, she looked up at him, searching his heated gaze, though for what, she wasn't sure. “You described Sesshoumaru's feelings for Izayoi as love,” she whispered. “But you told me that 'love' isn't really the same for youkai.”

He stared back at her, his expression serious. “It isn't, but it's close enough. Youkai really don't have a single word to describe that level of emotion except to say that we are one with that person – so sometimes, the human word is used, especially when speaking to or around humans,” he said.

Is that what he...?

“B-but... you said that we are one, you know, before. Did you mean... that?Like love, but more?

“After everything that I have said to you, you still do not understand? With what I have shown you, is it really possible that you do not? I think that you do understand exactly what is between us – you simply fear it. But there is no reason to do so.” He pulled away from her, and sat back up, taking her hand and assisting her to sit up as well. He sighed. “What is it, exactly, that you fear, Kagome?”

She wrapped her arms around herself, suddenly chilled. I fear... “You.”

A startled, concerned look crossed his face. “What do you mean? I would not harm you.”

“I know not physically... at least, I hope not,” she chuckled a little nervously, “but... you're... overwhelming. Larger than life, you've lived for so long, and experienced so much. I feel... as though I'll disappear into you – that I'll lose myself,” she finally managed to articulate. “I'm so much younger, and unprepared for anything of this magnitude.”

She blushed, then, and looked off to the side, absently picking at the grass beside her. That had been one of the hardest things she'd ever told anyone – especially as he was the person concerned. It was almost worse than trying to tell someone you loved them for the first time and not being sure what their reaction would be.

Mattaki watched her for a few moments as he thought about what she was saying. In a way, he could understand her fear – he was intentionally trying to overwhelm her. It was all about domination, though he had no intention of drowning her – after all, she wouldn't be the female he'd become so obsessed with if he broke her spirit.

For an inuyoukai, though, it was about who was alpha. The male was dominant, and that was all there was to it. On top of that, he was naturally even more dominant – as the most powerful daiyoukai alive, no one was higher than he was. And he knew what she meant about her being so young to his own great age – though the age difference was so incredible that it didn't even matter any more, it was more a difference in experience, than age, that she was so leery of.

On top of that need to dominate and prove that he was alpha, was the need to prove that he was her alpha. That was another matter entirely. This was a much more intimate domination – and she hadn't yet submitted. Because the moment that she did, he would have her mated, marked, and bound to him for all time.

For a female youkai, domination and submission, the whole claiming process was accepted and understood completely on instinct, so there was no need for drawing the female in. But Kagome was human, and that added a lot of complications to the whole thing. What made the situation worse, was that she was not only human, but from another era entirely – one where males and domination really didn't come into play like they did in this era.

After all, in this time, males were still dominant, even in human relationships, and the women accepted that – they were meek. It was a double-edged sword in this case, though – if Kagome had been raised that way, he wouldn't have to be quite so domineering and tricky to gain his goals – but she wouldn't have attracted him so much in the first place, either.

That's what drew me. She is not a cowering bitch, but an equal. And though she will have to submit, the fight to get her to do so is what is so exciting. I do not think that anyone else could have ever gotten my attention as she has – because there is no other woman like her... especially here, in this era.

His deep baritone startled her out of her own thoughts.

“Submitting to me does not mean that I will take you over, Kagome. I do not want to break you – if I wanted a spiritless female, I could find one anywhere in this time. It is your feisty nature that attracted me in the first place.”

Kagome thought about that for a moment, but then shook her head and stood up, suddenly needing to get away. “I need to stop thinking right now, and just let everything settle. It's kinda all been too much, you know? Besides-” she looked off into the trees where Inuyasha had disappeared, “-I need to go talk to Kikyou.” Her face saddened. It's not my place to comfort him anymore, and despite the fact that Mattaki was right about how I feel for Inuyasha, for so long, I thought I felt something else... and it's hard to let go.

She took a deep breath, trying to rid herself of the tightness of her throat due to hurt, and finished. “Inuyasha needs her – after everything, he shouldn't be alone for too long.”

“Hai.” Mattaki stood. “That is probably true. It would have been better, perhaps, if Sesshoumaru had stayed out of this situation, and Inuyasha had found out in a different way,” he allowed.

She shot him an irate look at that. “Really? Then why were you the one that wanted to tell us rather than accept Sesshoumaru's challenge?”

“Two reasons. One, I thought that it might make Sesshoumaru back down without a battle – and two, in a fight to claim a female, all's fair – I will use any means to keep what is mine. Inuyasha might be upset, but he will get over it.”

Kagome was appalled at how callous he sounded right then, and she glared at him. “How could you?! He's your son!”

His expression darkened. “With my return, he would have found out sooner or later – and it was better this way than that Naraku character finding out and letting it out during a battle, ne? Do not question me on this, Kagome – it is not your place to do so. You might know what happened in the past, but it is not your business to interfere. I know what I am doing.”

Her back went so stiff he wondered for a moment whether she would break it, and then she turned away from him, an angry flush darkening her cheeks.

“You mean it wouldn't have been, if I hadn't been dragged into it. But that's fine, I'll stay out of it.” She began to walk off. “But you will have to return the same courtesy. Stay out of my business – and that means staying out of anything to do with me. I am not your business, Mattaki.”

In a flash he was stalking after her. “You are my business, miko – I am your protector – and I will be your mate. Do not walk away from me!”

Her head snapped around, and he was actually taken aback at the sheer rage burning in her eyes. “I can protect myself – I do not need you. You appointed yourself without even asking me. Go find someone else to protect, Taisho-sama, and leave me the hell alone!”

“Bitch! You will not deny me!” he snarled, his eyes flashing red and his cheek stripes going as jagged as Inuyasha's ever had.

Kagome's eyes narrowed, and she clenched her fists so tightly her fingers went white. The moment his eyes flashed red and his youki began to spike, Kagome's reiki responded, flaring into visible life, wrapping around her protectively.

“I am Kagome, I am not Mattaki, nor am I a simple belonging. I will never give myself to one who thinks like you, no matter what I feel. I am not yours,” she spat recklessly, “I belong only to myself! Don't you ever forget that!”

As angry as her defiance was making him, he also could not deny the fact that it was arousing him beyond anything he'd ever known – she was the only female in all his life that had ever denied him anything, and despite the fact that her words meant nothing, because she did belong to him, the fact that she even went so far as to verbally refuse him was as much as he could bear.

“You would challenge me? That would be... unwise, miko,” he said, his voice rumbling warningly.

He was stunned when she said, “Whether I fight you and lose or not, I win, because either way, live or die, you still lose.”

She is a true bitch, not backing down at even the threat of death. Magnificent!

His body tensed, and his eyes narrowed, going hot and desirous. “If you do not wish to be mated right here in this field, Kagome, run,” he whispered darkly.

Startled, she gaped at him. What the hell? Fighting makes him want... that? “You must be joking!

With a low growl that rumbled the air around them, caressing her skin as though he were actually touching her, he said, “I assure you, I am not. Run.

With one last shocked glance at him, she did just that, not realizing that she had just initiated a courting behavior when she did. It made no difference that he had incited her into it, nor that she did not know that she had done so, and he had no qualms with taking advantage of her lack of knowledge. He did not care for what others would think, he would take any chance, use any trick, to take her and bind her, make her his, join his life force to her own. Except actual force, of course.

The moment she disappeared from sight into the trees, he was after her, and, so intent was he on his prey, that he did not even notice the golden eyes so like his own follow his form as he flashed after her.


So he spoke the truth to this one, she does belong to him, Sesshoumaru mused as he watched his father chase after the stubborn little miko. He couldn't help but feel his admiration of her strong will escalate – no one had ever defied his powerful father as she did, and he had to acknowledge finally that she would never have backed down from him, either.

All those times that she had stood up to him... it was clear that she would not bow to anyone. It would be interesting to see if the determined daiyoukai chasing her was able to figure out how to get her to submit. It was very possible that Mattaki, Inu no Taisho, had finally met the one who was his match – and more.

It seems a joke that the kami made such an unbreakable female human. She would have been a most formidable youkai. A dangerous opponent she would most certainly have been if she had the killing instinct that a youkai does, instead of the warm heart of her human nature.

He looked away, then, for a moment, a slight frown darkening his brow. Still... in that she is like... Izayoi. She, too, had a warm heart. Perhaps it is that which attracts the male inuyoukai – females of our kind are cold, greedy, manipulative bitches with very few redeeming qualities save power. His mind flashed to his own mother. She was all of the above and more, and despite her power, he could not bring himself to warm to the idea of a mate like that.

With an almost inaudible sigh, he turned from his perusal of the well clearing, and headed west, back to the clearing he had left Jaken and Rin in. This situation has left me with many questions... and nowhere near enough answers. I will have to watch carefully, to see the outcome of all of this.

And then his frown deepened. Does Naraku know of my father's return yet?

And what of the Western Lands?


If Sesshoumaru had only been a day further to the east, he would have seen firsthand the answer to the first part of his question, as a small village took the brunt of the spider hanyou's displeasure at the return of a being that he could not match in power, even with as much of the jewel as he held.

By the time his rage had calmed itself somewhat, there was nothing left of the village save ruins – and of the people, even less than that. It was horrifying – and it was assured that his rage would come again, and more than likely be rained down upon those helpless against him when it did.

But there is always a price for your actions, and Naraku's bill was coming due soon...

Though on that day, as he stared around at the ruins, breathing heavily, trying to calm enough to begin thinking of ways to destroy the new danger to himself, the costs of his actions hadn't yet crossed his mind, and instead, he merely allowed the slaughter to calm his nerves so that he could once again regain his equilibrium. Bloodshed had always pleased him, after all, and there had been much of it this day.

So the Inu no Taisho has been returned to life. How did it happen – and who did it? I will have to discover everything that I can about him, his strengths and his weaknesses – and exploit them. A slow, horrific grin crossed his face, then, as he thought back to what his saimyousho had reported – apparently, he already had one strong weakness that could be used.

Kagome. The same weakness that Inuyasha shared – or at least, half of the hanyou's weakness, since Kikyou was the other.

And then he scowled. That was another thing. Kikyou. Alive, again – only fully alive this time, after he'd finally been sure he'd killed her. What was it with that wench that she just wouldn't die, and stay that way? He wondered, rather sourly, whether Kagome would be just as hard to keep dead – as it had already proven most difficult to even kill her in the first place.

But perhaps, with both of them alive, and traveling together, he would have a better chance of destroying them both, for good? He would have to be careful, of course. It would probably be best to concentrate on Kagome – thus destroying the Taisho, to get the most dangerous threat out of the way first – Inuyasha and Kikyou could be dealt with afterwards.

He moved off towards the peak of the mountain before him, his thoughts once again clear and controlled as he plotted his enemies destruction, leaving behind yet another destroyed village...

And trailed by many, many, vengeful ghosts. They could be patient in death, waiting for their chance – but they would have their vengeance soon.