InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will It Be Too Late ❯ Tape Three ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters nor did I create any of it, all of that belongs to the one and only RUMIKO TAKAHASHI. The book, "Thirteen Reasons Why," by Jay Asher, inspired me to write this particular fanfic, so the plot of this story goes all towards him.

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A/N: Thank you to the readers who reviewed the previous chapter, that really meant a lot to me. I hope you enjoy this chapter as well.

Chapter 4: Tape Three

Sesshomaru was lying in his bed while deciding if he should go to school or not, but finally he decides to go anyway. The only reason why he wanted to go was because he is hoping to catch Kagome at school. Ever since the first day of listening to Kagome's tape, he has been on edge in trying to find her or luckily run into her. Every moment of the day she passes through his mind, his heart begins to ache even more. Reluctantly moving out of bed, he sets off to get ready for school and another Kagome less day he has yet to realize.

Leaning against his car he looks over the crowding students in search for Kagome, but once again he does not see her. "Where can she be," he whispers to himself. Grabbing his backpack and throwing it over his shoulder he heads inside of the school. Walking towards his locker, he sees Inuyasha's slut of a girlfriend leaning against it. 'I really don't want to deal with this whore,' he thought, 'and what the hell is she wearing?' Sango had on red tight halter top that's so tight that it's pushing her breasts out of the shirt. The shirt barely went past her bust. She also have on a black mini skirt that have her ass hanging out of it with some fish net stockings and red stripper heels.

Approaching his locker, "what do you want, Inuyasha's bitch," Sesshomaru asks while shoving her away from his locker, so that he can open it.

"Don't be like the baby," Sango cooed at him while caressing his arm.

Tensing and feeling disgusted at her touch, he pries her hands off, "Don't touch me," he demands.

Frowning, "when are you going to fuck me Sesshy baby," Sango asks while trying to show her cleavage.

"Don't ever call me that again slut," he says with disgust written all over his face, "I will never lay with you; you sorry excuse of a whore. I prefer to be STD free. I don't even want to be nowhere near you," Sesshomaru says as he pushes her out of the way to go to his first class of the day.

Arriving at said class, he sits in his normal seat by the window. Sesshomaru was too engrossed at looking outside that he didn't even hear his Anatomy teacher come in and start class. It didn't matter if he missed a lecture or two because he is at the top of his grade anyway. Instead of listening to his teacher talk, he started reminiscing about when he first met Kagome.


A seven year old Sesshomaru was moving in the house right next to Kagome's. His mother had just passed away and his father thought it would have been better to start a new life somewhere fresh. His father wanted him to have Inuyasha's mother fill the place of his deceased mother, but he didn't allow that to happen. So he tried to stay away from them as much as possible.

Ever since Sesshomaru found out that his father was having an affair with his bastard of a brother's mother, he decided that he would have no relations towards them. In Sesshomaru's eyes, they all killed the one who was dear to him. He begged his mom to fight the Leukemia and live, but his mother refused to live without his father and let the Leukemia take her life without a fight. Once she took her last breath on her dying bed, Sesshomaru vowed that he will hate his father for the rest of his life.

While the movers were taking the furniture inside the house, little Sesshomaru had spotted a little girl about his age. The little girl had shoulder length, raven hair and bright blue eyes. She wore a sad expression upon her face while sitting on the side walk all alone. Being curious, he walks over next door to speak to her.

"Hi, I'm Sesshomaru. Why are you so sad," he asks while taking a seat next to her.

Looking up to him with unshed tears, "hello Sesshomaru, I'm Kagome. I'm sad because I miss my father who passed away a year ago," little Kagome replies with a sniffle.

"Oh, I also lost my mom a year ago, she died of Leukemia. I blame my father for her dying though," Sesshomaru says with a hateful look.

"My father was hit by a drunk driver while he was on his way to work, but my mom blames me for his death," Kagome says as tears slide down her cheeks.

"It's ok, it is not your fault," he responds while patting her on the back, "since we both lost someone so close to us, how about we become friends."

"Yea, I would like that very much," she smiles, but it doesn't fully reach her eyes.


As Sesshomaru finished reminiscing of the past he did not hear the question his teacher asked him.

"Mr. Tashio," his teacher calls to him once again.

"Yes," he replies as he stopped gazing out the window to look at his Anatomy teacher.

"I know you are at the top of your class, but please pay attention."

Expelling Kagome from his mind for a while, he begins to give his professor all of his undivided attention.

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Finally home and homework finished, Sesshomaru goes and retrieves the next tape he is supposed to listen to. Even though Kagome was getting in the way of his attention in his classes, he could not wait to get home just to hear what Kagome wanted to tell him next. Sesshomaru doesn't know it yet, but every day he spends on listening to a tape, he starts to care for Kagome like he used to when they were kids, as well as giving her a little sympathy.

Taking his place upon the bed, he starts the next tape.

I remember the time when we first met, we lived right next to each other. I'm sure you found out that I do not live in that house anymore, and I miss it so. It had some of the dearest times I have shared with not only my father but grandfather as well. Not only them, but when you came into my life, you also made living there peaceful most of the times when my mother was not harassing me. But unfortunately, after the death of my grandfather, money has been tight due to the fact that my mother would use most of the rents money and etc. to pay for her liquor and drugs. Not to mention that my Jii-chan's funeral had to be paid for.

There was not much money, so we all had to move to a cheaper home, and I had to get a job to provide for everyone. My mom didn't want to work; she just stayed home and drinks her soul away. Even though I manage to pay for the funeral and the bills at home, my so called mother takes the rest of the money from me to pay for her booze. Leaving me with no money to buy for clothes or anything else I would need. The financial situation was and still is horrible than ever.


Her mom was sitting at the kitchen table downing her second bottle of Vodka. It was a week before Kagome's grandfather's funeral and the payments have yet to be paid. Also they were all four months behind on the house rent, and other bills that need to be compensated. Her mom would not tell her where she stashed her liquor money.

"Mom we are behind on the rent and other necessary bills, and jii-chan's funeral needs to be paid for," Kagome says with tears streaming down her cheeks.

Drinking another shot of Vodka, "Well since you are a whore, then why don't you go out and become a prostitute to gain some money for your dear dead grandfather," her mom yells.

"I am not a whore, I was raped," Kagome screams at her mother.

Getting up from her seat, she sways a little to get to Kagome and slaps her hard across the face giving her daughter a split lip. "You will not raise your voice at me, you ungrateful bitch! You should have died right along with your grandfather! Oh how I hate you so," Kagome's mother sneered while walking out of the kitchen towards the stairs. "Don't you go lying about you being raped; your brother and I both know you go whoring yourself around, you slut."

"I do not," she whispers while curled up in a ball on the floor.

"You figure out a way to pay the bills and your dear grandfather's funeral because I am not paying for it," the mother slurs while walking upstairs to her room.


Every chance she can get, she raids my room looking for money, so that she can go and buy her precious alcohol and dope. With every tantrum she pulls when she has no more money, well when I have no more money, the financial situation gets worse and worse every time. We are already neck deep into debt, and I have to constantly wear the same clothing for at least four days or so just to get by.

Sesshomaru laid in his bed seething, "that bitch deserves whatever bad that's coming to her. She shouldn't even be called a mother," he says to himself.

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"Where is the rest of the money Kagome," her mother screams at her.

"There is not anymore money," Kagome tried telling her mother, "My job cheated me out of my check, so all the money went to the bills in the house."

Not believing her, she punches her daughter in the jaw, "I want the rest of the money, I'm running low on liquor and cocaine," she yells while throwing things around in Kagome's room to find some cash. While looking under the bed in a shoe, she finds fifty dollars. "Next time you hide money from me, I'll do more than punch you," she says while storming out.

After her mom left out of her room, Kagome quickly closes and locks the door. Going to her dresser, she opens up the top drawer and picks up a razor. Taking the said item she cuts another line on her arm to release a little pain as she has done before.

Crawling in a ball on her bed she chants, "Only ten more days to go," over and over again, until sleep overtook her.

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A/N: How was it? Was it bad, good, sad…? Let me know, I want to know if there is something on your mind about this chapter. Well I hope you enjoyed this posting. The next installment will be up soon.