InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will It Be Too Late ❯ Tape Five ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters nor did I create any of it, all of that belongs to the one and only RUMIKO TAKAHASHI. The book, "Thirteen Reasons Why," by Jay Asher, inspired me to write this particular fanfic, so the plot of this story goes all towards him.

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A/N: Thank you all for the reviews; it really means a lot to me that you guys are still interested in reading my story. Thank you and sorry for the late post; school has been hectic, but I have a couple to a few more weeks with studying and other work. Then I can finally let my stories take up all my time and keep you all happy and satisfied. I hope you enjoy this chapter.J

Chapter 6: Tape Five

It is now Saturday, and Sesshomaru is very glad about it. He hasn't been doing too well in giving all of his attention in class. He curse the fact that ever since Kagome left him that package, all he could think about was none other than her and the other situations she lived through. Every moment that goes by, he wonders what could she be doing, and what other problems has come upon her.

Laying in his bed, he can't seem to stop the questions that keep increasing with every tape he listened to so far. One question played through his head over and over again. 'Where is she planning to go?' As he ponders the thoughts of Kagome, he twiddles the tape he is supposed to listen for the day between his fingers.

When he first met Kagome, he did not think her relationship with her mother and brother could get any worse than it had before. Sure they were not on speaking terms and her mother kept filling up her brother's head with lies and such. If it were not for her grandfather back then, they would have been in more chaos. Sesshomaru knew her mother was a drunk, but also taking drugs was a new fact to him. How could a mother have so much hatred for her child, when in fact that that child is a piece of the man that has passed away? It really tugs at his heart each time he thinks of her situation. He couldn't believe he did not notice. 'She hid it well, but I'm sure there were many signs and I ignored them with my popularity,' he thought.

Sesshomaru remembered how much of a good man her grandfather portrayed himself. He was always there to keep the peace as much as possible. It devastated him that he did not know her jii-chan passed away. And the thought of her being in love with his bastard of a brother was just too sickening.

Thinking too much of her, Sesshomaru decides to ride around to clear his head.

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Kagome was walking from work towards home and she was thinking of what had transpired at her workplace fifteen minutes ago. Just the thought of how everyone calls her names, and the past transgressions that no one wants to believe brings tears to her eyes.


Kagome had to deal with another perverted customer again, for the hundredth time. As she was walking by to give a table their refreshments, a guy slapped her on her ass. At the impact she kept on walking without even acknowledging what the man did to her. With all of the sexual harassment she has been getting since she started that job, she just got used to it, but the other café waitresses didn't see it that way. There was nothing Kagome could do, it was either make money or face her mother's drunken wrath. Kagome prayed for the next eight days to come quickly, so that she may leave this horrible nightmare that seems to play over and over again every single second of her unlucky life.

Dealing with the customers was one thing, but Kagome tried her best to avoid her boss as much as possible. She did not want what happened with Miroku to happen again, but deep down inside; she feels it just might happen. That last encounter she had with Miroku has scarred her the moment he first touched her unpleasantly. Kagome still has nightmares of that night. Horrifying nightmares of her body being beaten, and blood continuously sliding from her vagina. The blood covered most of her upper thighs and legs, dripping in a big puddle. That was the same night her own little brother, Souta, called her a whore; and didn't want to believe she was raped.

It was now Kagome's end of her shift and she quickly runs to the changing room to place on her own clothes and head off home. As she stepped foot into the room, one of her co-workers was sitting there waiting for her to appear. "You are such a slut, having all those men out there touching you any way they like, and you do nothing to stop them."

"I am not a slut," Kagome half yelled.

"Yes you are, you whore. I see the way you flaunt your body gaining every attention there is out there," the co-worker kept harassing her ignoring the tears sliding down Kagome's face, "even the boss has a thing for you; you smelt like sex when you came from his office. You know what I believe; I believe you fucked every guy that shows his face, you cunt. That's why no one likes you," the co-worker screamed while pushing Kagome against the locker.

As Kagome slid from the locker to the floor, most of her money fell from her pocket and the waitress picked it up smiling. "Every cent you make is easy money for me to gain. Once a whore is always a whore," she laughed even harder while leaving Kagome plastered on the floor.


She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she did not see where she was walking and bumped into an unknown figure. "I-I'm s-sorry f-for…," but before she could finish her apology, she heard a scary familiar voice. Looking up her voice was caught in her throat.

"Well well well, look what the cat dragged in," the figure said as she circled her prey, "look my darling Inu; my playmate has come back to play," she announced as she happily clapped her hands.

At the sound of that voice, Kagome knew what was going to happen and immediately covered her head with her arms. As quickly as she covered her head, she fell to the ground and felt painful blows hitting her abdomen, arms, and legs.

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Walking into his room, Sesshomaru went straight to the tape he left on his desk and immediately took action. As he was driving, he still could not clear his mind, so he came to the conclusion that the thoughts plaguing his mind will never leave until everything is out in the open. He is now determined to finish the tapes and see what else would unfold, while trying to find her at the same time. Lying on his bed, he pushed play to start the tape.

"Every day I go through some type of physical abuse, but the main people who cause the most damages are none other than your brother and his girlfriend Sango. They started beating me when you and I stopped being friends and you went on your separate way. Inuyasha chose that chance after I came to him that day on Valentine's Day to tell him how I felt. That next day I went home from school with twenty-three bruises adorning my body from head to toe, maybe even more. Inuyasha and Sango not only used their fists and feet, but other objects as well."


It was the day after Valentine's Day. Kagome did not want to go to school because she did not want to see Inuyasha. What happened the previous day was very shocking and humiliating. She could see all the students there pointing and laughing at her, but she decided to just go to school, and hope that she doesn't run into her once lost love and his girlfriend again.

Walking through the halls to get to her locker, she saw Inuyasha leaning up against it. She was going to turn around and just go to class, but what was the point when he seen her already. Reluctantly, she walks over to him trying to figure out what to say. As she was about to open her mouth, he interrupted her.

"I know what Sango and I did was very embarrassing and I wish to apologize for me and my girlfriend's transgressions."

"O-Oh uhm o-ok," she replied hesitantly, but really had a loss of words.

"Ok, I will walk you over to where Sango is located, so that she can apologize also," Inuyasha says as he guides her to said destination.

"Ok," Kagome responds, but deep down inside there was a little voice nagging at her to not go because something was up. Quickly squashing the voice, she starts to follow him. As soon as she passed the janitor closet she was hastily pulled and thrown to the hard cold floor. When her eyes opened she was met by Sango's fist punching her on the side of her face. Then a burning sensation was coming from her thigh. Her eyes were closed, so she did not see that Sango burnt her with the cigarette she had been smoking.

"Did you think he was serious, you slut," Sango seethed, "I told you not to go nowhere near him."

"I-I didn't, h-he was…," before she could finish she was slapped hard busting her lip.

As Sango and Inuyasha seen the little bit of blood trickling down Kagome's chin, they decide to take the beating up another notch. Inuyasha decides to kick Kagome as hard as he can on her abdomen and stomping on each part of her body. His girlfriend went and pulled out a rake from the shelf and started bashing Kagome with the wooden part on mainly her arms and face. Too much in their blood lust, they decide to shed more blood. Inuyasha dug in his pocket to retrieve his pocket knife and began cutting on her stomach while Sango started hitting her with the metal part of the rake on her thighs. Splotches of blood were displayed on the cleaning equipment and floor.

Throughout the beating, Kagome screamed for help, but no one came to her rescue. As she laid there in a ball, she had no choice, but to take the abuse and hope it will be over soon…


"No matter how much I called for help, no one came. The janitor even came into the closet, but instead of retrieving help for me; he just left and ignored me completely. Inuyasha and Sango used whatever they could get their hands on to damage me. The whole day of school I was curled up in the fetal position all bloody and beat up. As I managed to gain some strength, I was able to leave and return home."

Sesshomaru was seeing red. He was not only angry at Inuyasha and his slut for hurting his Kagome, but he was angrier at himself. Then it all came to him.


"Oi, Sesshomaru," Inuyasha yells across the hall to obtain his brother's attention. Approaching Sesshomaru, "have you seen that bitch I've been pushing around lately?"

Arching a perfect silver brow, "Despite you probably beat on everyone in this worthless place excluding me, but I'm sure that bitch is the one clung to your arm." Seeing Inuyasha he continues calmly; while ignoring the seductive looks Sango was throwing at him, "Little brother I do not become engrossed in what you do, or anyone else for that matter," and he left before Inuyasha could retort to his comment.

Sesshomaru left without a word, and went on thinking back to Kagome. Since he was away and too consumed with his thoughts, he did not hear what Inuyasha and his wench said next.


"How could I could I let this happen to her," he whispered harshly to himself, but just as he was about to answer his own question he heard the front door shut. Rushing to get to the door, he sees Inuyasha with a little blood on his hands and clothes. Thinking of what Kagome just said on the tape, he runs over to his hateful half-brother and punched him directly in the jaw. He didn't give Inuyasha the chance to even speak, everything Kagome went through with the beating, he wanted to make sure Inuyasha received the same and more.

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Kagome finally reached her house, and walked inside. She was thankful her mother and brother were nowhere in the house, so she limped her way up the stairs to her bedroom as rapidly as she could. Halfway up the stairs she hoped she would approach her room before Souta and their mother could see the state she was in, and accuse her of things that she did not do.

Reaching said destination, the bedroom door was locked instantaneously and Kagome collapsed on her bed, from the pain she endured from the incident that just occurred. The physical suffering was too bad; she went into a state of unconsciousness.

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A/N: Well there you have it; another chapter done. Some parts I do love, but some I don't; maybe I just need to reread it over again. I have been writing all day, mostly for my Marketing class. If there are some mistakes, then feel free to address them, so that I can correct the errors when I have the time. Well, let me know how I did. I hope you all enjoyed it, if not all; some. The next chapter will be posted soon. Ja Ne…