InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will It Be Too Late ❯ Tape Six ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters nor did I create any of it, all of that belongs to the one and only RUMIKO TAKAHASHI. The book, "Thirteen Reasons Why," by Jay Asher, inspired me to write this particular fanfic, so the plot of this story goes all towards him.

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A/N: Thank you for the reviews; I love you guys. This semester of school is finally over until January, so I am going to try to post at least two chapters a week. If not two posts, then there will be at least one. Well enough of that; please enjoyJ.

Warning: There is a rape within this story and is somewhat a little graphic. There will be a warning placed if you would like to skip over it…

Chapter 7: Tape Six

Sesshomaru and Inuyasha are now sitting in a jail cell waiting for their father to bail them out. They have been there all through the night glaring daggers at one another. Inuyasha has numerous bruises adorning his face and arms. His lip is busted and bruised turning purple as the minute passes by; while his eye is completely black and swollen. Sesshomaru even managed to break his half-brother's nose through all the rage that was bottled up inside. Sesshomaru didn't have many bruises, but only a small purplish bruise upon his left cheek and a cut above his right brow. He still could not get over the fact of how stupid he has become. Little did he know, as he finishes all of the tapes that were given to him, he will be even angrier at himself than he is now.

They were in jail because a neighbor heard a commotion outside and decided to see what all the noise was about. It was their own father who had pressed charges on them for destroying some his valuables in the house as well as outside. He felt it was a good idea to send them both to jail for their actions and teach a lesson, and would come for them in the morning.

Sesshomaru wanted to break more parts of his brother's body, but the police had come and broke up the fight. He only felt a little satisfaction for breaking his nose, but when the time comes again he will do more than just that. "How does your nose feel, little brother," he asked with much malice.

"You bastard, I will kill you," Inuyasha yelled.

"Hey, quiet in there," a guard bellowed as he tapped his baton on the jail bars.

"I'd like to see you try," Sesshomaru replied calmly with a small smirk on his face, "I am just waiting for the opportunity to damage you more further," he continued as he walked up to his hateful half-brother. As he grabbed the collar of Inuyasha's shirt, he pulled him close to his face, "touch Kagome again, and it will be your end," he finished in a small, dangerous whisper. Inuyasha would rather be in hell before he would admit he felt fear when his brother said those words. 'What the hell does Sesshomaru have to do with Kagome,' he asked himself, 'didn't they stop being friends?' Before Sesshomaru could threaten Inuyasha any further, he turned as he and his brother heard footsteps. Quickly releasing Inuyasha, he began to walk over to the bars meeting up with the guard.

"All right, you have made bail," the guard said as he unlocked the door and slid it open. Just as Sesshomaru passed the warden, Inuyasha soon followed, but was stopped with a firm, strong hand against his chest. "Not you."

"Why not," Inuyasha screamed as he was pushed back into the cell.

"Because your father decided that you need more time behind bars," the guard laughed as he escorted Sesshomaru to the front.

"Can I at least get another phone call damn it," he bellowed, but calmed a little as he heard another guard approached his cell with a phone in hand.

"You are allowed one call, so make it count."

"I know, you bastard," he responded in a soft whisper as he punched in a number. "Hey Miroku…"

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Now home and away from his father's bickering, Sesshomaru decided to take a quick, hot shower before he listens to the next tape. His muscles are all stiff from the previous fight he had with Inuyasha. Clothes falling to the floor, he stepped into the waiting water. Sighing with great relief of the aches within his body quickly demolishing, he starts washing his body with haste.

Clean and aches gone, Sesshomaru starts his nightly routine. As he lay on his bed in a comfortable position, he pressed play to start the tape he has been waiting to listen to. 'I hope this tape isn't as bad as the last one,' he thought with a long, slow sigh. Oh but he was in for a startling surprise.

"There are many types of abuse I go through every day, but the one that gives me the most nightmares is the sexual abuse my boss, Miroku, has done to me. Every chance he gets at work, he always touches me in not so pleasant ways. He does not care who's around; he only cares about his satisfaction; the satisfaction of his release through my rape and my never-ending pain. Because of his actions, everyone believes I am a whore. I cannot leave my job, because of our money situation. I knew from the start of how perverted he was, but I also misjudged thinking he would never do that type of thing towards his employees, let alone any other person. That day it began was the second week of when I started working, and a month after my grandfather's passing. I was still mourning over the lost."


Kagome was now closing the café and the other workers had already left. They did not even offer to help. She didn't care too much because her mind was already occupied about her grandfather's death, and how she was now truly left alone. A few tears slid down her cheeks as she cleaned off the tables with a wash cloth. As she finished sweeping the floor, she headed towards the changing room to replace her uniform with her own clothing.

Too engrossed with moments with her grandfather and uniform fully removed, she did not notice a figure standing right behind her. As she was about to turn around, she felt a strong hand around the back of her neck and was roughly pushed against the lockers. Her breath was quickly knocked out of her. She stiffened as she felt a rough, calloused hand on her thigh travelling up to her woman hood.

"P-Please d-don't hurt m-me," she stuttered.

"Don't say anything or move, and I won't," he warned as he squeezed her private area.

Not caring for the warning she tried to struggle and run out the door, but was met with a hard slap and a fall to the floor. Looking up, she seen her boss unbuckle his pants, "Bitch," he bellowed, "did I not just tell you not to do anything stupid."

"P-Please," she sobbed as he began to beat her with his belt buckle, "just let me go."

"You will learn one way or another, and I will get my release from you," he screamed as he ripped off her bra and panties. As she still began to struggle, he began to punch her and quickly left to retrieve an item from the closet. When he returned, he became even more enraged that she tried removing herself from the floor and leave.


"Where are you going," he said as he rammed a broomstick up her womanhood, "you will learn to do what I say," he finished as he began to pump the broom in and out of her already bruised pussy with harsh and rough movements.

He ignored her ear piercing scream, and the blood that dripped into a puddle on the floor. He didn't care that her private area was now turning purplish, and to show that he didn't; he shoved his rock hard cock up her ass. The pain she was enduring turned him on even more, and relished the bloodlust he was now engaged in.


Kagome screamed for her life until she could not scream anymore. The pain was so unbearable she hope that his assaults would end very soon. She was thankful that she was not a virgin, but the pain was still too much to handle. She wanted to curse her grandfather for leaving her all alone, but she just couldn't do it. Just as that thought passed through her mind, she felt him pull out of her and showered her with his semen.

As he removed himself from over her, he began to choke her with so much force, "if you tell a soul of what happened tonight, I will do more to you than I just did now." With his warning, he left her sprawled on the floor in her own blood and his sperm.


"After that day I tried to avoid him as much as I could when I returned to work, but I could always feel his eyes on me. One of the co-workers believed I seduced him. When I ran out of the café, that same waitress came back to pick up something she had forgotten. It is obvious she told the other waitresses of my so called seduction towards our boss. They will always continue to call me a whore, and never believe of what really eventuated."

Sesshomaru laid in his bed, seeing red once again. He has heard that name, Miroku, once before but can't remember from where. He promised to himself that once he found Kagome, no one shall hurt her again. As he removed himself from the bed, he paced back and forth to release some anger, but that did not help whatsoever. Too much anger bottled up from images of Kagome's screams and pleas for help, and in result his fist met a mirror shattering it.

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Kagome had a very rough night last night. Her luck in the world is becoming worse by the minute. First she had a transgression with a co-worker, and then she ran into Inuyasha and his whore Sango. Something that she thought she could escape, but it proved her wrong.

Waking from unconsciousness she tried to move, but was met with sharp pains from her sides. Once again she tried to maneuver herself and had successfully made it out of the bed, but she was met with unbarring pain once again. Ignoring the aches and physical suffering, she began to clean and bandage her wounds. Satisfied that her injuries are taken care of for the moment, she fell back into bed back into mental blankness with one thought on her mind. 'I will soon be joining you jii-chan.'

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A/N: Another chapter finished. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. If there are any errors or you loved it, then feel free to tell me your opinions.

I like to thank lolistartkiller for making a fan art for this story. I appreciated it immensely. I have posted it as the cover picture for this story and if you want to see it in a bigger view here is the link, lolistarkiller. deviantart dot / # / d5nqg06, of course it is without the many spaces that is provided. The link will also be posted in my profile as well.