InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will It Be Too Late ❯ Tape Seven ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters nor did I create any of it, all of that belongs to the one and only RUMIKO TAKAHASHI. The book, "Thirteen Reasons Why," by Jay Asher, inspired me to write this particular fanfic, so the plot of this story goes all towards him.

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A/N: Thank you all for the great reviews for the previous chapter and the readers who are still enjoying this story as well as the new readers. I hope you all enjoy this chapter also.

Chapter 8: Tape Seven

Sesshomaru hit the snooze button on his alarm clock as he reluctantly removed himself from the bed to become ready for school. He clutched his hand gently against his chest because of the sharp pain that went through his knuckles from the damaged that was done last night. After he hit his dresser mirror last evening, he had deep cuts adorning his knuckles and the back of his hand. Blood dripped everywhere, but he did not feel any pain of that action due to the anger he was feeling at that time. Flashes of Kagome being battered and raped ran through his mind as he remembered what she told him last night. 'Why hasn't she went and told anyone when it happened,' he thought, 'was she scared of what he might do if he found out?' As every question formed he continued to become even angrier than before. He couldn't hit his mirror again because it was already shattered in pieces on the floor.

Ready for school and hand bandaged for the day he set off to said place he wished not to go. He hoped he would not encounter his brother in the hallways on his way to class. He heard him yelling throughout the halls of their home, so he came to conclusion that his father bailed him out. 'He should have let him to rot in there,' he pondered. It was fairly obvious that Sesshomaru will always hate Inuyasha, but when he found out what the bastard had done to Kagome, that hatred increased even more. All he wanted to do was beat the hell out Inuyasha again and find this Miroku character.

As he reached towards his destination, he heard rumors about Inuyasha through the halls. There were always rumors about him and his whore, but what he heard next almost brought a smile to his face.

"Have you heard Inuyasha received a nose job due to a broken nose from a fight," one student whispered.

"Noooo, really," the other student laughed.

As he passed those said students, he let a small smirk adorn his face, but it quickly vanished as he seen an unwanted visitor leaning upon his locker. 'If only that whore was a man,' he fumed. He approached her with disgust written all over his face, "What do you want," he seethed.

"Awww Sesshy bear don't be like that," Sango responded as she tried to pout cutely. "Inuyasha told me what happened the other day," she said as she walked towards him.

"I do not care what you or what that bastard has said," he told her as he walked around her to open his locker, "I hold no interest in anything or anyone."

Sango didn't care of his anger and disgust that clearly went towards her and she still pressed on, "Then why are you fighting over that whore Kagome," she hissed.

"Why does that concern you," Sesshomaru asked with a smirk. He knew what was going through her mind and frantically he did not care. Whatever could get her to leave him alone he would sure to proceed in that particular direction. Sango is known to be a whore and with him even talking to her would give him a bad reputation. 'Stupid cunt,' he thought.

"Because you are mine," she purred, "and you only belong to me," she announced as she placed her hands on his chest.

"I belong to no one," he said as he pushed her away from him. "The only one who belongs to you is that bastard of a half-brother of mine," he said as he slammed his locker, "I do not take likely to whores."

Sango never got the message through her head that Sesshomaru was never interested in her and never will be. No matter how much he called her a whore and other names she always came back. If it isn't him she is trying to seduce, then it is other guys at school and anyone else of that matter. Inuyasha is too dumb to even realize it.

He started to walk away, but was stopped by someone grabbing his arm. He quickly turned around and yanked his arm from the perpetrator. "What do you want Inuyasha," he said with anger laced with every word.

"Thanks to father leaving me in that cell; I had to call Miroku to bail me out," he responded.

"That isn't…" and then it clicked. As fast as he could, Sesshomaru quickly grabbed Inuyasha by the shirt and slammed said person against the lockers. "How do you know Miroku," he shouted.

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Kagome slowly opened her eyes, so they can adjust to the sun's light. Her whole body is stiff and sore. She knew after that whole ordeal with Inuyasha and his slut that it added more scars to her imperfect body. Kagome tried to cover up all of the scars and bruises as much as she could when leaving her home, but even with them covered she felt even worse about her body image.

As she removed herself from the bed, she bit down on her tongue to keep from screaming due to the fact of the excruciating pain that just will not go away. Her whole body screamed murder and she couldn't wait until she leaves this world to not feel pain anymore. 'All the years after my grandfather's death I felt nothing but pain,' she thought. "But it will soon end, and I will be free from it," she whispered as a tear rolled down her face.

Slowly she walked over to the mirror and removed her blouse, pants, and underwear. Kagome dropped the said clothing on the floor and looked upon her naked body. Portrayed on her torso and arms were years of old scars that were now pinkish. Kagome cried as she traced the blemishes that will never leave her physique.

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As Sesshomaru sped home, he could only think about what had transpired at the beginning of school. It angered him every time it ran through his head. If he was not stopped at that very moment, then he would have done serious damaged towards Inuyasha once again. He knew at that moment that everyone within that school will think he was never as calmed as he collected himself to be. He knew they were shocked at what he had done to Inuyasha, and did not care one bit. The only thing that went through his mind was… REVENGE.


Sesshomaru had Inuyasha pinned to the lockers with all of the attention of the other students within the hall. Sesshomaru didn't care, all he wanted was some answers about Miroku, and his hated brother was going to give it to him one way or another. He broke a part of Inuyasha's body once, he was sure to do it again. Sesshomaru tasted that opportunity, and didn't care if it was going to be his brother last dying breath. It seemed to him that anything Inuyasha was associated with always took something that he cared for dearly. First it was his mother, now it was Kagome.

"How do you know Miroku," he shouted.

"Why do you want to know," Inuyasha bellowed as he tried to pry his brother's hands from his person, "get the fuck off of me."

"Tell me where I can find this Miroku," he screamed as he pulled Inuyasha from the lockers and slammed him against them once again.

"I ain't telling you shit."

Before Sesshomaru could throw a punch he was immediately halted by a teacher by the name Hojo. Said teacher broke up the little encounter with the two brothers and sent the other students to their classes.

"What is going on here," Hojo yelled as he waited for someone to answer, but neither did. As his result Sesshomaru gave Inuyasha a glare that promised death and stormed to his awaiting class.


Sesshomaru stomped into his room and slammed his bedroom door as hard as he could. He didn't receive any answers from Inuyasha and before he could do anything he was stopped. After school he couldn't find Inuyasha anywhere and he waited for an hour, but soon heard that he had left school grounds right after his last class. "That bastard," he seethed, "he has to come home sooner or later." He quickly changed into his night clothes and gathered the cassette player and the seventh tape.

"My grandfather once told me that I was beautiful before he died, but I never believed him. He said that to me after my mother slapped me and told me I was the ugliest thing she ever saw, and no one would ever want me; I took that to heart. Do you know why? Because after she hit me, I had a huge bruise upon my face, but it never stopped there. As you previously heard, I am always physically abused in some type of way and it made scars that would never leave my below par body. If I took the time to count every scar that I have now and the new ones I am sure I will get later, they would be in the hundreds. I am never going to escape them until the day I leave. Six days and counting.

The blemishes aren't the only things that cause me to have a poor body image towards myself. It's the physique as well. At school, I used to wish that I had a body like the other girls. The long legs and creamy skin, where my legs were short and my skin was very pale. My nose was too big for my face, and one of my eyes were a little slanted than the other. I also felt that I was not skinny enough, and most of the time it led to me being anorexic. My hair was straight and thin, while the other girls were curlier and fuller. My breasts are small, where theirs are perky and full. I wanted to look so much like them that it hurt, but it would never happen. I am cursed with an imperfect chassis and the continuous pain that leads to it."

Sesshomaru was very surprised at what he had heard through the tape. 'I have never thought she had a flawed figure,' he thought, 'it always seemed perfect to me.'

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"I never had a flawless body and I never will," Kagome whispered to herself as she still looked upon her form through the mirror. She glanced up at the ceiling, "I knew you were wrong, jii-chan."

As Kagome walked over to her desk, she pulled out a razor and made two deep cuts on her arm, 'my body is already ruined, so more scars doesn't even matter. It only makes a little pain go away.'

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A/N: Another chapter done. I feel like some of it was great, but not all. I had a little trouble with it, but it came out alright. I hope you guys enjoyed it and if there is anything you would like to voice, then feel free to do so. The next chapter will be up soon... Ja Ne (^.^)