InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will It Be Too Late ❯ Tape Eight ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters nor did I create any of it, all of that belongs to the one and only RUMIKO TAKAHASHI. The book, "Thirteen Reasons Why," by Jay Asher, inspired me to write this particular fanfic, so the plot of this story goes all towards him.

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A/N: Thank you for all the incredible reviews I have received. I love you guys! I hope you all enjoy this chapter as well.

Mydarkeyes77; Sesshomaru's Night: Thank you for loving this story and taking the time to express your thoughts. It really means a great deal to me. To have you feel every emotion that Kagome feels honors me because that was what I was aiming for. To feel what she feels and to understand all the pain that she goes through.

DarkKitKat: Yes, Sesshomaru is finally taking revenge for Kagome since she is too frightened to do it herself. It is sad for Kagome that she is constantly walking into constant abuse.

lakeya2700: Sad thoughts tend to bring one down, but hopefully it'll get better. : )

LoveInTheBattleField; LoveAndFaith; Dina Sana; Veraozao; Emogaru: Thank you for loving the story and this will be continued until it is finished. ; )

Chapter 9: Tape Eight

Sesshomaru had other plans than to visit school today. He waited for his brother to return last night and he had never showed. He realized that Inuyasha did not want another encounter like the one at school, but Inuyasha was sadly mistaken. No one could stop him from his torture to receive information out of him; they were not at school, but at home with no one that can interfere. Sure they went to jail because of fighting the first time, but it will not get out of hand if Inuyasha decides to cooperate. He won't damage Inuyasha as much as he had before. At least… not yet anyways.

Sesshomaru removed himself from his bed two hours before his normal time when he leaves for school. He never received a good night's rest after he came upon the package Kagome had left him. It angered him of how much pain was afflicted on her. He knew deep down he was also a part of it, and the anger increased even more. 'How could I have just left her alone,' he thought.

After he placed on his clothes for the day, he went across the hall towards Inuyasha's room. Their father went off to work early, so Inuyasha had no one to help him out of his predicament now. Sesshomaru pounded on the door with his fist and waited for Inuyasha to open. Which was not very long.

"What do you want old man," Inuyasha bellowed as he swung open his door. Then at that very moment he noticed it was not his father, but his brother. 'Damn, he was supposed to be at school,' he cursed himself silently.

"What do you want you fucker," he asked rudely.

"I want to know who and where I can find this Miroku," Sesshomaru said with every word that dripped with venom.

"Fuck you," he replied as he tried to slam the door in his hateful brother's face.

Sesshomaru tried to handle it the easy way, but once again his brother had to choose the hard way. He was always stronger than Inuyasha, so he could easily over power him if need be. Sesshomaru stuck his right foot within the door before Inuyasha could have closed it and pushed his whole right side to keep Inuyasha from shutting it. Now that he is in Inuyasha's room he quickly grabbed his brother's throat and slammed him against the wall.

"You are wasting my time," he said as he squeezed harder, "tell me what I want to know," he sneered.

Inuyasha was having a hard time breathing, so he tried to pry his brother's hands off of him. But once again it was no use. He saw black spots before his eyes as he was slammed against the wall once more. He couldn't scream or yell, so he could only do one thing.

"M-Miroku is an f-friend o-of m-mine," he wheezed out.

"Where can I find him," Sesshomaru asked as he loosened his grip just a bit.

"He owns a café twenty minutes from here on Alexandria Street," he responded with fits of coughs as he slid down onto the floor.

Sesshomaru obtained the information he wanted and decided to let go of Inuyasha. He smirked as he watched his own brother drop down on the floor and suck in air greedily. 'After I am done with Miroku, I am coming back for you,' he vowed silently and went to his car.

Fifteen minutes later he arrived at his destination. He sped to get to where he was going because every time he thought of Kagome, a flash of her mistreatment goes through his mind. He wanted to damage this guy and he will have pleasure in doing so. 'Since when have I become so protective of her,' he thought as he walked inside of the building.

"Welcome," a waitress greeted seductively.

"Show me to your boss's office," he told the waitress as he turned hard eyes at her.

"Y-Yes sir," she said as she guided him to where Miroku would be.

The waitress did not say another word to Sesshomaru and left him to his business. As he watched the woman walk away, he knocked on the office door and waited for a reply. When he heard a male voice say 'enter,' he walked in and saw him and a woman straightening their clothing. The woman had a seductive smile on her face as she walked out of the room and went back to work. The room smelled highly of sex and he wanted to get out as soon as possible.

"What can I do for you," Miroku asked as he sat down at his desk.

Sesshomaru grinned evilly, "I know what you did to Kagome," he said as he stalked over to Miroku's desk.

"I-I don't k-know what you mean," Miroku stuttered.

Disgust was written across Sesshomaru's face as he grabbed Miroku's collar to keep him from running. He became more enraged when he tried to play stupid. His fist collided with Miroku's face as he turned him around. "Does the word rape ring any bells?"

"She wanted it," Miroku told him, "she begged for it."

Sesshomaru did not say anything else after that, he let his fists do the talking for him. He wasn't going to damage him as much as he wanted. It was a warning beating as he called it. A few punches here and there as well as a few kicks. It might not cure him of his rage, but he wanted his point to come across Miroku's mind. After he finds Kagome, he will make sure the asshole goes to jail for his actions.

"That is only a warning," Sesshomaru told him, "touch her again and it will become worst."

Sesshomaru walked out of the office after that threat. He continued throughout the café and noticed all eyes were staring at him. He only smirked because he couldn't care less of what they thought. He fixed his clothes as he walked out of the building. As he sat in his car and drove, he missed the being that was hiding from him through an alleyway.

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Kagome woke up for the day, so that she can get ready for work. Her body was still sore and there were some aches and pains, but nothing that would stop her from going to her job, so that she could get paid. Even though her mother and brother do not deserve it, she still cares for them. So before she takes her life, she wants her remaining family to have some money left for them. She wanted to make as much as possible because tomorrow would be the last day for her. Not because she was attempting suicide in five days; it's because she rarely works. She only works three days out of the week.

As she removed herself from the bed slowly, she went off to retrieve a quick shower. Something at the back of her mind told her that something today was going to happen, but she couldn't care less. 'Something always happens to me, so what's new,' she pondered.

Ready for work, Kagome quickly set off because she has no sort of transportation. She doesn't even have spare change to take the bus, due to the fact that her mother takes every penny she has left from paying the bills. While she walked to work, she hoped that none of the makeup will sweat out. Every time Kagome goes to work, she places on as much cosmetics as she can to try and hide the scars and bruises that are placed upon her flesh.

Ten feet away from her destination she saw a familiar face walk out of the building. 'What is he doing here,' she thought. "He can't see me," she panicked as she ran in an alleyway and hid from him. Kagome watched as Sesshomaru sat into his car and drove right passed her. She turned around, so that he could not see her face if he were to glance to where she were hiding.

Relieved that he is now far down the street, she walked into the building and watched as every being turned to look at her. When she looked at her co-workers, she saw them snickering and pointing towards her. As she raised a brow, she continued on her way towards the dressing room, but was immediately stopped by a voice she did not want to hear.

"Kagome," Miroku called her name, "in my office now."

She reluctantly walked inside of his office with her head bowed low. She had an idea of what was to come next, and as obvious as always she did not want it to happen. She did not know what made him sound so angry, but she knew that he was going to take it out on her. As she walked inside, she noticed he had a few cuts and bruises on his face.

"I had a visitor on your behalf today," he told her as he locked his office door. "Did I not tell you that if you told anyone of what happened, that it would be worse?"

Her eyes widened as she realized what he called her in his office for, and why she saw Sesshomaru leave. 'But why did he do it,' she thought. "I-I didn't tell a-anyone," she replied as she backed away from him.

"I beg to differ," he sneered as he launched at her.

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Sesshomaru returned home after school. He decided to go to said place after the little ordeal with Miroku. As he walked through the halls, he heard whispers of what he did to Inuyasha yesterday. It brought fear into them and he preferred it that way. He had no encounter with his brother or the slut that hangs on his arm and he was really grateful for that.

He sat upon his bed as he glanced at the next tape he was to listen to. 'What's next,' he thought as he placed the cassette inside the player. He closed his eyes as he pressed play.

"On a couple of tapes I mentioned the place where I work, but I never told you where. It is a small building that resides on the corner of Alexandria Street. That type of place is always filled with numerous perverts. The building is owned by the biggest pervert and rapist of them all.

As long as I have known you, you were not the type of guy who would like to see women walk around in clothing that barely covered anything. My clothing is more revealing than the others. As much as I hate this job, it was the only place for me to work; no one else wanted to hire me. I do not work much, but every time that I show up; I am always scarred for the rest of my life. If my boss is not somewhat molesting me, I am constantly being yelled and trampled on by my co-workers. They do not understand my pain because they are a part of my pain. They steal and say rumors about me that aren't true, and accuse me of things that I did not partake in.

If it isn't calling me a whore, a slut, or any other names they could possibly come up with; it is stealing from me or tripping me as I take an order to a table. Every time I leave Miroku's office and there is blood and cuts on my chassis, they tend to avoid the obvious and still assume that I had seduced him in having sex with me. There is no point of me voicing my concerns because they do not care neither does anyone else for that matter. To me it's a waste of my time and it's better if I just 'leave' to avoid all of the accusations and all the pain that is afflicted upon my person.

The customers are not better. The men constantly touch me in places they should not. They also make rude comments, and the girls become jealous because they do not receive the attention that they want.

My employment is an establishment that is owned by a pervert and served for perverts."

He could hear the pain in her voice and the silent sobs that she tried to hide. Every word she had spoken made his heart clench. Sesshomaru didn't too much pay attention to the clothing the waitresses were wearing because he had only one thing in mind. He decided that it was best just to go for a ride around to clear some of his thoughts, so quickly grabbed his keys and left.

He had been driving around for almost an hour now. He wanted to go back to the café and burn it to the ground, but something was stopping him from doing so; he just didn't know what and it angered him even more. Just as he turned a corner he saw a person walking with a limp down the street without a jacket and it was below thirty degrees outside. Something told him to stop by and help. There was something very familiar about that person. He stopped the car and quickly left from it to approach the individual.

"Excuse me miss," he shouted as he ran over towards her, "do you need any…" he couldn't finish his statement because he was shocked of who was before his eyes. "Kagome," he said.

"S-Sesshomaru," she stuttered as she backed away, "I told you not to come looking for me until after the last tape," she reminded him and then went off in a full run between the bushes and houses forgetting the pain and aches that screamed murder.

"K-Kagome, wait," he shouted after her and immediately went into his car to chase her. As he went around the block and up and down the street, she was nowhere in sight. "Damn!"

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Kagome finally reached home and she was out of breath. She quickly ran inside and into her room with the door locked, and completely fell onto her bed due to pain and exhaustion. 'I lost him,' she thought as she passed out.

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A/N: Another chapter finished. I hope you enjoyed it and the next will be posted soon. I hope you all have a safe Christmas and a wonderful holiday. Thank you again to my reviewers, for taking the time to comment. I also thank the others who are still reading my story and I hope you continue to do so. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year… Ja Ne…