InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will It Be Too Late ❯ Tape Nine ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters nor did I create any of it, all of that belongs to the one and only RUMIKO TAKAHASHI. The book, "Thirteen Reasons Why," by Jay Asher, inspired me to write this particular fanfic, so the plot of this story goes all towards him.

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A/N: Thank you for the incredible reviews. I hope you all enjoy this chapter as well.

Chapter 10: Tape Nine

Kagome awoke with a massive headache from the ordeal that transpired last evening. First she had to deal with Miroku once again, and then out of all people she had to run into Sesshomaru. It made her feel less about herself because Miroku had once more beaten her and raped her; she did not want Sesshomaru to see that. Seeing him again gave her an ache in her heart that was deeper than anything before. She saw him as a person she could always tell her problems to, hence in giving him that package. Even though he was another reason why she felt so much pain, she wanted him to hear what has happened to her before she takes her life. Ever since he stop speaking to her all together; her life went from bad to worse and it hurt to see him as she felt she could not confide in him anymore as they had years ago. She did the best that she could do and that was run away from the very person who promised that he would be her best friend forever no matter what. Kagome believed that in order to take away all the pain; her way out was to end her life.

With her head still pounding, she went to go take a few aspirins to help. She hoped that the immense pain she felt all over her body would also lessen with the action. Her body felt as if she was being stabbed over and over again and it brought tears to her eyes. 'Why do I have to be one of the unlucky ones,' she pondered. Her body felt as if it were torn apart from Miroku's actions. He kept his word to doing worse things to her than he did the very first night he took her against her will.

Everywhere Kagome went she was bound to get some type of abuse. If it was not home, then it would be work, and even school. School should have been a safe haven for her, but unfortunately it was the opposite. Some people think in order to get away from an abusive and a drunken mother was to leave for a place that would help with ones problems or point out the obvious. Everyone, even the teachers and counselors, could see that she had been beaten and they did not even try to help. They did not even acknowledge her. No one cared for her well-being at school.

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Sesshomaru could not sleep that night, he thought about Kagome and the state that she was in when he saw her. Her eyes were swollen and had cuts all over her face and arms. Bruises on her face and other things he couldn't have imagined that were done to her. He was beyond shocked of how she looked. 'How could I let this become,' he thought, 'is that why she ran from me?' It made his heart hurt to see that look in her eyes and the way she ran from him. 'Did she not want my help?' He knew he should have been there like he were before, but he let other things become before her that were not as important as her health. He had made a promise to her years ago and he has broken that promise. As he sat there thinking about Kagome and what has become of her; a tear slid down his face. Sesshomaru has never cried for anyone, but with her it seemed to happen. His heart called out for her; for once in his life he truly cared for someone and he was determined to make up for what he has done also. But he was also afraid that he will lose her and deep down in his conscience it is telling him that it might just happen.

Even though he saw Kagome for only a second, it made his heart jump for a little hope to find her once age. At that moment he wanted to take the pain away that was afflicted upon her for so long. Of course he did not know what had transpired for her to get those cuts and bruises, but he had a good thought of whom. It was fairly obvious the one he had threatened was the culprit, but who knows what else he would do to her if goes back there once again. It angered him just thinking about it. Once he finds Kagome again and she is safe within his arms; that is when he will receive his full revenge against said person.

Sesshomaru decided to not go to school today. He did not want to be bothered by anyone that was not Kagome. He sat on his bed and wondered how he could have missed this whole Kagome situation when it began. He knew she had problems within the family, but he never knew it would become as it is now. The signs were out in the open and he didn't even glance at them one bit. He was just at fault as everyone else, but with him he was willing to fix his mistakes.

As a few more tears slid down his face, he took the ninth tape and placed it inside the player. As the cassette started to play; he silently laid on the bed to hear what also called her so much pain.

"You know a school is supposed to be a place that not only educates its students, but also look out for them as well. Everyone at school including the teachers and counselors ignores me as if I am nothing. In their eyes I am nothing and they wish to not help me whatsoever. They treat me as if I am the scum of the earth that does not deserve their attention. When I was badly abused by Inuyasha and his girlfriend, I was sure people could hear my screams for help and the profanities that they both shouted at me. They did it at the beginning of school in the janitor's closet and I know there were many individuals who were walking by the said place. If someone truly cared for me, then someone would have come for my help.

The teachers treat as if I am stupid and below them. They continuously talk slow to me as if I am illiterate and other similarities. It was fairly obvious that I was smart, but in their eyes I was just dumb. The counselors are no better, I know they saw the cuts and bruises I received no matter how much I tried to cover them up. They would also tease and say that I could never look like the other girls and no one would ever want me. They never offered to help; they would always say that I deserved it. When I went to talk to them about my grandfather's death; they did not listen to a word that I have said. They just shrugged it off as if it were not there problem. I always felt invisible. If it was not speaking horrible things to me, it was ignoring me as if I were not there at all.

If it was not Inuyasha and Sango attacking me, then it was the other students. I never had any friends. You were my only companion until you stopped speaking to me. Every hall and classroom that I walked through, there would always be constant chatter about me or becoming a victim of their abusive actions.

I never felt safe at school nor did I feel as if there was something there for me. Tell me what is the point in arriving to school if I constantly get bullied and abused, and everyone thinks I am just imbecilic? There is nothing and no one there for me, just as it is nothing for me at home.

School is a place for someone to be looked out for and become something, but to me it is just another place of torture."

Sesshomaru could not believe the words that he had just heard. He could understand the students disliking her and always talk badly about her, but the thought of the grown-ups doing that was just unbelievable. How could they be called adults if they treated others so wrongly? He wanted to go to her and comfort her as he used to do and that only brought more tears to his eyes.

"I care," he whispered.

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Kagome sat on her bed and glanced through a year book that had everyone that always spoke down to her. Most did not want to sign it and the ones that did only wrote hurtful comments towards her. It would have stated that she was either a 'whore' or 'slut' and other awful things.

When she looked upon her picture it only showed the pain that she was in. No smiling as everyone else had. She touched her picture lightly and cried as she saw the pain in her eyes and the many bruises that stated she would never be safe anywhere. Her face begged for help and no one answered. 'Four more days grandfather, then I will soon join you in the afterlife.'

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A/N: Well there you have it; another chapter done. I had a little trouble with this, but I think it came out alright. Did you like it; hate it? The next posting will be up soon. Ja ne… ( ^ . ^ )