InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will It Be Too Late ❯ Tape Ten ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters nor did I create any of it, all of that belongs to the one and only RUMIKO TAKAHASHI. The book, “Thirteen Reasons Why,” by Jay Asher, inspired me to write this particular fanfic, so the plot of this story goes all towards him.

A/N: I greatly apologize for the long awaited wait for this next chapter and other chapters to my other stories. I have been sick and been dealing with personal matters as well as college. Just a reminder that even though I have not been posting as I should; I will not give up on my fanfics. THEY WILL BE FINISHED one way or another. Please enjoy: )

Chapter 11: Tape Ten

It was another painful day for Kagome. She decided to visit her grandfather’s shrine all day for the last time on this earth as she planned. Even though it pained her to see that her mother and brother did not want anything to with him, they did not set up a small shrine inside their home to always pay their respects. Since everything was always on Kagome’s shoulders, she went ahead and provided a place just for her and her jii-chan.

She set up everything at the place where she and her grandfather made as their secret location within a park. Every time they visited that particular destination, he would always speak of his dead wife, Kaede, and his son.

Finally set and ready to go, Kagome went slowly downstairs in hope to not run into her so called mother and brother. With anything that has to do with her deceased jii-chan, they would become angry and forbid her to go pay him any respects towards him. Just the thought of not being able to visit him one last time brought a tear to her eye just as she opened the door.

“Where are you going,” her mother asked suspiciously.

At the sound of her mother’s voice, she jumped from being startled. “U-Uhm… T-To work,” Kagome lied and stuttered as she quickly wiped the tear from her features. ‘She can’t find out,’ she thought with fear.

“You don’t work today,” the mother said as she walked closer to Kagome.

“They called me in today because one of the waitresses became sick,” she lied once again.

“Oh is that so.”


“Hmmm. Don’t forget my booze on your way home,” her mother said as she walked back into the kitchen.

“Hai,” she responded and quickly left to her destination. ‘That was close.’

Kagome’s mother sat at the kitchen table as she drank her last bottle of liquor when she suddenly heard the phone ring. “Damn it! Who the fuck is calling,” she bellowed as she walked over to the phone and answered.

“Hello,” she slurred.

“Kagome has not shown up to work for the past couple of days,” a male voice answered that was laced with anger.

“What? She told me she was…” and then it hit her of where Kagome actually went. “That whore! Wait till she returns home,” she yelled as she slammed the phone onto the receiver.

Inuyasha paced back and forth in his room muttering curses about Kagome. He hated the fact that his now hateful half-brother is starting to protect her once again. “What all has she told him,” he said to himself. He was waiting for Sango and Miroku to come over, so they can figure out how to finish Kagome once and for all. Everything was going well when Sesshomaru decided to stop talking to her, but now his life and his friend’s lives has become hell since he’s starting to feel for her once again.

The door bell rung and Inuyasha immediately ran down the stairs to open the door and get down to business. Today was the best day for them because Sesshomaru would not be home until late; due to the training he has to do, for when he takes over their father’s business. Inuyasha opened the door and Miroku and Sango both rushed in.

“You sure he won’t be here until late tonight,” Miroku asked with haste.

“Yes man, I’m sure,” Inuyasha replied.

One thing that they both would not admit was that they feared Sesshomaru when he’s angry. They all knew that if he found out of what they were planning to do, he would not stop to make them suffer now that he is trying to get back in good graces with Kagome. He was always protective of her when they were best friends back then and now it is starting to happen all over again. Kagome has always been the outcast to everyone except Sesshomaru.

“Has she shown up to work Miroku,” Sango asked as she walked with him to Inuyasha’s room.

“No,” he responded, “I even called her home today because I wanted to get even with that bitch. It seems the mother has some type of issue with Kagome also.”

“What do you mean,” Inuyasha asked.

“That bitch told Sesshomaru that I fucking raped her when I told her to tell no one. The things I heard her mother say before she hung up in my face as well.”

“You know something is fishy,” Sango said to the boys. “If no one seen her and it’s obvious that Sesshomaru is looking for her. How is it possible that Sesshomaru knows these things of what we did to that slut in the past?”

“You have a point there,” Inuyasha and Miroku both agreed.

“I got it!” Sango yelled.

“What,” Inuyasha asked.

“That day I last saw Kagome was when she slipped some kind of package in Sesshomaru’s locker,” she told them excitedly now that she figured out somewhat of how Sesshomaru is gaining knowledge of their transgressions.

“Well there’s only one way to find out what was in the pack,” Inuyasha said, “come on guys.”

“Where are we going,” Miroku questioned.

“To search for that damn package in that bastard’s room,” he replied as he walked over towards Sesshomaru’s bedroom. “Search from top to bottom,” he told them.

The three searched for that mysterious packet, but could not find anything so far. They all went through Sesshomaru’s things quickly and carefully to not mess up anything. Last thing they wanted was to be in the wrath of Sesshomaru at the moment until they can figure out what was said in that particular bundle.

Inuyasha was becoming even angrier than before because they searched everything in his room for that parcel or anything else that seem to be out of the ordinary within his half-brother’s room. “How the hell did she even know his locker combination in the first place,” Inuyasha bellowed.

“We have not found anything, Inuyasha,” Miroku told him.

“There’s something, I know there is,” Inuyasha tried to reassure himself as he went back to his room with the others close behind.

“That’s the least of our worries at the moment baby,” Sango said, “Right now we need to figure out how to get rid of that bitch Kagome.”

“I want to make her suffer more than before,” Miroku said as he remembered of the beating he received from Sesshomaru the other day.

“Me too,” Inuyasha agreed. “But we have to find that whore first. She will get the beating of a life time… tenfold.”

They all planned of what they should do to Kagome when they find her and their ideas were not pleasant. Everything that Kagome has been through with them before was nowhere near of what they wanted to do to her now. Inuyasha and his friends were so engrossed in their planning that they did not notice the front door closing ten minutes ago and someone who is aware of their plans.

‘Over my dead body,’ the figure thought as he went to his room.

Sesshomaru went back downstairs and opened the door and slammed it, so that the others would know that he is home and would not be suspicious if her heard their plans or not.

Just as he expected the three of them rushed downstairs to see who it was at the door and he smirked inwardly. ‘I am always ten steps ahead of you brother,’ he thought as he ignored their presence and walk towards his room.

“What the hell are you doing here so early,” Inuyasha questioned, but as usual he received no response.

“Do you think he will know we went into his room,” Sango whispered.

“No,” Inuyasha responded as he walked them outside. “Don’t forget the plan,” he said as he closed the door.

Sesshomaru heard of their intrusion, but quickly brushed it aside. As he re-entered his bedroom, he locked the door and went over to his closet door. Little did the others know that Sesshomaru had a secret vault he hid the tapes within.

“I knew something like this would happen,” he said to himself as he punched in the password to open up the safe. “How foolish you are my dear, little brother.”

Sesshomaru placed the next tape on the list to listen to on his bed and began to change into something more comfortable for the night. All day he had nothing on his mind, but Kagome herself and what else she wanted to tell him on the tape for the day. He laid on his bed and hastily pressed the ‘play’ button.

“My grandfather has always been the center of my heart before and after he had passed away. He was always there to help me through the bad times and I truly loved him for that. When I look at it, he was not only my grandfather, but a mother, a father, and a dear friend. We were always close from the day I was born to the day he died and until now. I will always carry him within my heart just as he did for his only son and loving wife. The death of a loved one is very painful and without him, I truly have no one to lean on and be there for me. I am truly left alone.

Being alone in a cruel world is not a great thing. Sometimes I become angry at him for leaving me, but no matter how much I try to stay inflamed it just won’t happen. It is fairly hard for me to stay mad at him, but I also know it was not his fault for leaving in the first place. One day I will be reunited with him and then I will finally become happy once again.

My jii-chan once told me that even though a person may not be on this earth anymore does not mean they have stopped being by our sides. I want to believe that, but my life has been nothing but hell when my father died, when you left, and when he died. If my grandfather and father were still by my side then why am I still receiving numerous abuses from my so called family and others? It is true that I am an outcast and there is no one who cares. Sometimes I feel as if I should have never given you these tapes, but once I leave I want someone to know of why I did so and you are the only one who I could entrust this to. I know you don’t care, but this is indeed my last wish.

Every day I miss my grandfather and today is the last day that I will visit his shrine to pay him respects. My mother and brother wanted nothing to do with him since the death of my father. Even though she blamed me for his sudden death, she became angry at my grandfather for always taking care of me after his son’s passing. She believed that he should have out-casted me as well since it was his only offspring who had died. So I made one for him at a secret place we made a while ago. I miss those days just as much as I miss him. I could always see the light whenever he told me facts about my father and grandmother that I have never known. But now even with these memories, they just do not feel the same. There will always be something missing.

Losing a loved one is like losing a huge piece of your heart.”

Sesshomaru could not believe his ears. Did she truly believe there was no one there for her, but then again he could not blame her for he too out-casted her at the beginning. But since she gave him those tapes and with each one he listened to brought him memories of the past with her, and more of an understanding of how she really felt back then. His heart ached for her.

“I care.”

Kagome finally reached home after her long day spending it with her deceased jii-chan. Even though it hurts her heart painfully that he is not by her side like the days he were alive, she will never feel at peace until she reunites with him in death. “Then I can finally be happy and not only see him, but my father once again and my grandmother,” she whispered as she went into the house. Just as she closed the front door behind her she was met with hard slap to her face. She turned to face the person who hit her as blood dripped down from her nose.

“Where have you been you dirty whore,” her mother questioned.

“I went to work,” Kagome whispered as tears fell from her eyes.

“Do not lie to me you slut. Your boss called to know why you have not been at work for the past couple of days! If you do not work, then who will make me my money?”

At the mention of her boss, Kagome quickly look up to her mother with wide, fearful eyes. She knew she was in trouble now and she was too frozen to escape and run to her room. Then another impact of her mother’s hand slapped her once again.

“This is the last time I will ask you,” She screamed, “Where have you been?”

“To pay my last respects to grandfather,” Kagome cried out.

“You bitch,” her mother bellowed as she began to hit Kagome with an empty liquor bottle. “Don’t you ever lie to me again and you are forbidden to go back there,” she yelled as she hit Kagome harder with every word. “Go upstairs and clean yourself up.”

With pain and bruises everywhere upon her body, she did just as her mother ordered and went into her room. “Three more days, grandfather.”


A/N: Well that’s the end of this chapter and I hope you all enjoyed it. Once again I apologize for the long wait and I am thankful for my readers/reviewers who did not give up on me. As I stated before, I will not leave my stories unfinished and I will try to start posting as I should. I love you guys. (^ _ ^)