InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will It Be Too Late ❯ Tape Eleven ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters nor did I create any of it, all of that belongs to the one and only RUMIKO TAKAHASHI. The book, “Thirteen Reasons Why,” by Jay Asher, inspired me to write this particular fanfic, so the plot of this story goes all towards him.

A/N: All apologies for the late update; a very late update. It was not my intention to keep my faithful readers/ reviewers from reading the next chapter, but other important matters arose unexpectedly. Again I am truly sorry and I hope you all will enjoy this post. (^.^)

Chapter 12: Tape Eleven

“Rin reschedule any meetings that I might have today and do not let anyone and I mean anyone bother me,” Sesshomaru stated over the intercom in his office, "and that also goes for my father as well."

“Yes sir,” she replied with a shiver. Ever since she first met her new boss, she could tell he was very cold and not to be reckoned with. It was fairly obvious to Rin that as she heard his announcement over the speaker that something truly troubled him.

Sesshomaru decided not to show up at school today and went off to work on some paperwork to clear his mind, but unfortunately ‘she’ keeps invading his thoughts. Not only her, but his dimwitted brother and the rest of his gang. He quickly grabbed a bottle of aspirin as he felt a headache coming along. As he took the said pills, he planted his elbows on his desk and covered his face with his hands as more thoughts flooded his mind.

When they were kids, Kagome used to be such a sweet little girl, but from the previous tapes he has listened to, he realized that hurt and pain was under that sweet exterior of hers. Not only that, but he was part of the cause to the pain she is suffering now and once he gets a hold on her he will try anything to make it up to Kagome.

She always kept to herself when she was never with him as they grew up. Kagome never bothered anyone, but instead they bothered her. Everyone bullied her every chance they could get and she had no one to turn to. No one to help her. Not even him because he turned her away and ignored her presence. His heart tugged at that thought.

'Why must the strong prey on the weak?' He pondered, 'why bother someone who has done nothing to you?' Those two questions brought his mind over to Inuyasha and his friends. It has seemed that those three are the main people who keeps troubling Kagome. He did not let anything pass his mind of what they did to her in the past if one raped her brutally. Just thinking about that particular subject enraged him as he slammed his fist onto his desk. It was no wonder she quit coming to school, and on the look of things quit her job as well to escape them and the other humiliation others brought her to. Pain, hurt, humiliation, and many more were inflicted upon her if not physically then it would be emotionally. Everywhere she went she could never escape her torturers and the one person who pulled her through all her pain and comforted her, after his absence, passed away not too long ago. In her mind she was left alone which at the time... was true.

"Cowards," he fumed. Yes, cowards is the answer to both of his unanswered questions. Only those types of people prey on the weak because they can't handle anyone their own size or someone stronger. It’s a disgrace to find pleasure in torturing one who is unsteady and they deserve whatever that is coming their way. He will make sure they pay for their crimes which brings him to their little plan he had overheard. The details were too gruesome and deep down something told him that is exactly what is going to happen, but he pushed that feeling away. "It will be impossible for their plan to commence since no one can find her or find out where she resides," he spoke aloud.


Two individuals were in the janitors closet panting with their naked bodies covered in sweat. Every time the couple beats on a student of their high school, they become aroused from their torture and that is exactly what happened not too long ago. They barely go to class and when they become bored they seek out a prey. Most students fear Inuyasha and his girlfriend, Sango, but everyone in school knows how big of a slut Sango portrayed herself to be. Since they fear her they never call her out on it. Many teenagers there are very two-faced. They talk behind others' backs and the next minute they want to be part of the group of the very person or people they spoke horrible things about.

As they laid on the cold floor, Sango starts to reminisce on the day they abused Kagome in this particular room. As she looked around there were still blotches of dried up, old blood on the floor and walls. "Baby," she spoke.

"Yeah," Inuyasha replied as he lit a cigarette.

"Remember how we tortured that slut Kagome in this very place," she responded as she rubbed on Inuyasha's chest.

"Yeah what of it?"

"I can't wait to do so again, but even worse," she told him as she laid over the upper part of his body, "just like the time we luckily bumped into her..."

Then just at the moment they both stared at each other and grinned evilly. How could that important piece of information not cross their minds. As they tried to figure out why, they both placed on their clothes and hastily left school. As Inuyasha let Sango drive to Miroku's workplace, he decided to call said person.

"Miroku we might know where we can capture that bitch."


Kagome woke up to a loud banging on her bedroom door. She reluctantly removed herself from her bed and slowly opened it that revealed her so called mother. "Yes," she whispered afraid of her mothers wrath.

"What the fuck took you so god damn long to answer your fucking door you bitch," her mother bellowed.

Kagome flinched as her mother crossed her arms as she waited for her to reply. "I-I-I was a-asleep," she stuttered with fear.

"Get your lazy ass up and go to the store and buy me some booze, slut."

"O-Ok," she whispered as her mother turned around and walked back downstairs.

As she closed the door, Kagome placed on her clothing and retrieved her fake I.D that her mother made her come into possession of. With all the physical abuse and stress she receives on a daily basis, Kagome does not look her age but older. Her mother never really went anywhere and always sent out Kagome to do her errands and more. With everything in check, she quickly went downstairs and out the door to follow her mother's order.

The liquor store is not very far from the house, so it only took Kagome ten minutes there and back. With her mother out of her hair for the time being, she went out to the park where her grandfather always took her. Even though something told her not to leave the house, she pushed that feeling aside and went anyway. "What's the worst that could happen," she spoke to herself, "I've been through worse and then in two days this pain and hurt will all fade when I finally follow my grandfather in death." As she walked towards the park, a voice in the back of her mind told her that she would be in for a terrible surprise. She was going to experience something that will be far worse than what she has already been through.


Sesshomaru walked into his room and sat at his desk. Even though he did not do much work today, he still felt it very tiring with all the thoughts of Kagome running through his head and the severe mental or physical pain she has been through. His heart hurt every minute of the hour when he feels that it was partly his fault she was in the predicament she is in now. In all reality, it really is somewhat his fault because when he thought about it, it all started after he cut ties with her. He wanted to cry at that. The pain that she went through and probably still is going through he wished he could take it away and have the pain inflicted upon him instead of her. He felt that there was also something else, but he could not put his finger on it.

As he removed himself from the chair and changed his clothes into some comfortable ones, he went to acquire the next tape. As he retrieved his tape player, he went over to his bed and laid into a comfortable position as he pressed 'play.'

"Some people are born with either low self-esteem, steady self-esteem, and high self-esteem. I was in the group of having low self-esteem and now I feel as if I have none left at all. As you can see it has not grown as some other people might have, but has decreased. I do not have confidence within myself to overcome the pain that I have been through and still am going through probably even at this very moment. I live with a mother that always places me with girls and women who degrade themselves. I have never been a slut and if you call a girl and or woman who has been raped a slut then I suppose that I am one after all.

In others' eyes I am not worthy to be my own self, but of what they call me. There are many names that has been called upon my person that keeps decreasing my esteem. What is the point in trying to tell the truth when no one believes a word that I say and still decides to call me whatever name that comes to mind? At a time I did however have some esteem when my grandfather was still alive, but now that he is gone, it dropped tremendously.

In my mind I will always feel that I can never amount to anything and there will be no one there to help me. Who would help me when everyone believes I am a slut and a whore? Most of those times I do feel as if I am those names that I am called. When you are labeled a bitch, a whore, and a slut you begin to wonder are you really one. That question goes through my mind each and every time that I hear those names.

No one never let me in their group, so I always stood alone. I always thought that since I am not as smart or pretty as they are, then I could never stand on the same level which brings me back to being unworthy. I am unworthy to walk on the same ground as everyone. I am unworthy to stand in their presence. I will always have that mental picture of who I am, how I look, what I am good at, and what my weaknesses are. I am NO ONE, I look PLAIN and UNDESIRABLE which I will NEVER BE WANTED, I am good at NOTHING, and EVERYTHING is my weakness. I am NOT strong and WILL ALWAYS be WEAK."

Sesshomaru was lost at words. It was clearly obvious that she was confused about things. With every one saying nothing but bad things to her; no one there to correct them would no doubt make her at times believe the words that they say.

"I never seen her as weak," he said to himself. He laid there and placed a hand over his aching heart and tried to think of ways to rescue her from this hell.


Three individuals sat in a car waiting for a certain someone. The headlights were out, so no one could see them sitting around as they looked suspicious, but with all the noise that was coming from the car they were sure to be caught. Two were arguing while the other was receiving a headache. It was now night time and they have been waiting for hours to finally capture the one that they thought was becoming a thorn in their asses.

"Will you two please shut the fuck up," Sango screamed.

"Quiet down before someone hears us bitch," Inuyasha told her.

"We have been waiting for hours for her to show up," Miroku spoke up. "And how did this important piece of information slip your minds again?"

"I told you to shut the fuck up about that Miroku and you're one to talk when you were her employer and didn’t even know where she lived," Inuyasha bellowed.

Before Miroku could have said anything back, Sango quickly interrupted him. "Hey guys someone is walking this way," she whispered and pointed towards the other side of the street.

"I'll be damned," Inuyasha grinned, "it's fucking her and I thought she never was going to show."

Kagome left the park not too long ago. She was too engrossed on her memories of her and her jii-chan that time had passed quickly and it was now evening. As she walked down the street towards home, she did not hear the many footsteps behind her until it was too late. She fell towards the ground with her slowly falling into a pit of darkness. Before she fell completely into unconsciousness, she saw three pairs of feet.


A/N: Well there you have it. I hope you all enjoyed it and once again I apologize for this overdue post. Well until next time. Ja Ne.