InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will It Be Too Late ❯ Tape Twelve ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters nor did I create any of it, all of that belongs to the one and only RUMIKO TAKAHASHI. The book, “Thirteen Reasons Why,” by Jay Asher, inspired me to write this particular fanfic, so the plot of this story goes all towards him.

A/N: Hi, my faithful readers/ reviewers. Here is the next chapter; I hope you enjoy it. Thank you all for your support so far. It is greatly appreciated.

Chapter 13: Tape Twelve

"Kagome," Sesshomaru gasped out as he awoke from a nightmare.

He turned around and glanced at his clock to notice that it was now time to awake for school. Reluctantly, he removed himself from the bed covered in a thick sheen of sweat. The nightmare had felt so real, no matter how much he tried to catch up to Kagome within his dream, she kept drifting farther away from his grasp. He kept screaming for her, but she would not turn around as if she couldn't hear him. He tried to run faster to draw near, but no matter how much he tried to push himself to gain more speed, it felt as if he were still running at a slow pace.

As he stood from his bed, he wiped his face with his hand and went to get ready for school. A place he did not really want to go.

On his way towards his destination he could not get that weird illusion out of his head. Even though that dream held some meaning, he did not understand it. He felt as if something terrible was about to happen or had happen to her, but he tried so hard to not ponder about it. He knew what she went and is still going through and want to help, but just don’t know how as of yet. The only thing he wants at the moment is to finally be able to find her, but with not so much luck it has not happened.

Ever since that day Sesshomaru had come across her that faithful night, he tried riding around but had no such luck. He figured she would not go that way again, so he tried to think of other ways to come across her. Waiting for Kagome to show up at work was a lost cause; after that day he left after beating that scumbag, Miroku, he learned that she stopped showing up. Even though it was a hopeless case for him to finally meet her once more, it was also a plus because she would not be sexually abused again.

"That son of a bitch," he seethed as he gripped the steering wheel turning into the school.

Parking in the same spot as he always had, he walked towards the entrance only to be stopped in his tracks as he saw so many students standing in one spot. They were all huddled around the school's statue pointing as they laughed and giggled.

"What is going on," he said aloud. More so to himself.

He could not see what was making everyone as they are, so he went closer to see what transpired. He never indulged at anything that caught the other students' attention, but he was drawn to check and see what was going on. As he took each step closer, his heart started to tighten with anxiety. He overheard people shouting names and as he came upon the crowd his breath hitched.

Sesshomaru could not say a word, all he could do at the moment was stand there with widened eyes. There stood Kagome tied up to the statue naked with nothing to cover her flesh. Her arms tied around the neck of the bronze with her breasts in full view. Body adorned with cuts and bruises. Blood that was washed with tears that she shed. As he stumbled closer he saw horrific words that were carved within her skin. They were not deep, but was enough to draw more than a little blood. On her body were the words: slut, whore, bitch, and others. They were not small words, but medium sized. They were all written on her abdomen, arms, and legs.

Then it all came to him. He remembered what Inuyasha and his friends wanted to do to Kagome. How they came to find her was one of the main questions that ran through his mind. Where were the teachers? How long has she been there tied up like that? Why is there no one helping her? With all these questions he started to become enraged and looked around for his brother and his 'minions.' Sesshomaru did not have to search for long as he saw them not too far away snickering and pointing. He soon found his fist on Inuyasha's jaw.

Inuyasha and his gang were standing there with big grins across their face satisfied with the work they have done. They were also glad that they have found her, so they could inflict more damage than usual with all the trouble that she caused for them.

"Damn Miroku. I never knew that Kagome had a body like that hiding underneath those clothes she wore," Inuyasha laughed out.

As soon as those words left his mouth, he was met with a fist and a pissed off half brother. Before he could say anything to the perpetrator another fist was shot his way from his sibling. With a few more hits, he was now glaring at his hateful brother. No matter how much hatred he felt for Sesshomaru at the moment, his fear was more than that. He has never seen Sesshomaru so angry in his life and he knew not to push his luck. 'Besides his punches hurt more than usual,' he thought. Then the words that came from his brother's mouth frightened him even more.

"You can bet your ass that father will hear of this," Sesshomaru bellowed as he walked away to untie the one person he come to care for again, but more deeper. It was a shame that it took all of this for him to realize exactly what was in his heart so long ago.

Inuyasha watched his brother's back as he moved towards Kagome. If he was scared of his brother now, he know he would be terrified of what his father will do once he finds out of his transgressions. He looked around only to notice that Sango was nowhere in sight and Miroku lying on the floor out cold.

Sesshomaru walked up to Kagome and glared at the beings that call themselves humans. No one is humane if they could just sit by and let this transpire. As he untied Kagome from her bindings, she fell onto him and hissed in pain. Not pondering another thought as he covered her with his jacket. Slowly he picked her up bridle style and walked towards his car. Careful of her wounds, he placed her within his vehicle and immediately jumped in to drive her to the nearest hospital.

"You'll be alright Kagome," he told her as he took a quick glance her way, "I'm taking you to the hospital."

"NO," Kagome screamed with all her might. "Please... Please, don't take me there. I don’t want to go there!"

Sesshomaru watched her as she hugged herself as tightly as she could with the jacket he gave her to cover her physique. With sorrowful eyes he replied, "Ok. I will take you somewhere safe."

He made an U-turn and went straight home, so that he can care for her injuries. Glancing back at her, he noticed that she was now unconscious. With one thought on his mind he sped home.


It did not take very long to return home with Kagome in his possession. No one was home at the moment, so it put his mind at ease. He did not want to explain anything; all he wanted was to make sure Kagome was alright and take care of her injuries quickly and efficiently.

Walking up the stairs with Kagome in his arms, he glanced down at her. His heart ached at the state she was in and he abstractedly held her closer as he approached his bedroom door.

Slowly, Sesshomaru placed the unconscious girl upon his bed and went into his bathroom to gather the necessary items to clean and bandage up her wounds. He did not care that the blood that covered parts of her body now are starting to stain his jacket and comforter. The only thing that mattered was tending her injuries.

Coming back to the bed where Kagome now lay, he dropped the items on the table beside it. Carefully he pulled off his jacket, so that he can access all her cuts and bruises. He took a fresh cloth and dipped it in a bowl to wet it with warm water and twisted the fabric to extract the excess liquid. Sesshomaru wiped Kagome down with the rag to clean up the blood that portrayed her chassis; then began to clean the wounds with peroxide. After he finished using the peroxide, he set in motion with the medicines and bandaging.

A few hours had passed with the wounds being cared for and Kagome was still in her sleeping state. Satisfied at the moment that he tended to all her injuries, Sesshomaru decided to listen to the next tape as he watches over her. He gave her a kiss upon her forehead and walked over to obtain the next cassette noticing that there will be one left.

Even though he could have just listened to them all instead of one everyday, he felt as if he should grant her her wish. Especially with all that she went through. He knew he was part of the blame also. Sesshomaru knew he broke a promise and after that oath was broken she had so much inflicted upon her. Emotionally and physically.

With tape and cassette player in hand, Sesshomaru decided to sit at his desk facing Kagome. He wanted so much to lay beside her and hold her close to him, but he did not want to bother and aggravate her wounds. He was glad to have her in front of him, so even if he cannot hold her at the moment, he was satisfied with just watching her. Pressing 'play' he leaned in his chair and listened to the voice that he can't hear in person.

''There were only two beings in this world that I held dearly in my heart. Those two individuals were my deceased grandfather and you. After you had broken your promise and left me, I only had my grandfather to help throughout all the pain and emotions I endured. It broke my heart most of the time because of his old age and the treatment he was enduring as well. You see, I never held that strong power that my jii-chan and you possessed.

Even though you left, I held no hatred towards you. You, Sesshomaru, were the only person who I could relate to. Sure our issues were not the same, but they were similar. I believed since our problems, when we were younger, were consubstantial that we would be there for one another. Well I was wrong on that accusation. We were always together mostly since we were kids until we reached high school. I found it very weird that you left weeks after I gave you something that was precious to me. My virginity. You might not remember, but obviously I do. How can I even forget?

After what transpired between Inuyasha, Sango, and I that I had realized it was not Inuyasha who I really loved, but you. I don’t know how that came to be because I thought I held strong feelings towards him, but in reality it was you. What he said hurt me that day. As I began to fathom on how he acts in school and other places I had realized that he was not the kind of guy that I would want in my life. Especially the way I was treated ever since I was a child.

Then I remembered the night we had shared. The way you were so kind and gentle with me. You were the very opposite from your bother and that made me realize I loved you even more. The childhood we had together made that love I felt stronger despite the fact that we were not friends anymore. It's a shame that it came to my notice after the way Inuyasha treated me. I was too blind to see it.

Most girls would probably wish that they could obtain their virtue back, but not me. I was glad that it was you who took it. It was the best night of my life to have shared with you. Besides I'm sure if I still had my virginity, I would have been in worse pain when Miroku raped me. So you somewhat did me a favor as well.

Throughout our childhood to high school we had such a close bond. Then one day that bond was severed and became a loss of a valued friendship. I wish I was as strong as you.

There is only a day left before I finally leave. After I am gone from this hell, I will become happy once again. Then I can say those words, 'good-bye my friend.'"

Sesshomaru hated himself even more. He could not believe that he forgot about him taking her virginity. Something that was so precious. In his eyes now he was worse than Inuyasha and his friends. So much sadness and anger engulfed him and he wanted so badly to take it out on anything or anyone. He wanted to scream out all the emotions that he felt and all the pain that Kagome went through because of him.

"How could I be so stupid," Sesshomaru whispered.

He placed his hand over his heart as it tightened even more at what he just heard. He was even surprised to know that she had loved him and his heart clenched tighter. As he watched his sleeping beauty he became determined to set everything right and give her everything she deserved and more. When the time comes he vowed that he will keep her with him even if his life was the price.

A few more hours passed and Sesshomaru watched Kagome's breathing. Even though she was not in a good state, it seemed as if she was in a peaceful sleep. It seemed that she could only escape reality through dormancy. As he watched her chest move in and out, he started to fall asleep. As thoughts went through his head as he was going into darkness, a lone tear slid down his cheek as he stated, "I promise I will protect you better," in a whisper. Sesshomaru fell into the darkness of slumber land that overcame him.


Kagome opened her eyes only to see that she was in a place she has never been. Ignoring the pains that shot throughout her body, she sat up in the bed to look around. Her breath hitched as she saw the sleeping figure she came to love through good memories sitting not too far from her. Placing a hand over her aching head, she began to remember what transpired some time ago.

She recollected the pleas and screams that Inuyasha, Miroku, and Sango received from her. The dark place she awoke in after her capture. The evil grins that plastered on their faces as they tortured and beat her. The carvings they wrote upon her body. The excruciating pain she had to endure that felt that would never end. Everything she recalled brought silent tears down her face.

Kagome tried to calm herself as she looked over at Sesshomaru once again. To her relief, he did not wake from her sobbing. She glanced over her body to see that she was bandaged and clothed and silently thanked him. Feeling that if she wanted to leave; now would be the right time to do so. Silently, she removed herself from the bed and walked over to Sesshomaru. She bent down and gave him a soft kiss before she took her leave. 'I won't get the chance do it again,' she thought as she tip toed out of his room and front door.


Sesshomaru awoke to check on Kagome only to find her gone. He panicked and began looking for her all over the house, but could not find her anywhere. He cursed himself for falling asleep when he should have stayed awake watching her. Deep down he knew she would have ran and he also did not want to scare her, but when she's away from him she is in constant danger. Danger that he will soon get rid of. He would run off to go look for her, but he knew that would be a lost cause. First he had to tell his father about Inuyasha and then plan on finding Kagome. Just as he finished that ponder, he heard the door close and his father call for him.

He walked down the stairs towards his dad's small office. "Father I must speak with you," he said with utter seriousness.

Sesshomaru's father looked up from his papers with a brow raised at the earnestness in his son's voice. Sure Sesshomaru is always in the bound and determined state. All work and no play, but the way he said it made him concerned on the matter. Not to mention that his oldest son never had anything to speak with him about. Ever since his mother had died, Inuyasha born, and being remarried.

"What's wrong my son," the father asked with much worry in his voice.

"I have a problem and it includes my little brother," he replied with much disdain on the little brother part.

"What has Inuyasha done now?"

Sesshomaru sat down and explained everything that Inuyasha did earlier with his friends. Not only what had transgressed today, but also the other days Inuyasha became a nuisance which was everyday. He even told his father about the tapes he received from Kagome and of what he heard on them so far. Also of what she was going and went through. Sesshomaru did not leave a detail out; he also told him of how he felt and the things he did which were not much, but it still caused a lot of damage on his part.

His father was shocked at what he heard and was very angered. He knew his youngest can be troublesome, but this was just way overboard and towards an innocent girl no less. He remembered Kagome from when she were young. She was such a spirited girl he thought, but now he knows that most of the time it was fake. He pitied her, so he decided to help his son. 'I'm sure this will be the only time he tells me of his problems,' he thought.

"In the morning I will call the police and tell them of what is going on, but first I have another son to deal with."

"Yes, father," Sesshomaru said as he went back towards his room to sort out his thoughts and make plans to find Kagome. He could have called the police before, but usually policemen do not partake on anything if an individual does not want to be found. He also felt that the officers do not hold onto their word and that he should take matters into his own hands. Unfortunately, he did not get anywhere in finding her, but who knows how long it will take the officers to do just that. Sure they can find information, but how long would that take? Would it take longer than when he were searching? Will they punish those who hurt her? Will they even partake in justice?


Kagome finally reached home and slowly crept inside the house. She made sure to not make a sound. She glanced into the kitchen to see her mother passed out with a liquor bottle in her hand. Leisurely, she went into her room and locked the door. It was a very long walk home, but she was glad to be back inside her room and safe in her confinement once again.

"One more day, jii-chan," she whispered with exhaustion as she crawled into her bed.


A/N: Well there you have it another chapter done. I had a few problems with this section, but I think it came out alright. I hope you all enjoyed it and the next posting will be up soon. (^o^)

The story is almost complete and to those of you who are reading my other story, "Gods and Goddesses," just to inform you I have not forgotten about it. I will continue it after this one is finished. I know it has been months, but bare with me. I will not leave it unfinished or any other stories I am writing or will write in the near future. Ja Ne...