InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will It Be Too Late ❯ Will It Be Too Late ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters nor did I create any of it, all of that belongs to the one and only RUMIKO TAKAHASHI. The book, “Thirteen Reasons Why,” by Jay Asher, inspired me to write this particular fanfic, so the plot of this story goes all towards him.

A/N: Wow. I can't believe I received so many reviews for the previous chapter. Thank you all for the support. Here is the last posting and I hope you all enjoy this one as well. Sorry this was a day late.

Chapter 15: Will It Be Too Late

Sesshomaru sped his way towards Kagome's home as fast as possible while trying to avoid a car accident. He did not care at the moment if he were to receive a speeding ticket, but he was not going to stop for anyone including the police. Not until he reached his destination and had Kagome in safety. Reaching Kagome was the only thing on his mind at the moment and he wished to get there in time. Right now Kagome is his main priority, he just has to get a hold on her first. No matter the speed; it seemed as the time was ticking by just as quickly. He hoped she didn't follow through with her plan, but for some reason he felt it was the very opposite.

Quickly, he stepped on the brakes as he came forth to his destination. He almost choked himself with his seatbelt as he forgot to remove it. As he left his car in a hurry, he ran up the few porch steps and pounded on the awaiting door.

Sesshomaru waited for a few seconds to bang on the door once again continuously this time. He heard screams, but they were not very audible to his ears. When the door finally opened, it revealed an irate, middle aged woman that had the stench of alcohol. The smell burned his nose, but that did not stop him in his quest.

"Where is Kagome," he asked desperately.

"Who the fuck are you and what do you want with that slut," she asked with much rage as she sized the strange man at her front door. "Oh I get it, you're one of her many lovers," she said with a disgusted smile marred on her face.

"I need to see her now," he bellowed.

"You're not going near that whore," Kagome's mother screamed as she tried to slam the door in his face.

Sesshomaru didn't have much time for the so called mother to say the unnecessary things that she is accusing his beloved Kagome of. He tried to hold in his anger against the one being who gave birth to Kagome, but his hold was quickly dissipating. With every second he argues with the unfit mother, he loses time trying to save Kagome before it's too late.

He pushed his way through the closing door and fuming woman and ran up the stairs as he heard her call out to her son, Souta. Sesshomaru opened the first door which he found to be obviously Kagome's room. He did not see her within the confines of her bedroom, so he went to the next door to find it locked. The door on the far end opened to reveal a boy, whom is a few inches shorter than he, walking towards him. He gave Souta a glare that could kill which stopped the boy in his tracks. With so much panic deep inside of him, he jiggled the doorknob once more, so he did only what anyone would do; Sesshomaru broke down the wooden door and was faced with a scene that he never thought he would have seen in his life.

"Kagome!" He yelled.

There laid Kagome in a tub full of crimson red that dripped from the slashes on her wrists. Not only was there blood in the tub, but on the floor as well.

As the last syllable from Kagome's name left his mouth, he quickly opened his cell phone and called 911. He informed them of the situation and his location and snapped his phone shut. Sesshomaru pulled Kagome from the bloody water and snatched a towel that was hanging from its holding place to cover her naked form. Ripping a few pieces from his shirt, he wrapped the pieces around the cuts on her wrists to stop the bleeding. He felt her pulse; only to find it weak.

With Kagome wrapped up, he started to jog down the stairs to meet the paramedics since he heard the sirens of the ambulance become closer and closer. As his foot left the last step, he glanced to the side to notice that Kagome's mother and brother were watching. The mother had a smirk while the brother held no emotion, but something flashed through his eyes.

"I hope the bitch dies," the so called mother voiced as the son looked at her through the corner of his orbs.

Sesshomaru seethed with waves of rage. How could a mother say that about their own child and the only sibling to just stand there? It was truly heart breaking and sickening.

"You sorry excuse for a mother and a brother," he spoke harshly, "She did everything for you from what I have heard and you did not appreciate her one bit. You were nothing without Kagome. You truly will meet your end and I will be there to watch. Hopefully Kagome makes it through this and if she does; once I have her safe," Sesshomaru paused with a disgusted look upon his face, "I will deal with you then."

Sesshomaru gave the unconscious girl to the paramedic and went inside the ambulance holding Kagome's small, fragile hand as they sped towards the hospital. He still fumed from the things her mother had said and with every word he will sure to make her eat every bit of them. She will soon get what is coming towards her and the brother also. While he pondered that last thought, he texted his father of the transgressions.

"Inuyasha would have truly fit in within this family," he whispered as he watched Kagome.

Arriving at the hospital, Sesshomaru raced with the doctors towards the ER, only to be stopped in front of two double doors.

"I'm sorry, sir, but you can't come in here," a nurse said as she closed the doors that separated him from the one girl he truly cared about.

As he waited and hoped that the doctors will be able to save her, he awaited for his fathers arrival.


As the doctors placed Kagome on the operating table, they started hooking her up on numerous machines. It showed that her pulse is becoming weaker by the minute and they are trying their very best to save their patient from death, but then she flat-lined.

"We're losing her," one doctor yelled, "bring me the cardiac defibrillator!"

With the said medical instrument in hand, the doctor gave Kagome a shock and that did not help one bit. A second shock did not help either and was soon followed by a third. With much disappointment, they announced the date and time of her death and went out to give the sad news.

Sesshomaru glanced up as he heard the two doors being opened. The main doctor walked up to him with a sad expression written in his eyes. The doctor hated this part, but it was part of his job as well.

"Hello, my name is Jeninji. Are you somehow related to the patient?"

"I am her husband," Sesshomaru quickly replied. Luckily for him it is normal for individuals his age to become married.

"I am sorry, but we have lost her. You can go inside to say your final good-byes. Take all the time you need," Jeninji informed him.

Sesshomaru was heart broken to have heard the sad news he was hoping to not hear. With slow steps, he walked into the room to see a white sheet covering the lifeless body he failed to protect.

Slowly, he pulled the sheet down from her face and held her hand close to his chest as he cried silently while he spoke to her.

"Moushi wake gozaimasen... gomen-nasai, my love," Sesshomaru repeated. "I am so sorry that I was not there for you. Me and my idiocy have brought you here. I should have never left you. If I had stayed by your side, then you would have been alive right now. You would have never suffered with humility and pain everyday. It's all my fault," he cried out. "I never knew you went through so much; if I have not listened to those tapes you gave me, then I would have never known all that you went through. How could I have been so blind? There is someone who cares for you. I care. I wanted to make things up to you. I would give you my life, so that you may live if it was up to me. I love you, Kagome."

He laid his head upon her chest and closed his eyes as more tears began to slide down his cheeks. The tear drops pooled down his chin and onto the sheet soaking through it. Sesshomaru never cried at all in his life. The tears he said he would never shed for anyone, but with the events that had happened; he now came to the conclusion that his tears will only be for the one person he had come to care for and love. Kagome. Then he sealed his lips to hers.

Then his eyes shot open as he felt something constricting his hand.


"Where am I," Kagome asked as she looked around to only see darkness all around her. "Am I finally dead," she asked with much hope in her voice.

"No, my child," a male voice ringed throughout the darkness, "this is a world between the living and the dead."

"G-Grandfather, is that you?"

A figure walked towards her dressed in all white, "yes, it is I," the man confirmed.

Kagome could not stop the tears flowing from her cheeks and ran up to hug her grandfather. The one person whom she could confide in. "I am so sorry jii-chan that I was not strong enough. I missed you so much, there was no one left for me after you passed away. It seemed as if mother became worse than before. She wouldn't even let me place a shrine in the house. Oh grandfather, I have been so alone." She cried out into his white robe as she gripped him tighter, "I don't want to be parted with you again. I don't want to have to suffer as I have before. I want to be free from all the hurt I have endured."

He placed his arms around her tiny form and hugged her with all his might. "There there, my granddaughter. It is alright. I am sorry that I had to leave the world of the living, but you were never left alone. I was always with you; maybe not in form but in spirit and there is also someone else that cares deeply for you."

"No, it was always you."

"You are wrong," he told her as he pulled her face to look into her eyes, "he might not have noticed back then how he truly felt, but he did care for you. It is fairly sad that it took him this much to understand it. Look for yourself."

Kagome's jii-chan waved his hand forming a bubble that displayed a silver haired figure who was crying over a lifeless body. She followed his appendage to watch the scene that appeared before her. Kagome had not once seen Sesshomaru shed tears before her when they were together and she could not believe the sight.

"Is he crying for me," Kagome inquired.

"Yes," he said as he glanced down at her, "he now truly cares for you and realized that he too loves you just as you love him. You see, Kagome, you were never alone and it is neither your time to die. Sweetheart, the things you were called, they were only words. I am so sorry that you endured so much, but now you will be safe. Everyone that has ever hurt you physically and mentally will soon find their end if it has not happened yet. Just you wait, the people that conflicted so much upon you will soon be taken care of. Sesshomaru was always the one to look after you and I'm sure his father will help as well. He has already done so much. I understand that you felt that was no one to turn to in the past, but now you know that there is someone else instead of me. You just had to look deeper.

"I don't know what to do. How will I know that he will be able to help me throughout the rest of my life. Why can't I just stay here with you?"

Every tear that slid down Kagome's face broke his heart into a million pieces. He witnessed all the hurt and pain she had gone through and he felt bereaved that he had to watch her suffer. In the end, he knew that in order for things to get better, some things will get worse. Sometimes it takes drastic measures for someone to realize what is going on. He knew Sesshomaru was a good boy and he has no doubts that Sesshomaru will help Kagome along the way.

"Kagome," he said softly, "You are not meant to die yet. Listen."

Kagome heard the deep voice she had always wanted to hear once again. She listened to the words that Sesshomaru spoke. Truly listened. With every word that came from his lips, she heard the sincerity that they each held. If she truly doubted him before, now that doubt has quickly been demolished. Her tears flowed as she heard the three words that she thought she would never hear.

"I love you, Kagome."

When Kagome glanced back towards her grandfather, she did not see him anymore, but she still felt his presence.

"Remember that I will always be beside you even if it is not in solid form," he said as his voice began to fade, "Sesshomaru will never leave you this time. The time you return will only be a minute within their eyes."

As those last words went into Kagome's ears, she started to disappear and soon felt Sesshomaru's warm lips upon her cold ones.


Sesshomaru felt his hand being squeezed lightly once more and soon began to feel for a pulse. Her pulse was faint, but it was a pulse no less. With much speed he didn’t think he possessed, he soon found the doctor, Jeninji, and told him of what transpired. He raced back towards where Kagome now lies with said doctor and a nurse in tow.

Jeninji went to find her pulse and became astounded, "I can't believe it. Quick, go and bring me the blood for the transfusion," he told the nurse.

Sesshomaru watched as the nurse ran to fetch the necessary blood and back. He was not only happy to see that Kagome came back to him, but he was also sad that it took him this long and what she endured to realize his true feelings. Once Kagome fully awakens, he will vow to her that he will make up his wrongs and protect her. Now that the main individuals who caused her pain are now put away, he has nothing to worry about once he takes her home with him. She will always be by his side.

A couple of hours had passed and Kagome started to slowly awaken. "Sesshomaru," she whispered.

She felt her right hand being held in a bigger, warm hand. She felt safe as he stood there with her small hand encased in his. For once in her life she felt truly happy that she did have someone that truly cared all along. She now understood what her grandfather had told her, and her heart seemed to lift a bit. Kagome will always miss her grandfather and she will truly live to his words.

"I'm here," Sesshomaru spoke softly as he looked into her eyes with so much love and care, "I will never leave you again."

"I know," she replied with a small smile. 'Thank you, grandfather, for showing me the truth. I don't believe I will get better right away, but I will try my hardest to do so and now I know I have someone to help me along the way.'

"You are safe now," he said, "when you are better, you will live with me and my father. You do not have to worry about Inuyasha because he is gone and will never return."

As Kagome laid in the hospital bed with her hand being held, she listened to everything that he and his father had done for her safety. To say she was truly touched by his actions and they also portrayed how he truly cared for her. She was fairly glad that Inuyasha and his friends were put away, so that they could not hurt anyone and that school will also be held responsible for what they let transpire to not only her, but other victims as well. The school might even be closed down and she truly did not care. The scars that are still visible on her body will always have some type of affect on her, but she believes with time she will overcome it. There was only one question that still went through her mind. What about my mother and brother?

The door opened and revealed a older guy with silver hair. Kagome remembered him from the when she was younger. He truly did not change much, but one can see he had aged a bit. Kagome looked at him as walked in towards her bed.

"I am glad to see that you are alive, Kagome," Sesshomaru's father announced. "The people who had ever wronged you that we came to become aware of are now taken care of," he said to her with much softness in his voice, "your mother has been arrested from the way she had abused you and neglected the duties of a mother, so you don't have to worry about her anymore either."

"W-What about my brother, Souta," she asked as she watched how his eyes held so much concern for her being. 'Grandfather, is this what is being wanted and truly accepted feels like?'

"He will probably be held in foster care, seeing as he is under age," Touga replied.

"Is it possible that I can bring him with me?"

"Absolutely not," Sesshomaru said, "he treated you just as bad as your mother."

"Please," she begged, "he was only influenced by it since he was a child. My mother filled his head with lies and he just needs a different environment and someone who can show him the way that he should be heading just like I have been presented. I believe you and your father would be great role models for him."

"Even through so much, you are still caring as when you were a child," the elder man announced, "I will see what I can do and in the meantime get as much needed rest," he voiced as he turned to leave.

"Thank you," she responded with much gratitude and went to rest for a bit as she cuddled to her love's arm.

Sesshomaru understood that her brother had been lied to since he was a child. It was so very grief-stricken that a mother could hate her own child and turn one against the other. The mother was unfit and she deserved what was coming to her as well as the others. He promised that he would do anything for her and if she wanted to be with her little brother, then he would obey her wish. He just hoped that even though the kid said hurtful things towards his older sister that it could be fixed and he won't become another Inuyasha.

As he watched the sleeping girl cuddle to his limb, he felt so much happiness that he finally has Kagome by his side. He will never let her go and will always make sure that she knows that there is someone who loves her and cares. He also knows that there will be obstacles, but he will never let them get in their way. The whole time Sesshomaru rushed to find Kagome, one questioned burned through his mind. Will it be too late? At first he thought it was when he announced her dead, but it was the very opposite.

"No, it was not too late," he whispered as he kissed her upon the brow, "she lives and she will forever know my love."


Moushi wake gozaimasen- I'm very sorry.

A/N: Well that is the ending. I hope you all enjoyed it just as much as I enjoyed writing it. I even shed some tears while doing so. I know some of you might feel there should be more to this story, but I feel that it has met it's purpose. To get to Kagome and tell her how he now feels. Who knows I might do a sequel, but I wouldn't hold my breath. I know I have neglected my other unfinished stories, and since this one is finished, I will continue on the others. The reason why I chose to finish this one first is because it received the most reviews. I will also be posting an author's note to why I wrote this particular fanfic in the first place maybe sometime next week.