InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ Torn apart ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: NO I don’t own Inuyasha or any of those other character’s that are in da’ show! So stop harassing me and give back my good blue pen you jerks! (*takes pen and holds it close to her chest*) Thank you!

Will you be mine?

By Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Six: Torn apart.

"Tell me where this Inuyasha lad resides," Sesshomaru commanded.

"Nobody knows. We just try and keep him from the castle, but he is very cunning." Kaede replied.

"How long has he been coming around? If I may ask." He seemed rather uninterested.

"Aye, about almost six and a half years now." She answered.

The voices grew near Inuyasha and Kagome's hiding spot 'Dammit! He can tell we're here!' He thought as he looked around for a place to go. He spotted a tiny door and he turned the knob. The door opened and showed a passageway. Inuyasha carefully moved and grabbed Kagome's hand and they took off running down the secret passageway.

"Where does this lead to Kagome?" he asked looking back at her.

"I don't know. I only was aware of the one's in my room that lead outside the castle and into the kitchens." She replied.

He slowed down as they came near the exit. He stopped completely at the old door and turned around to face Kagome, a small played on his face.

"Once we get out of this mess, you'll have to show me those." He chuckled.

She blushed and nodded, her eyes were glued to his. Inuyasha didn't know what was happening at first as he wrapped his hands around Kagome's waist. He couldn't stop himself, and it wasn't like he wanted to stop himself either. His head slowly lowered towards hers.

"Inuyasha?" She whispered as she felt his hot breath on her lips.

"Hmm?" he grunted stopping his progression for a moment.

"Will you be mine?" she asked nervously.


Somebody opened the door and grabbed the back of Inuyasha's tunic and threw him to the ground. Sesshomaru entered the room moments later with a handful of guards at his aide. They grabbed Inuyasha's arms and yanked him off the floor.

"Hmm, I could have found him myself if you had not gotten in my way Lord Naraku." Sesshomaru growled as he stared at the man hidden in the shadows.

"Nonsense," Naraku hissed, "If it weren't for me your worthless half-breed of a brother could have done something to my beautiful fiancée."

Kagome climbed out of her hiding spot. Inuyasha looked horrified as he struggled to break free. She tried to go to his aide, but Naraku grasped her wrist and held her back.

"Now my love lets go. I'm sure that Lord Sesshomaru would like to get his prisoner out of our hair." Naraku chuckled.

"NO! You can't do that to him!" she yelled fighting against Naraku, "Let go of me you monster! I will never wed you!"

It was Sesshomaru's turn to laugh as the scene played out, "I see that your so called 'fiancée' has wished to have nothing to do with you. But none the less I must leave, I have duties to uphold."

"You can't take him! No! I won't let you! Give him back to me!" she screamed as she kicked Naraku in the shins.

She stood in front of Sesshomaru, her eyes glared angrily at him as she blocked his exit. Inuyasha had his eyes glued to the floor, he was so ashamed of himself.

"Kaede," Sesshomaru growled, "Move your princess or I will be forced to take regretful actions."

Naraku stormed hysterically over to Kagome and grabbed her arms and pulled her forcefully out of Sesshomaru's way. His nails dug into her wrist drawing blood. She let out a cry of pain as he began to drag her down the hallway.

Inuyasha's head shot up angrily at her cry, he began to fight against the guard’s restraints. "Don't you dare touch her you bastard! I'll rip you in half!" he screamed as he got a violent wave of super human strength and knocked over the guards that held him. Inuyasha took off after Naraku, and as he drew close he felt something pierce into his shoulder, followed by three other tiny pinpricks of pain.

He stopped and slumped to his knees as he outstretched his hands as if he could reach her. His eyes drooped, his body felt weak, and he was all of a sudden extremely tired.

"NO! Inuyasha!" Kagome screamed before she disappeared forcefully around a corner.

"Ka-Kag-Kagome." He managed to mutter before he blacked out.

Sesshomaru loomed over his brother's unconscious body and flashed an irritated frown before he turned to the guards, staring at them with an icy glare.

"Chain him up and take him to the carriage, I will be back shortly." He said as he began to walk down the corridors.

There was only the sound of the quiet pitter-patter that his shoes made as he walked into the throne room. He spotted the king and queen of the eastern lands perched in their royal chairs, looking as though in deep conversation. As they took notice of his arrival he respectfully bowed.

"Are you another noble who wishes for my daughter's hand in marriage? If so, you can leave. She hath chosen a fine suitor already." The king said.

"No, mi lord 'tis not why I have come." He bit his tongue so his face wouldn't show a bitter expression, "I have come to tell you that I have reprehended my half brother and will not be needing your help any longer in his search."

"Anytime..But please schedule an appointment in advanced before ye decide to come and visit my lands." The king said irritably.

The queen stood and silently walked down the few stairs. Her husband seemed not to mind as she led Sesshomaru from the room and back out into the hall. She had a pleasant smile played on her face as she spoke to the western land's ruler.

"I apologize for my beloved's behavior, he's just anxious to wed our dear Kagome off at the new moon. He's been waiting fifteen years for that day." She said sadly.

"I can only accept your apologizes for so long Nao." Sesshomaru replied, "When your daughter marries that lord from the Northern lands, the human race will fall and the demon's shall rise once again."

"Aye, I understand. The oracle has foreseen it, but my beloved still refuses to see the truth. I wish he hadn't made a deal with that young lord the other night." Nao sighed.

"I truly don't care what happens once I leave this castle. I have apprehended my half brother from your kingdom and I will be going back to my quarters, so I can reteach my brother his manners and overdue school lessons." He growled unhappily.

As they passed the garden and headed towards Sesshomaru's carriage. Nao's eyes lit up as she tenderly grasped his arm, then she shook her head.

"If only my daughter wasn't betrothed. She could have married your half brother and that would put our lands as allies…but my beloved would have no such word of that kind of thing." She looked melancholy, her eyes loosing their spark.

"You speak as though my people are beneath you humans." Sesshomaru hissed, "My people do not need such sass mouth from a human, none the less a weak human such as your husband."

"Oh, don't take it the wrong way mi lord," Nao replied shocked, "Tis just how he feels. He would never approve of a youkai and human marriage. You should have seen what he did to the young fox boy who tried to we a peasant, he was so furious that the woman was sent to the gallows last year."

Sesshomaru climbed into his carriage and took a seat next to his still unconscious half brother. He looked at Nao and frowned, "I wish not to know anymore misfortunes about your people. But I give you one heed of warning to you, my friend." He paused for a bit, "Watch out for your daughter, I wouldn't trust this 'Lord Naraku' as far as I could let a human take rule over my land."

Nao nodded and smiled as she pressed out the imaginary wrinkles in her dress. She was about to close the carriage door for Sesshomaru when she heard a glass-shattering scream, coming from inside the castle walls.

"Kagome!" Nao gasped as she dashed back into the garden.
