InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ Evil Intentions Surface ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: NO I don’t own Inuyasha or any of those other character’s that are in da’ show! So stop harassing me and give back my good blue pen you jerks! (*takes pen and holds it close to her chest*) Thank you!

Will you be mine?

By Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Seven: Evil intentions surface.

"No! Inuyasha!" Kagome yelled before Naraku forcefully pulled her around the corner. He looked furious with her.

"It would be wise to shut up!" he growled digging his short nails into her wrist.

Kagome yanked her arm hoping to break free, it didn't work like how she would have wanted it to, but none the less she struggled to break free from Naraku's grasp. He pulled her down the hallways, her wrist now lightly bleeding.

"Let go!" she yelled as she tried to pry her wrist away.

Naraku growled angrily as he grabbed her other hand and twisted it behind her back. She let out a startled cry and he clamped his free hand over her mouth. Kagome gasped as she felt a hard body against her back and hot breath on her ear.

"You belong to me now!" he hissed, "What ever I say you will do! Got it!"

She softly whimpered as he pulled on her arm. The hand over her mouth slowly made its way down her neck and roughly stared down her chest. As she was about to pull herself away, he pushed Kagome up against the wall, smashing his body into hers.

"If you don't let go of me I'll scream!" she cried out as the tears started to swell in her eyes.

He laughed tightening his grasp on her and forced his other hand into her dress top. Kagome closed her eyes and Naraku harshly squeezed her breast. Not even a moment later she let out an ear-piercing scream.


Miroku and Sango hadn't been too far down the corridors when they faintly heard yelling. Miroku sighed trying to figure out who might be yelling when Sango poked his side playfully. He smiled as he pulled her into a loose embrace and nuzzled his head into the crook of her neck.

"…Miroku…" she giggled as she drew imaginary circles on his robes with her index finger.

"…..Sango.." he gulped as his face grew serious, "I want to ask you a serious question."

She laid her head on his chest and closed her eyes as Miroku held her a little tighter. She could feel his heartbeat quicken and his muscles tense up.

"What is it Miroku?" she mused as she played with his robe sleeves.

Before he could answer a loud horrifying scream rang out down from the halls. Their embrace was cut short when Miroku grabbed her hand in his and raced down the hallway towards the noise.

They might have been prepared for what they saw if it hadn't been a horrible scene. Naraku pressed up against Kagome. One of his hands over her breast and another hidden behind her back. Not to mention that Miroku and Sango both saw the tiny stream of blood coming from Kagome's visible hand.

"Get off me!" Kagome cried loudly sniffling.

Angrily the monk let go of Sango's hand and stepped towards Naraku, "Let go of her!" he said flatly.

Naraku removed his hand from Kagome and stepped away from the wall. He grabbed her wrist and held on tightly. Kagome's face was beat red and she breathed heavily, her eyes flickered joyously at Miroku and Sango.

"Humph, I was done with her anyway." Naraku said coldly as he lifted Kagome's chin with his fingers.

He squeezed her jaw as he smashed his lips onto hers and forcefully pried open her mouth with his tongue, practically gagging her. Kagome cried out and pushed away. Naraku growled and tossed her aside, causing her to fall to the ground. He licked his lips, then turned and disappeared down the corridors.

Sango rushed to Kagome's side and hugged her tightly. Kagome sat on the ground and began to sob. Her world was falling apart and was going to hell. Her servant gently patted Kagome's back and looked up at Miroku, his face was half confused, and half outraged by the unwinding ball of yarn that was he present day.

"You should take her back to her room before more people come to inspect. Kagome has a pretty good set of lungs." Miroku said scouting around the area, making sure that no one was coming yet.

"Okay, but don't forget about us." Sango replied as she helped the sobbing princess get to her feet.

Quickly Sango and Kagome made their way to Kagome's room. As soon as the door was closed, Kagome broke out in to hysteric sobs. Sango tried to comfort her friend as she cleaned up her injury. Sango held onto Kagome until the tears stopped flowing and the sniffles had ceased.

"Kagome? Are you okay?" Sango asked brushing the hair away from Kagome's face.

"Sango, I as so afraid." Kagome whispered as she wiped away the wetness from her face.

"I know hun, I know." She replied patting Kagome's back.

Sango was suddenly pushed away from the princess who became furious. Her eyes held hatred like she'd never seen before. Sango was taken back from this unfamiliar expression on her friend's face.

"I will not let myself be married to a man like Naraku!" Kagome spat as she fixed herself up, "I would rather have my parents killed."

"You surely don't mea that do you?" Sango asked shocked.

"Yes, I do" the princess sighed as she put up her hair in a bun, "They took him from me and I'll be dammed if I will put up with a man like Naraku for a husband!" her face became melancholy as she looked back at Sango, "When he.." She paused fighting back the angry tears, "…placed his hands on me like that it was like my innocence being stolen from me."

"Who did they take from you?" Sango asked a little behind in the conversation and a bit confused.

Kagome smoothed out the wrinkles in her dress and slipped on one her many necklaces. She would cherish it forever, because Inuyasha had given it to her a few years back. Now she knew how he was able to pay for it. She fingered the piece of jewelry as she gazed into the vanity mirror in front of her.

"Princess Kagome, please answer me." Sango continued.

"I watched as they drugged him." Kagome sighed sadly, "I saw the look in his eyes before he collapsed to his knees…. And I watched him try to reach for me as the drugs kicked in…Before Naraku pulled me around a corner…."


Miroku was just about done cleaning up the dried tiny blood specks on the tile floor when a very upset queen came jogging quickly to him. Her face showed signs of worry and confusion as she huffed and breathed heavily.

"Mi lady, are you okay?" he asked standing onto his feet, he was only a few inches taller than the queen.

"Where's Kagome?" she panted, "Is everything okay? I heard her scream from outside the gates."

"Yes, Princess Kagome is okay, she had quite a fright." He said only half truthfully, "She thought she saw a mouse, but it was only her imagination." He continued like nothing had happened at all, "She has been taken by Sango to her sleeping quarters to lie down. Princess Kagome doesn't feel so good at the moment.."

The queen sighed, relieved to hear that nothing was wrong, but her gut instinct told her to go check up on her daughter. She straightened herself up and began to walk slowly to her daughter's room.

"May I accompany you?" Miroku asked kindly, "Woman shouldn't have to walk down empty corridors by themselves, especially with such beauty as yours."

She nodded and Miroku caught up to the queen and silently walked a step or two behind her. It didn't take long for them to reach the gigantic wooden doors of Kagome's room. Lightly Nao knocked on her daughter's door giving her some privacy.

"Yes?" Sango asked faintly.

"Is Kagome awake? I heard from a certain monk that my daughter is feeling quite under the weather. Can I come in?" Nao asked loudly

"Hold on mi lady." Sango called, "Just let me make the room descent for you and the young monk."

Sango quickly dressed Kagome down to her skivvies and pushed her in the bed. Kagome pulled out the covers and slid underneath them while Sango quickly folded the dress. The princess took a minute to gain her focus as she hid her face into the goose-feathered pillows to give the illusion that she was laying down for some time.

As the servant Sango took once glance at Kagome, then she opened the door and bowed as the queen silently rushed over to the bed patting her daughter's back softly. The aging woman loomed over her daughter, with a sad look on her face.

"What is wrong mi lady?" Sango asked along with Miroku.

"I know why my daughter's upset." She replied looking at the servant, "I would never want to marry that young lord either. He seems so cold and uncaring." She paused for a moment, "She deserves better."

Kagome turned on her back and cautiously looked up at her mother with a very confused face. 'I would have thought that she would want me to marry him.' She told herself.

"Mama," Kagome asked, "If you don't think that I should wed him why can't I just call lit off?"

"Because your father believes that the young lord is the perfect young man. The boy has practically swept him off his feet. And your father has promised you to him. I'm sorry but there's nothing that you can do." The queen said sadly.

"Where's father?" Kagome demanded.

"He's at his throne thinking about what to say at the wedding." Her mother replied.

Throwing the covers off her body, Kagome got out of bed and walked over to where Sango had put her dress and pulled it out. She quickly rushed into the bathroom where Kagome pulled on her dress and tied, zipped and laced up the back. She opened the door and looked at the three confused people. One of which had a tiny smile plastered onto his face.

The eager princess went over to her vanity and sat down on the small-pillowed chair. She took her hairbrush in her hand and began to comb silently, humming as she brushed her hair. When she finished, Kagome looked into the mirror and nodded to herself. Miroku, Sango and the queen looked at Kagome, still playing the confused expressions on their faces. They still hadn't even moved an inch since Kagome had had a burst of vibrant energy.

"What's going on with you Kagome?" the three of them asked in unison.

"Nothing's the matter with me…." She said getting up from her chair.

In the blink of an eye her anger showed through her well-hidden expressions. She ran to her door ad bolted out before any of the three people in her room could chase after her.

Quickly she dashed down the halls, heading to where she would be able to find her father. Kagome laughed half-heartedly at her actions.

'Who would have known that I had it in me to deceive my mother, best friend, and a monk all at once.' She told herself.

Angrily she grabbed the pair of metal door handles and heaved the gigantic wooden doors open. Her father sat on his throne like her mother had said he was. The king had a resilient smile plastered on his face as his daughter came through the doors. His expression dropped to a concerned and worried look when he caught his daughter's enraged icy glares.

"What plagues my daughter's mind on such days like today?" he asked.

"Father why have you betrothed me with out my proper knowledge?" she replied.

"Tis a fine man he will keep ye happy." Her father said happily.

She glared at him and yelled aloud, "I will not marry that man! Even if he was the last man on Earth! I won't!!"
