InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ True forms and Disappearances ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: NO I don’t own Inuyasha or any of those other character’s that are in da’ show! So stop harassing me and give back my good blue pen you jerks! (*takes pen and holds it close to her chest*) Thank you!

Will you be mine?

By Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Eight: True forms and Disappearances

"Why do you say rude things Kagome? This young manly only asks for your love." Her father began to get irritated.

"Naraku doesn't deserve my love!" she yelled, "Nor will I stand around and let you or anyone control my life!"

"Kagome!" he bellowed, "You have no say so in these matters! You are my daughter and as long as I'm king I will do as I please! Now you will shut that tongue of yours before I become angry and do something that you'll regret!"

"You can't control me! And I will never let you marry me off! I am not your property!" she screamed.

"That may be true," a voice said from behind the double doors where Kagome had entered, "But my princess you do belong to me."

"Aye, Lord Naraku, just the person I would like to see." The king said as he gave an angry glare at his disobedient daughter.

"What is it that you wish from me mi lord?" Naraku replied coyly.

The king climbed out of his seat and walked down the stairs. Now he held the superior smile of pleasure on his face. Naraku shook the hands of the king and slightly bowed.

"I would like you to take my beautiful daughter to your lands for the day so she can observe on how she will live once you two are wed." He said emotionlessly.

Kagome looked at her father, 'How could he just send me away with this freak?!' "But father.." she complained.

"Be quiet," he yelled, "Ye will be spending most of your free time with this young lord and you will get to know him better! Is that understood?!"

Naraku was practically tickled pink by the king's stubbornness. Now he would get to spend the whole day with his bride to be, alone and in his own kingdom. He kept his emotionless smile plastered to his face as he watched the young princess burst out into tears.

"Is that understood!" her father hissed.

Kagome nodded and ran from the room. There was no way that they were going to get her into anything or do anything with Naraku. She ran passed several servants as she blindly fled down the hallways. Nothing would make her stop, and it wasn't like her life was going how she'd planned it either.


Inuyasha woke up to find himself in a very elegant and comfortably soft canopy bed. He groaned and rolled over hiding his pounding head into the comforts of very soft feathered pillows

"Get up," a cold voice demanded.

"Make me!" Inuyasha growled.

"Now, do we have to resort to violence? I haven't seen you in years little brother and you want me to start off your first night back with me slaying you and your dirty blood?" Sesshomaru said coldly.

The tired Inuyasha sat up on the bed to see Sesshomaru leaning against the door with his arms crossed over his chest.

"What did you do to Kagome?" Inuyasha asked angrily.

Sesshomaru laughed as he straightened up. He glared at his younger brother, who looked completely lost.

"Do? What do you think I did? I didn‘t do anything and I don‘t really care either," he replied. "The last I saw was her being dragged away by Naraku. Her eyes showed fear as she helplessly watched you crumble to the floor."

"YOU BASTARD!" Inuyasha hissed.

Sesshomaru rolled his eyes waving his hand at nothing. He opened the door and was about to walk out when he stopped and looked back at his little brother.

"Don't try to leave Inuyasha," he said calmly. "You aren't protected by your dirty human blood. My people don't take to your kind too keenly and they won't hesitate to kill you."

Inuyasha climbed to his feet and jumped off the bed. His brother raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Why now?" Inuyasha asked, "Why did you search for me now? Why not six years ago?"

"I have not cared for you, but it was father's deathbed wish for you to come back to the castle. Though I have only been able to find you now after a quite a big supplier told me where to find you." He paused for a moment, "I would have never even started to look for you unless I knew where you were and if it would be quite easy to capture you."

The Inuyoukai turned back around and left, slamming the door behind him and locking it. Inuyasha growled angrily and punched a near by wall. Surprisingly it didn't hurt like it should have and the wall had a pretty good-sized dent in it. Curiously he went over to a large mirror and looked at himself.

His hair had a silver tint to it, his skin began to look a tad lighter, his eyes were beginning to turn amber again, and his human ears were getting smaller.

"Damn you Sesshomaru!" He said roughly as he looked down at his hands to see tiny claws slowly starting to grow.

It wouldn't be too long now until he was fully transformed and be a hanyou once more. Inuyasha had no clue to what he was going to do, but he had a faint idea. To go back and see Kagome.


She found herself back in her room a few minutes later. Quickly she barricaded her door, locking it. She ran to her balcony door and locked that also, tying a ribbon from her hair around the two glass like door handles.

Trying to make it look trashed she threw everything around frantically. Not even ten minutes later she heard the pounding on her bedroom door. She could tell by the yelling that there was a small group of people. Luckily for her she placed her dresser and vanity against the door.

Kagome rushed to a near by closet and hid inside, locking that door. It would serve her some get away time. Frantically she looked around the tiny closet until she found one of her many hidden passageways. She got down on her hands and knees and slowly crept into the tiny door type thing.

She climbed onto her feet and brushed herself off. Her smile was semi-conscious. There would be no way for anyone to find her because nobody but her knew where any of the hidden passageways were except for Inuyasha, but he wasn't there anymore.

Then it all struck her, she wouldn't be able to ever see Inuyasha again. Sesshomaru from the western lands had come and stole her only chance of happiness from her. She sat down far enough away from the entrance and drew her knees up to her chest. Trying to fight back down her tears, Kagome closed her eyes tightly and let out a tiny cry of sadness as her emotions took hold of her senses. Quietly she cried, it wasn't like anyone was able to hear her, but she still tried hard to stay quiet as the tears streamed down her face by the gallons. Everything was now just catching up to her ego and she couldn't handle the depression any longer.

"If only you could be with me Inuyasha," she cried in a hushed voice. "If only my father understood that I am in love with a boy who actually makes me happy. I wish you could be here with me, to hold me and tell me everything's going to be all right, and how we would figure out a way around this marriage." She began to sob harder, "Then we could be happy. I can't believe that my life has gotten this bad just as I find someone that I can love."


Miroku and Sango left the young princess Kagome's room a few moments after the queen departed. They weren't quite sure of what was going on, but the had had the faintest clue.

"So why do you think Princess Kagome was such high spirited as she departed earlier?" Miroku asked Sango as they walked out into the garden side by side.

"I'm not quite sure," Sango replied looking curiously at the amorous monk, "but if I were just taking a stab at the answer it would probably be that she wanted to try and persuade her father to have him not wed her to Naraku."

"Aye, she probably has done just that." The monk said rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "Just with no prevail I presume."

Sango stopped and glanced at Miroku confusedly, "What do you mean 'with no prevail'?"

"My dear Sango," he started, "We both know of the King's stubbornness. He is like a horse. You can bring him to water, but yet you cannot force him to drink."

By looking down at Sango, he could tell that she was still having a hard time processing and comprehending what hidden statement which he spoke in. He chuckled a bit, then rubbed his temples.

"It means that Lady Kagome can waste all her time, effort, and her voice by yelling and screaming at her father. And she might even try a calm approach, trying to handle the situation civilized, but her father is stubborn. He may listen to certain parts of what she speaks, and not give a hoot about a word that the poor girl utters." Miroku's head began to hurt from all the good-natured non-perverted advice but yet he made perfect sense.

Something sparked in Sango's mind and she kind of understood. Though she felt sort of bad for Kagome, because no matter what she did, she was going to be wed to Naraku.

"We should really go and comfort her. She'll be very depressed as she finally realizes everything." Sango suggested.

Sango and Miroku were about to turn around and head back to the castle when they heard a familiar voice call out.

"HEY!" he called, "Hey you there! Stop! I Say stop!"

As the young boy caught up with the Miroku and Sango, he stepped in front of them, breathing heavily, when he saw his sister and the lecherous monk.

"What's going on Kohaku?" Sango asked curiously.

Catching his breath her blurted out, "Princess Kagome has barricaded herself into her room and we cannot get it open!"

Miroku looked at the worried Sango and closed his eyes momentarily, "She's figured out that fighting is futile, but we must hurry and get to her before she does something irrational."

"Yeah! Let's go!" Kohaku said quickly grabbing his sister's hand and pulling in the direction of the castle.
