InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ Eager to please ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: NO matter how much we all believe that it's true, sadly I don't own Inuyasha…*whistles innocently while hiding a key* but if you can find them all then you can have them back……

I know I know that I haven't updated in what seems like forever, but I've been having really bad computer problems and I have lost my disc's all of them. SO there goes all my stories. But thankfully I've actually have the stories down on paper … so neener neener neener! Lol so yeah here's the next chapter enjoy! Ooo and I almost forgot.. some attempted situations… *cough cough* read…


Previously on "Will you be mine?"

"Hey!" he called rushing over towards the two figures walking away from the castle. "Hey, you there! Stop! I say stop!"

As the young boy caught up with the girl and boy, he stepped in front of them, breathing heavily he saw the monk and his older sister.

"What's going on Kohaku?" Sango asked curiously.

Catching his breath he blurted out, "Princess Kagome has barricaded herself into her room and we cannot get it open!"

Miroku looked at the worried Sango and closed his eyes momentarily. "She's figured out that fighting is futile, but we must hurry and get to her before she does something irrational."

"Yeah, let's go!" Kohaku said quickly grabbing his sister's hand and pulling into the direction of the castle.


Chapter Nine: Eager to please

Taking her brother's hand, she took off in a fast jog with Miroku closely behind her. They made their way to the princess' room in a matter of only minutes. Already standing at the gigantic Victorian wooden doors were both the king and queen, a few other servants, and Naraku. He seemed to be not very interested in trying to get the princess out from her room.

As the three of them entered the scenery, Naraku looked up and flashed them an icy glare before he slowly walked off down the hallway.

"My lady, is there any way that we can help?" Sango offered.

"We must find a way into my daughter's room." The king said angrily, "She shows no respect for other's and she is completely selfish. I wonder where I went wrong with her."

The queen's eyes flickered with menace, she looked as though she was going to severely damage her arrogant husband, who could speak with such dishonorable words of their only child. With some quick thinking Miroku stood in front of the queen and smiled widely.

"My lady, come with Sango and I. We shall try and find another way into the bedroom." he paused looking back at the foolish king, "It seems as though my lord, your husband has this area under control."

The monk quickly looked over his shoulder at Sango, who nodded. The three of them walked to the other side of Kagome's room, they walked silently, clouded in confusion of what was going on. As they reached the back, Miroku jumped over the ledge and jiggled the handle.

"The door's locked," Miroku said looking at the two females behind him.

"Hold on. I might have something." Sango replied digging into her apron. It took a few seconds, but she pulled out a long nail filer and handed it to Miroku.

He gave her an evil grin and slightly winked before he went back to the door and slid in the nail filer between the cracks.

'Hrm.. This is harder than I thought.' He told himself as he tried to rip the ribbon tied around the knob.

"I'm going to take a walk in the garden." The queen sighed, "So I can clear my mind."

"Aye my lady." Miroku grunted as he kept his attention on opening the door.

When the queen was out of sight, Sango climbed over the ledge to assist the monk. He jammed the filer into the door and smashed his fingers in the process. Sango let out a tiny giggle and picked up the fallen nail filer, looking up at Miroku curiously.

"I think you dropped this." She said holding up the filer in her hand.

He noted the smile on her face, though he was confused at first until Sango ran the nail filer up his robed arm.

"Sango, I've been meaning to ask you something." He said as he drew her into a loose embrace.


Inuyasha sat on the edge of his gigantic bed. Torn pieces of silk blankets and goose feathers lay strewn out all over the now clustered floor. He was surrounded by darkness. The stars show brightly through the glass door. The hanyou was angry with himself, his brother and whom ever had told where he was hiding. Now there was no way he could change back into his human form since Sesshomaru had found away to break the enchantment that Inuyasha's mother had placed on him to conceal his true form before she passed on.

"I see we've already made ourselves at home." A woman's voice cooed seductively from the doorway.

"Go away Nazuna, I'm not in the mood." He told her emotionlessly.

Quietly she went over to his side, her smile was undoubtedly one of curiosity. Nazuna jumped up on the bed and crawled over to Inuyasha's side. He glared at her and turned away, his hands crossed over his chest and his nose up in the air.

"Oh Inuyasha lighten up. It's not as if you're going anywhere anytime soon." She said lowly as she climbed onto the hanyou's lap.

He growled loudly as she straddled his lap, he tried to push the aroused cat youkai off of himself, but she only retaliated violently by pushing him firmly onto the soft mattress, holding his wrists down with her sharp claw like nails.

"Get off me Nazuna!" he snarled angrily.

Her maroon eyes twinkled brightly as the mischievous grin on her face expanded widely. She lowered her head to the crook of Inuyasha's neck and at first lightly nipped at it, before moving up and licking his chin.

"Until your strength completely returns…You're mind for the taking Inuyasha." She hissed some what in a cross between seductively and dripping with venom.

"Yeah right…But who says that my strength hasn't returned yet?" Inuyasha chuckled as he lead his head towards her only to head but her, gripping her hands with one of his massive palms, immediately flipping their positions.

His other hand lay spread out over the cat youkai's neck, with his own claws pressed tightly against her jugular vein. Nazuna's strawberry blonde hair hung loosely over her surprised face. Her eyes were wide with fear, even in the darkness, Inuyasha could smell her fear. He grunted as he climbed off her.

"Why Lord Sesshomaru had told me your strength had yet to return….The whole court knows of your arrival." She stammered, backing up away from him.

"That bastard!" Inuyasha growled as he grabbed Nazuna, roughly tossing off of the bed and onto the concrete like floor. "Get out of her before I change my mind and rid of you myself."

She quickly climbed to her feet and scrambled to the door. Before Nazuna left, Inuyasha added, "And if you tell a single soul about my strength Nazuna…." He paused looking down at his claws, then back to her, "I will kill you."

With that she hurried out of the room and disappeared out of Inuyasha's range of hearing. He let out a heavy sigh as he got to his feet and slowly went to the glass door and opened it. The cold air felt good against his face, closing his eyes he tried to find some way to relax and get used to his surroundings.

"You shouldn't attack the young woman who come to your room." A cold voice said coming form inside the pitch-black room.

"Then you shouldn't tell the sex crazed demons in this castle about how 'weak' I am." Inuyasha spat irritably.

Sesshomaru smirked evilly as he appeared by his hanyou brother's side. Both of their long silk soft silver hair blew in the breeze and Sesshomaru chuckled.

"I love to see Nazuna squirm." He confessed. "I've got to do something with all my spare time…Besides…I think she likes you."

"No really, I couldn't tell." Inuyasha snorted dripping with sarcasm. "But I don't wish to be here. I have other things, important things to attend to."

The Western lands ruler turned and gave his younger brother an icy glare, then looked up at the moon.

"I don't care what happens to you Inuyasha," he said bluntly, "If it were up to me, you'd have been dead a long time ago. Do as you please, but with only a few rules. One, Don't kill any of my people. Two, Whatever you do, stay out of my way. And three, Don't mess up any of my plans." He paused before adding. "Disobey any of these rules Inuyasha and I will deliver a punishment far worse than the next, starting with that princess of the Eastern lands."

Inuyasha glared at his brother momentarily before he quickly jumped onto the ledge.

"One thing of advice." Sesshomaru muttered. "Don't get caught, or you'll ruin my plans."

"Don't worry Sesshomaru, I won't." Inuyasha replied smiling widely. "Thanks Sesshomaru," and then he was gone.

"Sesshomaru? Are you in here?" a woman's faint voice asked sweetly from the doorway of Inuyasha's room.


OOO… te he well that's all for now. Keep on reading and please review to give me some happiness that I so need at this moment. I will update in about a month and trust me it's getting good. Krystal.