InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ Caught in the act ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: NO, I don't own Inuyasha or any of the other people that are in the anime/manga series. Even if it is my unreachable desire to own them, I can't. Curse them handsome devils! lol

Excuse the grammar and spelling errors, I was very eager to get this chapter out to you people.

Okay, well I know that you people have been waiting forever for this chapter and if you are just joining us then this is your lucky day. ~_^ Today's chapter consists of some Lime/Lemony content. This is my first attempt at a lemon type fanfic and I do appreciate it if you don't set my body on fire just yet, wait for the lemon at least. That's all for right now, but keep in tune. I've got a major A/N at the bottom for you to read. Thanks and enjoy!

Now, if you don't like that kinda stuff, then I'd advise you not to read this story. So don't complain to me! unless you really want to that is.

Previously on "Will you be mine?"

The Western land's ruler turned and gave his younger brother and icy glare, then looked up at the moon.

"I do not care what happens to you Inuyasha," He said bluntly, "If it were up to me you'd have been dead a long time ago. Do as you please, but with only a few rules. One, don't kill any of my people. Two, whatever you do stay out of my way. And three, don't mess up any of my plans." He paused before adding, "Disobey any of these rules Inuyasha, and I will deliver a punishment far worse than the next. Starting with that princess from the Eastern lands."

Inuyasha glared at his brother momentarily before he quickly jumped onto the ledge.

"One thing of advice." Sesshomaru muttered, "Don't get caught, or you'll ruin my plans."

"Don't worry Sesshomaru, I won't." Inuyasha replied smiling widely, "Thanks Sesshomaru." and then he was gone.

"Sesshomaru? Are you in here?" a woman's faint voice asked sweetly from the doorway of Inuyasha's room.

O.O wake up, wake up, wake up! Yeah, I'm so tired of waiting. O.o

Chapter Ten: Caught in the act.

"Yes I am dear." he replied going over to his lovely young wife and leaning down to kiss her forehead lightly.

"Where's your brother Inuyasha?" she questioned curiously, "I thought I should greet the young lad who helped bring my big fluffy husband to me a few years back."

The Inuyoukai chuckled softly as his wife hugged him tightly. "He has left, probably for the rest of the night. Unfinished business my love."

"Well I think we have a little unfinished business ourselves." She said pulling away from Sesshomaru.

"Now that you say that, I do have some work waiting for me in the study room." he said thoughtfully.

His wife laughed as she playfully slapped his arm. He looked down at her mischeviously and in a flash, she was wrapped tightly in his arms with his lips roughly against hers. At first she couldn't hear what he said, but she caught the ending.

" Rin..." He muttered catching her lips in a tender kiss.

'I love you too fluffy,' She thought as he swept her off her feet and carried her down the wing to their sleeping quarters.

^_^ You got some Sesshy fluff!!! lol good ne? ^_^

As Inuyasha leaped off the ledge onto the cold grass, he instantly took off running. He may have had no clue where the eastern lands were, but it wasn't too hard to find it. Everything around him was quiet and it quickly whizzed by. All he had to do was follow his human scent back to the castle and it wouldn't take him long until he would tell Kagome everythihng. Maybe then he could be with her.

'How did this all happen?' He asked himself as he sniffed around for the faint clue to where he ws going so he wouldn't get lost.

He could tell that the night was young by how the moon was positioned abouve the mountains. Soon it would be about midnight and he was only halfway there. It was easy to tell once he had finally found the trail.

'I'm coming Kagome, I'm coming.' He thought as he ran down the dirt road.

o.O I close my eyes, let the whole thing pass me by, there is no time to waste...asking why. O.o

Kagome didn't know how much time had passed, and her tears had long ago dried from her face. She could tell by how quiet her surroundings were that whom ever were trying to get in her room had succeeded to no prevail. Finding nothing, they would have quickly scurried out of the room to look else where.

Laying down on the cold hard floor, she used her arms as pillows and closed her eyes. A few more tears ran down her face as she sighed. Before she could fall into unconsciousness, she heard three faint voices coming closer to her hiding place.

"Where is she?" a gruff voice asked impatiently.

There was a moment of silence, "She has disappeared," a woman answered.

"Go, keep watch. I'll find her." the man replied roughly.

Kagome's eyes went wide as she heard her closet door open. She quickly got onto her feet, completely forgetting about her shoes she tore off down the passage way as fast as she could. She could hear the footsteps behind her, getting closer, though she didn't hear him call to her.

As she came to the door, she could feel the man practically breathing down her neck. She reached the knob and turned it, giving her a gigantic view of the garden. Kagome dashed out as the person barely touched her shoulder. She thought since she was out in the open she was home safe, but before she knew it, the man tackled her to the ground. She cried out and closed her eyes as her back hit the ground.

Her chest heaved up and down and she could feel the pressure of somebody on top of her. The hairs on her neck prickled up as the hot breath waxed and waned on her neck. There were two strong hands, one around her waist, and another right next to her head. SHe could feel the lightness of his hair on her face.

<("<) Be aggressive, be be aggressive! lol couldn't help it! <("<)

Tightening his grip around her, Miroku kissed Sango softly. She eagerly returned it and wrapped her hands around the monks neck. After a moment, Sango pulled away only to have him quite roughtly capture her lips into a more demanding kiss. He licked her lips and as her lips parted, Miroku intensely lashed his tongue into her mouth, exploring each crevase that was unkown to him for so long.

Her body grew hot with anticipation as Miroku's hands began to roam the curves of her slender figure hidden underneath her day clothes. She could feel him trying to untie her apron as he kissed her hungrily.

"Sango, I love you..." he said softly pulling away from their embrace to remove the apron from her waist and dropping it to the floor.

"I...I don't know what to say.." she admited looking away from him and out to the setting sun.

Putting his fingers under her chin and guiding her eyes to his, he whispered, "Say you love me Sango. I can't live another day without you." He paused for a moment, "Would you marry me?"

Gazing into his worried, yet loving violet eyes she let a stray tear fall down her face. 'Can I really love him?' She asked herself, 'Can I see myself in his arms for the rest of my life? Does he really love me?' And as if it was answering her mental question, he kissed her forehead and smiled.

"Sango, if you ware worried I understand. But I loved you from the first day you knocked me unconscious." This caused them both to blush slightly, "I will do anything just so I can have the chance to grow old with you. To spend every lonely night with you by my side."

She answered him by pulling him to her and kissing him. This sent Miroku's mind spinning, he was overwhelmed with joy. The monk pressed his body against Sango, who leaned agaisnt the glass door which was still currently locked. He began to explore her mouth more hungirly than before when he heard her moan into his mouth.

Loosing control of his thoughts, he ran his hands slowly down Sango's backside. He felt her shiver under his grasp and it only made his manhood grow tight under his many layers of robes. One of his hands held her waist as the other wandered down her butt and her upper thigh.

At first she gasped in surprise as he lifted one of her legs and pulled it around his waist. He pushed his lower half roughly against hers as his hardened shaft was rubbed against the middle of her lower abdomen.

She held her leg around his waist as his hand slowly made its way underneath her knee-length dress and up her unprotected thigh. It sent chills of pleasure up her spine and she pulled away from him to catch her breath only to have him put his head in the crook of her neck, suckling lightly on her collarbone.

Miroku's hand moved seductively around the tiny band of her cotton panties, her head was completely baffled by the way he touched her. It seemed to spark up this energy she'd never seen before, her senses were whacked out and all she could do was think of how much she wanted him to take her.

Sango moaned loudly as he bit down on her neck, for the moment all he was going to do was tease he until she begged for mercy. He wanted her to tell him to continue, so he slipped his hand under the band just below her navel and gripped her pulsating womanhood with his palm.

"Please....Miroku..." She breathed hoarsely grapsing the sleeves of his robes, "I love you, but please!" She closed her eyes tightly and put her face to the sky.

By now it had grown dark and neither of them had recognized the figure slowly coming towards them. Wrapped up in their own ecstacy, they hadn't even had the slightest clue that the figure sat on the ledge wall and watched them with a smirk on his face.

"You know," he chuckled, "You two shouldn't be doing that stuff in publice, unless you both are 'lovers'. But I'm sure you already knew that."

Miroku and Sango froze as the stranger started to speak. The hoarseness of his voice and the tone he spoke with; it could only be one person, Inuyasha. But how could he be her when Kagome had told Sango that his "Brother" had taken him away.

Sango opened her eyes and looked at the figure, no doubt it was Inuyasha, but his looks were different. They were from the other night when he had transformed. Quickly she pulled away from Miroku and straighted her dress out and stared at the floor completely embarrassed that he of all people had caught her and the perverted monk at a very intense and awkward moment.

"How have you gotten back so quicky Inuyasha? I thought your 'brother' Lord Sesshomaru had practically dragged you to the western lands?" Miroku asked calmly facing Inuyasha.

"He did," The hanyou replied, "But that's not important right now. Where's Kagome at?"

Miroku bent down and picked up Sango's nail filer and handed it to Inuyasha, then pointed at the door.

"We think she's in there, but we can't get in. It's locked and there's a ribbon holding the door shut." Miroku said clsing his eyes.

Inuyasha squated down observing the lock. He grunted as he put his pinky claw into the lock. After a moment or two of twisting and turning his fragile claw, he heard a soft click. He climbed to his feet and smiled.

"Inuyasha that's not going to work." sango said softly looking over Miroku's shoulder.

The hanyou turned the knob and pushed in. The door opened but only a crack, there was one of Kagome's hair ribbons tied tighly to the other door knobs. Listening carefully, he could hear a faint heart beat, he could smell blood and the sweet sour hint of salt water.

He took the nail filer from his hands and slowly moved it onto of the ribbon. He barely had a hold of the edge of the object as he began to roughly sawed at the ribbon. It took longer than what he had originally deduced. Sango and Miroku watched curiously and silently over his shoulder as he worked.

Finally the ribben gave way and the doors slightly swung open a bit. It was completely dark, but Inuyasha could see perfectly as he walked over to one of the candles, he scratched his claws against the wall. The candle whick sparked and caught alight.

^_^ So what do four witches do? lol guess! ^_^

Sorry but this is all you get. I'm just positively prime evil aren't I? Well good news. I'm starting to go back to WEEKLY updates for this story because I really need to get off my ass and finish this story. I hope you liked it and I'm sorry if you didn't like the whole Miroku/Sango moment. I tired at least ne? Well Until next time Krystal.