InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ Taken out of context ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: NO I don’t own Inuyasha or any of those other character’s that are in da’ show! So stop harassing me and give back my good blue pen you jerks! (*takes pen and holds it close to her chest*) Thank you!

Will you be mine?

By Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Twelve: Taken out of context.

Miroku and Sango looked around the princess' trashed room. Glass figurines were broken, and her belongings were everywhere. Sango sighed heavily as she dropped to the floor and began to pick up all the broken glass on the ground.

"What are you doing?" Miroku asked.

"I'm cleaning up this room like I'm supposed to." Sango replied, "Now go get me the trash can."

Quietly the monk glanced around and found a tiny waste bucket, he went over to it, then brought it back to the servant and watched her intensely. After getting an icy glare from Sango, Miroku gulped and decided to help pick up the room. Going over to the bedroom door, he slowly pulled on the vanity and then the dresser away from the door.

By the time he was finished, his face was a bit flushed and sweat tricked down his face. 'How can Lady Kagome do this and not even break a sweat?' He asked himself as he pulled the large wooden objects back into their original places.

As if reading his thoughts, Sango came up behind him and wiped the sweat from his head. She went to the other side and smiled.

"Pushing is a lot easier than pulling," She said flatly as she went over to Kagome's bed and pulled off all the ripped sheets.

A lecherous grin crossed his face as he eyed Sango longingly. Walking over to her, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. He heard her gasp which made his grin grow wider.

"You know Sango my dear," Miroku said, "We could test that theory if you'd like..."

"It doesn't work that way mister!" She growled whacking him on the head, "Get your mind out of the gutter monk!"

Miroku released Sango and rubbed his head. 'Damn she's such a vixen!' He told himself as he resumed his cleaning by Sango's side. They worked in silence for what seemed like forever. The monk would glance at Sango every few minutes or so, watching the way her body moved as she picked up something or put an object back in its place.

He couldn't help himself, he was practically infatuated with Sango and if he wasn't so unsure of himself, he would say that he was madly in love with her.


Inuyasha sighed heavily as he crossed his arms over his chest. Glancing down at the beautiful girl in front of him, he saw the shocked expression on her face, but it quickly turned into one of anger as she slapped the side of his arm quite roughly.

"Hey!" He cried out rubbing his abused appendage, "What was that for wench?"

Her hands were on her hips as she glared at the hanyou with a murderous intent glowing in her bright eyes. "I can't believe you!" She growled.

"What?" He asked, "What can't you believe?"

"You jerk!" She hissed pointing her index finger into Inuyasha's face, "If you're Inuyasha! Then..." She paused as her face went black, her eyes brimmed with tears, "You-You lied to me!"

"Kagome...." Inuyasha stuttered, "I-" She cut him off.

"The night at the ball....When I asked you to dance with me, you tried to brush me off!" She began to become furious as she took a step closer to him, "I thought that you were somebody else.... That my Inuyasha was going to come like he'd promised!... And then when you took me to my sleeping quarters.... Y-you tried to kiss me... You had ulterior motives than just a dance, didn't you? Didn't you!"

He was completely dumbfounded by her anger, but he couldn't really blame her now could he? Because of course that night he hadn't been too gentle and he had to fight down his demon instincts to take her right in front of her bedroom door.

"No..." He said quickly, "That's not how it is Kagome... Let me explain!"

"You planned to sleep with me didn't you Inuyasha?!" She growled poking his chest, "You never wanted to be my friend! This was... just some sick and twisted game to fuck the princess wasn't it!"

"Shut up and listen to me for a moment!" Inuyasha yelled grabbing Kagome's shoulder.

Angrily she pushed him away and lashed her hand across his face with a loud smack. He stumbled in shock that she had struck him. While Inuyasha was temporarily distracted in a daze, Kagome turned her back to him and quickly stormed away, silent tears of anger streaming down her cheeks. She had to get away from him, she needed to get away.

By the time Inuyasha had snapped out of his daze, Kagome was already half way back to her bedroom he could smell her tears and the anger, sadness and confusion that seemed to be surrounding her. Breaking into a fast run, the hanyou chased after her, again. He had to explain everything to her, from the beginning to end, but he was unsure of how she would react to all of the confusing information.

"Kagome wait!" He yelled nearing her.

"Go away!" She replied, "I wish not to speak with you!"

"You have to listen to me Kagome!" He told her as she quickly climbed over the ledge of her balcony, "You have to let me explain!"

"NO Inuyasha, I don't have to do anything!" The princess snarled as she turned to face the hanyou once they both were back in her bedroom. "I don't have to do anything you say!.... You don't own me!"

Resisting the urge to shake some sense into Kagome, he gritted his teeth, "I don't own you, but you're mine!"

Kagome ignored his last comment and faced two very confused people; Miroku and Sango. Tossing some hair over her shoulder snobbishly, Kagome walked towards he bathroom.

"Miroku." Kagome said agitatedly, "Go fetch my mother and tell her I wish to speak with her about the matters of a suit-"

"But Kagome!" Sango, Miroku and Inuyasha said in unison.

"And...Please escort Inuyasha from here, I wish not to look at his sleazy, two timing--"

"Yes, mi' lady." Miroku replied giving the hanyou behind the princess the most apologetic look as he walked over to Inuyasha and grabbed his shoulder.

Inuyasha snarled angrily as he roughly shoved Miroku's hands away. Kagome still hadn't moved from her spot and Sango just looked confused. The hanyou growled as he narrowed his eyes.

"If that's how you want it to be your 'majesty'!" He spat saying the last part sarcastically, "Then fuck you!... I'm leaving, I should have known that you would betray me!"

Kagome spun around to look at Inuyasha, but he was already gone. She had pushed him away, now he would be able to go and find someone that could love him in return. 'It wasn't supposed to end like this!' She told herself, 'We were supposed to have a happy ending...We were supposed to be together!'

"Lady Kagome?" Sango asked placing her hand on Kagome's shoulder.

The young princess faced Sango and buried her head in her friend's chest and began to cry. Sango patted Kagome's back and glanced over at Miroku, who only nodded and left the room. Right now Kagome really needed a shoulder to cry on because in the morning things were only going to get worse and the princess really needed to be emotionally stable or she wouldn't make it through the day.
