InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ Run ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: NO I don’t own Inuyasha or any of those other character’s that are in da’ show! So stop harassing me and give back my good blue pen you jerks! (*takes pen and holds it close to her chest*) Thank you!

Will you be mine?

By Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Thirteen: Run.

Inuyasha furiously ran. He couldn't figure out why Kagome was acting like she was. He didn't know how to react to her hurtful words, but no matter what his conscience kept badgering him, and his heart knew that what Kagome was saying wasn't true. It was the look in her eyes that gave her away. The hanyou wasn't going to doubt, he had to believe that there was going to be a way for them to be together.

His mind was racing with uncertain thoughts as he left the Eastern territories, he needed time to think and from the looks of it, Kagome needed some time to cool off. She was probably emotionally over loaded by everything that had happened in the facilities of only one day, talk about stress.

'I hope Kagome can see passed all this!' He told himself as the cool air blew in his face. 'All I have to do is figure out a way to keep Naraku from marrying Kagome. I need to find someone who will help me, and even though I don't actually want it, but get some advice on what to do.'

Soon it would be daybreak and Inuyasha had to get back to the Western lands before anyone would see him. For some reason he was going to follow his brother's orders, because there was a familiar scent on him, that of a female. The hanyou hadn't noticed it at first when he'd come across his half brother Sesshomaru, but now he was trying his hardest. He started thinking about everything and anything that didn't seem to make sense to him.

'Maybe when I get back to the castle I can ask Sesshomaru about it?' Inuyasha thought as he scanned the scenery.

Even though it was still slightly dark, Inuyasha could see the darkened shapes of the tall trees that passed him. He could feel the tall green grass that surrounded him, the cool air against his face as his long locks of silver hair fluttered behind him as he ran. The sound of the silent crickets as they chirped.

If Inuyasha wasn't as wound up and as cautious as he currently was, he would have enjoyed the scenery to his liking, but now was not the time however, and he really had to get back into the safety of his brother's kingdom. His ears twitched and swiveled around his head, keeping himself on guard, he couldn't be caught by anyone unless he wanted to put Kagome and himself in danger, and trust me, there was no way in hell that he'd ever do a thing like that, never in a million years.

Loosing track of time, the hanyou was flying past the gates to his brother's vast kingdom. Hundreds of different scents invaded his nose and he fought back a fit of coughs as he jumped easily over the large gate that he figured out to lead into the rather enormous garden. When he had lived here six years before, Inuyasha believed that the garden wasn't as big and it didn't have the clear blue pond with a curved wooden bridge, where a woman in a radiant dress currently stood gazing into the water.

Inuyasha landed on the ground and watched the woman. Her long black hair cascaded over her shoulders and the way she stood showed off her elegance. She had a pale face that seemed contempt. Carefully, the hanyou walked closer, her scent was oddly familiar, but he couldn't quite place his finger on it.

The woman's head shot up when Inuyasha accidentally stepped on a twig. Her brown eyes were wide with surprise as she stared unblinking at him, it made him uncomfortable and nervous. Then she smiled and walked off the bridge and towards where he was standing, frozen like a statue.

"Welcome back Inuyasha!" The woman said kindly as she stopped a few feet from him and bowing respectfully.

Surprise and shock flooded throughout his body. This woman wasn't a demon, she was human and yet she wore the clothing fitted for someone of royalty, or that of extreme importance. He didn't know what to say, his mind was boggled, but yet something about her smile was nagging him, he couldn't remember, it was just a big blank.

"It's been a long time since I've seen you Inuyasha.." She continued, "Almost seven years and you've grown into such a fine young man. I'm so proud of you and envy everything that you've been through. I see why Sesshomaru believes that you remind him of your father so much."

"What are you talking about?" Inuyasha was finally able to regain control of his voice, "Who are you and how do you know my half brother Sesshomaru?"

'Dumb question!' He scolded himself, 'Sesshomaru's king duh! That's how she knows him! But how so personally?'

The woman giggled childishly and Inuyasha had immediately remembered who she was, but what confused him was how she was still alive. She should have died the day at the castle when it was under attack. A few days before he reached the Eastern land, before he had met Kagome.

"Rin?" He asked both confused and dumbfounded.

She nodded and pulled Inuyasha into a tight embrace. He blushed slightly, but returned the hug in a friendly manner. When she released him, he could see the stars practically shinning in her eyes.

"How?" He questioned confused even more so than before.

"Well after you saved him when they attacked the castle and you hid me in a closed off room, I didn't think that I was going to make it through the invasion." She replied looking down at her hands as she pulled on her fingers subconsciously. "I stayed there for who knows how long, hiding in the closet. I was so scared that everyone I cared for would get hurt...."

He listened carefully, clinging to every word like she was some kind of expert storyteller. He had remembered that day, but some parts were just blank, and he had just told himself that his conscious had blocked it for some unknown purpose. Shaking all thoughts from his head, Inuyasha continued to listen to Rin's story.

"After a while, I began to think that the coast was clear and that your father and the guards had gotten rid of all the intruders. So I climbed out of the closet and that's where I bumped into him, standing there elegantly, a smirk on his face and I was shell-shocked, but I immediately knew that he was glad to see me... I fell in love..."

Rin seemed to drift off into her own little world as her eyes glassed over and a dreamy smile came to her face as her hands became tightly clasped on her chest. He was relieved, but who had she fallen in love with? Who was she glad to see? More unwanted questions fluttered into his mind, that is until a monotone voice spoke, scaring the crap out of the distracted hanyou.

"I am the one she's telling you about dear brother." His cold voice seemed to be scolding him. "Don't stress yourself out by trying to guess. A simple mind like yours would never in a million years figure out something so complex such as this.."

Inuyasha looked up to see Sesshomaru a few feet behind Rin and slowly coming closer. Still stunned a bit, the hanyou stayed quiet and didn't reply to his brother's obvious insult. He really didn't need anymore bad blood between the two of them, besides, fatigue was settling in on Inuyasha and he was beginning to feel tired and in need of some serious sleepage.
