InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ The wedding from hell ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: NO I don’t own Inuyasha or any of those other character’s that are in da’ show! So stop harassing me and give back my good blue pen you jerks! (*takes pen and holds it close to her chest*) Thank you!

Will you be mine?

By Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Fourteen: The wedding from hell

Inuyasha smiled as he saw Kagome, she was just gorgeous. She was wearing an elegant white wedding dress; it accentuated her hourglass figure and pushed up her round breasts perfectly. Her hair was done in a tight bun and a few strands of her ebony hair curved to the contours of her face.

A white veil was over her face, but he could still see her beautiful eyes sparkling in happiness as she stared lovingly at him. Tearing his eyes away from Kagome for a moment, he looked down at himself, and sure enough Inuyasha was wearing what looked like an exact copy of his red fire ride robe, only black and he had on shoes. Looking back up, he saw hundreds of people in the church pews, staring excitedly at him and Kagome.

'This must be a wedding ceremony.' He told himself as he glanced to his other side to see a priest standing there with an open bible in his old hands. The priest was staying something, but Inuyasha couldn't quite make out the words; they seemed to be all smashed together, the words of course.

Bringing his eyes back onto Kagome's face, he could feel himself showing her one of his genuine smiles as he took her small and warm hands into his own. He felt as she shook nervously as she began to say something inaudible like the priest had. It was beginning to frustrate him, not being able to hear her voice and all, but he didn't let it get to him. For some reason he didn't want to ruin this feeling that was building up in his stomach.

'This is my wedding!' He thought happily as he stared unblinking at Kagome as she spoke.

Inuyasha heard his name being said, and he automatically looked up at the priest, the old man seemed to have a familiar malicious filled gleam as he began his soundless speech. Even if he couldn't hear the old man speaking, he seemed to understand what he was saying perfectly clear.

As the priest's lips stopped moving, the hanyou could feel his start moving as if he was speaking, but like the same, he couldn't hear what he himself was saying. His hands moved and Inuyasha watched in complete shock as he slid a very extravagant ring onto Kagome's slender finger, she too slipped a ring onto his finger in return and they both looked up at the priest. Boy did he like to hear himself talk, but still everything around the hanyou remained as silent as the leaves falling from a tree during the fall. Probably as quiet as death if you will.

Kagome's hands tightened around his and Inuyasha smiled once more as he gently moved the white veil out of her face so he could see her rosy red cheeks. He couldn't breathe as his heart practically stopped, a lump in his throat. He'd been waiting for this moment forever, to be together with her finally, free to love her and not from far away, but with her wrapped tightly in his arms.

'I love you Kagome.' He heard himself say, or at least that's what he was currently thinking at the moment.

She seemed to reply back, then close her eyes as she leaned into him. On instincts, Inuyasha drew her close as his lips descended on hers, covering her mouth in a passionate kiss, yet a chaste kiss. Inuyasha thought that he'd die, her lips were as soft as rose petals and her scent was intoxicating to his sensitive nose.

The kiss ended and the hanyou held Kagome in his arms, her eyes still closed, but her mouth seemed a little bruised. Soon her eyes fluttered open and she looked up at him, they were half lidded as if she was just awaking from a pleasurable dream.

That's when he heard the sound of glass breaking and that of a heavy book hitting the ground with a thud. He glanced at the priest only to see Naraku standing there, an evil smirk on his face as he cackled. He could hear the surprised gasps of the people in the pews and his body began to feel oddly warm.

Inuyasha could feel Kagome's manicured nails digging roughly into his arms and her body arching into his. Tearing his gaze he saw the look of excruciating pain on her face. Something was going horrible wrong with her.

"Kagome!" He cried out as he held her tightly against his body, "NO! Kagome!"

This couldn't be happening to him, she was supposed to be his true love. The curse shouldn't of started having its effect. Kagome was the one that he was supposed to spend the rest of his life with, she wasn't supposed to die a miserable and painful death and he clutched her.

"NO!" He screamed as her body became limp and lifeless in his body, "Kagome! NO! This wasn't supposed to happen! This wasn't supposed to happen!"

He tried to hold onto her, but she disappeared from his grasp and he could feel somebody shaking him roughly. Everything went dark and he sat up quickly as he sucked in the cold air to his lungs. Inuyasha was covered in a cold sweat and his silver hair was plastered to his face. He couldn't see anything at first, but he could smell Rin's scent along with her fear.

Rubbing his eyes with his clenched fists, he crossed his legs and opened hi eyes to see Rin sitting on his bed, in a long pale blue nightgown. There was a single lit candle on the table next to his bed and immediately the woman threw her arms around Inuyasha's neck and hugged him tightly against herself whispering comforting words into his dog-ears.

He sat there limp in her arms, his head resting on her shoulder as he bit back the stress filled tears. He'd been away from Kagome for only a week and his nightmares kept coming back each worse than the one before. The hanyou must have been calling out for Kagome again, because Rin was comforting him and Sesshomaru was waiting patiently in the doorway having been interrupted once again.

"It's okay Rin I'm fine.." Inuyasha whispered hoarsely a moment later, "You can go back to bed. I didn't mean to disturb you again."

"Come Rin." Sesshomaru said tiredly, "Inuyasha is a grown man, he doesn't need you worrying over him like a protective mother... Let's go back to bed, it's early."

Rin glared at her husband and nodded giving Inuyasha one last reassuring hug before releasing him and ruffling his hair. Giggling a bit, she quickly climbed off the hanyou's enormous canopy bed and picked up the candle, walking quite slowly to the door where Sesshomaru was.

"We'll talk in the morning Inuyasha!" It was more of a demand other than anything else, "But sleep tight, nighty night!"

He could faintly hear Rin's whispers as she and Sesshomaru walked down the empty hallways as they drifted further and further away from his room. Sighing heavily, Inuyasha tossed the blankets off his body and got out of bed. He too was tired, but he knew that now he was awake that sleep wouldn't come, it would elude him.

His feet connected with the cold tile and he shivered as he went to the glass like doors and opened them, coming face to face with the balcony. He stepped out into the cool air as he sat on the wall staring out into the star covered sky.

'I can't stop thinking about her.' He thought sullenly, 'I wish I knew how she was doing, if she misses me like I do her.'

Watching the sky for a moment longer, he sighed heavily once again as he walked back into his room and closed the glass doors. He would try and go back to sleep, or at least just lie in bed and waste away until Rin would talk to him in the morning about his reoccurring nightmares.