InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ A message ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: NO I don’t own Inuyasha or any of those other character’s that are in da’ show! So stop harassing me and give back my good blue pen you jerks! (*takes pen and holds it close to her chest*) Thank you!

Will you be mine?

By Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Sixteen: A message
Time seemed to move slowly as Kagome's health progressed and soon enough she was well to get out of bed and allowed visitors again. Unlucky as she was, Naraku was the first person to come to her and he was the only one who wouldn't leave her side. He had explained to her father that since Kagome wasn't yet well enough to travel, he would spend the rest of the month in the Eastern kingdom getting better acquainted with his future bride.
Of course Kagome didn't believe that he needed to be at her side twenty-four hours a day, but her good for nothing and arrogant father decided otherwise. The king was determined to see them wed. Countless times, both Kagome and her mother had brought up that Kagome was allowed to choose a suitor until the next new moon; hoping that it would get her out of the engagement to the heir of the Northern lands. And of course, that plan back fired because mysteriously there were no other suitors, which meant that the king was limiting her to one choice and one choice only. It just happened to be the one person that she was afraid of, and Naraku wasn't the type of "man" who was gentle either.
Getting out of bed, Kagome saw Naraku sitting beside her bedside, his eyes watching her hungrily. She frowned and quickly put on her robe, tying it tightly before glaring at the man in front of her; her arms crossed over her chest.
"Get out of my room!" She growled angrily, "You're not allowed to be in here while I'm sleeping and unsupervised you pervert! Get out! Leave this very moment!"
Oddly he got up from his spot and headed to the door without a word. Normally he would say something, but he had other matters to attend to before the wedding plans would take place and he would become the ruler of both Eastern and the Northern lands. An evil smile played on his face as he opened the large Victorian doors, he was about to exit when he stopped and faced his future bride.
"I will bed you soon my love," He said coldly, "and once you are mine you'll be in the presence of a real man and not a half breed piece of trash that can never amount to anything. I'll show you how much of a man I am and you'll be forced to submit if you don't obey me princess." He paused licking his lips, "And soon enough I'll have Inuyasha's head mounted on my wall in the throne room. You'll never forget who truly is better and where you stand in this society of men."
With that he left and Kagome stormed over to her door and slammed it shut and locked it. Tears of anger cascaded down her face as she rushed to her closet and picked out a dress to wear. She found her favorite lavender gown that was appropriate for outside wear, it was short sleeved and went down to her ankles. It was a simple dress and it had a sash that went around her waist that was a little darker in color, but fit her curves perfectly, leaving everything to the imagination. She slipped on the matching heelless slippers and put her hair in a loose braid, letting it hang lifelessly over her shoulder.
Sitting down at her vanity, Kagome pulled out a clean piece of parchment and one of her quill feather pens and immediately began to write as quickly as she could. She wouldn't have much time before somebody came to get her, but she had to finish. Scribbling the rest of what she had to say, she signed her name and tied a soft and slender ribbon around the rolled up parchment, before tucking it away in her sash. Kagome scrambled to her glass balcony doors and slid out. Kohaku was there as he promised, sitting on an elegant stallion, with a worried look on his face.
"Thank you for coming Kohaku!" Kagome said climbing on the horse and wrapping her arms around the young boy's waist as he pulled on the reins attached to the horse that began to trot forwards. "I need to get to the far stables and I need to hurry before anyone knows I'm gone... So please hurry."
"Okay Kagome, but I hope we don't get caught." He replied making his horse go faster, "Because I don't want sis to get into anymore trouble because of me.."
They rode in silence as they neared the stable, Kohaku would glance around nervously as he nudged his horse further. Finally once they reached the stable, Kagome jumped off the horse and ran inside the stable and went over to a large pile of hay that lay hidden from view. Her eyes darted around as she pulled the parchment from her sash and kissed it gently before she got onto her knees.
"Kirara!" She whispered softly in a cooing voice, "Kirara, I need you, please come out. I'm all alone and I need your help with something."
It was quiet before rustling could be heard and they hay shuffled as a tiny cat with yellowish-white fur came out and mewed happily, coming to the princess.
"I need you to deliver a note to the Western Lands kingdom," Kagome whispered petting the tiny cat that had climbed onto her lap, "I need you to give this to a hanyou by the name of Inuyasha and only him. He has silver hair and amber eyes, plus a foul mouth. Don't let anyone else get a hold of this and please hurry. There's not much time left and I fear for his safety." She paused blinking back her tears. "Don't stay long, but try and get him to write back. Please Kirara don't let daddy's guards find you. Keep hidden and come to my room and hide until I come."
As she placed the parchment into a tiny little pouch, Kagome got to her feet and brushed herself off before leaving the stable and climbing back onto the horse with Kohaku and riding off to where she was supposed to be. Kirara on the other hand mewed loudly as she left the stable and ran with a quick speed in the other direction. She knew that she had a very important job to do and that time could not be spared.
Bursting into a ball of flames, the cat transformed into an enormous youkai as she leaped into the skies. Even if Kagome's father's guards saw her, they couldn't stop her from high in the sky. Her pace quickened as the huge neko youkai flew at amazing speeds towards the Western Lands, and a place she once called home. She would reach her destination in a few hours minimum, but finding the boy that the distressed princess asked for was another story; it wouldn't be as hard as one thought. The scenery blurred past the cat youkai and if she could smile it would be a really wide one.
Once Kagome was back in her room and she fixed her hair, there was a knock at her door. Plastering a smile on her face, Kagome went over to the door and opened it. Naraku stood there, practically looming over her, an angry look on his face as he advanced on her. Fear pulsed throughout her body and the princess backed away, trying to stay as far as possible from the man in front of her.
"What were you doing at the stables?" He hissed venomously.
"N-nothing!" She stammered.
He still didn't stop advancing on her and soon enough he had her pinned helplessly to a wall. There was a fire burning in his eyes as his hand gripped her chin roughly and made her look up at him.
"Don't lie to me princess," He snarled, "I watched you leave with that young lad on the horse! Do you think you could fool me you naive little whore? You belong to me and nobody else! Got it!"
Kagome cried out as his nails dug into her sensitive skin, but his grip didn't loosen, on the contrary it tightened and she desperately fought back the tears as he stared at her. She tried to break free by shoving him away, but he was too strong and it was senseless.
"I'm glad that the young lad is now in the dungeons.." Naraku smirked, "Because no one will have you but me! You won't leave this room unless you are with me! You will not do one fucking damned thing unless it's with me! Do you understand?!"
The tears poured steadily from her face as he released her, she hung her head in defeat and whispered, "I understand..."
