InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ A war wanted, a war given ( Chapter 17 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: NO I don't own Inuyasha or any of those other character's that are in da' show! So stop harassing me and give back my good blue pen you jerks! *takes pen and holds it close to her chest* Thank you!

Hey so did you all miss me? lol Well here's the newest chapter and I hope that you like it. There's like a piece of fluff, but it's not much. Sorry. There will be something better in chapter 18 & 19 I promise. SO ON WITH THE STORY!

Will you be mine?

Chapter Seventeen: A war wanted is a war given.

Inuyasha paced in his room thinking, he and Rin had their conversation not too long ago and she reassured him that Kagome didn't mean to say those things to him. The hanyou had cheered up a little but Sesshomaru had interrupted their private conversation to tell Inuyasha that it wouldn't be wise if he just left like he was planning to. Everything wasn't fitting in like it was supposed to, there was a big piece of the puzzle that was still missing and it left Inuyasha even more confused than before. He still had no clue to what was going on and he was worried about Kagome beyond belief.

Rin had began chatting mindlessly about something that Inuyasha couldn't keep track of when he heard a ground splitting roar from inside the castle walls, something had made it passed the heavily guarded gates and was inside the castle. Flinging open his bedroom doors, the hanyou raced down the corridors where the guards were rushing. His mind was racing with endless thoughts of the possibilities that could be going on at the moment.

Skidding to a halt in the front of the castle doors, he saw countless amounts of youkai guards trying to capture a neko youkai that was trying to get in. Their weapons and attacks did not work on the anger demon in the sky. His nose picked up a familiar scent and his eyes saw a small pouch hanging from the neko's neck.

"What's going on here!" A monotone voice asked coldly, it was Sesshomaru.

The enormous neko youkai looked down at the two brothers and then dove straight for Inuyasha. He had no time to ready himself for the "attack", but before anything happened a clawed hand shot out of nowhere and grabbed the neko by the gruff of her neck and she immediately de transformed and mewed angrily at the Inu-youkai who held her captive.

Inuyasha frowned and crossed his arms over his chest as he gave an icy glare to the rather tiny cat demon hanging merely feet before him. The hanyou snorted and looked curiously at the pouch hanging from its neck.

"Oooh! A messenger neko!" Rin squealed happily as she held tightly onto Sesshomaru's arm where she came from was a mystery.

"Messenger?" Inuyasha asked a little confused.

The human woman took the cat from her husband's claws and rocked it gently in her arms. A smile played on her face and the two god demons next to her watched silently as the cat mewed happily. Rin then took the pouch and pulled out a rather large parchment wrapped in a blue silk ribbon. The girl giggled as the neko climbed onto her should and she carefully undid the ribbon and opened the parchment.

"Oooh, its for you Inuyasha!" Rin said dreamily as she handed it over to the hanyou and hugging her husband's arm, "It's from a girl!"

Taking it from his sister-in-law, a familiar scent drifted into his nose and his blood ran cold, "Kagome"

Turning, Inuyasha walked silently down the corridors to his bedroom. He wanted to read it in private. The neko youkai mewed and chased after the hanyou leaving Rin and Sesshomaru alone together in the hall, speechless. Well almost.

"Well that was interesting," Rin said poking her husband and dragging him out into the garden.


Inuyasha sat calmly on his bed as his clawed fingers traced over the parchment, he wasn't sure or not if he wanted to read what was written inside, and he was confused on why she didn't send a letter earlier. Swallowing hard, the hanyou unrolled the paper and began to read.

Dear Inuyasha,

I hope that this letter that I'm sending you doesn't get intercepted on its way to you. I wanted to write to you before now, buy I couldn't since Naraku has come to stay at my father's kingdom and has been watching my every move. I'm so sorry for everything that I had said; I wasn't thinking clearly and I did not mean it. Now please listen to me Inuyasha, I need your help dearly. My father is going to have me wed off to Naraku on the next moon and I cannot go through with it. He is a terrible man and he had been up to malicious plans of deceit to my father's kingdom. I know this because during one of my secret passageway excursions I over heard him and a few of his men plotting to murder my father after the wedding so he can merge the Northern and Eastern military and invade the Western territory once again. I have also over heard that his father is "missing" and that now he is the rightful heir to his father's throne. Please find a way to help me Inuyasha, my mother and I have been trying to find a way around this marriage, but any and all of the suitors that have arrived have mysteriously vanished. I don't have much time, but I hope that Kirara; the neko messenger has gotten this to you and is safe. Write me please, I long to know what has become of you since our horrible departure. Until I can write again, I will pray for both of our safety.

Love Kagome.

He was angered by what she wrote and he growled loudly as he tore from his bed and around the castle in search of his half brother Sesshomaru. It didn't take long to follow his nose and head out into the garden where Rin and his brother were seated by the tiny pond. Inuyasha's eyes bled red for a moment and Sesshomaru coolly climbed onto his feet, concerned for his brother's health, but not showing it. The hanyou flung his hand out and handed the parchment to Sesshomaru, a low threatening growl deep within his throat.

Rin watched the two males in front of her with caution, what ever was in the letter was serious and by the specks of red in Inuyasha's normal emotion filled amber eyes it was involving the girl who he had told her that he had fallen in love with. She stayed silent because by her husbands tensing muscles in his back, she knew that he would scold her if she uttered a word, so she said nothing and just waited.

"Inuyasha.." Sesshomaru spoke coldly and filled with venom, "You may go to her, but bewareIf she says that Naraku is around, then he will have many spies watching. I give you one week until I want you back here. We will discuss our plans once you get back." he paused letting an evil smirk play on his face, "If it's a war Naraku wants, it's a war he'll get and he won't make it to his wedding nightGuaranteed.."

And like a bat our of hell, Inuyasha took off, the neko named Kirara transformed right behind him. Rin eyed her husband wearily and took his clawed hand into her small and fragile hand and have him a gentle squeeze. He gazed down at his wife, leaned down and caught her lips in a chaste kiss.

"So you're plans on destroying Naraku are being pushed forwards drastically and we are going to be separated from each other for a while again." Rin said stating her husband's thoughts. "The military has been looking forwards to this for six years and with Tenseiga and Tokijin as your swords, Naraku's armies will fall easily. All we have to do is make sure we give Inuyasha Tetsusaiga and teach him how to wield it before he does something irrational and gets himself killed."

Sesshomaru chuckled at his wife's words and kissed her yet again but with more feeling. 'You're saying my exact thoughts my love,' he told himself as he pulled her into his arms. He hear her giggle and he pulled away putting his head into the juncture of her neck and sucking on her pulse.

"And you have to come back before they are born," She said seriously, "Alive and not laying on your shield! Promise me fluffy."

Rubbing Rin's abdomen lovingly, he smiled a genuine smile as he gazed deeply into her bright and lively eyes, "I promise." He said lifting her into his arms and heading back to their sleeping quarters.


Okay that's all that there is I know that it's pretty short and if not a little boring but the excitement starts in the next two chapters. New characters in chapter eighteen, and yes the plot thickens. Please review and tell me what you think. I'm almost done with what I've written so the updates will probably slow down even more.. I've only started chapter 19...I'm becoming lazy, but don't worry I have this whole story plotted out so I know what will happen!

Chapter Eighteen: Returning home

Until next time, Krystal.