InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ Returning home ( Chapter 18 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: NO I don't own Inuyasha or any of those other character's that are in da' show! So stop harassing me and give back my good blue pen you jerks! *takes pen and holds it close to her chest* Thank you!.

Okay this is not what it sounds likeThe chapter title that is. This chapter is the main twist for my story.. XD I bet none of you will have expected this I want to personally Thank InuDemoness for everything. You've been with my story from the beginning and I just wanted to tell you that I'm having a classmate of mine going through and editing everything for me because I'm such a lazy ass. Starting with my story "Though the well" because it is the longest.

I normally wouldn't have another chapter up for about another week or so, but since I don't have school this week I'm taking a break from "Back to you" and "Bewitched" to type this up. I'm working on writing chapter Twenty to this story as we speak and Hopefully have this story and the monstrosity that is "Love, Murder, and Betrayal" done before I go back to school I'm so hoping that everything goes my way!

Thanks to everyone because I've finally surpassed 100 reviews and I couldn't have done it without you! You're all the best that a gal like me can ask for! Questions/Comments just email me cuz I don't have a life and if you would like me to email you when I update please leave your email in a review so I know who all to contact! Thank you so much and here's the chapter you've been waiting for.

Will you be mine?

Chapter Eighteen: Returning Home

Night had already fallen and Kagome sat silently on a chair in front of her vanity. A hair brush lay forgotten in her hands as she stared aimlessly at her pale face. She would have cried, but there were no tears left to be spilled. When Naraku had left, his men had come and sealed off her balcony doors, she was becoming a prisoner in her own home. Kagome wouldn't be allowed to leave her room unless unaccompanied by Naraku, and nobody was allowed to enter but him.

There were only a few candles that were lit, but darkness surrounded her. She could faintly hear the men out side her door, they were keeping an eye on her, but to their disadvantage, her door was locked. An angry growl escaped from her throat when she remembered how he had locked her in her own bedroom, but how he was able to get that kind of power was beyond her. Luckily for her, Naraku had no clue about her secret passageways, but she dared not travel through them, no not yet.

'I hope my letter reached you Inuyasha.' She thought as she dropped her hairbrush onto the floor, 'Please forgive me and come find me before it is too late.'

Moving some things away, Kagome laid her head in her tired arms and choked back a sob. She really messed up this time and now Sango, Kohaku, and everyone else that she cared for were paying the price for her mistakes. Caught up in all of her thoughts, Kagome didn't hear the creek of a door opening then softly closing. Nor did she hear the silent pitter-patter of shoes as someone crept closer to where she sat. The person stood quietly behind her, gazing down at her as a hand came out and laid itself on Kagome's shoulder.

~~O~~ Just a little earlier that day. ~~O~~

Sango walked slowly down the familiar corridors of the castle, a single candle in her hands to guide her down the dark and cold hallways. Anger filled her heart as she steadily made her way to Miroku's sleeping quarters, she had to talk to him, but he had disappeared after their meeting earlier that day. She blushed as she remembered their irrational decision, but yet it was one that she would never forget.

They had finally did it, Miroku and her, they were now happily married, even if it was one of those spur of the moment things. In all honesty, nothing good happens unless something terrible happens right after correct? Reaching the monk's chambers, Sango pushed open the doors and angrily stormed over to a frightened monk sitting in a chair, a book laying forgotten on the floor.

"Sango my dear," He said getting to his feet, "What's wrong?"

"That bastard!" Sango yelled, "He had taken Kohaku and thrown him in the dungeons! They have taken my little brother Miroku! They have locked him away!"

"Calm down my love," Miroku told Sango as he gripped her shoulders, "Everything's going to be okay, just calm down."

Sango roughly pushed Miroku away from herself, but he grabbed her arm and pulled her into his chest, his other hand wrapping around her waist as she fought against her newlywed husband. She struggled to break free, but it was no use, Miroku had her in a death grip. Calming down a bit, Sango went limp in the monk's arms and began to sob quietly. She had practically lost her brother and probably would never see him again.

~~O~~ Yeah sure whatever ~~O~~

His black cloak flapped against his legs as he quietly walked down the poorly lit gate. After seven years of traveling he was finally coming home. Quickly glancing at his accomplice next to him, the prince nodded and hid against the wall as his best friend put the plan into action. During their travels they had caught word of the young Princess Kagome being married off to the heir of the Northern lands, Naraku; the two travelers had dropped everything to get to the place they once called home as quickly as possible.

Jumping easily over the gate, the young man broke out into a run, his bright sandy brown/orange hair in a loose braid bounding absently on his back as he caught view of the castle guards. Pulling a leaf from his body, the man transformed into a large German Shepard , making as much noise to distract everyone while his best friend and once respected prince slid into the castle unnoticed.

'You owe me big time for this Sota!'
He thought dodging a very fat and lethargic man as he dove at the 'dog'.

Sota took his sign and ran in the dark and secluded area heading towards the castle. His father would not be too happy to his son after being exiled from the lands. The young man of twenty-four laughed as he reached the secret passage way that would lead him to the kitchens. Whistling loud enough for his kitsune friend Shippo to hear, Sota pulled out a white cloth and waved it around until his friend finally came scurrying towards the passageway, his bright green eyes glowing with excitement and life.

"You so have to try that next time!" Shippo laughed as they slowly made their way down the hidden hall.

"Yeah right," Sota snorted pulling the cloak over his head, "I'm not the one who can transform temporarily into objects or I would."

Smiling widely, Shippo also pulled his cloak over his hair and waited for his friend to give him the "coast is clear" sigh so they could continue. Hearing the signal, Shippo slowly crept out and glanced around, someone was coming. Grabbing Sota, the kitsune dragged his friend into a room and hid behind a bunch of curtains. They were in the throne room. Staying as quiet as possible, the two exiles watched as a young monk entered the throne room, rudely awakening the king who was fast asleep.

"My lord," The monk yelled eagerly as he neared the half asleep king.

"Yes Miroku? What do you need at a this time of night?" The king angrily replied.

"Another illness has struck the castle and I have brought you some of the latest herbal medicine." The monk answered handing the lord of the Eastern lands a steamy goblet, "Kaede has brewed it to ward off the sickness and asked me to deliver it because she must attend to the others that live around the castle."

As the cup switched hands, Shippo clamped his claws over his nose and began to squirm. Sota's eyes were wide with horror as his father thirst fully drank the concoction because the steam that came from the cup was a puke green color and the antsy fidgeting of the monk was unnerving. The evil smirk and the expression on his face weren't right. It was as if it had been torn from a malicious man's face and placed onto a young lads, its placement was completely off.

The king wiped his mouth on the sleeve of his shirt and belched rather profoundly before a loud intake of air was followed by haggard fits of coughs. The king's eyes were filled with fear as his bright crimson blood sprayed from his middle aged lips. The monk crept over to the king's side as he quietly withdrew a gem covered long silver dagger from his robes. The lord tried to get away and cry out for help as he fell from his throne, but the young monk laughed an evil laugh as he advanced on the king; the dagger held steadily in his pale hand.

The two exiles watched from their carefully hidden hiding spots as the king of the Eastern lands was brutally stabbed repeatedly by the monk. The 'noble' blood flowing heavily from the fatally inflicted wounds, his body lying lifelessly on the marble floor as the dark pools of his own blood surrounded his defenseless body. The monk laughed as the dagger's blade clean on his dark colored robes and sliding it back into it's intended place. As the king's body quivered and twitched in death, the monk's face grew eerily serious as he crossed his arms over his chest and spit onto the king's once elegant, but blood stained attire.

"Long live the king," He said venomously as he kicked the body.

The monk turned on his heels and left the throne room, a trail of shoe printed blood following him as he exited.

~~O~~ Holly macaroni ~~O~~

Okay so what did you think of that? I hope that you liked it, so please leave me a review! XD the next chapter will be up in about two to three weeks. So EXPECT MORE EVIL GOODNESS!

Chapter Nineteen: Promise me

Until next time, Krystal.

< /b>