InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ Complete Chaos ( Chapter 20 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
         Disclaimer: NO I don't own Inuyasha or any of those other character's that are in da' show! So stop harassing me and give back my good blue pen you jerks! (*takes pen and holds it close to her chest*) Thank you!

         Te he, I kind of messed up on the chapter title sorry. So after my long awaited return:  HERE I AM AND WITH NEW CHAPTERS! muhahahahahaz XD I can't help myself sometimes.
 & nbsp;       Thank you for all your support through these troubled, un-updated times. Ya'll probably wanna wring my neck for the cliff hanger, and I would too if I were you.

&n bsp;        Will you be mine?

         By Miztikal-Dragon

       &nb sp; Chapter Twenty: Complete Chaos

         Shippo and Sota had their ears pressed tightly against the door straining to hear the conversation. The prince had been the first one to notice the hanyou slipping unnoticed into a passageway that led to his sister's room, no being very suspicious, he and Shippo followed not too closely to make sure that Kagome was alright and untouched since she had not married yet. It had grown silent for a couple minutes and as they pressed themselves closer, the door suddenly opened and the two of them went tumbling forwards landing flat on their backs staring up into the enraged eyes of amber.

         "Who the hell are you?!" Sota snapped sitting up, "And what are you doing here!"

         "I could ask you the same question twerp." Inuyasha growled looming over the two men.

 &n bsp;       "Who you calling twerp boy!" Shippo demanded getting to his feet and brushing himself off, "I'm older than you by at least six or seven years and Sota is too!"

         "Keep it down or they'll hear us you fools!" Sota snarled pointing to the guards outside the window, "They may be only humans, but they are Naraku's guards none the less and their hearings excellent!"

         Kagome stood up from her hiding spot and Inuyasha mentally groaned, she never listened. She came to his side and took hold of his arm, staring unblinking at the two new additions. One was a kitsune who she remembered being Shippo and the other being her exiled older brother. She figured that Inuyasha knew the same because he hadn't attacked the two of them. She stayed by Inuyasha's side as a small conversation took place, her brother confirming the king's death, but by the hands of a monk.

         "Miroku?" Kagome asked shocked, "It couldn't have been him!"

         "Miroku wouldn't hurt a fly," Inuyasha said calmly, "Unless the fly had an incurable disease, you've got it all wrong."

         Their conversation would have gone longer if Inuyasha's sensitive ears hadn't picked up Sango's frightened and pleading cries. His eyes narrowed as he grabbed Shippo's arm, dragging him towards the place that he and Sota had come from.


         "Sota you watch over Kagome!" His voice was cold, "It seems that Naraku has something already being put into action. Don't let anyone see you or you'll be killed on the spot." He paused as Kagome ran to him and he embraced her tightly kissing the top of her head, "I'm going to take Shippo with me incase of an emergency. The neko is waiting for my signal, so I'd better be off to investigate."

         ; "Please be careful Inuyasha," Kagome pleaded holding back her tears.

         He smiled giving her a reassuring kiss on the forehead before he and Shippo disappeared into the darkness. Sota came to his sister's side and wrapped his arms around her as Kagome broke down in quiet sobs. He didn't know why he himself had cried along with her, but he did. Sota trusted that Inuyasha and Shippo would be fine, but they were dealing with Naraku and nothing ever seemed to be what it was. He held her close until their tears stopped, they had to be strong because now that the Eastern lands had no ruler, things would become chaotic. Sota helped Kagome to her bed and tucked her in, the poor girl was exhausted, falling asleep the moment that her head hit the pillow. A sad smile came to his face as he watched his sister's sleeping face, he knew that Naraku would be pushing the wedding up now that the king was out of the way.


         Inuyasha and Shippo hid as a chuckling Naraku walked down the hall, guards were dragging a helpless Miroku by his arms, he was only in breeches and looked pretty sweaty. The two of them could plainly smell what Miroku had been doing when he was taken, but where was Sango? A scream echoed down the hallways and the monk's boyd jerked as he fought against his holders. Naraku laughed again as he watched the monk.

         "Don't worry monk, you're whore will be taken care of by my men." Naraku was ecstatic

         "Sango is no whore!" Miroku yelled angrily, "She is my wife you heartless bastard! MY WIFE!"

         "Whether she is or not, you shouldn't worry." Naraku said coldly, "Because you have a date with the guillotine((pronounced Gee-o-teen)) at dawn. So who better to take care of her other than my lust deprived guards?"

         The hanyou fought back a growl as Shippo's eyes bugged out of his head. The kitsune pulled out a leaf and transformed into a mouse as he scurried quickly down the hall. Inuyasha however, waited until the group had turned the corner before he too darted to Miroku's room. What he had seen as he entered the monk's room as enough to boil his already furious blood. Two of Naraku's guards had stayed behind to have their way with Sango, who was currently being held down by one of them as the other prepared himself. Letting a snarl tear from his throat, Inuyasha down for the man with his back facing him and threw him half way across the room as Shippo took care of the other one.

         Once Sango was free, she covered her nude body and grabbed her clothes, hiding herself in Miroku's bathroom as she cried. In the mean time, Inuyasha was getting rid of his anger by punching in the teeth of the guards who thought it appropriate to try and rape a married woman, none the less a woman like Sango. Shippo watched Inuyasha a little fearful to be on the receiving end of the hanyou's fists.


         Miroku had never believed that something like this could happen to him, that he'd be sent to death before having any offspring. Naraku had seen to it that the monk wasn't treated nicely, hell if being whipped by three different leather whips was considered nice, he'd truly hate to see brutal. The guards had tossed him roughly into a dungeon cell, not caring if his bleeding back was injured further more. Miroku would have loved going unconscious to escape the pain, but he wasn't able to escape and he probably never would. He crawled on his hands and knees over to the bars so he could try and stand, it hurt every time he moved a muscle.

         The monk hissed as pain shot through his shoulder blades, the whips would have taken chunks of his skin if they had teeth. There was a rustling to his side, but Miroku's head wasn't fast enough and his vision blurred. He could feel the dirt grinding into his back, the deep flesh wounds would certainly become infected, but it didn't matter because he wouldn't last a day, he was going to be beheaded under Naraku's orders.

         "Miroku is that you?" A voice asked hidden in the shadows, a young man.

         "Kohaku?" Miroku answered arching his head towards the boy's voice.

         "How's Sango doing Miroku?" Kohaku asked coming out of his hiding spot to reveal how dirty and horrible he looked.

         Thinking back, Miroku closed his eyes in shame, she was probably being raped by Naraku's guards. He just couldn't tell her little brother that, he couldn't let himself believe that she could have that possibility hanging violently over her shoulders. Not being able to hold back his emotions, a tired and frightened sob escaped the monk's throat as well as the tears from his eyes, all he could think of was how he let her down, how he couldn't protect her.

         "I don't know," He whispered choking back his tears, "I don't know"


         Nao angrily stormed into the throne room where Naraku currently sat on the King's seat. Her eyes were furious and if looks could kill, Naraku would be dead a hundred times over no sweat. She had heard from Kaede that her husband lay murdered in the throne room and now the young monk had been taken prisoner under accusation of murder. She had also heard of Kohaku's arrest and things had gone far enough. Naraku seemed bored and uninterested in the woman, not stopping once to glance at her.

         "What do you want woman? What business do you have here?" He asked coldly.

         "Don't ye dare ask me what business I have here boy!" Nao yelled pointing at Naraku, "I am the queen of the Eastern lands and the legal rule of this land since my husband's death!"

         "Is that so?" He questioned, his black eyes boring into the queen's.

         "It is so!" She continued glaring at him, "So git your no good ass off my husband's throne and learn your place! I will not have you come into this kingdom and spread anarchy!"

         Two woman appeared behind the queen, giving her a hard blow to the head with a clue. Naraku smiled as he got out of the seat and calmly walked over to the unconscious queen. He loomed over her body as the two woman pulled her to her feet to take her back to her bed chambers. Thing's couldn't be running smoother for Naraku and he knew it.

         "Oh, but on the contrary milady," Naraku said sarcastically, "I do not bring anarchy to this unprotected kingdom, I bring a well planned out take over and nobody will stop me from taking rule or marrying your precious daughter NOBODY!"


         Okay so that's all! te he... I hope that you like it... I know it was sort of boring, but the goods are coming... I promise..

         Chapter Twenty-one: Getting the hell out of dodge.

         Until next time, Krystal.