InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ Getting the hell out of dodge ( Chapter 21 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
         Disclaimer: NO I don't own Inuyasha or any of those other character's that are in da' show! So stop harassing me and give back my good blue pen you jerks! (*takes pen and holds it close to her chest*) Thank you!

         Okay so I have a new chapter for you! I hope that you like it and the next one will be out next week. I'm almost finished writting this story and I can't wait to hear what you have to say!

         Will you be mine?

         By Miztikal-Dragon

       &nb sp; Chapter Twenty-one: Getting the hell out of dodge

         Miroku didn't know how long he had cried but as soon as he was able to recompose himself, the monk let out a sullen and shaking sigh. If Kohaku didn't know how his sister was doing and if she was okay there was a big chance that he now had a pretty big hint that it wasn't good. If Miroku could move his body without a jab of blinding pain, he would comfort his new brother in-law, but the fact of the matter was that Miroku couldn't move, he was completely useless. Breathing heavily through his mouth, the monk kept his eyes closed, he wasn't able to look the fourteen year old in the face, the monk was a prisoner without as much as a fight. Miroku thought of himself as a worthless coward, he was innocent from the crime of murder, but in his eyes he was still a coward.

         "Whatever you do Miroku do not cry out at all," Kohaku warned from above him, "If you do, we'll both be punished and I highly doubt that you'll make it through yet another beating like the one you've already received."

         "Don't waste you're energy on me Kohaku," He wasn't able to recognize the words that came from his own mouth, "Naraku has ordered for me to be beheaded at dawn for the murder of the king. No matter what happens I will die. There's no point in striving for a lost cause. As a monk, I will gracefully accept my destiny and my death will not be in vain. So whatever you have planned for this worthless coward, don't bother because I'm a dead man Kohaku, and there's nothing left for me!"

         "I've never heard anyone utter as much crap than what has come from your mouth," Kohaku growled as he seated himself next to the monk, "Nothing left for you my ass! I heard what you and my sister did before sunlight from Kaede! I'm not a fool monk! I can see that something bad has happened, but you won't die trust me. You and my sister will survive this whole ordeal and have many, many children!" Miroku had never seen Kohaku this angry before and it was quite unnerving for such a gentle soul to sound so vicious, "So you'll keep your mouth shut while I clean your wounds with what little water I have and you'll like it or else I'll have to kick your ass myself!"

         There was no time for a reply as Kohaku tore some of his tunic and placed it on Miroku's back. The monk hissed in pain as his finger nails dug into the ground. He knew that Kohaku was trying his hardest to be gentle, but he also knew that there were more than just a few open wounds that crisscrossed his entire back. It felt as though his back was on fire every time Kohaku would try to clean the blood and dirt from his wounds.

         "So did you do it?" Kohaku asked innocently as she soaked the rag in the make shift waterhole he had made during the day.

         "Did I do what Kohaku?" Miroku gritted his teeth as black dots blurred his vision.

         "Did you murder the king?" He asked dabbing the gash n the monk's shoulder blade.

         "No, I didn't." Miroku said irritably, "It's completely impossible because I was doing something at the time," 'Or someone' he mentally thought.

         Kohaku saw the smirk on the monk's face so he didn't bother to ask Miroku to explain what he had been doing. Knowing him it was probably something that Kohaku was better off not knowing anything about. Shaking his head, the young teenager focused back on the task at hand, he had to finish cleaning Miroku's wounds before they could have a chance to get infected. Trying to keep his mind on the more positive side, Kohaku pressed down a little on Miroku's shoulder making the man his and Kohaku snicker.


         It didn't take Inuyasha long to calmly coax Sango out of the bathroom. She had undergone so much stress that he didn't stop her from crying in his chest. It seemed to be the most physical contact that he had been allowed recently from anyone. Shippo quietly dragged the two bloody and unconscious guards out of the room and down the hall as Inuyasha comfortably rubbed Sango's back, whispering comforting words into her ear until her sobs ceased. A few minutes had gone by after Sango's tears stopped until Shippo returned. He looked a few shades paler than when he had first shown up and Inuyasha couldn't help but feel sympathetic for the fox and the girl.

         "You have to go get Miroku out of the dungeons and to someplace safe Inuyasha," Sango said barely above a whisper, "Naraku's going to have him beheaded at dawn if you don't!" Her eyes stared into Inuyasha's and they were brimmed with tears, "I know that he didn't kill Kagome's father because h was with me the whole day! It just isn't possible Inuyasha! Please save Miroku! Please!"

         Inuyasha didn't reply to Sango's pleas, but she didn't keep badgering him when the hanyou turned away from her and headed towards the window. Opening it, he was greeted by Kirara, who pounced into the room and meowed quite loudly. Turning to Sango and Shippo, Inuyasha held a determined expression on his face. If there hadn't been a few major differences between the hanyou and Sesshomaru, one might say that they looked freakishly a like with the icy look in their beautiful amber eyes.

         "Don't worry Sango," Inuyasha said coldly, "Kirara here will have you, Miroku, and Kohaku out of the Eastern lands before they have a chance to try and execute Miroku. I'll make sure of it!"

         Sango nodded as she watched in amazement when Kirara transformed from the size of a small kitten to three of four sizes bigger than an adult tiger. Instructed to get on the neko youkai, Sango did as she was told no questions asked.

         Getting the location of the dungeons from Sango had been quite easy, but the whole task of getting there and escaping with two people, himself, and Shippo was going to prove to be very difficult. Sure Shippo knew of every secret passageway in the castle since he had lived in hiding spots for more than a few years, but Naraku had guards everywhere and one mistake could become very costly. To make things a little easier, Shippo transformed himself into a raven and sat perched on Inuyasha's shoulder as the both of them silently navigated though the many secret passageways. Neither of them spoke a word to each other unless Shippo was giving a specific direction and the both of them kept their noses and ears open for any sign of trouble that could lay just a head.

         Inuyasha had been really amused when he had to jump out in front of a guard and basically beat the man into unconsciousness so that he and Shippo could continue on their journey undiscovered. Minutes dragged on before Inuyasha was able to capture Miroku's scent and he immediately hung his head and covered his nose from the smell of fresh blood. There may have not been much there, but the hanyou couldn't stand to think about or imagine what Naraku could have done to the poor monk. Entering the dungeon, Inuyasha narrowed his eyes and lowered his ears, the place looked horrible and the smell was unimaginably worse. Pointing to the direction where the monk's scent was strongest, Shippo flew off the hanyou's shoulder and headed to the cells to check things out before Inuyasha went barging in and blowing their cover. Hearing Shippo's signal a moment or two later, Inuyasha dashed to the cell in time to see Shippo melting the bars away with his fox fire magic. Kohaku was the only one who got up and the moment Inuyasha looked over at Miroku, he knew why. The monk had been injured and badly.

         Leaving the dungeons was a lot easier with the unconscious guards littering the hallways, but Inuyasha was the only one able to carry Miroku. Normally he wouldn't mind the monk's voice, but with the monk being severely injured the hanyou couldn't take the chance of Miroku crying out in pain, so he was currently unconscious for the better. It didn't take long for Inuyasha to emerge from the hidden passageway with Miroku in his arms, and Shippo brining up the rear with Kohaku. Plans had been made for Shippo and Kirara to take the humans safely to the Western Lands and inform Sesshomaru to advance with his army. Since Naraku was busy trying to take over the Eastern lands, the Northern would be very vulnerable for the surprise attack.

         Kirara and Sango had been waiting patiently or Inuyasha's return in the appointed hiding sot and the minute the hanyou's silver hair became visible, Sango rushed over to his side. There was a terrified look on her face as she gazed at her husband, a loud sob would have been heard if Kohaku hadn't grabbed his sister and held her head lightly in his chest while his fingers ran calmly through her hair. The view was just that heart wrenching for Sango.

         "Kohaku, you get Sango on Kirara and I'll help Inuyasha with Miroku," Shippo said gently.

         The boy nodded guiding his sister over to the enlarged Neko youkai and climbed on Kirara himself. Inuyasha whispered something into Shippo's ear as he carefully placed Miroku between Sango and Kohaku. Frowning, he shrugged off his haori and draped it over Miroku's exposed back.

         "Make sure it stays on him Kohaku," Inuyasha told the boy, "It should help keep the dirt and stuff form getting into his cuts even more so. And it should help ease the pain somewhat when he wakes up."

         With that said, Shippo transformed into a wolf and both hi and Kirara set off into the night towards the Western Lands where Sango, Miroku, and Kohaku would be safe.


         So yeah I know, not too interesting but it's what you get! XD Please review and tell me what you think? Everything's been so empty and I don't know if anyone's actually reading my stories anymore. I don't want to keep posting something I've spent a lot of time working on if nobody is reading, that would just be a waste of my time.

         Chapter Twenty-Two: Goodbye to you

         Until next time, Krystal.