InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ Goodbye to you ( Chapter 22 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
         Disclaimer: NO I don't own Inuyasha or any of those other character's that are in da' show! So stop harassing me and give back my good blue pen you jerks! (*takes pen and holds it close to her chest*) Thank you!

                  I was planning on posting this chapter on the weekend since I already had it typed up, but something has happened and I'm taking a break. My older sister was hit by a small toyota pick up truck at 6:30 a.m Monday January 10th, while crossing the road to catch the city bus that would take her to school. I was already on my bus to school at the time and didn't find out until my friend came to me and said there was an emergency and I had to call my sister's cell phone. She's doing alright and the only thing broken was her right leg, sports are all over for her.

         So I don't know when I will update next, but it won't be for atleast a couple of weeks. I'm very sorry, and I hope that you enjoy...

       &nbs p; Will you be mine?

         By Miztikal-Dragon

         Chapter Twenty-two: goodbye to you.

         Carefully making his way back to Kagome's bedroom, Inuyasha shook his head of every unwanted though. There wasn't much time left for his plans and he still had to find a way to get Kagome and her brother out of the kingdom before Naraku was able to notice. Glancing around at his surroundings, the hanyou quickly made his way down the hallways. His mind wandered over the last couple of weeks, he and Kagome had been through so much together and now that it was all ending Inuyasha couldn't be any happier. It was now when Naraku was forced back to his own Kingdom and Inuyasha would finally get his due happiness, he hand Kagome would marry and that would be the happiest day of his life.

         The only thing that would serve to be a problem would be his curse, his mother had warned him as a small child that he had a curse placed on him by a very powerful demon lord. It was that until Inuyasha could find his true love, every woman he would be with could suffer a painful death as her insides burned and she was nothing but a pile of ashes. They would practically burst into flames the moment their lips met in a kiss. Inuyasha prayed to the gods that Kagome was his true love because he didn't know if he could handle watching her die right in his arms, but he couldn't stop thinking about the unnerving possibility.

         Running his clawed fingers lightly through his hair, Inuyasha opened the closet door and quietly stepped out into Kagome's dark room. The hanyou could see Sota sitting at the edge of Kagome's bed, her figure was lying motionlessly under the sheets, she must have exhausted herself and fallen asleep. Inuyasha knew that he had been gone about an hour or two and dawn would be there in another hour or so. Going over to where Sota was, Inuyasha sat down on the bed and longingly watched Kagome, testing his hand over hers. There was a comfortable silence, but Inuyasha had to wake up Kagome so they could leave, it was of very high importance that he get the two humans out of the castle.

         "Kagome," He whispered softly, gently shaking her shoulders, "come on Kagome it's time to wake up."

         Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled as she sat up, her sleepy eyes never once leaving his own. Sota had already been informed of the plans and at the moment he was carefully finding his way out through the passageways. Helping Kagome out of bed, Inuyasha held her close in his arms, his head resting on her shoulder as his arms wrapped tightly around her waist. The two of them clung to each other, the warmth of their bodies igniting their hearts deepest desires. They stood there in silence for a while, until Inuyasha reluctantly pulled away, there wasn't much time left and they had to get going. Kagome quickly pulled on a pair of shoes and grabbed Inuyasha's hand as they headed towards the door. While Inuyasha was wandering he had overheard the guards leaving their posts for a meeting of some sort so they wouldn't be there.

         "Where are we going to meet Sota?" She asked in a whisper.

         "The stables," He answered, "I can't carry the both of you so he's going to ride one of the steeds to the Western lands."

         She only nodded as the large wooden doors opened and the both of them took off running down the hallway. It wouldn't take long to get to the stables from the hallways. Inuyasha kept his ears and eyes alert to his surroundings, but he could only pick up the fast beating of Kagome's heart and her heavy breathing, she was the only think he could hear and it was very suspicious. Turning the corner, Inuyasha skidded to a dead stop as Naraku blocked their exit. The hanyou could hear Kagome's sharp gasp as she hid behind him, her hands clutching his white tunic.

         "I knew there was a dog in the castle," Naraku seethed, his black eyes boring holes into Inuyasha, "It's a good thing that I found my princess before she was kidnapped by a worthless piece of shit hanyou like you."

         Growling, Inuyasha stepped forward, his claws clenching in his palms until they began to bleed. Something wasn't right by Naraku's smell, it was too faint for him to be standing there. Cracking his knuckles, Inuyasha watched Naraku closely. The man looked as normal as any human, a sword hanging in it's sheath on his left hip. Looking back at Kagome for a moments, He gave her a stern glare and she knew exactly what to do; so she ran to go find Sota. Inuyasha was barely able to dodge the attack that Naraku made first with the long sword. Inuyasha had no clue to why Naraku was moving so fast for a human, but it couldn't be his natural speed. Slashing at Naraku with his talon like claws, the hanyou was able to dodge the next swing of Naraku's large weapon. Colliding with the wall, Inuyasha cursed under his breath as he slid quickly out of the silver blade's path as it smashed into the wall.

         "Give up Inuyasha," Naraku laughed loudly, "You can't escape the best swordsman in all the land."

         "Fuck you!" Inuyasha spat, "I will not rest until your head is mounted on my wall!"

         The fight between hanyou and man dragged on for what seemed like forever. One would attack, the other would block, but it only seemed to be that Inuyasha was being hit. Every time Inuyasha thought he landed a hit on the human, there was no blood, no wounds. How was it possible was beyond him, yet when Inuyasha was struck, the pain would soar throughout his body; some of his blood painted on the white walls. He was growing tired and sweat beaded at his brow, he tried holding back his frustration, but it wasn't working too well.

         'Why isn't he working up a sweat? How is he able to move faster than me and wield such a heavy sword? ' He thought dodging another attack and almost falling over, 'What the fuck is going on and why can't I hit him?'

         It was hard for Inuyasha to pinpoint Naraku's location when he moved because Naraku didn't have his normal foul scent and the moment he disappeared from sight, Inuyasha's mind began to panic. Breathing heavily through his mouth as his chest heaved erratically, his vision darted down the halls where he swore he could hear people running. He could smell her and Sota nearing him and Naraku, the hanyou was frozen in place. Not even a moment or so later he saw her, Kagome's face was flushed and her hair was hanging lifelessly around her shoulders. Inuyasha was worried for her safety, but the horrified look on her face was unnerving.

         "Inuyasha behind you!" She screamed pointing over his shoulder.

         Inuyasha was barely able to turn around as Naraku appeared and thrusted his sword forwards. Using his hands, he was able to catch the blade in his palms, the metal digging into his flesh. The evil smirk on Naraku's face didn't go away as he held his sword with both hands trying to push Inuyasha down on his knees. The human's gaze temporarily went to Kagome and he gave her a toothy grin before he roughly pushed Inuyasha catching him off guard and sending his back roughly into a wall.

         Naraku charged after Inuyasha, his sword laying forgotten on the ground as his shoulder collided violently with the hanyou's body. Inuyasha's eyes widened and a gasp escaped his throat when something was shoved carelessly into his abdomen. Naraku laughed as he pushed the gem covered silver dagger the rest of the way into Inuyasha's stomach, the hilt pinching the hanyou's skin. Inuyasha tried to grab onto the handle of the blade, but Naraku's grasp was too tight and Inuyasha could feel the blinding pain in his body as he scrunched his eyes closed.

         "I told you that no piece of hanyou shit like you was ever going to take my princess from me!" Naraku hissed in a whisper, "You should have left well enough alone and you may have lived a few years longer."

         Releasing his hold, Naraku stepped away from Inuyasha and watched his body slump to the floor as his blood began to seep though the wound and stain the hanyou's once white shirt. A cry was heard and before Naraku knew what was happening, Kagome had passed through his body completely and collapsed to her knees in front of the hanyou. His form disappeared from the place and Kagome gently took Inuyasha's body and pulled his upper torso onto her lap.

         Tears steadily poured from her eyes as she held onto Inuyasha, her incoherent words barely understandable as she rocked back and forth. Feeling his heart beat, Kagome sniffed loudly as she looked down at Inuyasha's now open amber eyes. He was in pain and she knew it, her Inuyasha was dying. He hand unsteadily came up to her face and held her cheek as he continued to stare into her eyes, their promise wasn't going to be kept.

         "Don't cry Kagome," He whispered as the hilt of the dagger cluttered to the ground, the blade completely missing. "You know how I hate it when you cry."

         The dagger may have no longer been there, but the hole inn his stomach was and now there nothing there to compress it, his blood flowed freely from it. Inuyasha bit down on his lips to subdue the pain, but it wasn't happening. He could no longer smell Kagome's tears and his hearing had becoming impaired. He moved his tongue against his teeth and felt no canines and glancing at his thumb resting on Kagome's cheek he saw no claws, he had somehow turned human.

         "Please don't die Inuyasha," Kagome chocked out as the blood trickled out of the corner of Inuyasha's mouth, "We were supposed to survive this, get married and have a lot of children. Please Inuyasha don't go! I don't want to be alone! I don't want to loose you again!"

         Trying to hold onto Inuyasha, Kagome leaned down and pressed her lips firmly against Inuyasha's. After all they had been through, that would be the first and last kiss that Kagome would be able to share with the knight in shinning armor, her savior.

         "I'm sorry," He chocked out as his eyes closed and he went still.


         I know, I know! It's not the best chapter to leave you off at, but what good is a story unless there's a really evil cliffy that everyone screams at cuz you know I'm leaving you hanging? Flames are welcomed because I understand your frustration, but until next time,
