InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ Point of no return ( Chapter 25 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: NO I don’t own Inuyasha or any of those other character’s that are in da’ show! So stop harassing me and give back my good blue pen you jerks! (*takes pen and holds it close to her chest*) Thank you!

So I've got some news for you, the chapters will be a little longer from here on out and I have a lemon or two waiting for you! ^_^ And one of them is in the very next freaking chapter! In other news, where have all my reviewers gone? *cries* you guys seem to be disappearing! You should know by now how much you've spoiled me with your kind words, you can't just take that away from me!!!! That's just cruel!

ANYWAYS! I'm basically forcing you to review or I won't update the lemon chapter for you because I am that evil... AND YES I WILL DO IT TOOO! Please appease my selfish needs to feel betta... The surprise I was supposed to get over Valentine day weekend missed his flight and I was all alone and very sad!!!

SO on with the story!

Will you be mine?

By Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Twenty-five: Point of no return

Torn from her thoughts by someone loudly clearing their throat, she glanced up and met the darkness in his eyes. Quickly she climbed off her bed and walked over to where he stood waiting for her. Stopping at his side, she could feel his arms wrapping around her stomach as he pulled her back against his chest. His lips eagerly brushed against her hear as his hot breath made her shudder, she had to force back her tears as his hands traveled up her body, squeezing her breasts through her dress none too gently. A gasp of surprise feel from her mouth the moment Naraku licked her racing pulse, pulling the skin of her neck into his mouth and feverishly sucking on it.

He bit down roughly on her skin, a chuckle coming from him as Kagome cried out in pain. Naraku pulled away from her, linking his arms with hers as he started walking calmly down the hall. She could feel the tears burning in the back of her eyes as she tried to keep them at bay, but they spilled down her cheeks and Kagome kept her gaze down to be sure that no one could see her.

“Kagome my dear,” Naraku cooed softly squeezing her hand, “I have a surprise for you today y love, and I’m sure that you’ll never forget it.”

“Yes my lord,” She whispered brokenly not looking up at him.

At first she didn’t know where he was leading her, but soon enough the two of them were in the throne room. Naraku went to his seat and Kagome calmly went to her place as his side, sitting on her knees on the cold hard floor. Her head was down in a submissive position as Naraku said something she couldn’t quite catch. She heard the doors open and the sound of shoes hitting the tile floor as people entered.

“It’s nice to see you again Sesshomaru of the Western Lands,” Naraku said coldly.

Kagome’s eyes immediately shot to the silver hair demon who was staring at her emotionlessly and she couldn’t find the strength to look away. He seemed to be hiding something as his eyes left hers and he glared at Naraku, the doors were closed behind the lord and Kagome prayed for something to happen that would give her something to hold onto.

“Nice is not what I had in mind Naraku,” Sesshomaru spat, “Your behavior is something I will not tolerate when it comes to attacking my allies.”

“That does not concern you Sesshomaru.” Naraku half heartedly, “The only thing I proved just how unprepared they were. So why worry? None of your men were injured I presume, and yet you still complain.”

“This Sesshomaru does not complain about anything,” The Inu-youkai snapped angrily.

“No, no you’re right,” Naraku laughed, “You must still be bent out of shape because of the early demise of your half-breed bastard of a brother.”

“Nor am I bent out of shape,” Sesshomaru told Naraku, “I have simply come on your invitation and will show my respect that you seem to lack. Nothing more, nothing less.”

“then let us go!” Naraku said eerily happy, “I have planned something spectacular for you and my princess. It’s something to die for!”

Naraku stood up and Kagome got to her feet immediately. She didn’t like the way Naraku had said “to die for”, but it wasn’t going to be good. As calmly as possible she walked next to Naraku and in front of Sesshomaru as the three of them neared the desired location. It didn’t take to long to arrive and the moment she laid eyes on it, her stomach heaved violently and she felt the blood draining from her body. Kagome wanted to scream as she stared at her mother’s hanging body as it swayed slowly from it’s place at the gallows. Her eyes filled with ears as she tried to look away from the scene in front of her, but Naraku forced her to keep her head in the direction of her mother and to keep her eyes open or else. Kagome lost consciousness not too long after that.


Sesshomaru winced at the sight of Nao hanging lifelessly from the hangman’s noose and the scent of horror and sickness filled his nose just before the queen’s daughter collapsed. The Inu-youkai was speechless and completely disgusted with Naraku as the man laughed like the sight was entertaining. It was not surprising to anyone that Sesshomaru left immediately after that, not even saying a thing to anyone. He didn’t know how to act to such tyranny and in all honesty all he wanted to do after that moment was go home and embrace Rin, never letting her out of his sight again.

It would be a day’s journey to get home by carriage and though he didn’t like the slow horses, he needed time to regain his composure over himself, he needed to plan out just how he was going to get rid of Naraku from the face of the earth. Sesshomaru would plan an assault on the Northern Lands that very night he arrived home and send some troops to the Eastern lands to invade and hopefully destroy Naraku before anymore innocent people were killed but he wasn’t going to hold his breath. Almost all time was gone and Sesshomaru had to trust that his half-brother Inuyasha would be ready fro the final battle, it would be the war that decided the future of everyone in the entire world, a war that Sesshomaru was certain that he couldn’t afford to loose.

Sooner than he though was the Inu-youkai at the gates to his home and he quickly exited his carriage practically running to his wife’s bed chambers. She had been getting ready to get dressed for the day when the door flung open and he was in front of her in the blink of an eyes, crushing her from against his own. Her gasp of shock only made Sesshomaru tighten his hold and rested his head on her shoulder, whispering silent promises in her ear. Promises that made her stomach churn and her hair pound wildly in her chest, they were promises that no wife ever wanted to hear, promises of war.


Inuyasha had been in the training room with his instructor when the horns went off suddenly. He quickly turned his head as Sota rushed into the room with a frantic expression on his face. Something deep down told Inuyasha that this was it, just one disaster after another, and how right he was. Dismissing the swordsman, the human sheathed what Sesshomaru liked to call Tetsusaiga and headed into the direction of Sota. He could hear the hollering of people and the running of soldiers as they left the castle.

“What’s going on Sota?” Inuyasha asked.

“Sesshomaru has arrived back and declared war on the Northern Lands,” Sota responded out of breath, “Half of his army along with the Southern Lands will be headed to the Northern Castle to destroy everything.”

“What? No fucking way!” Inuyasha gaped, “Why?”

“Queen Nao,” He couldn’t bare to say it, “My mother, she was hung right in front of Sesshomaru today while he was in the Eastern lands. Naraku, the sick bastard forced Kagome to watch!”

Inuyasha found himself speechless as he watched Sota’s enraged eyes, it was one disaster after another alright and even if he wanted to sympathize with the exiled prince, now was not the time.

“Sesshomaru wants you to go and see to Naraku’s death before anymore madness happens,” Sota continued, “He believes you’re ready to take revenge on everyone’s behalf… Everyone wants you to claim the life of that bastard for everything he’s done and rule over the Eastern Lands…”

He didn’t need to be told twice, Inuyasha knew why his brother wanted him to carry it out, it was because everyone believe hat Inuyasha himself was killed by the hands of Naraku and nobody would be suspecting him to come back from the dead. Running down the hall, he passed Sango and Miroku who cheered him on, he needed all the support he could get. The moment he grabbed a hors, jumped on it’s back and sped off he knew that it was the point of no return, he wouldn’t come back until he had Naraku’s head.


Naraku laughed loudly from the dinning hall as the music played loudly, he was celebrating over the fact that in a few short days, three to be precise; he would legally be married to Kagome and the ruler of both Northern and Eastern lands. He too was very happy with the fact that he had shaken up Sesshomaru with the display, he was pleased with his actions. Sure Kagome had fainted, but he expected her to and now she was safely back in her room locked inside and heavily guarded. He didn’t need her trying to escape before the wedding, not like she dared defy him anyway.

Bringing a goblet of win to his lips, Naraku watched as the scantly dressed belly dancers and other beautiful woman entered the room, he would have fun tonight. The night had already fallen and the party would last all night long, he was going to make sure that if did. Smiling evilly as he placed his goblet down, Naraku pointed to one of his entertainers and motioned for her to come to him. She completed beginning her routine almost instantly, she was sure to keep her lord completely distracted while her people surrounded the palace waiting for orders. His hands touched her waist and she smiled innocently batting away his hands and “tsking” him playfully. Things had to be exact, they had to be completely perfect.

“what is your name beautiful?” his seductive voice asked as he reached out to touch her again resulting in her being pulled directly onto his lap. She could feel his manhood pressing tightly against her costume and her posterior.

“Anything you want it to be my lord.” She purred as her hands wrapped around his shoulders and her lips claimed his in a slow yet passionate kiss.

His groan brought a smile to her face as she let him take advantage, there was no way he would be going anywhere tonight and he would be sealing his fate.


Kagome groaned as she sat up, she didn’t know where she was at first, but after a few minutes she realized that she as in fact in her own bedroom. Sighing heavily, she climbed out of bed and looked around, it would be dark soon and that’s when she feared that evil would show his ugly face like he always did. She knew that everything eventually would be alright, but only in death could she be happy. Only in death could she be with her beloved Inuyasha once again. Laughing at her ridiculous thoughts, Kagome went to her bathroom to draw herself a bath because she could already feel all her energy leaving her body.


Inuyasha urged his horse faster, he didn’t want to waste any time, he had to go faster. Night was falling quickly and he didn’t want to imagine what Naraku might be doing to his Kagome. Inuyasha frowned as his body suddenly grew cold and everything became pitch black as he felt the air being stolen from his lungs. The horse he rode bucked him off as a bright light escaped his body followed by massive pain throughout his body. Inuyasha felt as though he was being ripped in half and before he knew it, the pain was gone. His breath was ragged as he climbed to his feet, his hair tumbling over his shoulders and his eyes found silver instead of black.

A grin came to his lips as she sped off in the direction of the castle, he would be there in a matter of moments and everything seemed to be getting a little better.

“Fuck yeah!” He laughed approaching Kagome’s bedroom. The missed scent of her filled his nose as he opened her balcony door after first disposing of a few guards watching carefully . Hiding their bodies in the bushes, Inuyasha climbed inside and hid in the darkness waiting for the moment that his Kagome would emerge from her spot. He was waiting impatiently for her. The minute his eyes laid upon her body, Inuyasha felt as though his heart would burst, but he stayed still to watch her actions.



Chapter Twenty-six: All I ever wanted was you.

Until next time, Krystal.
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