InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ All I ever wanted is you ( Chapter 26 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: NO I don’t own Inuyasha or any of those other character’s that are in da’ show! So stop harassing me and give back my good blue pen you jerks! (*takes pen and holds it close to her chest*) Thank you!



REVIEWS! REVIEWS! REVIEWS! *chants happily* See I knew you people cared, okay so not most of you, but the majority!!! SO here's the lemon that you've been waiting a really really long time for!

Please excuse it if it sounds weird, I was trying something different than my normal lemons that you find in my lovely [One-shots]. Me hopey you likey! ^_^ So on with the goods!

SO on with the story!

Will you be mine?

By Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Twenty-six: All I ever wanted was you.

She watched the clear water wearily as she began to undress her tired body. IN a days she would be officially married to Naraku and then her punishment for an eternity of hell would begin. She would have cried if she had anymore tears left, but they too were gone, just like Inuyasha. In a way she was glad that all her friend’s had gotten away to the western lands safely, but she was completely alone and miserable. She was becoming bitter and deep down Kagome hated herself. She coughed raggedly as she let her elegant silk dress flutter to the ground, leaving her only in the small slip and undergarments the servants had picked out for her earlier.

A sudden chill crept onto her and gooseflesh crawled up her skin making the young princess shudder. Leaving the bathroom after slipping on her robe, Kagome glanced around the room; nothing was out of place, but her balcony doors were wide open causing the lace curtains to flutter in the breeze. Pulling the robe closer to her body, Kagome slowly went to her balcony and looked up into the night sky. Stars were shinning brilliantly and the emptiness in her heart grew tenfold. A strangled cry escaped from her lips as she slammed the doors closed and locked them, making sure that the night sky was blocked from her view. She just couldn’t take much more of this torture.

Fighting against her urges to break something, Kagome held onto the wall next to her and slid slowly to the floor, her long ebony hair spilling over her shoulders as she wrapped her arms around her waist. She couldn’t find the strength to hold on any long and then the tears began falling from her eyes by the gallons, she was finally giving up on hope for anything and everything. Time seemed to last forever as she cried softly to herself, rocking back and forth, not bothering to pay attention to anything around her. She couldn’t hear the silent pitter-patter of footsteps as they neared her, or see the concerned eyes that stared down at her helplessly. She was completely caught up in her own misery, her own heartache.

“Kagome please don’t cry,” A soothing voice whispered softly in front of her, “You know how much it kills me to see you cry…”

At that moment her blood ran cold and she couldn’t breathe. She sniffled loudly as she brought her gaze to where she heard his voice, Kagome believed that her heart was playing games with her until she was staring directly into his soft and bright amber eyes.

“Inuyasha?” Kagome asked breathlessly as his clawed hand gently touched her cheek, wiping away her tears.

He only smiled and Kagome launched herself desperately into his chest, still somewhat thinking that he was just some mind trick, an illusion. He wrapped his arms securely around her petite form as she clung to him for dear life, she couldn’t believe that he was alive. Pulling away from his embrace, Kagome gazed up into his eyes and smiled as the tears began to brim on her own eyelashes. She was so happy to see him alive that she didn’t even say a single word to him as she threw her arms around his neck and pulled his lips into an innocent kiss. The temperature was seemingly rising rapidly for the two of them as their kiss deepened, their passion was intensifying with every passing second.

Removing the robe from Kagome’s eager body, Inuyasha’s fingers danced across her pale skin as his lips hungrily devoured Kagome’s in a demanding kiss. Everything had been constantly pilling up on the two teenager’s and neither of them either dared to or were willing to stop. Their clothing was stripped off each other’s bodies slowly, they weren’t going to rush despite what their urges were screaming for. After that small task, they were breathing heavily and the perspiration was beginning to collect at their brows. This had started off so innocently, but it had quickly developed into something so much more than ever before. They were succumbing to their ultimate desires and it would be completely unstoppable.

The deafening beatings of their hearts screamed for them to continue, their minds effortlessly shutting down as they touched each other needily and lustfully. Inuyasha placed hot open mouthed kissed teasingly down Kagome’s jaw and throat as his hands traced every curve of her naked flesh, etching every inch of his lover’s body into his mind forever.

Kagome subconsciously arched her body into Inuyasha’s as her hands tugged on his long silver locks of hair. She could plainly feel the passion stiffing up in her abdomen impatiently waiting to be released, wanting desperately to succumb to the alien feelings soaring throughout her adolescent body. Inuyasha’s and Kagome’s pants and gasps for air were loud, but neither of them cared, they were together again and so what if people heard them, all the doors were locked anyway. Kagome seemed to waste no time as she pulled Inuyasha onto of herself, her lips catching him off guard, she was taking him to the brink of insanity and back. The two of them were surrounded with a blanket of clothing and Inuyasha laced one of his palms next to Kagome’s head as he pulled away from her, his thighs straddling hers, exposing his hardened member as clear as day.

“Kagome,” He panted trying to catch his breath, “I-you?… Are you sure you want this-I…”

“Please Inuyasha,” She begged looking up at him longingly, “Don’t deny me this! I want you and only you no matter what the cost!… Just don’t leave me alone and afraid again…”

The had known each other for more than six years and to them it felt like an eternity being torn apart for less than a month. IN a way they depended on the other, or it wasn’t the same. It was an unexplainable hell. Bringing himself back to her sweat slicked body, Inuyasha let Kagome wrap her legs around his waist, feeling just how much he needed her, how much he wanted to shower her his feelings for her. Putting one of his hands between their bodies, Inuyasha guided himself carefully to Kagome’s womanhood. He rested his head in the crook of her neck breathing heavily as she snaked her arms around his neck, pulling him as close to herself as possible.

“Don’t think...” he told himself and Kagome, “Just feel…”

Inuyasha’s mouth gingerly covered Kagome’s in a searing kiss as his clawed hands rested securely on her hips, he was hesitant, but he couldn’t keep himself under control. Rolling his hips forwards, his hardened member broke through Kagome’s maiden barrier. He listened to her cry of surprise and pain muffled somewhat by the pressure of his lips melding to hers and he stayed as stiff as a stone until he could feel Kagome finally starting to relax against him.

“Kagome?” He asked insecurely kissing her face gently, wiping the perspiration from her forehead.

“I’m okay,” She whispered sheepishly, her deep brown eyes staring into his concerned amber orbs.

A heavy sigh of relief escaped his lips and the long tendrils of his silver hair spilled over his shoulders and onto Kagome’s nude body. For some reason just staring down at her made it hard for him to breathe, but everything they had suffered was worth it, they were together again. He waited a moment longer gathering his thoughts before he hesitantly pushed himself deeper into Kagome. Inuyasha didn’t want to cause her any more pain than necessary, but as a sultry groan escaped her lips, the hanyou found himself relaxing as he began to pull himself out of Kagome’s tight womb only to fill her once again.

Their moans of pleasure soared in volume as their speed increased, their needs screamed to be fulfilled. Neither of them had ever dreamed of being connected with the other in such a way that their deepest desires would barge through and take over like ruthless and hungry animals. The end came all too soon for Kagome as her body stiffened, her mouth opened in a silent scream, but Inuyasha wasn’t too far behind as Kagome’s inner walls clamped around him until he released his hot torrent seed inside her with his own orgasm. Both spent, Inuyasha and Kagome clung to each other praying that what they had both experienced wasn’t a dream.


Sesshomaru looked emotionlessly as Rin helped him tie his breastplate in place. The army was ready and all he had to do was no invade, destroy, and help take over the Northern Lands with the Southern by his side. Closing his eyes, Sesshomaru gently rubbed the bridge of his nose trying to ward off the up coming signs of a migraine. In all honesty he didn’t want to leave Rin alone, but it had to be done. It had to be so peace could be restored to its original state. Shaking his mind free of hundreds of useless thoughts, Sesshomaru looked down at his wife, he could smell that she was with child and it only made his heartache even more knowing that he was practically leaving her unprotected.

“Don’t worry Sesshomaru,” Rin smiled taking his hands into her own, “I know how you feel, but we must be strong! You’ll be back before you know it and we won’t have to deal with this anymore… People will fear you just as they do now, so go out there and kick some evil demon butt!”

Her comment made him chuckle, but none the less she was right. Leaning down, Sesshomaru placed a chaste kiss on Rin’s lips before he took his swords from the bed and placed them in their rightful sheaths hanging from his sash. No more words were meant to be said to each other as they walked silently down the halls to where his men were waiting patiently for their commander in chief to arrive. One last embrace and passion filled kiss was shared between Sesshomaru and Rin and then he turned away and left the castle to mount his demonic steed, his two-headed dragon, Ah-un.

The night was dark, but the stars illuminated the sky perfectly. It may have been the perfect night to leave for a battle, but something deep down in his stomach told Sesshomaru to keep an eye out. Something inside him told the Inu-youkai that he was needed back at the castle, but he shrugged it off. He had a difficult task at hand and there was no way that he was going to show weakness by turning around and going home. Sesshomaru had his honor to uphold and nothing would stop him from decimating the Northern Lands Kingdom.


Rin had stayed up longer chatting with Sango a lot longer than she would have predicted, but it was worth it. She found out about everything Inuyasha had done during his stay and most of it was absolutely heart-warming. The two women talked about just all their was under the sun, but son they noticed how restless Miroku was becoming and how late it had grown. Wrapping up their conversation, Rin smiled gently before excusing herself, she knew that Sesshomaru would be a little irritated that she wasn’t in bed yet, but she just wasn’t tired at the time.

The halls were eerily quiet as she traveled down them, the few guards that were left behind were no where in sight and something in the pit of her stomach told her to flee. Stopping dead in her tracks, she heard whispering from down the hall in the darkness. Growing very unnerved, Rin turned on her heels and quickly walked the other way. Someone was in the castle when they weren’t supposed to be and she needed to get out before the intruders suspected something.

Pulling her silk robe tighter around her body, Rin practically ran outside to find her guards brutally murdered on the castle steps. She wanted to scream and didn’t want to draw attention to herself so she broke out into a run towards the stables that were near by. It didn’t take her too long to grab Sesshomaru’s less than powerful steed and climb quickly onto it’s back. There was no time to put on a saddle, so the ride would be uncomfortable. Rin bolted out of the stable just as the doors to the castle burst into millions of pieces, she had no time to look back as she roughly kicked the horse underneath her.

“MOVE JAKEN!” She yelled as the horse darted into the fields, “GO!”

The wind was all around her and as Jaken cried out rearing on his hind legs, Rin screamed loudly as she was ripped from the horse and thrown a few yards away into the tall grass. Trying to quickly get to her feet, she was greeted by the sharp pain in her ankle and the wetness dripping onto her face before collapsing to the ground light-headed. The wind didn’t stop furiously blowing as a tall dark figure stood in front of her, he was familiar, but he couldn’t look as old as he did now. He was only supposed to be fifteen, and not in his late twenties!


I bet none of you thought I'd find a way to put Jaken into this story! BUT I DID! *cries* You're probably disappointed with the lemon, but who cares! LEMONS ARE HARD SOMETIMES ((in more than one way!!! >.<))

SO yeah, I'm still gunna harass you to review because guess what? MORE LEMONY GOODNESS IN THE NEXT CHAPTER! *cackles* AND something really evil...

Chapter Twenty-Seven: She'll pay for your sins

Until next time, Krystal.
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