InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ You will pay for your sins ( Chapter 27 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: NO I don’t own Inuyasha or any of those other character’s that are in da’ show! So stop harassing me and give back my good blue pen you jerks! (*takes pen and holds it close to her chest*) Thank you!

I will say this once and once only. This chapter has M/M content. In other words, Boy on boy action i.e YAOI! If you do not like reading that kind of material then don't read it. But most of all don't read it and review me saying how disgusting I am or perverted and how I have ruined the story for you. I WILL NOT PUT UP WITH THAT SHIT!

I've warned you and that is all I can do, If you feel that I have wronged you then email me because leaving it anonymous is really annoying since you are being a coward! If this continues to happen I will permanently stop updating this story. I don't mind if you Flame me but do it with an email or you're just wasting my time and making all the people who like this story suffer because of your stupidness!

Will you be mine?

By Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Twenty-Seven: You’ll pay for your sins

The sweat gathered at his brow as he continued to shower hot open mouthed kisses on the pale skinned back of his moaning lover. It has been so long since the two of them were together like this and at the moment every second counted. His reddish brown hair was untied and matted to the sides of his face, his hands holding firmly onto his significant other’s hips as the kitsune dove his length deeper inside. Shippo groaned loudly as his partner arched backwards, his inner muscles clamping down on Shippo’s erect cock.

Nipping at the flesh on Sota’s neck, the kitsune let one of his hands trace the sweat slicked skin of his lovers flexed thigh muscles before touching the weeping erecting waiting for the sensuous abuse that was sure to come. Seizing the exiled prince’s cock, Shippo squeezed the erection before beginning to stroke the enlarged member to his liking. Sota cried out in pleasure, his panting and racing heart beat screaming for Shippo to finish what he started.

“Harder Shippo!” He grunted bucking into the Kitsune’s hand, only to moan loudly as Shippo rolled his own hips, driving his cock deeper into Sota.

“Oh gods Sota!” Shippo growled into his lover’s ear as he thrusted himself harder, touching Sota’s ‘sweet spot’. “I’m so close… So fucking close… Come with me.. Please Sota come with me!”

Continuing his hand ministrations, Shippo’s other hand grasped Sota’s balls sack. The younger man cried out in ecstasy as he felt himself stiffening, he too was close, oh so close and all he wanted to do was fall. His lips were caught in a searing kiss as he felt the hot torrent seed shooting from his body. Shippo’s magical hands had done him in yet again. Not long after Sota came and went limp, did Shippo grunt loudly, his own seed bursting inside his lover’s body. Waiting for his spill to end, Shippo went slack over his lover’s body and kissed him before closing his eyes, they both were spent.


It wasn’t too long after Rin left their bedchambers did Miroku become fully awake. Something wasn’t right. Waking up Sango, the monk told her to hide, he could feel an evil aura near by and it wasn’t going to end happy. Grabbing his staff and a few sutra’s Miroku made sure that his wife was safe before he carefully opened his bedroom door to come face to face with a little girl with white hair and black eyes that screamed death. He hadn’t sensed her, but he didn’t act like she had surprised him even though she did.

“You will pay for your sins,” she whispered so softly it made gooseflesh appear over his body.

Miroku had no time to react as he was suddenly thrown into a wall. His body crumbled to the floor as another demon entered the room, the little girl disappearing as if nothing. Looking dizzily at the neko youkai standing a few feet away from him, his eyes went wide, he knew her. Her claws flexed as her dark maroon eyes focused on the monk, the human had to die along with the woman in the bathroom who stunk with the holy man’s scent.

The monk closed his eyes as his chest stung in pain, he was injured yet again. There must have been something he’d done so wrong since god was punishing him severely. A scream reached his ears and his blood ran cold, it was Rin. Miroku knew that Sesshomaru would be furious if his wife was hurt in anyway, hell he’d be more than livid, but how this all happened was a mystery. The monk believed that these were going to be his last moments and as Nazuna crept closer with murder in her eyes, he let his body go slack in acceptance. At least he knew that Sango would be protected.

“I love you Sango,” and it all went black for Miroku.


Shippo was jerked from his dreams as the scent of blood assaulted his nose. Opening his eyes, he looked down at Sota to see him still peacefully asleep under him. Pulling himself out of his lover’s body, Shippo quickly put on his breeches and ran a clawed hand through his hair, the castle was way too quiet. Hesitantly leaving his chambers, Shippo transformed into a black cat, hidden by darkness so he could sneak around undetected. Walking slowly down the hall, the transform kitsune could smell blood everywhere and he wanted to retch.

Two legs stood in front of him as he turned a corner and when he looked up he immediately regretted leaving the safety of his room. Kohaku stood in front of him, his emotionless eyes boring holes into the kitsune, but there was something about the fifteen-year-old boy that scared Shippo, he didn’t look fifteen anymore. Somehow the boy looked to be in his late twenties and that wasn’t even physically possible. Yelping as Kohaku grabbed the scruff of Shippo’s neck, the transformed kitsune tried to break free, hell he tried to transform, but it wasn’t working, nothing was.

Being dragged to Sesshomaru’s bedchambers, Shippo could plainly smell blood, the scent was getting stronger by the second. His eyes went wide as he witnessed a little girl with white hair leaning over the queen’s unconscious form, blood soaking into the once white sheets. The little girl was doing something to Rin, but immediately stopped when Kohaku threw Shippo across the room causing the kitsune to immediately transform back into his normal self within a cloud of dust. It was then that the girl stood in front of Shippo, a mirror held loosely in her hands as her cold as ice black eyes stared unblinking into his own green orbs.

“You will pay for your sins,” She whispered softly.


Sota rose from his sleep as the cold wind blew over his naked body. Yawning loudly, the exiled prince rose to his feet and slowly walked to the open window to close it. His mind was groggy with sleep and he didn’t know what was going on until he was pushed into a wall forcefully. His eyes widened as a pair of fangs nipped at the vein in his neck, he didn’t know if it was Shippo’s body pressed firmly against his, the clear arousal flush against his ass, but the clawed hands that racked up his thighs were anything but gentle.

The prince tried to break free, but was only tossed to the ground like a rag doll. Sota scrambled to get to his feet, but his attacker pounced on him and the weight knocked him down onto his knees. He seemed to be stuck on the floor all of a sudden in a submissive position as his attacker pressed his cock at Sota’s entrance. His mind screamed as he tried to move his head only to scream out in pain as the man behind him thrusted his erect cock deep into an unsuspecting Sota.

Sota’s vision blurred as the tears poured down his cheeks he almost lost consciousness, but something wouldn’t let him. His eyes opened as his attacker began to push his hard length in and out of Sota’s aching hole at a feverish pace and Sota stared directly into the emotionless eyes of Shippo as the exiled prince was violated by an unknown being. Tears of distress sprung to his eyes as he screamed for Shippo to help him, but it was no use, his kitsune lover just stared unblinking at him. Sota could feel his own blood trickling down his inner thighs as he cried out in utter agony from the ministrations being delivered torturously by the man behind him.

A pair of lips came to his ear and hot breath made him shudder, “I have taken you and everything you hold dear, and I will take your sister too… You will pay for their sins.”


Sesshomaru and his men weren’t prepared for what they saw as they reached the Northern lands. It looked as though a natural disaster had happened leaving nothing but ashes and flickering flames in its wake. There were no scents surrounding the place, but the dark aura proved everything they assumed, ultimate death. Many of the soldier’s faces darkened a few shades as they looked to Sesshomaru for orders, but he was lost for words. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, the Inu-youkai pulled an old sword from its sheath and calmly pointed it to the lands that lay in complete ruins.

“Men,” he said in a monotone voice. “We have obviously been deceived and this Sesshomaru doesn’t like what he sees. After I save what lives can be restored, you will start to rebuild… Innocents lives don’t need to pay the ultimate price for a dirty hanyou’s foul behavior.” He paused opening his eyes, “Naraku will not be allowed he satisfaction of pulling one over this Sesshomaru!”

No words were said as Sesshomaru swung his blade then headed towards the army that had yet to arrive. The air around him was thick with death and he didn’t like it one bit. What he found when he reached the army made his blood boil with rage, it had been a massacre. Growling loudly, the Inu-youkai unsheathed his sword Tenseiga yet again and swung it over the hundreds of bodies that littered the ground. At first nothing happened, but suddenly a bright light slashed and hundreds of once dead men rose from the ground as if they had only been sleeping, all traces of their wounds gone.

“Continue your journey to the Northern lands,” he spoke coolly placing his sword back into its sheath at his waist. “You will help the others no questions asked. You’ll not kill a soul unless instructed. There is nothing that we need to dish out punishment to, so--” His words were torn from his throat as he could smell blood in the air followed by his horse Jaken, it was the smell of Rin’s blood.

The Inu-youkai’s blood ran cold at the sight of the horse, before it collapsed to the ground dead by exhaustion. Nobody said anything as Sesshomaru’s eyes began to bleed red and he could find himself losing control. A strangled growl escaped his throat as he was engulfed by a blood red aura. The army of men fled as Sesshomaru succumbed to his demonic instincts, his body practically ripping in half as an enormous white dog emerged. If he would have stood next to his castle, his head would tower over it by ten feet. Yes he was just that huge in his true form. An angry howl erupted from his canine mouth that literally shook the ground for hundreds of miles around.

Taking no time to waste, he was running like the devil was at his heels, if his mate was hurt in any way Naraku would pay with more than just his life for his decisions. The Inu-youkai knew nothing but rage as he ran, death, it was surrounding him as if he couldn’t escape it. In this form his senses were to their fullest, but it was exactly that which made him sick to his stomach, his castle had been ambushed not even one day after he left, he was set up. Sesshomaru looked at the entrance and spotted Shippo’s dead form lying lifelessly on the steps with other dead guards, Sota’s blade piercing through his heart and a letter clutched in his fisted hands. Sesshomaru slowly read the Kitsune’s suicide letter and bowed his head in respect, it was the only thing Shippo could do for salvation.

‘I have paid for my sins Sesshomaru, let me rest in peace.’

The scent of the exiled prince and Rin’s blood led Sesshomaru to his bedchambers. He knew that his mate wasn’t there, but he wanted to check out the damage. The Inu-youkai could smell the scent of male release, but the moment he opened his bedroom door only to see Sota’s body hanging on the wall, naked and with is stomach ripped open, his human organs in a messy pile on the ground, Sesshomaru knew he would have to destroy his castle. Reading the writing on the wall, the Inu-youkai shuddered.

“She will pay for your actions Sesshomaru… She will pay for your sins and so will you…”


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