InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ Plans of attack ( Chapter 28 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: NO I don’t own Inuyasha or any of those other character’s that are in da’ show! So stop harassing me and give back my good blue pen you jerks! (*takes pen and holds it close to her chest*) Thank you!

So there is no warnings today, but it's all good. Here is the next chapter and I hope that you enjoy.

Will you be mine?

By Miztikal-Dragon

Twenty-Eight: Plans for attack.

Inuyasha may have been peacefully asleep with a slumbering Kagome wrapped tightly in his arms, but the sound that reached him made his dog ears twitch and his eyes shoot open as if he was waking from a nightmare. Reluctantly sitting up, he glanced around the poorly lit room and knew that his ears weren’t deceiving him, Sesshomaru was calling to him and the only answer was trouble. Grabbing his clothes, the Inu-hanyou dressed as quickly as he could, desperate times would call for desperate measures. Running his claws through his silver hair, Inuyasha leaned over the still slumbering princess and place a chaste kiss on her forehead and then the tip of her nose.

“Inuyasha,” she whispered opening her sleep filled brown eyes.

“Shhh,” he demanded softly. “Kagome, there’s something that I have to do. I’m sorry, but duty calls and I have my honor to uphold…”

“Will you come back for me?” She asked now completely awake.

He could hear the sadness in her voice and it tugged at his chest to no end, but he knew what he had to be done. Doing his best to give Kagome a reassuring smile, Inuyasha pulled the fragile princess to his chest and placed his chin in her hair. Inhaling her scent, the hanyou squeezed Kagome tighter before he closed his eyes.

“Nothing can keep me away from you Kagome,” Inuyasha said releasing Kagome and climbing to his feet.

No words were said as Kagome too climbed to her feet and desperately pulled her lover down to meet her lips in a hungry kiss that neither of them would forget. Their tongues battled for dominance as they clung for dear life to each other. It was not long after that did the two of them part and Inuyasha was gone just as he had come. Kagome did not cry this time as she watched him fade from her view because she knew that Inuyasha would return to her. Closing her balcony doors, the princess headed towards the bathroom to get ready for another day as Naraku’s prisoner. Even if she would repeat the same routine she had the day before, now there was a light in her surrounding darkness, life would go on.


Sango listened carefully from her hiding spot in the bathroom and she could feel the rage burning deep down in the pit of her stomach. The silence outside the door was too much for her and she couldn’t take it for much longer. Finding herself a makeshift weapon, the woman pulled off the sutra from the door and held her breath, now was a time that she needed to show her courage. Opening the door had been a difficult task, but the moment it gave away and opened, she heard a soft thud that made her blood run cold.

A pair of bright maroon eyes blazed into the depths of her soul as they watched Sango with a blood-thirsty lust. The smell of death was suffocating and Sango feared for the worst. Narrowing her eyes at the neko demoness standing feet away from her, Sango let her ears be her guide in the unnatural darkness that the two of them were surrounded by. Even if she appeared to be weak, Sango knew that she wasn’t. Sure she wasn’t very skilled at the moment, but after a few lessons with a youkai exterminator on behalf of Rin’s wishes, Sango understood the basics better than she knew her hand and that was saying something.

“I hope your blood tastes as good as that holy monk’s did wench,” Nazuna whispered coyly. “Because your scent is just as filthy as his…”

“You’ll pay with your life if Miroku’s hurt!” Sango growled trying to find her center, and a strategy around the unfamiliar room.

Nazuna laughed then wasted no time lunging at the practically defenseless human in her way. Sango however had hoped for this as she threw a glass figurine at the neko before kicking Miroku’s fallen holy staff and catching it in her hands. Just as Nazuna was close enough, Sango struck her attacker, the staff tore through the demon’s chest like it was nothing and Nazuna let out a sharp cry before her body went limp and burst into flames. Only dying down as the neko’s skin turned to ashes and her bones collapsing in a white heap on the floor.


To say that Rome wasn’t build in a day would be true in any everyday circumstance right? Well it wasn’t as if the job was impossible to do, it just wasn’t preferable to do such magnificent work in so little time, but you better believe it was possible. Sesshomaru was more than livid when he saw his bed chambers and he had to fight down his rage because he had to stay under control. He had revived Miroku after watching the little spout off between the youkai and human woman. There would have been no way he was going to get himself involved in that when his thoughts were less than sane.

There wasn’t any survivors in the castle except for Sango and Kirara, and that was something almost incredulous, but no questions were asked by the monk as he was practically dragged from the castle into the field of tall grass where an angry rogue wolf demon stood patiently waiting as Sesshomaru unsheathed his sword Tokijin from his hip and completely decimating his once called home. The Inu-youkai refused to let the odor of his wife being tortured to linger forever haunting him.

It had seemed that Sesshomaru’s home hadn’t been the only thing attacked and now Koga’s once hostile attitude transformed into one of determination. A treaty between wolf and Inu-youkai would be made and they would officially be allies once this now oversized mess was cleaned up. All the still living wolf demons helped clean up the demolished castle as Sango and Miroku mounted the transformed Kirara, then heading off towards a small place in the heart of the western Land’s mountains where a demon lived that would put any talented architect to shame. Sesshomaru needed this person to rebuild the Inu-youkai home quicker than anyone physically possible and from all of the rumors about this mysterious demon, Totosai was the most qualified and sought out person anywhere.


It didn’t take long for Inuyasha to get to a livid Sesshomaru, his Tokijin still clutched in his hand. The hanyou ducked as his Inu-youkai brother raised his evil sword in Inuyasha’s direction, something was wrong with Sesshomaru and one wrong move would ensure Inuyasha’s death. Carefully he stood up fully and kept his eyes focused on anything other than his brother’s form, looking straight at him would be taken as a sign of hostility and the hanyou would die. Sure enough almost anything Inuyasha did had the large possibility of getting the hanyou killed.

“Lord Sesshomaru,” there was a bad taste in his mouth as he continued his submissive voice. “I have come to fulfill your services. I’m loyal to the Western Lands.”

“Hot damn!” There was someone beside his brother and when Inuyasha glanced up there stood Koga, “that is totally fucking worth it now!”

“What the fuck!” Inuyasha growled getting to his feet and cracking his knuckles.

“Inuyasha,” Sesshomaru’s voice was rigid and threatening. “We have no time for petty squabbles, there is much work to be done.”

Inuyasha wanted to retort with a very sarcastic remark, but he stayed quiet, it wasn’t the place nor the time judging by how serious the wolf demon looked. Shaking his head, the hanyou sighed and listened to his brother as the story was told. At first he was horrified, everyone was dead? Nazuna was a traitor? His blood boiled angrily but he was able to keep himself under control, he had to. Many more things were said as Sesshomaru continued and then Koga told his side of the story, Naraku was over stepping his boundaries and there would be no forgiveness, there would be no show of mercy. After everything was planned, Koga and Inuyasha headed in the direction of the Eastern Lands while Sesshomaru went in the opposite, there would be a need for more troops when they decided to attack.


There was no arguments between hanyou and wolf as they divided up the small army hiding outside the eastern land’s kingdom. Differences were set aside as the two of them tried to come up with a plan to enter without being noticed. Time seemed to pass by slowly as they threw out ideas, none of which would work. Scratching his head, Inuyasha frowned as he stared at all the guards Naraku had set up everywhere, it was almost impossible to sneak everyone of the soldiers inside the castle.

“Wait a minute!” Inuyasha said quietly as he looked at the people Sesshomaru supplied him and Koga with. “How many of you can transform?”

A little more than half of them sheepishly rose their hands and the smile on Inuyasha’s face few tenfold. Koga was confused and after Inuyasha explained his plan, the wolf’s ice blue eyes filled with mischief, it was perfect.

“Okay,” the hanyou said. “Everyone who can’t transform grab a weapon and pair up with someone who can. I ant you to split up as a group and =find one of Naraku’s guards to imitate. Don’t forget to take their spots and mess the guy you imitate up beyond recognition because we can’t afford to be found out. This is a war, don’t take prisoners and try to stay safe.”

“Most of all have fun kicking ass without getting caught!” Koga smirked. “Because that’s what me and mutt boy are gunna’ do! So get going!”

The men paired up and left without so much as a sound. There was only one man left and Inuyasha smiled, this would be the best infantry ever! Taking the last soldier, the hanyou and wolf demon split up, they would have to place their attack for latter that night because day was already upon them. All the men had their orders when to begin and if tings went as planned then Naraku would be dead in less than forty-eight hours and everyone but the bad guys would be happy. Finding himself and his companions a place to lie low for the day, Inuyasha kept an eye out, he needed to stay watch, he had to be vigil for his future happiness.


Kagome walked quietly down the hall, her hands entwined together and laying in front of her, she was nervous. Moments before, a guard unlocked her bedroom door and informed the young princess that Naraku wanted to see her and without haste. That usually meant that he was either in a bad mood and needed a frustration reliever or he was in a malicious mood and wanted to show her something. She prayed that it was the first one because Kagome didn’t think she would be able to keep her composure if he was in a good mood, she could still plainly remember his last surprise for her to see.

She could feel the bile rise in her throaty as she thought about it and she would have purged if she hadn’t remembered what Inuyasha promised her in the hour before dawn. He promised her he’d come back for her, he promised to protect and love her. That memory gave Kagome the strength to go one, he gave her the will to live when everything was so dark that the world seemed to be a horrible and dismal place to be in. The echoes of her shoes as they hit the tile ground was one of the only sounds she heard as she made her way to where Naraku was said to be, she could feel her fear beginning to fill her mind. No matter what she tried, the young princess was deathly afraid of what Naraku was capable of.

Entering the designated room a few minutes later, Kagome’s mouth ran dry at the sight of the large doors. She knew that the devil himself was just beyond those wooden doors, but somehow she was more afraid of being outside them than behind them. She thought that it had something to deal with not being able to see her enemy, but brushed the thoughts from her mind as she gently knocked on the door. The young princess didn’t want to interrupt anything possible inappropriate like she had last time. Seeing him doing that to a willing young girl made Kagome want to become a nun for the rest of her life, but now she had Inuyasha, so it wasn’t that bad.


Okay so this chapter isn't that great, but the next one is like HOLY FUCKING SHIT! Please leave reviews if you want more, and I'm going to try and finish writting the next chapter as soon as possible. I'm almost done with this story and I can't wait to find out what I do! YAY!

Until next time, Krystal.

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