InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ Chapter 29 ( Chapter 29 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: NO I don’t own Inuyasha or any of those other character’s that are in da’ show! So stop harassing me and give back my good blue pen you jerks! (*takes pen and holds it close to her chest*) Thank you!

UPDATE! lol W00T! Important E/N at the bottom.. ENJOY FOLKS this chapter answers some of the questions you've had!

Will you be mine?

By Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Twenty-Nine: Say you’ll be mine.

There was no response and Kagome knocked a little harder. She was beginning to think that there was something up, something that told her to investigate. Swallowing the large lump in her throat, Kagome carefully twisted the knob and pushed the door open. Inside the room was dark and the young princess was barely able to see her hand that was almost a foot from her face. Going back out to where there was still light, Kagome grabbed a small torch and went back to the doorway to an eerie darkness that awaited her.

‘What’s going on?’ She thought entering the room, submerging herself in the coldness of the room.

The large doors slammed shut behind her and Kagome gasped loudly as she tried to open them but only failing miserably. She could feel her heart pounding wildly in her chest and she immediately knew that she was not alone in the room. Something or someone was in there with her, lurking in the darkness. The silence around her was deafening and the young princess could feel the wind hitting her back, an unnatural wind. Slowly turning around her eyes went wide and she dropped the torch in her hand. A pair of dull brown eyes greeted her in the darkness, they looked almost dead.

“Sesmmru…” The soft voice mumbled and gooseflesh rose on Kagome’s skin.

‘What?’ She thought confusedly as she took a few hesitant steps forward.

“She’s calling for help,” a gruff voice said near Kagome’s ear. She would have swung around and seen his face, but she was frozen in place. “Just calling for her mater, and before the end of the night you’ll be too…”

Just as she realized how much trouble she was in, the person behind her knocked her upside the head with something large and heavy that made her loose her balance and crumble to the floor unconscious.


Inuyasha glanced momentarily over at his companion, the solider looked a little older than the hanyou, but reminded him of nothing more than an innocent child. There was no way of him understanding just exactly what he was going up against and Inuyasha felt bad for the boy, innocents always died for something, it was just how things went. Shaking his head, Inuyasha turned his gaze back to the guards, the hanyou had watched cautiously as his mend one by one had taken over one of Naraku’s guardsmen, he hoped that everyone would be successful, but he knew better than to believe it.

The sky had been bright and warm moments before, but now ominous clouds loomed in the air, it was a bad omen. His dog ears twitched as he heard things yards away, the guards were up to something no good. Inuyasha frowned deeply as his amber eyes surveyed around his area, his stomach churned and he became impatient and very nervous, something wasn’t right. A loud howl rang throughout the air and Inuyasha was given his answer, they were found out. Jumping out of his hiding spot and unsheathing tetsusaiga, he cleared his throat and yelled out charge.

Hundreds of Sesshomaru’s soldiers rose from their hiding spots and attacked as Naraku’s men came out from the castle walls, weapons in hand, there was no going back now. There was a large battle being fought and Inuyasha easily avoided enemy soldiers as he looked for any sign of Sesshomaru or Koga and when he found them, he pushed Naraku’s men out of his way with Tetsusaiga. Reaching Sesshomaru a minute or so later, the hanyou could smell the air becoming thick with something sinister, the clouds were getting darker and a bolt of lighting flashed as a scream was heard by everyone and made Inuyasha stop dead in his tracks.



Kagome groaned as she came to, her head felt like it was slammed into a wall and she could feel the metallic taste of her own blood in her mouth. Gingerly touching her head, she grazed the lump and winced, there was a nasty knot in the back of her head and whoever had hit her did it awfully hard. Sitting up, Kagome found herself laying in a luxurious bed, the heavy blankets covering her form. Pulling them off her body, the young princess slid off the bed and her bare feet touched the soft carpet.

“Where am I?” she asked herself softly.

“You’re in my room with me,” Naraku’s voice cooed as he lit the fireplace and illuminating the room.

The young princess watched Naraku out of the corner of her eyes, there was someone else in the room by him. Kagome could see the dark outline behind Naraku. She tried to say something but her voice betrayed her, she couldn’t get the sight of the dull brown eyes staring lifelessly out of her mind.

“If you’re wondering who she is I’ll gladly tell you my princess,” Naraku laughed as he knelt down and took the woman’s chin into his hand. “Her name is Rin. She’s the queen of the Western Lands, but too bad her husband got in my way.”

‘Western Lands?’ Her mind asked as she stared helplessly at the battered woman, something sounded familiar and she put two and two together her blood ran cold. “S-she’s Lord Sess-sessho--”

“Precisely,” the evil hanyou hissed getting to his feet. “She’s that fucking mongrel’s mate, but not for too much longer.”

She wasn’t sure what Naraku meant, but she knew that it wasn’t good. Her mind raced with realization as she recalled why Inuyasha had left so suddenly before dawn, this all was Naraku’s doing. Everything bad that happened was his fault, Naraku was the devil himself prancing around in the of a body of an evil hanyou.

“You--you can’t do this!” Her tone was filled with fear as she backed away from his advancing. “You can’t just hurt innocent people like this!”

“Oh but I can princess,” Naraku told Kagome merely inches away from her. “And there isn’t anything that you can do to stop me.”

His body trapped Kagome’s against the wall, his hot breath on her neck and she felt the tears burning at the back of her eyes. Even if she knew that there was no way that she could fight against Naraku and win. The young princess felt as though she had an obligation to help the woman chained to the brick wall. Frantically pushing away from Naraku as she felt his cold lips nipping roughly at the flesh on her neck, she could feel the anger and disgust flowing through her veins.

“Get away from me!” Kagome cried out furiously, “you cant do this to me! You can’t do this to her! You have no right! GET OFF ME!”

“You don’t get it do you princess?” He growled like a ferocious beast, “You aren’t in Edo anymore! I’m the one who gives the orders around here!”

His clawed hand grabbed her wrist and twisted it behind her back, his other hand wrapped securely around her throat, his claws dancing maliciously around her jugular veins. His breath was hot against her ear as he pulled her body flush against his, no matter what he’d always be in control because he had the power to do it, he was the master and Kagome was the servant.

“Now,” he said huskily. “We could always trade something. I’m always ready for a good trade from a beautiful girl such as yourself.”

“What do you mean?” Kagome asked frightened as her heart pounded wildly in her chest.

“You for her,” he whispered almost soothingly. “Take her place willingly, switch places with the unfortunate queen. Say you’ll be mine princess, say that you’ll be mine and I’ll let her go. Take away her pain by taking her place. Be a martyr princess. Do what you do best and show me that there is still some beauty left in this wolf of darkness.”

“H-how do I know that you’re not lying?” She was out of breath and practically panting with fear.

“I am a man of my word princess,” his lips brushed the juncture of Kagome’s neck. “I’ll give you my word that if you take her place, I’ll let her go.”

Something told Kagome that he was lying to her, that he’d take her and use Rin to his own sadistic perversions, but her mind was becoming clouded beyond recognition. She wanted to help the poor woman, but Kagome felt completely useless, nothing she could do would save her from whatever Naraku was doing to her. Closing her eyes, Kagome saw an image of Inuyasha flashing her his cocky smirk and she wanted to smile, she wanted to cry but she couldn’t find the strength to do anything.

“I--” She was having a hard time breathing as Naraku’s fangs brushed against the spot Inuyasha had been nipping and sucking not even twenty-four hours before. “D-de… okay…”

She was suddenly facing Naraku, his black eyes glowing with something more sinister than she’d ever seen before. Kagome’s blood ran cold as she tried to tear her heavy eyes away from his own hypnotic ones, but it was no use. She had sold her soul to the devil and there was no going back now. Pain shot throughout her body as his fangs fascine themselves over her throat, she didn’t know how she was able to, but a loud deafening scream sputtered from her lips before Naraku pulled away and let her crumple into his outstretched arms, she was his for the taking.

“One bit of advice princess,” he coed as he carried her to the bed she had woken in not too long before. “Never trust the bad guys because we’ll only take what we want and now that I have you Rin’s no longer useful… She won’t last through the night.”

Tears slid down her face as she felt the softness of the bed, but the hardness of his body. She couldn’t see anymore, but she was still conscious though barely. There was no hope.

‘I’m sorry Inuyasha,’ she whispered to the darkest place in her mind.


Rin heard the blood curdling scream up close and her sore body involuntarily cringed, that’s what she sounded like not even a few hours ago. Blinking Rin tried to get her stinging eyes to focus, she was beginning to feel severely jet lagged at the moment and she had a pretty good idea why. She could plainly remember what happened and she could feel every small cut and gash that was on her practically nude body. Her nightgown had been torn from her body, ripped from her flesh as if she was something given as a present.

Her head felt like it weighed a ton and she wanted to cry out her frustrations, but she had to be strong, if not for herself, for Sesshomaru. Many thoughts came to her mind and she found herself remembering the last intimate moment she and her husband shared. A grumbling in her stomach told Rin that she had not eaten yet and she thanked the heavens above that she wasn’t showing in her pregnancy so far, she thanked the gods that she only looked a little meatier than usual.

Hearing shuffling, Rin lifted her tired eyes and glanced cynically at Naraku’s back, she knew it was the bastard, but the girl in his arms wasn’t something she expected to see. It was as if she was looking in a mirror, but everything seemed to be different. Thinking deeply for a moment as she watched Naraku place the girl on the bed and crawl onto it himself Rin’s eyes widened with horror as Naraku pulled off his tunic. He was going to have his way with the young girl and Rin didn’t have the strength to move without her muscles screaming in protest, it simply wasn’t fair.

Rin could only watch in terror as Naraku took his pleasure from the unresponsive girl, it was sickening, but she couldn’t take her hate filled eyes away from the scene, she’d recognize a few things that only had been described to her and she was completely mortified. Rin only prayed that Sesshomaru would figure out where she was before it was too late for her and the helpless girl.


Naraku sat in his thrown with an annoyed expressioni on his face, the castle floors were practically covered with mutilated bodies, Sesshomaru was taking pot shots. The hanyou growled as she watched the walls with indifference, his plans were being shot to hell, but he was the one with the victory, at least for the moment. A malicious smile curled onto his lips as she stared at the mass of blood around him, the smell was sweet and made his blood burn with unimaginable amounts of energy. He had come out of the battle unscathed and soon he would be winning the war.

“Naraku my lord,” an assertive and cocky voice brought himself out of his thoughts. “I’m sorry if I’ve disturbed you, but we’ve reprimanded all of the intruders that tried to escape earlier.”

“that is good,” Naraku replied as he eyed the messenger carefully. “DO you have anything else?”

“Yes sir I do,” the young man seemed uneasy as he ran his fingers through his matted dirt brown hair.

“Well what is it?” His voice showed the growing agitation.

“Well sir--You’re surrounded.”

Naraku rose out of his seat, his eyes glowing read as she stared at the now cockily smiling boy, he had been set up! Growling deep in his throat, he couldn’t believe what was happening and so soon after things had been starting to look up for him. There was no way in hell that he could let himself be taken so easily, especially by a pathetic nobody standing in front of him.

“And what makes you think that you can stop me?” He laughed manically.

“It won’t be him,” a voice said coming from the shadows.

“We will be the ones to show you to the gates of hell,” another said before continuing. “We will personally lead you to your judgment day.”


E/N: Okay folks as some of you may have learned, I'm one really big jerk! (glances down at her shoes) A really really big jerk! Please don't be mad at me for too long. I realized what I said in one of my e/n in a different story was something that I shouldn't have. I would also like to thank the couple of reivewers who made me so guilty when I read them this morning.

Some people write stories because they enjoy writing and knowing that other people enjoy reading it. In the Beginning I was too like that, but the major success of a couple of my stories made me blind and I became a Review monger... It's not true when people say that reviews are like drugs because in their own twisted little way they are becaue I'm addicted to getting reviews, (and probably giving them). I also tend to act more bi-polar than I make my characters and it gets the better of me. So this is my formal apology to everyone, because I am really sorry.

I'm not trying to make excuses for myself and I won't demand reviews because I don't want to be as selfish as I seem to have become. I do want to say that I won't be making any new long-term stories though, I can't spend the rest of my life making fanfics no matter how much I would like to. I do intend to finish everything though no matter what.. I will not leave a story unfinished, that's just not my style. I appreciate everything and I hope that you will continue to leave reviews.
