InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ Fighting for an end part one ( Chapter 30 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: NO I don’t own Inuyasha or any of those other character’s that are in da’ show! So stop harassing me and give back my good blue pen you jerks! (*takes pen and holds it close to her chest*) Thank you!

whoops I accidently put more than I was supposed to in the last chapter so this one's shorter.. sorry!

Will you be mine?

By Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Thirty: Fighting for an end part one

Sesshomaru and Koga stepped out from their hiding spot in the shadows to meet Naraku’s angry face. There was a scent lingering in the air and the two full blooded youkai were a little relieved that Inuyasha wasn’t anywhere near the evil hanyou Naraku or else all hell would break loose. Sure the blood and death masked it well, but it was still noticeable and for some reason it angered Sesshomaru.

“Welcome to my humble abode,” Naraku spat sarcastically as he sat back down in his throne. He wouldn’t let them get the upper hand, oh no he wouldn’t but it wasn’t like he didn’t have other things planned.

“Humble my ass,” Koga snorted as he glanced around, the snarl from his face never leaving.

“Such language,” Naraku smirked as he rose an eyebrow at his unwanted visitors. “I surely thought that it would be Inuyasha with you instead of this wolf Sesshomaru, but then again it doesn’t matter. I already know what that filthy mongrel is looking for, but he won’t find her.”

Neither wolf or Inu-youkai said anything, they knew that he was right, the princess was somewhere close by, though Sesshomaru wasn’t looking for Kagome, he wanted his wife back but only after tearing Naraku to shreds for pulling something as cowardly as he had. Unsheathing Tokijin, Sesshomaru gave Naraku a cold glare, the Inu-youkai wasn’t going to play games. He came to reclaim what belonged to him and he wouldn’t leave until everything he wanted was done.

“You won’t find what you’re looking for either Sesshomaru,” the evil hanyou said becoming serious. “Hell, you’ll be lucky if she lasts through the night.” There was a smile touching Naraku’s lips as he continued, “You should have seen her face as I delivered her punishment, the loud screams as she begged for me to stop. Seen her tears a she cried out for you, she is one tasty morsel, that wife of yours, but she wasn’t enough. Quite unsatisfactory if you ask me. Can’t even please a man, how pathetic.”


Inuyasha ran frantically down the dark hall, he may have looked like a lunatic to anyone else if there had been anybody in the castle, but it seemed as if it was completely empty. Following old scents wasn’t too much help for Inuyasha, but it was the only thing that he could use at the moment. His heated was beating rapidly in chest as he turned a corner, barely dodging a large statue off to his left. He didn’t know if he was going to find her.

‘Please let me find her soon!’ His mind begged as he continued running.

The more he ran the darker it became and Inuyasha could barely see the hand in front of his face. He mentally cursed himself for leaving Kagome’s side, if he had stayed she would have been safe from harm. She would be with him instead of somewhere else. Stopping dead in his tracks, Inuyasha struggled to hear anything that would lead him in the right direction. There was no such luck. Sighing heavily the hanyou fought back his tears of anger and frustration, he didn’t know how much more of the endless maze he could take before he snapped.

“DAMMIT!” He practically screamed. “GIVE ME A SIGN! Just a fucking sign!”

Silence overwhelmed him to the brink of insanity and right when he’d given up all hope, a small sound made his ears twitch. The sound wasn’t steady, but it was as if someone had heard his cry and was trying to get his attention. Frowning, Inuyasha carefully followed the clinking sounds, they were soft, but he knew that they were nearby. Coming to a slightly opened door, the smell of sex and blood came to his nose and he gasped holding his nose as his amber eyes transfixed on the clinking of chains by the bright fire.



Miroku and Sango’s task proved harder than originally thought as they listened to the ramblings of an elderly man. The two humans had no clue that their search for the demon Totosai would come up empty handed. Sesshomaru had given them near perfect instructions on how to find the blacksmith and architect builder, but alas he was no where to be found. Kirara was napping peacefully in the corner of the run down hut and Miroku held stead fast onto a rather annoyed and insulted Sango. The elderly man wasn’t being so flattering with his choice of words, he had the poor girl seething moments into the conversation.

The monk tried to direct the conversation into something that would be more progressive, but the elderly man would frown and steer it back into something that was almost least appealing and more time consuming. If Miroku hadn’t have to keep a hold of Sango he was certain that he would strangle the senile old man himself, but such liberties would never been taken by a man of the cloth. The elderly man droned on for a while longer before turning his gaze from whatever they were previously looking at to the young neko youkai napping like it was something almost routine. A confused look overcame the man’s features as he looked at Miroku and Sango and he frowned for the up time in the last hour.

“What brings you youngin’s to my humble home on a day like this?” He had said the exact words when the monk first arrived.

An exasperated growl erupted from Sango’s throat and Miroku clamped his hand over her mouth as he nervously laughed. “Sir, we’ve come looking for a demon known as Totasai. We told you this earlier when we first arrived.”

“You did?” The man said shocked,” Why didn’t you say so? I know where Totosai lives.”

“Where?” Sango asked desperately, “do you know where he is?”

“Of course I do young lass,” the man laughed. “You’re looking at the one and only Totosai that there has ever lived.”


Sesshomaru’s growl was louder than Koga could imagine and he inwardly cringed when the Inu-youkai surged forward, his sword obliterating the throne where Naraku sat. Pieces of the wood shot into the stone walls like spears and as Sesshomaru withdrew Tokijin from the crater in the ground, he turned his gaze to where Naraku now stood, his laughter ringing relentlessly through the two youkai’s sensitive ears.

“You think a pathetic attack like that could easily kill me Sesshomaru?” Naraku chuckled, his black eyes burning holes into the enraged Inu-youkai. “I should have known you’d pull a stunt like that, but then again, it would still have had the same out come.”

“Quit hiding like the coward you are Naraku,” Sesshomaru said coldly as his amber eyes darkened. “The only ting that is pathetic is the pathetic stunt you’re pulling by not fighting in person. No doll can hold against me. A coward can’t hide for long Naraku, I will find you no matter what and I will kill you once and for all.”

Koga was taken by surprise as a tentacle shot out form Naraku’s body followed by hundreds of others. Most were directed at the rather angry Inu-youkai, but the wolf too had his fair share to deal with. The two of them had walked directly into Naraku’s trap, but doubted that it was a big deal until Koga was caught off guard. The rogue tentacle ripped into Koga’s flesh as another impaled his body followed by a few others. A cry of surprise and pain escaped his lips, but with his good arm, the wolf dug his razor sharp claws into the tentacles to tear them from his body.

The fight was over as Sesshomaru swung his demonic blade on the puppet and the wolf youkai collapsed in a heap on the ground. His wounds weren’t severe, but they would slow him down drastically and the two youkai knew it. Sesshomaru was gone without a word in edge wise, but Koga said not a word as he started to tend his rather large wounds, he knew that he wouldn’t go any farther than where he sat on his knees. Sesshomaru could finish it on his own without any help, and that’s the only way both of them would have it.


Inuyasha was at her side in an instant, breaking the chains that held her with only a little trouble. The woman was no longer some one he’d recognize, bruises covered her face and arms along with dried blood and dirt; she looked like hell had been struck with an ugly stick until it crumbled. Gathering her into his arms, he gently held onto her trembling form, if Sesshomaru saw the shape she was in the hanyou was sure that his brother would have more than just a rage attack. Rin was like a frail child in his arms, but her darting eyes showed that she was conscious and coherent to the situation.

“Rin,” he said softly drawing her attention to him. “What happened? Are you okay?”

All he heard at first was confusing gibberish at speeds that he couldn’t understand. Her shaking had increased tenfold in a matter of minutes and he could smell the salt from her tears. Whispering comforting words into her ears as he rubbed her exposed arm, Inuyasha patiently waited for his brother’s wife to clam down. He needed to be able to understand what she was trying to tell him and to curve her hysterical tears and jumbled words. Carefully shrugging off his haori, Inuyasha put it around Rin’s tattered clothing and walked closer to the somewhat dying fireplace hoping that the warmth would calm her.

That thought proved to be positive as Rin’s words began to slow down, but he was still barely able to understand what Rin was trying to tell him. Waiting patiently would have been a good decision, but Inuyasha didn’t have the time for patience, he needed to find Kagome still and take Rin someplace safe.

“Rin speak slower and louder,” he coaxed her. “Think about the words.”

A heavy sigh came from her lips as well as a sniffle, she was trying hard. “I-he… Inuyasha it’s all-I, my fault--Kagome she-he… I’m so sorry--” and a new batch of tears overwhelmed the queen of the western lands.


OKAY! I know that it was a bit of a wait, but school starts for me on Monday August 8th so updates won't be so easy to come by. I'll try on the weekends, but no promises! The next chapter will be up once I finish writting out chapter 32!

And as always REVIEW! They make me smile -.0
