InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ Fighting for an end part two ( Chapter 31 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: NO I don’t own Inuyasha or any of those other character’s that are in da’ show! So stop harassing me and give back my good blue pen you jerks! (*takes pen and holds it close to her chest*) Thank you!

OMG! I've been really motivated with this story! I'm almost done! YAY! lol just to let you know ahead I actually finsihed chapter 32 on friday, but yesterday I went and hung out with a friend of mine who had all my Inu anime, (She's pregnant ya'll! and it's gunna be a girl!) I love her lots, the wonderful person who introduced me to InuYasha! YAY! ^_^ anyway NEW CHAPTER!

Will you be mine?

By Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Thirty-One: Fighting for an end part two

After all the preparations had been made and the youkai blacksmith Totosai had started on is task of rebuilding the Western Lands castle, Sango was getting ready for her and Miroku’s departure. Sesshomaru would want them to report, but they were selfishly hoping to see Kagome and the dead corpse of Naraku. The evil hanyou had caused so much heartache that it would be nothing short of a miracle to know of his demise no matter who did it. Giving each other a small smile, Miroku and Sango climbed onto Kirara’s back, there were places to go and people to see so they wanted to leave as soon as possible.

There was so many things to think about, but Miroku tried to keep away from touchy subjects as he talked to Sango. He didn’t want to upset her, yet no matter what he said, the tone in her voice was clear as crystal, something was plaguing her mind and sadly he already knew what it was. Kohaku was missing and even he thought that there was a big chance of him already killed during the attack at the castle. Sure it was devastating and Miroku was sad for Sango, but something about her brother didn’t add up. He knew that thinking ill of the dead wasn’t something to be too proud of, though the young boy’s behavior unnerved him some days. It just wasn’t possible for one boy to be so perfect and he didn’t know if it was just him getting the feeling that Kohaku was hiding something that he shouldn’t have.

Feeling Sango’s hand squeeze his own, he abandoned his thoughts and smiled at the woman in front of him before gingerly kissing her temple. He wasn’t the type of man who pried into other people’s lives, okay maybe he did it constantly, but he made up his mind not to dwell too much on Kohaku’s behavior because it wasn’t like the boy was evil or anything. Kohaku was just a kid, or at least he had been.


The blood pooled around him and Koga knew that a lot of it was his. The stench of death surrounded the area like a plague of vultures and it made his stomach churn with more than uneasiness. Getting to his feet proved to be a harder task than he originally thought it to be, however as stubborn as the wolf youkai was, he wouldn’t allow himself to stay in the throne room any longer. Using a wall as his crutch, Koga glanced down at himself to see just how much he had been damaged by Naraku’s “doll”. The wounds were a lot worse than he originally thought them to be. There were a few long gashes going down his thighs a good five inches of so long each and about a half inc or so deep, a small round hold was through his stomach, but it had missed anything vital. Boy was he thankful for that. Of course there were other scratches, bruises and cuts, but not anything that Koga’s body couldn’t take care of in a day or two of time.

Following his nose, the wolf youkai headed in the opposite direction that Sesshomaru went. He didn’t need the moody Inu-youkai testing his sword while he was less than able to defend himself. Everything was too quiet for his taste, but then again he was pretty sure that the entire castle was unoccupied save for him, Sesshomaru and Naraku. There were probably others lurking, but the wolf youkai didn’t want to think of the possibilities. As he walked farther into the darkness, the smell of death faded but was replaced by something he couldn’t quite place. Gooseflesh covered his body, but despite the bad feeling swelling in his mind, he kept going, there was something pulling him to continue. Familiar scents filled his nose as well as the enraged shouts and relief filled his heart. Hobbling into the dungeon like room, he spotted her chained to the wall and he couldn’t help but smirk when her eyes met his and filled with anger and desperation.

“This is what happens when vixens like you get it in your head to leave my tribe and join an Inu-youkai’s secret task force for damage control babe,” he almost laughed.


He could feel his blood run cold as he listened to her sobs and he felt the sting of his own tears, she was heartbroken about something and no matter what it was Inuyasha didn’t think that he wanted to hear it. The hanyou held Rin as if she was nothing but a crying child, his soft voice trying his hardest to hush her tears. She was making him feel as though everything was hopeless and he didn’t want to think like that. After a while Inuyasha was able to curve Rin’s tears and for that he was grateful, she was in no condition to be upset.

“Don’t worry Rin,” he told her gently and completely sincere. “Whatever happened wasn’t your fault. You had no control over it and I won’t hold anything against you. You’re my sister in law and I love you so just try and get some rest or I’ll tell on you.”

That seemed to make her chuckle and it helped ease Inuyaha’s mind a little, but at the moment he had to get out the castle and find someone more than trustworthy to give Rin some medical aid. Rolling his eyes at the thought, the hanyou headed out of the room only to growl when the vile scent of death hit his nose. He and Rin weren’t alone and Inuyasha wasn’t going to welcome the unwanted stranger. Feeling Rin stiffen, he let his amber eyes focus in on the figure of the person probably ten feet in front of the two of them. There was something suspicious about the person, but now was not the time to just stand there like a mouse caught by the tail, he wouldn’t allow himself to be intimidated by nothing.

“Get the fuck out of my way,” being polite was something Inuyasha felt was unnecessary due to the situation.

A feminine laugh met Inuyasha’s ears and made them twitch in irritation. He hadn’t been expecting a woman, but if he had to he’d kick her ass if she didn’t do as he said.

“Lord Naraku wouldn’t like it if you took what doesn’t belong to you without asking first.” She was horribly sarcastic and he wanted to rip out her throat and if she wasn’t careful he would do just that.


If Naraku wanted to play chase, Sesshomaru was willing to draw out the hanyou’s death, but what he was doing now was just ridiculous and dishonorable. The Inu-youkai couldn’t believe how much of a coward a “man” of evil was being by sending puppets and servants to battle instead of himself. Easily slicing down a rather ugly demon that only had hair, an eye, and a mouth, Sesshomaru found himself being unchallenged. Talk about a pathetic defense, if Naraku wanted to be a powerful rule he would definitely find demons that fought better than the ones he had did, but then again, Sesshomaru should have expected as much.

Knowing better than to let down his guard, Sesshomaru was sure to keep his eyes and ears vigil along with his other senses, he didn’t need anything “unexpected” creeping upon him. His long silver hair fluttered behind him as he walked confidently down the labyrinth like hallway, the Inu-youkai himself was becoming annoyed at the lack of anything. Turning a poorly lit corner in what he knew to be the right direction, he found himself gazing almost unnerved at the little girl blocking his way. There was no scent that came off her and Sesshomaru mentally reminded himself not to underestimate the youkai not even half his very size. Light reflected off the tiny mirror in the small youkai’s hands, but Sesshomaru didn’t bat an eyelash in acknowledgement as Naraku’s face faded onto the glass, his evil smirk grown ion his pale face.

“It’s nice to know that you’re still with the living,” The evil hanyou cooed almost distastefully.

“Show yourself and die with dignity,” Sesshomaru’s voice was colder than ice. “Or I will continue in this pathetic game of cat and mouse. We both know that your true nature shows through, but no matter what I will make sure that you die a painful death for the things you’ve done.”

“Not things Sesshomaru,” Naraku laughed sadistically, his black eyes glowing red. “But the woman, and as I recall one of them was yours.”


Bright green eyes glared daggers at Koga, but he took no notice of them as he slowly came toward the red hair wolf demon chained almost seductively to the wall. He had to admit that he would have left her the way she was if the two of them were in the caves where his tribe once resided, but the sad truth was that most of the wolf tribe had been destroyed like ants. Koga would never admit to anyone but in a way he was happy that Ayame left when she had because he didn’t know what he’d do if Naraku and his men killed her. Giving her a cocky smile, he let his clawed hand gingerly touch Ayame’s tanned face. It was still as soft as he remembered although there was dried blood and dirt in small patches, but he didn’t care that she was a little dirty.

“Are you alright Ayame?” Koga asked softly, his clawed thumb stroking her cheek.

Ayame seemed unnerved by his actions, her cladly dressed body trembling by his touch. Her eyes closed as she leaned against his hand, but not even a moment later when her eyes opened her body stiffened as though she was afraid.

“Koga,” she whispered desperately to him. “Unchain me now!”

“Why should I do that?” He teased her unsure of the emotions radiating off her body in waves as she tried to get of the chains that bound her.

“Please Koga unchain me now!” Her voice was high and her eyes not even looking at his own. “We’re not alone anymore!”

Turning his own gaze, Koga was barely able to dodge the mini-scythe that came flying at him with unimaginable speeds. Growling deep in his throat as Ayame cried out in fear, the wolf youkai charged at the man. There was no way he was going to allow the human to get away. Koga could plainly hear Ayame’s calls as he chased after the human boy, but they were left on deaf ears as he rose his claws and attacked.


“I don’t give a shit what that bastard Naraku would or wouldn’t like, but if you don’t get the hell out of my way I’ll be glad to make you.” Inuyasha growled as he placed Rin safely behind him.

The demonness in front of him laughed again as she drew a fan out of the obi on her kimono, she had come prepared and no matter how pathetic her weapon looked, Inuyasha knew that the battle would not be anything new easy. Unsheathing the sword from his hip, Inuyasha pointed the rusty and old katana at h is opponent, he was hoping to use surprise to his advantage. The wind sorceress narrowed her red eyes trying to calculate the hanyou’s reason for using such a pathetic and old blade to try and protect himself and the female behind him, but came up empty handed.

“Are you expecting to defeat me with that?” She said with amusement clearly evident in her voice.

Letting a victorious smirk grace his face, Inuyasha glanced back at Rin and gave her the look that said ‘stay out of the way’ before turning back to the wind sorceress and taking a step forward. The two of them were challenging each other, but the wind youkai was the first one to attack. Her fan opened and as it swung down, razor sharp wind hit Inuyasha head on, he had never seen anything like it before, yet something about the attack was familiar. Getting up from where he lay, Inuyasha could feel the blood beginning to seep into his white haori, but shook it off as if it was nothing.

“You’ll never defeat me if you plan to keep that up,” the wind sorceress said smugly raising her fan to attack again.

Chuckling to himself Inuyasha swung his sword and the wind sorceress was taken back as the old katana transformed into the steel cleaving fang that pulse dangerously with life. Hiding her surprise the wind youkai dodged the hanyou’s attack and countered with her own just as an explosion went off where Naraku’s hidden room used to be and as the dust cleared she was faced with glowing red eyes.

“S-Sesshomaru,” Her voice was gasping with both surprise and fear.


E/N: Okay I'm answering some of your questions from a long time ago now! Back in Chapter 25 the mysterious woman that some people thought was Rin, SURPISE it was Ayame! Who expected that? Well I didn't until I wrote it.. lol ALSO I was going to enter a new character to the story to be next to Kanna (if you hadn't guessed yet) to be there waiting for Sesshy, but then the story would be so frreakin' longer and I would have to square them away too, so I said "Oh well my evil mind will have to suffer"

I also noticed and if you haven't yet, I have a sick sense of humor ^-^ I can't help myself, I LOVE NARAKU! Next update will be sometime on a weekend, not sure which one, but it will be posted on a weekend. I tried a new update notice thingy, and let me tell you, I TYPED EVERY SINGLE ONE! lol I'm dorkish, but oh well. If you would like me to email you when an update happens, leave me your email addy in the review box (HINT HINT) and I'll email you when I update.

