InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be mine? ❯ Fighting for an end part three ( Chapter 32 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: NO I don’t own Inuyasha or any of those other character’s that are in da’ show! So stop harassing me and give back my good blue pen you jerks! (*takes pen and holds it close to her chest*) Thank you!

There will most likely be a chapter next weekend as well! I'm just going at this like crazy! I made a booboo though, the plot bunnies kidnapped my brain as well as my writing hand and made me make the story more complicated and longer than I had orginially planned it to be. SO yeah heads up, this chapter is kinda dark I guess... ENJOY!

Will you be mine?

By Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Thirty-Two: Fighting for an end part three

Sesshomaru was now more hell bent on destroying everything in his way that opposed him. Naraku would know more than pain when the Inu-youkai was done. With Tokijin drawn and ready, Sesshomaru let his amber eyes trail the pathway in front of him. The little silver hair girl was in fact a demon and the mirror held in her pale hands was merely being used as a distraction, there was something almost fishy about it. Narrowing his eyes at the manically laughing image of Naraku, the Inu-youkai let his fingers twitch irritably, the undetectable green poison collecting at the tips of his claws.

He was able to faintly smell the blood of his wife and no matter how calm he was trying to keep himself, Sesshomaru knew that before too long he would lose control over his composure and his rational self. The demonic aura of his sword pulse in his hand and something in Sesshomaru snapped, she was near. The rage filled his very soul and when he concentrated enough he could hear shouting, where ever the cunt was, the Inu-youkai would find her and make her pay like he would make Naraku.

Not waiting for an invitation, Sesshomaru attacked. The nothingness girl with the mirror was able to deflect his first attack, but Naraku’s image no longer was on the mirror. It became apparent that the demon girl was trying to absorb something like his soul, but Sesshomaru wasn’t easily overtaken, especially by a female youkai none the less a mere “child” like one. Slicing through the air with his blade the demoness was barely able to deflect his sword’s aura but instead of it going right back at him, it shifted to the left and hit Naraku’s hidden room. The explosion was catastrophic as the demoness disappeared into the nothingness she was and Sesshomaru was greeted by a scent just as foul as Naraku’s. Practically losing his sense of logic, he headed into the direction of the wind youkai he had once desired, the one who he had almost shared his life with.

Everything was deathly quiet save for the falling debris as the enraged Inu-youkai made himself noticeable for all eyes to see. He didn’t see his brother or his beloved Rin in his current state, all he saw was red and her. It looked as though he was emerging from the fiery depths of hell as the smoke cleared, he was the bringer of death, the warrior and guardian of purgatory. The mighty Sesshomaru wasn’t a force to be reckoned with. There wasn’t even an eyelash bat as his sensitive ears picked up her scared voice whispering his name, this wasn’t a reunion, it was a day of judgment; it was another form of a rider on a pale horse.

The gravel crunched under his feet until he halted and her ruby red eyes were wide with more than fear, but they wouldn’t look away, she couldn’t even blink. Sesshomaru growled as he lifted Tokijin, the blade’s aura flaring wildly and plainly visible, it was screaming for her blood, begging to eat through her flesh.

“Kagura,” there was malice lacing his voice but he was as calm as a steadily beating drum. “I’ve finally found you. I’ve been waiting for this day for almost seven years.”

“Sesshomaru it doesn’t have to be this way,” Kagura’s tone wavered, the fan in her hand shaking almost violently.

“There is no other way,” all life had fled from Sesshomaru, he was like stone, but the hatred was felt in everyone’s bones. “You will die here by the blade of my sword.”

“But I loved you!” Desperation filled Kagura’s cry.

The laughter that came from Sesshomaru’s lips sent chills up the spines of everybody in the room. No matter what Kagura claimed or said it was worthless, Sesshomaru neither knew or displayed mercy. To him there was no such thing for her deeds.

“You were a whore to a hanyou, and as far as I’m concerned such an act against my honor and my father’s, trash like you needs to be eradicated. Kagura, your time has as of now run out and nothing you can say or do will save you from my blade.”


Koga wasn’t expecting to be fighting a mere teenager, hell a cut to him, but it wasn’t like he had a choice for an opponent either. If the wolf youkai didn’t put his moral away from his thoughts, he was sure that the human boy could have an advantage. Koga’s claws stuck nothing but air as the boy efficiently side stepped him, pulling a long kodachi out from behind his back and hitting Koga’s unprotected back. The blade dug into his flesh and ripped it like the tough youkai’s skin was a flower pedal. A cry of surprise escaped his lips as he tumbled painfully to the ground, he could smell the scent of his won blood and it was getting stronger. Koga seethed from his place on the ground, his blood beginning to pool around him, there was absolutely no way that a young human had such power, it just wasn’t physically possible. The child wasn’t human!

Dull and glass like eyes turned to Koga’s cobalt blue ones and as they locked, the wolf youkai was more positive than he had ever been. Naraku had created a monster that paraded and smelled like a human. It was something even more dangerous than it seemed to be, because with something so deceptive in the wrong hands, kingdoms could easily crumble in its very foundations. Koga tried getting to his feet, there was no way he’d allow such a monstrosity to continue on, but no matter how hard he tried, his muscles refused to support him and in the end the wolf youkai would collapse in a heap to the hard and unforgiving ground. It was like the gods were playing a cruel joke on him as the boy advanced on him, the steady drip-drop of his blood on the blade hitting the ground. There was no way that Koga could get himself out of this mess, well at least not with the wounds bleeding on his body. The powerful youkai was defenseless.


Ayame cringed glancing at the mini-scythe that missed her arm by a few centimeters, and despite her instincts, she only allowed herself a quick glance at the stubborn youkai before fixing her attention on getting herself loose. Koga had chained her plenty of times so she was knowledgeable on how to pick the lock, especially since she now had one hand free to work with. Maneuvering herself just so, Ayame was able to retrieve the hairpin hidden in her enormous amounts of thick red hair. Her hair feel from its hold and framed her face as she began working on the lock, her tongue peeking out of her lips, it wouldn’t be take too much longer.

As expected, not even a moment later an inaudible click was heard followed by Koga’s cry. Her green eyes flew to where he was and watched in horror as Koga was injured, it wasn’t possible! Anger and desperation filled her stomach as she jerked herself the rest of the way out, she wasn’t going to let that boy hurt her Koga. Ayame’s growl was loud and threatening, but when It was ignored, she snapped. Grabbing the mini-scythe from the wall, the female youkai charged the human, she wasn’t going to allow him to live. It was her duty as a captain of Sesshomaru’s army and as a woman to protect, no matter how stubborn and arrogant her leader was.

The first swing missed the intended target and the boy focused his attention on Ayame as she quickly spun around to deliver the next blow. There was no way for the blade to be avoided and as steel met flesh, a sickening rip was heard followed by a woman’s distressed scream. The boy’s body slumped to the ground and Ayame stood up only to stare into the devastated eyes of a woman and a monk and her weapon clattered to the floor.


Inuyasha never before had been so afraid of anything in his life like he was at the moment. The air surrounding his brother felt as though his very breath was being stolen from his lungs. The hanyou was even too afraid to move from his spot thinking that Sesshomaru would turn around and disintegrate his body with not even a swing from his demonic sword Tokijin. Inuyasha’s ears twitched as he carefully listened to Rin who was still behind him, the hanyou was worried for his sister in law’s well being, hell he was more than worried in general.

The feel of Rin’s hands on his shoulders made Inuyasha’s heart skip a beat, he was concerned for her health, but at the moment, keeping her away from her husband was the most appealing in his mind. The hanyou already knew how weak Rin was and she wouldn’t have even the slightest chance of surviving if Sesshomaru still felt the urge to kill after Kagura’s death. Slowly turning to face Rin, he watched her concerned eyes on as she opened her mouth, InuYasha shook his head in the negative, now wasn’t the time for her to be talking.

With the greatest caution possible, Inuyasha slowly began maneuvering Rin towards the crumbling room, it was probably the safest way to escape unnoticed by both Kagura and Sesshomaru. Looking over his shoulders multiple times, he was able to usher Rin toward the improvable exit. Everything seemed to be in the clear until the hanyou took one last glance over his shoulder only to see Kagura standing not even a yard away from him. There was barely any time to do anything as the wind sorceress jumped out of the way, she had tricked Sesshomaru and Inuyasha grabbed Rin to shield her as much possible from Sesshomaru’s blade’s demonic aura coming right at them.


There wasn’t a person in the room with her that was able to say that Sesshomaru wasn’t a frightening demon, but Kagura could feel death creeping throughout her entire body. It was honest to god truth that she was going to die, nobody was able to deny it because lady luck decided to run out on the wind sorceress. To anyone else dealing with an enraged Sesshomaru it would seem hopeless to try and fight, but she wasn’t anyone else and she still had a few more tricks up her sleeve. She wouldn’t allow herself to die like a coward, she would go fighting and if possible she would take apart of Sesshomaru with her to the gates of hell.

Knowing that her once beloved Inu-youkai wasn’t in his right mind, Kagura let a predatory smile purse her lips, it would be almost too easy. Swinging her fat at him, Kagura unleashed the dance of the dragon upon him before heading in the direction of the retreating hanyou and human queen. She almost wanted to laugh as Sesshomaru threw the wind attack back at her with his own. Throwing herself out of the way at the last moment, Kagura watched with a deranged hunger as the demonic aura consumed Sesshomaru’s half brother. At least she was able to get a constellation prize, as the Inu-youkai appeared out of nowhere, his blade Tokijin piercing through her chest with unimaginable speeds.

A shocked look came to her face as the blade began devouring her from inside out. Her blood leaked from her lips and she painfully grabbed Sesshomaru’s hand, thrusting the blade further into her chest. She had never before felt pain as she was now, but she didn’t even have to force the smile that was from ear to ear on her face. He may have gained his revenge, but she was the one who won. Kagura was able to steal something from him that couldn’t be given back.


E/N: Questions? Comments? Flames? Want an email notice when I update? Email me! Its in my profile and go crazy, I'm in a wierd mood! What can I say? I've officially become "Panda 2" in the play The Revenge of The Space Pandas (or Binky Rudich and the two-speed clock) I'm one spiffy mo-fo [lol]!!!! Please leave a review before you go, I appreciate everything that anyone has to say, unless you're just being rude and stupid ^_^

REViEW! -Krystal-