InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Miss Me? ❯ A Restless Night ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter5 A restless night
For awhile inuyasha watched kagome sleep but then couldnt help himself,he jumped from the tree and onto her balcony.Walking into her room he sat on the side of her bed, right next to her sleeping form.Watching the rise and fall of her chest.Her hair was down and spread across the pillow and her lips were glowing in the moonlight.He had gotten an urge and bent down and kissed her glisening lips.
then he said "Goodnight my kagome" then jumped to his own room(i think im showing too much of cuddly inuyasha)
Next morning
(kagomes room)
yawning that was the best ive slept in days and what a strange dream
"What dream?" sango asked siting at the edge of kagomes bed.
"Oh nothing, i didn't know anyone was in here."
"Sorry I should have knocked."
"No its ok."
"well do u want to tell me about your dream."
"ok i guess" "I had a dream where Inuyasha came into my room and kissed me."
"oh ok""Well what a nice dream kagome"
"Thanks I guess"
"Well i got your bath water ready I'll be back in an hour"
"Ok thanks"
"your welcome"
After the bath kagome got dressed in the same color kimono as yesterdays but it was clean she looked into her closet and it was full of them all the same color and length.
Sango came and they walked down to breakfast togther.
Kagomes mind started to wander and was thinking about the dream staring at inuyasha wondering if it really was a dream but It was hard cause inuyasha was stuffing his face and had gotten something on his nose, so kagome started to giggle. Inuyasha looked over to see kagome thrown into a fit of giggles.
"Whats so funny?"inu said
" Nothing"
"I demand to know" raising his voice.
"ok sorry" she said while walking to him and wiping the mess off of his nose."You had something on your nose"
"Oh" he said chuckaling a bit.
but something happened and their faces were so close but so far away. Inuyasha had gotten closer and closer their lips were about to meet